936 resultados para Food, Genetically Modified


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In the past few years, plant biotechnology has gone beyond traditional agricultural production of food, feed and fibre, and moved to address more complex contemporary health, social and industrial challenges. The new era involves production of novel pharmaceutical products, speciality and fine chemicals, phytoremediation and production of renewable energy resources to replace non-renewable fossil fuels. Plants have been shown to provide a genuine and low-cost alternative production system for high-value products. Currently, the principal plant-made products include antibodies, feed additives, vaccine antigens and hormones for human and animal health, and industrial proteins. Despite the unique advantages of scalability, cost and product safety, issues of politics, environmental impact, regulation and socioeconomics still limit the adoption of biopharmaceuticals, especially in the developing world. Plant-based production systems have further complicated biosafety, gene flow and environmental impact assessments with generally genetically modified plants, topics that are already partially understood. This article provides a background to biopharming, highlighting basic considerations for risk assessment and regulation in developing countries, with an emphasis on plant-based vaccine production in South Africa.


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In August of 2010, Anna Salleh of the Science Unit of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation broke a story about Monsanto seeking to patent the enhancement of meat, including omega-3 fatty acids: ‘Enhanced port is sparking debate over the ethics of placing patents on food. Patent applications covering the enhancement of meat, including pork with omega-3 fatty acids, are stimulating debate over the ethics and legalities of claiming intellectual property over food. Monsanto has filed patents that cover the feeding of animals soybeans, which have been genetically modified by the company to contain stearidonic acid (SDA), a plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid... Omega-3s have been linked to improved cardiovascular health and there are many companies engineering them into foodstuffs. But the new patent applications have touched a raw nerve among those who see them as an attempt by the company to exert control over the food chain.’ This article providers a critical evaluation of the controversy of Monsanto’s patent applications, and the larger issues over patenting food. It first considers the patent portfolio of Monsanto; the nature of the patent claims; and the examination of the claims by patent examiners. Second, it examines the withdrawal and revision of the patent claims by Monsanto in the wake of criticism by patent authorities and the public disquiet over the controversial application. Third, this article considers the larger policy issues raised by Monsanto’s patent applications – including the patenting of plants, animals, and foodstuffs. There is also a consideration of the impact of patents upon the administration of health-care, competition, and research.


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The future use of genetically modified (GM) plants in food, feed and biomass production requires a careful consideration of possible risks related to the unintended spread of trangenes into new habitats. This may occur via introgression of the transgene to conventional genotypes, due to cross-pollination, and via the invasion of GM plants to new habitats. Assessment of possible environmental impacts of GM plants requires estimation of the level of gene flow from a GM population. Furthermore, management measures for reducing gene flow from GM populations are needed in order to prevent possible unwanted effects of transgenes on ecosystems. This work develops modeling tools for estimating gene flow from GM plant populations in boreal environments and for investigating the mechanisms of the gene flow process. To describe spatial dimensions of the gene flow, dispersal models are developed for the local and regional scale spread of pollen grains and seeds, with special emphasis on wind dispersal. This study provides tools for describing cross-pollination between GM and conventional populations and for estimating the levels of transgenic contamination of the conventional crops. For perennial populations, a modeling framework describing the dynamics of plants and genotypes is developed, in order to estimate the gene flow process over a sequence of years. The dispersal of airborne pollen and seeds cannot be easily controlled, and small amounts of these particles are likely to disperse over long distances. Wind dispersal processes are highly stochastic due to variation in atmospheric conditions, so that there may be considerable variation between individual dispersal patterns. This, in turn, is reflected to the large amount of variation in annual levels of cross-pollination between GM and conventional populations. Even though land-use practices have effects on the average levels of cross-pollination between GM and conventional fields, the level of transgenic contamination of a conventional crop remains highly stochastic. The demographic effects of a transgene have impacts on the establishment of trangenic plants amongst conventional genotypes of the same species. If the transgene gives a plant a considerable fitness advantage in comparison to conventional genotypes, the spread of transgenes to conventional population can be strongly increased. In such cases, dominance of the transgene considerably increases gene flow from GM to conventional populations, due to the enhanced fitness of heterozygous hybrids. The fitness of GM plants in conventional populations can be reduced by linking the selectively favoured primary transgene to a disfavoured mitigation transgene. Recombination between these transgenes is a major risk related to this technique, especially because it tends to take place amongst the conventional genotypes and thus promotes the establishment of invasive transgenic plants in conventional populations.


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A teoria da sociedade de risco foi estabelecida por Ulrich Beck no ano de 1986 por meio da obra Risikogesellschaft - Auf dem Weg in eine andere Mordene. Beck propõe um novo rumo para a pesquisa sociológico segundo o qual o parâmetro clássico de estudo das ciências sociais baseado na luta entre classe deveria ser superado, pois esse modelo seria incapaz de explicar as complexas relações da sociedade moderna (pós-industrial) em que a característica principal não mais se encontra na disputa entre detentores do capital e explorado, mas, sim, em tentar reduzir ou repartir de modo mais justo os riscos sociais. Foi estabelecida a teoria da sociedade de risco a partir do incremento da tecnologia (por exemplo, energia nuclear, produção de alimentos transgênicos, etc). Com essas novas técnicas científicas praticamente impossível é conter os riscos sociais, uma vez que são neste momento difusos, ou seja, atingem um número indeterminado de pessoas. Neste ambiente de proliferação de riscos a demanda social direcionada à proteção por meio de intrumentos de controle dos riscos ganha papel de destaque. O sentimento social de insegurança baseia-se, principalmente, no fato de não ser mais o ser humano capaz de prever todos os efeitos das condutas a que está sendo diariamente exposto. Diante desse novo quadro social, o Direito, em especial, o Direito Penal não deve mostrar indiferença às necessidades de proteção. Neste contexto, questiona-se se o Direito Penal clássico, isto é, o Direito Penal produzido segundo bases Iluministas tipicamente liberal-burguesas do final século XIX conseguirá fornecer respostas úteis a um modelo social tão diferente daquele originalmente considerado. É necessário um arcabouço teórico próprio aos dias atuais, sem desconsiderar o avanço no campo dos direitos humanos. Defende-se na presente dissertação ter o Direito Penal por escopo a proteção de bens jurídicos, desde que, evidentemente, estejam lastreados no princípio da dignidade humana que serve de inspiração a todos os ordenamentos materialmente democráticos na atualidade. Não se pode negar o relevante papel assumido pelo bem jurídico-penal individual como contenção do jus puniendi estatal, no entanto, tal instrumento teórico deve ser combinado a outro: o bem jurídico-penal transindividual. Como técnica dogmática visando à gestão dos riscos por meio do Direito Penal destinado à proteção de bens jurídicos transindividuais adotar-se-á, geralmente, a utilização de tipos penais de perigo abstrato. Por fim, expõe este trabalho como pode ser empregado o bem jurídico-penal transindividual em zonas de difusão de riscos como a genética e o meio-ambiente.


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This paper examines the practice and products of biotechnology from the viewpoint of bioethics, looking at four cases where aquatic biotechnology and bioethics intersect. The four cases applied are: Case 1. Genetic modification of animals; Case 2. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) as food; Case 3. Environmental applications of GMOs; Case 4. Intellectual property production for GMOs and DNA sequences.


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This chapter examines the issue of coexistence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) alongside conventional and organic crops. The central focus is on whether there is a veritable opportunity for coexistence of all three types of crops, which allows for freedom of choice by both farmers and consumers. It commences by considering the nature of the general GM regime, the relationship between the frameworks for cultivation and the use and sale of GM food and feed, and the main elements of the cultivation regime. In light of this, the concept of coexistence is considered, with an evaluation of both the legal and practical elements. Although the general GM regime is controlled at an EU level, coexistence is apparently left to the Member States who may take appropriate coexistence measures. Nonetheless, the Commission has created Recommendations that are to guide the Member States in their choice of measures. To a great extent, what is considered ‘appropriate’ is to be determined by the economic impact upon the farmers and the relationship with the labelling thresholds. The chapter evaluates the future of coexistence, bearing in mind the continued use of the safeguard clauses, the declaration of ‘GM-free’ regions, the potential for national ‘opt-outs’ and the general practical challenges of maintaining coexistence including the ‘domino effect’. Overall, it is arguable that coexistence is a misnomer and that if the term’s meaning is strictly maintained then veritable coexistence that allows for freedom of choice by both farmers and consumers seems unattainable. Although not directly controlled by CAP, there are strong areas of overlap and they share a number of similar objectives; the chapter will conclude by considering whether the approaches in relation to CAP and the cultivation of GMOs are converging or diverging.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M)"


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Devant le manque de ressources économiques et la pauvreté, les « OGM » apparaissent comme un outil visant à contribuer à la croissance économique et alimentaire, notamment dans les pays en voie de développement et sous-développés. Cependant, nous devons nous pencher sur un sujet tout aussi fondamental, à savoir la protection juridique, accordée par la législation tant nationale qu’internationale en lien avec les « connaissances traditionnelles » quand elles sont aux prises avec l’utilisation des OGM. Connaître cette interaction et évaluer ses effets sur la culture est un sujet d’une ampleur considérable à l’heure actuelle, principalement lorsque l’on considère les « savoirs locaux » comme des éléments fondamentaux pour la conservation de la « biodiversité » et le « développement durable ».


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La búsqueda de los Estados por mitigar su dependencia energética de las fuentes fósiles, ha traído consigo la búsqueda de energías alternativas, desencadenando en el uso y producción de biocombustibles. A su vez, la producción de estos últimos a través de cultivos transgénicos ha ido cobrando importancia en el escenario internacional. Esta opción se ha considerado como una salida al dilema de utilización de tierras "Biocombustible vs. Alimentos". En este contexto, el caso de Argentina, como uno de los mayores productores de cultivos transgénicos del mundo, entre los cuales se destaca la soja, se analiza en esta investigación por ser importante para determinar cuál es el impacto de los biocombustibles producidos a través de cultivos transgénicos en la seguridad alimentaria de la población.


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Los efectos ambientales, económicos, sociales y culturales generados por las Semillas Genéticamente Modificadas-SGM y su control por empresas transnacionales como Monsanto, han incentivado la acción colectiva liderada por ONGs, tanto internacionalmente como en Colombia. El objetivo principal es analizar cómo la ONG “Semillas” ha incidido en las políticas colombianas relacionadas con la introducción y uso de SGM durante el periodo 2002-2013. Se centra en la Teoría de Redes Transnacionales de Defensa expuesta por M. Keck y K. Sikkink (1998). Además, se analiza el papel de las ONGs ambientales y las corporaciones transnacionales. El argumento central es que al crear vínculos con actores nacionales e internacionales y vincularse con redes y campañas con impacto transnacional, “Semillas” ha posicionado la lucha en contra de las SGM y ha logrado presionar al Estado influyendo parcialmente en sus políticas y leyes, al igual que en su posición y discurso frente al uso de SGM.


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La hipótesis de este trabajo de grado es el desarrollo de definiciones estándares de Estados Unidos, Japón y la Unión Europea en materia de ecoetiquetado, han dificultado el crecimiento de las exportaciones de Organismos Genéticamente Modificados canadienses y la aplicación de su estrategia


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Amb la finalitat de garantir la seguretat dels consumidors i del medi ambient, a la UE els aliments modificats genèticament (MG) estan sotmesos a un rigorós procés d'autorització que inclou: caracterització molecular del transgèn i anàlisis comparatives a nivell nutricional i agronòmic. L'ús de tècniques de profiling per avaluar la possible existència d'efectes no esperats derivats de la inserció i/o expressió del transgèn s'ha proposat com a una eina complementària per l'avaluació de la seguretat alimentària. L'objectiu de la present tesis és avaluar la variabilitat associada a la inserció i expressió de transgens en plantes, utilitzant com a exemple el blat de moro MON810. Es pretén complementar les aproximacions ja existents basades en l'estudi de paràmetres concrets mitjançant les tècniques de profiling. Des del punt de vista transcriptòmic i proteòmic, les varietats de blat de moro MON810 semblen ser substancialment equivalents a les seves varietats comparables no-MG. En conseqüència, és possible la producció de plantes MG amb el mínim d'efectes no esperats.


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We report results from an investigation into consumer preferences for locally produced foods. Using a choice experiment we estimate willingness to pay for foods of a designated origin together with certification for organic and free of genetically modified (GM)ingredients. Our results indicate that there is a preference for locally produced food that is GM free, organic, and produced in the traditional season.


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This chapter describes the present status and future prospects for transgenic (genetically modified) crops. It concentrates on the most recent data obtained from patent databases and field trial applications, as well as the usual scientific literature. By these means, it is possible to obtain a useful perspective into future commercial products and international trends. The various research areas are subdivided on the basis of those associated with input (agronomic) traits and those concerned with output (e.g., food quality) characteristics. Among the former group are new methods of improving stress resistance, and among the latter are many examples of producing pharmaceutical compounds in plants.


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This article examines the adoption of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) crops in the European Union (EU) prior to its commercial release. A set of potential drivers including the implementation of coexistence measures by farmers, farmers’ own motivational factors (e.g. economic, environmental and technical factors) and perceived social pressure to accept or reject adoption may influence European Union farmers’ willingness to adopt GMHT oilseed rape and GMHT maize. The analysis includes economic and sociological factors. Results show that coexistence measures may hamper GMHT adoption in the EU.