996 resultados para Flora Stone Mather College.


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El texto “Flora Arvense y Ruderal del Pacífico y Centro de Nicaragua” intenta reivindicar éstas especies de plantas. En el pasado, estas especies han sido vilipendiadas al considerárseles perjudiciales en los ecosistemas agrícolas y en áreas aledañas a los mismos. El nombre que se ha usado en el pasado para estas plantas “Malezas” y/o “Malas hierbas”, considera el aspecto nocivo que algunas de estas especies tienen sobre los cultivos, sin considerar, que como componentes propios del ecosistema, se constituyen en elementos importantes que ayudan a la regulación y balance del mismo. El termino arvenses deriva del latín arvensis , que significa campo en el sentido agrícola. Por tanto, las plantas silvestres que crecen en los campos agrícolas se les conoce como plantas arvenses. El estudio de estas plantas ha estado orientado únicamente a evaluar el aspecto nocivo que algunas de éstas tienen sobre los cultivos. En consecuencia, los costos que implica la presencia de algunas han favorecido que el término “maleza” se aplique indiscriminadamente a la vegetación arvense o a todas las especies silvestres que crecen entre los cultivos, independientemente de lo nocivas que éstas sean. Por otra parte, al referirnos a estas plantas como arvenses, significa que la planta crece en forma silvestre en terrenos cultivados sin ninguna connotación respecto a nocividad o bondad de éstas para los agricultores.


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Consultora Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional. Apresenta Quadro comparativo entre os dispositivos do Decreto 6.514/2008 e da Lei de Crimes Ambientais (LCA) que têm a flora como bem tutelado.


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Batchelor流体力学奖和Hill固体力学奖是国际理论与应用力学联合会(IUTAM)设立的两个奖项,旨在表彰获奖者过去十年内在其力学分支学科研究中所做出的重要贡献.Batchelor流体力学奖和Hill固体力学奖每4年评选一次,在第22届国际理论与应用力学大会(8月24~29日,澳大利亚阿德莱德)上第一次颁奖.Howard Stone教授和Michael Ortiz教授分别是Batchelor奖和Hill奖的获奖人.本刊在《简评》栏目刊登胡国庆研究员和黎波教授对两位获奖者成果的简评,并在《译文》栏目刊登两位教授的代表性论文的译文各一篇,以饷读者.


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Leonard Carpenter Panama Canal Collection. Photographs: Views of Panama and the Canal. [Box 1] from the Special Collections & Area Studies Department, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida.


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Hopwood Hall is adopting the use of touch screen technology and gradually replacing its interactive whiteboards to improve access to interactive learning. The touch screen monitors connected to LCD TV’s provide a cheaper classroom build with technology that’s more user-friendly and better suited to classroom delivery. Until now, interactive boards had been the mainstay of classrooms but they created teaching barriers for staff including the additional software to learn and master. They are also expensive and often have usability issues with 'pens' not working or having a delay when used as the mouse tool.


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Birkenhead Sixth Form College implemented a virtual network to open up remote access to the college network for its students, staff and governors. In particular, for childcare students on work placements, this has meant 24/7 secure access to their work and resources, and the ability to make timely updates to their work evidence logs. The impact is better continuity of learning and a dramatic increase in the hand-in rate for work. For the staff, governors and college as a whole, the benefits of anytime-access to the network are more than were envisaged at the outset; not only is it saving them valuable time and eliminating the need for large print runs, it is expected to bring cost-savings to the College in the long term.


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When Priestley College began to plan the redevelopment of its learning resource centre, it continued the culture of student involvement that exists within the College by asking students to help plan and create the new development. This case study describes how the Jisc infoKit on 'Planning and Designing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces' was used as the starting point for ideas and planning, and how the finished development was the recognisable result of students' ideas and plans.


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Blackburn College is making use of its Heritage Library Management System (LMS) for a wide variety of loans beyond that of books; this has enabled them to better manage the growing numbers and types of technologies that are being used in teaching and learning. In an additional pilot development, they have taken the bold step of training college departments in cataloguing their own technologies to add to the LMS for loan. This has enabled the departments to keep track of their own equipment easily, and provided a more consistent approach to equipment loan within the College.


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Mishka Fielding, Learning Resources Manager with the help of Anthony Beal, e-Learning Adviser, RSC Northwest, created a one-hour interactive session to promote Learning Resources and Information Literacy to staff and students within the College. These sessions successfully promoted the department, increasing their stock circulation by 50% and their usage of e-books, putting them 1st out of 200 in the ‘Jisc Collections Project’.


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Xaverian College has created a bespoke web-based solution for the academic, pastoral, managerial and administrative requirements of the College that is accessible to all staff and students. Their VLE/ILP intranet system is cutting edge as it offers a remarkable degree of integration because of its holistic approach and is very ‘student-friendly’.


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Oldham College have used on-line learning to offer certificated courses in Internet Safety, Environmental Sustainability, Health and Safety and Personal Finance whilst at the same time freeing up teaching staff and obtaining funding.


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Through LSC funding, Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC) purchased a single-deck bus, equipped with all the essential equipment that has allowed them to deliver fundamental IT skills within local communities. The bus travels to various local towns and villages which in turn has brought learning to the learners. This has proved to be very useful for those who perhaps have difficulty travelling to the main campuses or do not have the confidence to enrol on a course.


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South Essex College has developed a college intranet called C_Space. This has grown from a handful of HTML pages to an intranet hosting 70 in-house developed applications and two million staff and student-generated pages. In the past three years, the College has developed a range of social networking tools within the site to engage students. This has provided a 360-degree appraisal system for the College, which has informed the content and design of the intranet, as well as influenced the overall development of the College.


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By introducing the OneFile e–portfolio system, the Motor Vehicle department at Huntingdonshire Regional College has revolutionised its teaching and learning delivery, improved organisational efficiency, and helped students achieve qualifications quicker. Bundles of paper have been scrapped, students can now upload video and audio as reflective evidence, and assessors no longer have to go on unnecessary visits to collect papers and signatures. What's more, the department has saved time and money, diversified learning and made an impact on its carbon footprint.