979 resultados para First world war (1914-1918)
This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.
This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.
This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.
This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.
This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
O presente trabalho, realizado no âmbito do Curso de Promoção a Oficial Superior (CPOS), incide inicialmente em contexto da Primeira Guerra Mundial e mais especificamente, no âmbito do Corpo Expedicionário Português (CEP), sobre a participação dos pilotos portugueses integrados ao serviço da Aviação Militar Aliada no período do conflito (1914-1918). Neste contexto, procurou-se correlacionar a experiência e o conhecimento adquiridos nesta vivência, com a posterior aplicação destas mais-valias no desenvolvimento da Aviação Militar Portuguesa, no período subsequente ao conflito. Utilizada uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa, um desenho de pesquisa histórico e seguido um percurso metodológico proposto por A. Da Silva Rego, realizou-se o levantamento de informação relacionada com a organização da aviação militar francesa, por ser aquela que acolheu nas suas esquadrilhas o maior número de pilotos militares portugueses. Posteriormente, alargado o momento histórico para os anos subsequentes à Grande Guerra, pretende-se demonstrar a influência enquanto aviadores, naquilo que foram os desígnios realizados por estes homens na organização, no desenvolvimento e na formação da Aviação Portuguesa enquanto ramo independente. Abstract: The present work, carried out as part of the Higher Official Promotion Course, has an initial focus on the First World War and more specifically, within the Portuguese Expeditionary Force (CEP), on the participation of Portuguese pilots serving the allied Air Force during the First World War (1914 – 1918). In this context, we tried to correlate the experience and knowledge gained from this experience, with the subsequent implementation of those gains in the development of Portuguese Military Aviation, in the period after the conflict. Using a qualitative research strategy, a historical research design and following a methodological approach proposed by A. Da Silva Rego, we gathered the information relatted with the organization of the French Air Force, as it was the one that received most of the most Portuguese pilots in their squadrons. Further on, broadening the historical period to the subsequent years after the First World War. we intend to demonstrate the influence of Air Force pilots on what was accomplished by these men in the organization, in the establishment and development of the Portuguese Air Force as an independent branch.
"A war volume of the President's messages to follow Why we are at war."--Foreword.
L’Action française fut un mouvement idéologique et intellectuel marquant de l’histoire politique et culturelle de la Troisième république. Elle défendait, au moyen d’une rhétorique nationaliste et antirépublicaine, ainsi que d’un militantisme tapageur et d’un journal quotidien, l’idée d’une restauration de la monarchie en France sur les ruines d’une démocratie qu’elle estimait viciée et délétère. Durant la Grande Guerre, elle mit cependant en veilleuse son combat royaliste et se recentra sur son patriotisme. Cette approche la mena à appuyer pendant tout le conflit les gouvernements de défense nationale issus d’une Union sacrée résolument républicaine et à se poser comme l’un des principaux remparts contre les menaces à la nation, qu’elles soient intérieures ou extérieures. À l’issue du conflit, l’Action française était ainsi devenue un acteur politique reconnu et elle avait acquis une notoriété intellectuelle inédite. Cette volte-face notable n’a néanmoins été que très peu abordée de front dans l’historiographie du mouvement. Le présent mémoire vise à y remédier par l’examen du parcours politique et de l’évolution idéologique de l’Action française à partir de l’analyse des chroniques à saveur politique publiées dans son quotidien entre 1914 et 1918, ainsi que de rapports d’enquêtes de la Sûreté générale du ministère de l’Intérieur. Cette étude dresse un portrait plutôt bigarré de ce parcours et de cette évolution. En effet, au moment où le journal et les maîtres de l’Action française attinrent une renommée singulière grâce à leur discours et leurs campagnes guidés par l’intérêt national, son militantisme fut en contrepartie pratiquement annihilé par la mobilisation militaire. De même, malgré son adhésion de principe à la trêve politique que fut l’Union sacrée, l’Action française ne délaissa pas pour autant son procès idéologique du régime républicain et la valorisation de son projet royaliste. La façon dont l’Action française a commenté et pris part à la vie politique de la Grande Guerre révèle également cette équivoque, tout en offrant un portrait singulier des grands débats de cette période.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Vol. 1: 3d ed.
Might is right.--The war of ideas.--The faith of England.--Some gains of the war.--The war and the press.--Shakespeare and England.
"Deals with five months of war--ending on Christmas day [1914]"--Pref., p. vi.
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