995 resultados para Flue gas equipment


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Este proyecto consiste en el dimensionamiento del proceso de licuación de una planta offshore para la producción de gas natural licuado, usando únicamente N2 como refrigerante, evitando de este modo riesgos potenciales que podrían surgir con el uso de refrigerantes mixtos compuestos de hidrocarburos. El proceso ha sido diseñado para acomodar 35,23 kg/s (aproximadamente un millón de toneladas por año) de gas natural seco, sin separación de gases licuados de petróleo (GLP) y ajustarlo dentro de los parámetros requeridos en las especificaciones del proceso. Para proceder al dimensionamiento del proceso de licuación de gas natural de la planta se ha empleado el programa Aspen Plus. Los sistemas floating production, storage and offloading para licuar el gas natural (LNG-FPSO), es una nueva unidad conceptual y un modo realista y efectivo para la explotación, recuperación, almacenamiento, transporte y agotamiento de los campos marginales de gas y las fuentes de gas asociadas offshore. En el proyecto se detalla el proceso, equipos necesarios y costes estimados, potencia aproximada requerida y un breve análisis económico. ABSTRACT This project consist of the dimensioning of a liquefaction process in an offshore plant to produce liquefied natural, using only N2 as refrigerant in the cooling cycles to avoid potential hazards of mixed hydrocarbon refrigerants. The process was designed to accommodate 35.23 kg/s (roughly 1 MTPA) of raw natural gas feed without separation of LPG, and fits within all parameters required in the process specifications. The plant has been designed with the computer tool Aspen Plus. The floating production, storage and offloading system for liquefied natural gas (LNGFPSO), is a new conceptual unit and an effective and realistic way for exploitation, recovery, storage, transportation and end-use applications of marginal gas fields and offshore associated-gas resources. The following report details the process, equipment needs and estimated costs, approximated power requirements, and a brief economic analysis.


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Este proyecto trata sobre la gestión del boil-off gas, o BOG (vapor de gas natural que se produce en las instalaciones de gas natural licuado de las plantas de regasificación), generado en la planta de regasificación de Gas Natural Licuado de Cartagena, tanto en las situaciones en las que se opera por debajo del mínimo técnico, como en las cargas y descargas de buques, en las cuales se ha de gestionar una cantidad del boil-off adicional. Para recuperar el boil-off, las plantas cuentan con un relicuador (intercambiador de calor) en el que el BOG es relicuado por el GNL que se envía a los vaporizadores para ser regasificado y emitido a la red. De forma complementaria cuentan también con una antorcha/venteo donde se quema el exceso de boil-off que no puede ser tratado por el relicuador. Se procede a un análisis de la situación actual, y de cómo la baja demanda de regasificación dificulta la gestión del boil-off. Se simula el proceso de relicuación actual en distintas situaciones de operación. Ante la situación de baja demanda, ha aumentado considerablemente el número de días en los que las plantas españolas en general, y la planta de Cartagena en particular, operan por debajo del mínimo técnico, que es el nivel de producción mínimo para recuperar todo el boil-off generado en cualquier situación de operación al tiempo que mantiene en frío todas las instalaciones, y garantiza el 100% de disponibilidad inmediata del resto de los equipos en condiciones de seguridad de funcionamiento estable. Esta situación supone inconvenientes tanto operativos como medioambientales y acarrea mayores costes económicos, a los cuales da solución el presente proyecto, decidiendo qué alternativa técnica es la más adecuada y definiéndola. Abstract This project is about the management of the boil-off gas (BOG), natural vapour gas that is produced in liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification plants. Specifically, the study is focused on the LNG regasification plant located in Cartagena, when it operates both below the technical minimum level of regasification and in the loading/unloading of LNG carriers, situations when it is needed to handle additional BOG. In order to make the most of BOG, the plants have a re-condenser (heat exchanger). Here, the BOG is re-liquefied by the LNG that is submitted to the vaporizers and delivered to the grid. The plants also have a flare/vent where the excess of BOG that cannot be treated by the re-condenser is burned. An analysis of the current situation of the demand is performed, evaluating how low markets demand for regasification difficult the BOG management. Besides, it is simulated the current re-liquefaction operating in different environments. Due to the reduction of the demand for natural gas, the periods when Spanish LNG regasification plants (and particularly the factory of Cartagena) are operating below the technical minimum level of regasification are more usual. This level is the minimum production to recover all the BOG generated in any operating situation while maintaining cold all facilities, fully guaranteeing the immediate availability from other equipment in a safely and stable operation. This situation carries both operational and environmental drawbacks, and leads to higher economic costs. This project aims to solve this problem, presenting several technical solutions and deciding which is the most appropriate.


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Un caloducto en bucle cerrado o Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) es un dispositivo de transferencia de calor cuyo principio de operación se basa en la evaporación/condensación de un fluido de trabajo, que es bombeado a través de un circuito cerrado gracias a fuerzas de capilaridad. Gracias a su flexibilidad, su baja masa y su mínimo (incluso nulo) consumo de potencia, su principal aplicación ha sido identificada como parte del subsistema de control térmico de vehículos espaciales. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un LHP capaz de funcionar eficientemente a temperaturas de hasta 125 oC, siguiendo la actual tendencia de los equipos a bordo de satélites de incrementar su temperatura de operación. En la selección del diseño optimo para dicho LHP, la compatibilidad entre materiales y fluido de trabajo se identificó como uno de los puntos clave. Para seleccionar la mejor combinación, se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva revisión del estado del arte, además de un estudio especifico que incluía el desarrollo de un banco de ensayos de compatibilidad. Como conclusión, la combinación seleccionada como la candidata idónea para ser integrada en el LHP capaz de operar hasta 125 oC fue un evaporador de acero inoxidable, líneas de titanio y amoniaco como fluido de trabajo. En esa línea se diseñó y fabricó un prototipo para ensayos y se desarrolló un modelo de simulación con EcosimPro para evaluar sus prestaciones. Se concluyó que el diseño era adecuado para el rango de operación definido. La incompatibilidad entre el fluido de trabajo y los materiales del LHP está ligada a la generación de gases no condensables. Para un estudio más detallado de los efectos de dichos gases en el funcionamiento del LHP se analizó su comportamiento con diferentes cantidades de nitrógeno inyectadas en su cámara de compensación, simulando un gas no condensable formado en el interior del dispositivo. El estudio se basó en el análisis de las temperaturas medidas experimentalmente a distintos niveles de potencia y temperatura de sumidero o fuente fría. Adicionalmente, dichos resultados se compararon con las predicciones obtenidas por medio del modelo en EcosimPro. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas fueron dos. La primera indica que una cantidad de gas no condensable más de dos veces mayor que la cantidad generada al final de la vida de un satélite típico de telecomunicaciones (15 años) tiene efectos casi despreciables en el funcionamiento del LHP. La segunda es que el principal efecto del gas no condensable es una disminución de la conductancia térmica, especialmente a bajas potencias y temperaturas de sumidero. El efecto es más significativo cuanto mayor es la cantidad de gas añadida. Asimismo, durante la campaña de ensayos se observó un fenómeno no esperado para grandes cantidades de gas no condensable. Dicho fenómeno consiste en un comportamiento oscilatorio, detectado tanto en los ensayos como en la simulación. Este efecto es susceptible de una investigación más profunda y los resultados obtenidos pueden constituir la base para dicha tarea. ABSTRACT Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are heat transfer devices whose operating principle is based on the evaporation/condensation of a working fluid, and which use capillary pumping forces to ensure the fluid circulation. Thanks to their flexibility, low mass and minimum (even null) power consumption, their main application has been identified as part of the thermal control subsystem in spacecraft. In the present work, an LHP able to operate efficiently up to 125 oC has been developed, which is in line with the current tendency of satellite on-board equipment to increase their operating temperatures. In selecting the optimal LHP design for the elevated temperature application, the compatibility between the materials and working fluid has been identified as one of the main drivers. An extensive literature review and a dedicated trade-off were performed, in order to select the optimal combination of fluids and materials for the LHP. The trade-off included the development of a dedicated compatibility test stand. In conclusion, the combination of stainless steel evaporator, titanium piping and ammonia as working fluid was selected as the best candidate to operate up to 125 oC. An LHP prototype was designed and manufactured and a simulation model in EcosimPro was developed to evaluate its performance. The first conclusion was that the defined LHP was suitable for the defined operational range. Incompatibility between the working fluid and LHP materials is linked to Non Condensable Gas (NCG) generation. Therefore, the behaviour of the LHP developed with different amounts of nitrogen injected in its compensation chamber to simulate NCG generation, was analyzed. The LHP performance was studied by analysis of the test results at different temperatures and power levels. The test results were also compared to simulations in EcosimPro. Two additional conclusions can be drawn: (i) the effects of an amount of more than two times the expected NCG at the end of life of a typical telecommunications satellite (15 years) is almost negligible on the LHP operation, and (ii) the main effect of the NCG is a decrease in the LHP thermal conductance, especially at low temperatures and low power levels. This decrease is more significant with the progressive addition of NCG. An unexpected phenomenon was observed in the LHP operation with large NCG amounts. Namely, an oscillatory behaviour, which was observed both in the tests and the simulation. This effect provides the basis for further studies concerning oscillations in LHPs.


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Il principale componente non idrocarburico contenuto nel gas naturale è l’acqua che viene rimossa mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico, il processo di trattamento più comune nella produzione di gas naturale. La presenza di acqua libera nel gas deve essere rimossa totalmente, per evitare la formazione di condensa nelle condizioni di trasporto e di distribuzione più critiche cioè a pressione elevata e a bassa temperatura. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi delle cause e dei fenomeni che portano a rilevanti perdite di glicole (TEG) in impianti di disidratazione del gas naturale operanti con elevate concentrazioni di CO2 e H2S nel gas di processo. Le perdite, in relazione alle diverse condizioni operative e concentrazioni dei gas menzionati, possono arrivare a raggiungere valori pari a 3-4 volte l'entità attesa, con punte che raggiungono 10 volte tali valori. Il lavoro di tesi è stato focalizzato su un impianto attualmente in esercizio, situato in Arabia Saudita. L’attività è stata condotta presso la Comart di Ravenna, azienda specializzata nella progettazione di impianti nel settore Oil&Gas. Inizialmente sono state studiate le caratteristiche di un impianto di disidratazione di gas naturale mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico. Dopo l’analisi delle possibili fonti di perdita, la colonna di alimentazione del ribollitore (Still Column) e il relativo condensatore, sulla base dei dati operativi degli impianti, sembra essere il punto su cui si concentrano le perdite. Vengono presentati i dettagli costruttivi di tale colonna al fine di determinarne i possibili malfunzionamenti. Scopo della tesi sarà l'identificazione, partendo dall'attuale configurazione dell’impianto, delle cause che portano a tali valori di perdite e l'individuazione di una configurazione colonna/condensatore (con eventuali altri equipment necessari) in grado di minimizzare le perdite contenendo al minimo i costi aggiuntivi della soluzione.


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The Maser thesis is devoted to developing a model to technical state of gas turbine engine estimation. The approaches to preparation data, especially to handle unbalanced data were presented in the thesis. In order to efficient estimation of model performance, the special metric was chosen. Goal of the master thesis is analyzing of monitoring parameters data and developing a model of technical state of GTE estimation based on the data.


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Stress corrosion cracks (SCC) had been found in a natural gas transmission pipeline during a dig-up and inspection program. The question was raised as to whether the SCC was active or dormant. This paper describes the resultant investigation to determine if a particular service crack was actively growing. The strategy adopted was to assess the appearance of the fracture surface of the service crack and to compare with expectations from laboratory specimens with active SCC. The conclusions from this study are as follows. To judge whether a crack in the service pipe is active or dormant, it is reasonable to compare the very crack tip of the service crack and a fresh crack in a laboratory sample. If the crack tip of the active laboratory sample is similar to that of the service pipe, it means the crack in the service pipe is likely to be active. From the comparison of the crack tip between the service pipe and the laboratory samples, it appears likely that the cracks in the samples extracted from service were most likely to have been active intergranular stress corrosion cracks. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Proper maintenance of plant items is crucial for the safe and profitable operation of process plants, The relevant maintenance policies fall into the following four categories: (i) preventivejopportunistic/breakdown replacement policies, (ii) inspection/inspection-repair-replacernent policies, (iii) restorative maintenance policies, and (iv) condition based maintenance policies, For correlating failure times of component equipnent and complete systems, the Weibull failure distribution has been used, A new powerful method, SEQLIM, has been proposed for the estimation of the Weibull parameters; particularly, when maintenance records contain very few failures and many successful operation times. When a system consists of a number of replaceable, ageing components, an opporturistic replacernent policy has been found to be cost-effective, A simple opportunistic rrodel has been developed. Inspection models with various objective functions have been investigated, It was found that, on the assumption of a negative exponential failure distribution, all models converge to the same optimal inspection interval; provided the safety components are very reliable and the demand rate is low, When deterioration becomes a contributory factor to same failures, periodic inspections, calculated from above models, are too frequent, A case of safety trip systems has been studied, A highly effective restorative maintenance policy can be developed if the performance of the equipment under this category can be related to some predictive modelling. A novel fouling model has been proposed to determine cleaning strategies of condensers, Condition-based maintenance policies have been investigated. A simple gauge has been designed for condition monitoring of relief valve springs. A typical case of an exothermic inert gas generation plant has been studied, to demonstrate how various policies can be applied to devise overall maintenance actions.


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Heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular, but poor electricity generating efficiency limits the potential energy savings of electrically powered units. Thus the work reported in this thesis concerns the development of a range of gas engine driven heat pumps for industrial and commercial heating applications, which recover heat from the prime mover, normally rejected to waste. Despite the convenience of using proprietary engine heat recovery packages, investigations have highlighted the necessity to ensure the engine and the heat recovery equipment are compatible. A problem common •to all air source heat pumps is the formation of frost on the evaporator, which must be removed periodically, with the expenditure of energy, to ensure the continued operation of the plant. An original fluidised bed defrosting mechanism is proposed, which prevents the build-up of this frost, and also improves system performance. Criticisms have been levelled against the rotary sliding vane compressor, in particular the effects of lubrication, which is essential. This thesis compares the rotary sliding vane compressor with other machines, and concludes that many of these criticisms are unfounded. A confidential market survey indicates an increasing demand for heat pumps up to and including 1990, and the technical support needed to penetrate this market is presented. Such support includes the development of a range of modular gas engine driven heat pumps, and a computer aided design for the selection of the optimum units. A case study of a gas engine driven heat pump for a swimming pool application which provided valuable experience is included.


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A comprehensive survey of industrial sites and heat recovery products revealed gaps between equipment that was required and that which was available. Two heat recovery products were developed to fill those gaps: a gas-to-gas modular heat recovery unit; a gas-to-liquid exhaust gas heat exchanger. The former provided an entire heat recovery system in one unit. It was specifically designed to overcome the problems associated with existing component system of large design commitment, extensive installation and incompatibility between parts. The unit was intended to recover heat from multiple waste gas sources and, in particular, from baking ovens. A survey of the baking industry defined typical waste gas temperatures and flow rates, around which the unit was designed. The second unit was designed to recover heat from the exhaust gases of small diesel engines. The developed unit differed from existing designs by having a negligible effect on engine performance. In marketing terms these products are conceptual opposites. The first, a 'product-push' product generated from site and product surveys, required marketing following design. The second, a 'market-pull' product, resulted from a specific user need; this had a captive market and did not require marketing. Here marketing was replaced by commercial aspects including the protection of ideas, contracting, tendering and insurance requirements. These two product development routes are compared and contrasted. As a general conclusion this work suggests that it can be beneficial for small companies (as was the sponsor of this project) to undertake projects of the market-pull type. Generally they have a higher probability of success and are less capital intensive than their product-push counterparts. Development revealed shortcomings in three other fields: British Standards governing heat exchangers; financial assessment of energy saving schemes; degree day procedure of calculating energy savings. Methods are proposed to overcome these shortcomings.


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Acknowledgements. We would like to acknowledge the manufacturers of the inner toroid: Mark Bentley and Steve Howarth from the University of York, Dept. of Biology, mechanical and electronics workshops respectively. Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge the Forestry Commission for access and aid at Wheldrake Forest, Mike Bailey and Natural Resources Wales for access and assistance at Cors Fochno, and Norrie Russell and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds for access and aid at Forsinard. We would also like to thank Graham Hambley, James Robinson, and Elizabeth Donkin for equipment preparation and sampling. Phil Ineson is thanked for the loan of essential equipment, site suggestions, and accessible power supply. Funding was provided by the University of York, Dept. of Biology, and by a grant to YAT by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/H01182X/1).


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A miniaturised gas analyser is described and evaluated based on the use of a substrate-integrated hollow waveguide (iHWG) coupled to a microsized near-infrared spectrophotometer comprising a linear variable filter and an array of InGaAs detectors. This gas sensing system was applied to analyse surrogate samples of natural fuel gas containing methane, ethane, propane and butane, quantified by using multivariate regression models based on partial least square (PLS) algorithms and Savitzky-Golay 1(st) derivative data preprocessing. The external validation of the obtained models reveals root mean square errors of prediction of 0.37, 0.36, 0.67 and 0.37% (v/v), for methane, ethane, propane and butane, respectively. The developed sensing system provides particularly rapid response times upon composition changes of the gaseous sample (approximately 2 s) due the minute volume of the iHWG-based measurement cell. The sensing system developed in this study is fully portable with a hand-held sized analyser footprint, and thus ideally suited for field analysis. Last but not least, the obtained results corroborate the potential of NIR-iHWG analysers for monitoring the quality of natural gas and petrochemical gaseous products.


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Plackett-Burman experimental design was applied for the robustness assessment of GC×GC-qMS (Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Fast Quadrupolar Mass Spectrometric Detection) in quantitative and qualitative analysis of volatiles compounds from chocolate samples isolated by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME). The influence of small changes around the nominal level of six factors deemed as important on peak areas (carrier gas flow rate, modulation period, temperature of ionic source, MS photomultiplier power, injector temperature and interface temperature) and of four factors considered as potentially influential on spectral quality (minimum and maximum limits of the scanned mass ranges, ions source temperature and photomultiplier power). The analytes selected for the study were 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine, 2-octanone, octanal, 2-pentyl-furan, 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine, and 2-nonanone e nonanal. The factors pointed out as important on the robustness of the system were photomultiplier power for quantitative analysis and lower limit of mass scanning range for qualitative analysis.


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Traveling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry (TWIM-MS) is shown to be able to separate and characterize several isomeric forms of diterpene glycosides stevioside (Stv) and rebaudioside A (RebA) that are cationized by Na(+) and K(+) at different sites. Determination and characterization of these coexisting isomeric species, herein termed catiomers, arising from cationization at different and highly competitive coordinating sites, is particularly challenging for glycosides. To achieve this goal, the advantage of using CO2 as a more massive and polarizable drift gas, over N2 , was demonstrated. Post-TWIM-MS/MS experiments were used to confirm the separation. Optimization of the possible geometries and cross-sectional calculations for mobility peak assignments were also performed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this work, we discuss the use of multi-way principal component analysis combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography to study the volatile metabolites of the saprophytic fungus Memnoniella sp. isolated in vivo by headspace solid-phase microextraction. This fungus has been identified as having the ability to induce plant resistance against pathogens, possibly through its volatile metabolites. Adequate culture media was inoculated, and its headspace was then sampled with a solid-phase microextraction fiber and chromatographed every 24 h over seven days. The raw chromatogram processing using multi-way principal component analysis allowed the determination of the inoculation period, during which the concentration of volatile metabolites was maximized, as well as the discrimination of the appropriate peaks from the complex culture media background. Several volatile metabolites not previously described in the literature on biocontrol fungi were observed, as well as sesquiterpenes and aliphatic alcohols. These results stress that, due to the complexity of multidimensional chromatographic data, multivariate tools might be mandatory even for apparently trivial tasks, such as the determination of the temporal profile of metabolite production and extinction. However, when compared with conventional gas chromatography, the complex data processing yields a considerable improvement in the information obtained from the samples. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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In this communication we describe the application of a conductive polymer gas sensor as an air pressure sensor. The device consists of a thin doped poly(4'-hexyloxy-2,5-biphenylene ethylene) (PHBPE) film deposited on an interdigitated metallic electrode. The sensor is cheap, easy to fabricate, lasts for several months, and is suitable for measuring air pressures in the range between 100 and 700 mmHg.