906 resultados para First episode psychosis


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Objectifs: Les études quantitatives ont documenté l’ampleur des problèmes d’observance en début de psychose et les conséquences cliniques qui en découlent. La compréhension du phénomène demeure toutefois limitée. Notre étude propose d’explorer, à partir de trois perspectives (celles des patients, des proches et des cliniciens), les raisons pour lesquelles les patients en début de psychose acceptent ou refusent les traitements. Méthode: La collecte des données s’est faite à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-structurées auprès de 18 patients d’une clinique spécialisée en psychose débutante classifiés comme étant observants, ambivalents ou non observants, et auprès de 13 de leurs proches, ainsi qu’à l’aide d’un focus group réunissant 8 cliniciens de la clinique. Résultats: L’observance semble s’inscrire dans un processus marqué par une certaine ambivalence pour la plupart des sujets. Cette ambivalence est modulée par: des enjeux identitaires, des enjeux relationnels, la compréhension du diagnostic et la signification du traitement. Conclusion: L’ambivalence et l’inobservance seraient des étapes normales du processus au cours duquel le patient lutte pour reconstruire son identité. La présence d’un lien de confiance permet la résolution progressive de l’ambivalence, facilitant ainsi le processus de réappropriation du traitement par le patient.


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Symptom development during the prodromal phase of psychosis was explored retrospectively in first-episode psychosis patients with special emphasis on the assumed time-related syndromic sequence of "unspecific symptoms (UN)-predictive basic symptoms (BS)-attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS)-(transient) psychotic symptoms (PS)." Onset of syndromes was defined by first occurrence of any of their respective symptoms. Group means were inspected for time differences between syndromes and influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on the recalled sequence. The sequence of "UN-BS/APS-PS" was clearly supported, and both BS and, though slightly less, APS were highly sensitive. However, onset of BS and APS did not show significant time difference in the whole sample (N = 126; 90% schizophrenia), although when each symptom is considered independently, APS tended to occur later than first predictive BS. On descriptive level, about one-third each recalled an earlier, equal and later onset of BS compared with APS. Level of education showed the greatest impact on the recall of the hypothesized sequence. Thereby, those with a higher school-leaving certificate supported the assumed sequence, whereas those of low educational background retrospectively dated APS before BS. These findings rather point out recognition and recall bias inherent to the retrospective design than true group characteristics. Future long-term prospective studies will have to explore this conclusively. However, as regards the criteria, the results support the notion of BS as at least a complementary approach to the ultrahigh risk criteria, which may also allow for an earlier detection of psychosis.


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Objectives: Neurofunctional alterations are correlates of vulnerability to psychosis, as well as of the disorder itself. How these abnormalities relate to different probabilities for later transition to psychosis is unclear. We investigated vulnerability- versus disease-related versus resilience biomarkers of psychosis during working memory (WM) processing in individuals with an at-risk mental state (ARMS). Experimental design: Patients with “first-episode psychosis” (FEP, n = 21), short-term ARMS (ARMS-ST, n = 17), long-term ARMS (ARMS-LT, n = 16), and healthy controls (HC, n = 20) were investigated with an n-back WM task. We examined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) data in conjunction using biological parametric mapping (BPM) toolbox. Principal observations: There were no differences in accuracy, but the FEP and the ARMS-ST group had longer reaction times compared with the HC and the ARMS-LT group. With the 2-back > 0-back contrast, we found reduced functional activation in ARMS-ST and FEP compared with the HC group in parietal and middle frontal regions. Relative to ARMS-LT individuals, FEP patients showed decreased activation in the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and insula, and in the left prefrontal cortex. Compared with the ARMS-LT, the ARMS-ST subjects showed reduced activation in the right inferior frontal gyrus and insula. Reduced insular and prefrontal activation was associated with gray matter volume reduction in the same area in the ARMS-LT group. Conclusions: These findings suggest that vulnerability to psychosis was associated with neurofunctional alterations in fronto-temporo-parietal networks in a WM task. Neurofunctional differences within the ARMS were related to different duration of the prodromal state and resilience factors


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L’isolement avec ou sans contention (IC) en milieu psychiatrique touche près d’un patient sur quatre au Québec (Dumais, Larue, Drapeau, Ménard, & Giguère-Allard, 2011). Il est pourtant largement documenté que cette pratique porte préjudice aux patients, aux infirmières et à l’organisation (Stewart, Van der Merwe, Bowers, Simpson, & Jones, 2010). Cette mesure posant un problème éthique fait l’objet de politiques visant à la restreindre, voire à l’éliminer. Les études sur l’expérience de l’isolement du patient de même que sur la perception des infirmières identifient le besoin d'un retour sur cet évènement. Plusieurs équipes de chercheurs proposent un retour post-isolement (REPI) intégrant à la fois l’équipe traitante, plus particulièrement les infirmières, et le patient comme intervention afin de diminuer l’incidence de l’IC. Le REPI vise l’échange émotionnel, l’analyse des étapes ayant mené à la prise de décision d’IC et la projection des interventions futures. Le but de cette étude était de développer, implanter et évaluer le REPI auprès des intervenants et des patients d’une unité de soins psychiatriques aigus afin d’améliorer leur expérience de soins. Les questions de recherche étaient : 1) Quel est le contexte d’implantation du REPI? 2) Quels sont les éléments facilitants et les obstacles à l’implantation du REPI selon les patients et les intervenants? 3) Quelle est la perception des patients et des intervenants des modalités et retombées du REPI?; et 4) L’implantation du REPI est-elle associée à une diminution de la prévalence et de la durée des épisodes d’IC? Cette étude de cas instrumentale (Stake, 1995, 2008) était ancrée dans une approche participative. Le cas était celui de l’unité de soins psychiatriques aigus pour premier épisode psychotique où a été implanté le REPI. En premier lieu, le développement du REPI a d’abord fait l’objet d’une documentation du contexte par une immersion dans le milieu (n=56 heures) et des entretiens individuels avec un échantillonnage de convenance (n=3 patients, n=14 intervenants). Un comité d’experts (l’étudiante-chercheuse, six infirmières du milieu et un patient partenaire) a par la suite développé le REPI qui comporte deux volets : avec le patient et en équipe. L’évaluation des retombées a été effectuée par des entretiens individuels (n= 3 patients, n= 12 intervenants) et l’examen de la prévalence et de la durée des IC six mois avant et après l’implantation du REPI. Les données qualitatives ont été examinées selon une analyse thématique (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014), tandis que les données quantitatives ont fait l’objet de tests descriptifs et non-paramétriques. Les résultats proposent que le contexte d’implantation est défini par des normes implicites et explicites où l’utilisation de l’IC peut générer un cercle vicieux de comportements agressifs nourris par un profond sentiment d’injustice de la part des patients. Ceux-ci ont l’impression qu’ils doivent se conformer aux attentes du personnel et aux règles de l’unité. Les participants ont exprimé le besoin de créer des opportunités pour une communication authentique qui pourrait avoir lieu lors du REPI, bien que sa pratique soit variable d’un intervenant à un autre. Les résultats suggèrent que le principal élément ayant facilité l’implantation du REPI est l’approche participative de l’étude, alors que les obstacles rencontrés relèvent surtout de la complexité de la mise en œuvre du REPI en équipe. Lors du REPI avec le patient, les infirmières ont pu explorer ses sentiments et son point de vue, ce qui a favorisé la reconstruction de la relation thérapeutique. Quant au REPI avec l’équipe de soins, il a été perçu comme une opportunité d’apprentissage, ce qui a permis d’ajuster le plan d’intervention des patients. Suite à l’implantation du REPI, les résultats ont d’ailleurs montré une réduction significative de l’utilisation de l’isolement et du temps passé en isolement. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent la possibilité d’outrepasser le malaise initial perçu tant par le patient que par l’infirmière en systématisant le REPI. De plus, cette étude met l’accent sur le besoin d’une présence authentique pour atteindre un partage significatif dans la relation thérapeutique, ce qui est la pierre d’assise de la pratique infirmière en santé mentale. Cette étude contribue aux connaissances sur la prévention des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique en documentant le contexte dans lequel se situe l’IC, en proposant un REPI comportant deux volets de REPI et en explorant ses retombées. Nos résultats soutiennent le potentiel du développement d’une prévention tertiaire qui intègre à la fois la perspective des patients et des intervenants.


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L’isolement avec ou sans contention (IC) en milieu psychiatrique touche près d’un patient sur quatre au Québec (Dumais, Larue, Drapeau, Ménard, & Giguère-Allard, 2011). Il est pourtant largement documenté que cette pratique porte préjudice aux patients, aux infirmières et à l’organisation (Stewart, Van der Merwe, Bowers, Simpson, & Jones, 2010). Cette mesure posant un problème éthique fait l’objet de politiques visant à la restreindre, voire à l’éliminer. Les études sur l’expérience de l’isolement du patient de même que sur la perception des infirmières identifient le besoin d'un retour sur cet évènement. Plusieurs équipes de chercheurs proposent un retour post-isolement (REPI) intégrant à la fois l’équipe traitante, plus particulièrement les infirmières, et le patient comme intervention afin de diminuer l’incidence de l’IC. Le REPI vise l’échange émotionnel, l’analyse des étapes ayant mené à la prise de décision d’IC et la projection des interventions futures. Le but de cette étude était de développer, implanter et évaluer le REPI auprès des intervenants et des patients d’une unité de soins psychiatriques aigus afin d’améliorer leur expérience de soins. Les questions de recherche étaient : 1) Quel est le contexte d’implantation du REPI? 2) Quels sont les éléments facilitants et les obstacles à l’implantation du REPI selon les patients et les intervenants? 3) Quelle est la perception des patients et des intervenants des modalités et retombées du REPI?; et 4) L’implantation du REPI est-elle associée à une diminution de la prévalence et de la durée des épisodes d’IC? Cette étude de cas instrumentale (Stake, 1995, 2008) était ancrée dans une approche participative. Le cas était celui de l’unité de soins psychiatriques aigus pour premier épisode psychotique où a été implanté le REPI. En premier lieu, le développement du REPI a d’abord fait l’objet d’une documentation du contexte par une immersion dans le milieu (n=56 heures) et des entretiens individuels avec un échantillonnage de convenance (n=3 patients, n=14 intervenants). Un comité d’experts (l’étudiante-chercheuse, six infirmières du milieu et un patient partenaire) a par la suite développé le REPI qui comporte deux volets : avec le patient et en équipe. L’évaluation des retombées a été effectuée par des entretiens individuels (n= 3 patients, n= 12 intervenants) et l’examen de la prévalence et de la durée des IC six mois avant et après l’implantation du REPI. Les données qualitatives ont été examinées selon une analyse thématique (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014), tandis que les données quantitatives ont fait l’objet de tests descriptifs et non-paramétriques. Les résultats proposent que le contexte d’implantation est défini par des normes implicites et explicites où l’utilisation de l’IC peut générer un cercle vicieux de comportements agressifs nourris par un profond sentiment d’injustice de la part des patients. Ceux-ci ont l’impression qu’ils doivent se conformer aux attentes du personnel et aux règles de l’unité. Les participants ont exprimé le besoin de créer des opportunités pour une communication authentique qui pourrait avoir lieu lors du REPI, bien que sa pratique soit variable d’un intervenant à un autre. Les résultats suggèrent que le principal élément ayant facilité l’implantation du REPI est l’approche participative de l’étude, alors que les obstacles rencontrés relèvent surtout de la complexité de la mise en œuvre du REPI en équipe. Lors du REPI avec le patient, les infirmières ont pu explorer ses sentiments et son point de vue, ce qui a favorisé la reconstruction de la relation thérapeutique. Quant au REPI avec l’équipe de soins, il a été perçu comme une opportunité d’apprentissage, ce qui a permis d’ajuster le plan d’intervention des patients. Suite à l’implantation du REPI, les résultats ont d’ailleurs montré une réduction significative de l’utilisation de l’isolement et du temps passé en isolement. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent la possibilité d’outrepasser le malaise initial perçu tant par le patient que par l’infirmière en systématisant le REPI. De plus, cette étude met l’accent sur le besoin d’une présence authentique pour atteindre un partage significatif dans la relation thérapeutique, ce qui est la pierre d’assise de la pratique infirmière en santé mentale. Cette étude contribue aux connaissances sur la prévention des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique en documentant le contexte dans lequel se situe l’IC, en proposant un REPI comportant deux volets de REPI et en explorant ses retombées. Nos résultats soutiennent le potentiel du développement d’une prévention tertiaire qui intègre à la fois la perspective des patients et des intervenants.


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We wished to replicate evidence that an experimental paradigm of speech illusions is associated with psychotic experiences. Fifty-four patients with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and 150 healthy subjects were examined in an experimental paradigm assessing the presence of speech illusion in neutral white noise. Socio-demographic, cognitive function and family history data were collected. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was administered in the patient group and the Structured Interview for Schizotypy-Revised (SIS-R), and the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) in the control group. Patients had a much higher rate of speech illusions (33.3% versus 8.7%, ORadjusted: 5.1, 95% CI: 2.3-11.5), which was only partly explained by differences in IQ (ORadjusted: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.4-8.3). Differences were particularly marked for signals in random noise that were perceived as affectively salient (ORadjusted: 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8-53.9). Speech illusion tended to be associated with positive symptoms in patients (ORadjusted: 3.3, 95% CI: 0.9-11.6), particularly affectively salient illusions (ORadjusted: 8.3, 95% CI: 0.7-100.3). In controls, speech illusions were not associated with positive schizotypy (ORadjusted: 1.1, 95% CI: 0.3-3.4) or self-reported psychotic experiences (ORadjusted: 1.4, 95% CI: 0.4-4.6). Experimental paradigms indexing the tendency to detect affectively salient signals in noise may be used to identify liability to psychosis.


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Aim: There is a scarce literature describing psychological interventions for a young, first-episode cohort who have experienced psychotic mania. This study aimed to assess whether a manualized psychological intervention could be effective in reducing symptomatology and relapse, and improve functional outcome in this population. Methods: The study was an open-label design, drawn from a larger pharmacotherapy trial. All participants in the pharmacotherapy trial were offered a manualized psychological intervention in addition to case management. Inclusion in the psychotherapy group was based on participant's choice, and on completion of four or more of the eight modules offered. All clinical files were audited to ensure accuracy of group allocation. Forty young people aged 15 to 25 years old who had experienced a manic episode with psychotic features were recruited into the study, with 20 people in the combined treatment as usual plus psychotherapy group (P+TAU), and an equal number of matched control participants who received treatment as usual (TAU) within the same service. All participants were prescribed antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing medication. Symptomatic, functional and relapse measures were taken both at baseline and at 18-month follow-up. Results: Manic symptoms improved significantly for both groups, with no differences between groups. Depression scores and overall symptom severity were significantly lower in the P + TAU group. No differences were evident between groups with regard to numbers or type of relapse. The P + TAU group had significantly better social and occupational functioning after 18 months. Conclusion: This study suggests that a manualized psychological intervention targeted to a first-episode population can be effective in reducing depression and overall symptom severity, and can improve functional outcome following a first episode of psychotic mania.


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Background Although individuals vulnerable to psychosis show brain volumetric abnormalities, structural alterations underlying different probabilities for later transition are unknown. The present study addresses this issue by means of voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Method We investigated grey matter volume (GMV) abnormalities by comparing four neuroleptic-free groups: individuals with first episode of psychosis (FEP) and with at-risk mental state (ARMS), with either long-term (ARMS-LT) or short-term ARMS (ARMS-ST), compared to the healthy control (HC) group. Using three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we examined 16 FEP, 31 ARMS, clinically followed up for on average 3 months (ARMS-ST, n=18) and 4.5 years (ARMS-LT, n=13), and 19 HC. Results The ARMS-ST group showed less GMV in the right and left insula compared to the ARMS-LT (Cohen's d 1.67) and FEP groups (Cohen's d 1.81) respectively. These GMV differences were correlated positively with global functioning in the whole ARMS group. Insular alterations were associated with negative symptomatology in the whole ARMS group, and also with hallucinations in the ARMS-ST and ARMS-LT subgroups. We found a significant effect of previous antipsychotic medication use on GMV abnormalities in the FEP group. Conclusions GMV abnormalities in subjects at high clinical risk for psychosis are associated with negative and positive psychotic symptoms, and global functioning. Alterations in the right insula are associated with a higher risk for transition to psychosis, and thus may be related to different transition probabilities.


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BACKGROUND/AIM Gesturing plays an important role in social behavior and social learning. Deficits are frequent in schizophrenia and may contribute to impaired social functioning. Information about deficits during the course of the disease and presence of severity and patterns of impairment in first-episode patients is missing. Hence, we aimed to investigate gesturing in first- compared to multiple-episode schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. METHODS In 14 first-episode patients, 14 multiple-episode patients and 16 healthy controls matched for age, gender and education, gesturing was assessed by the comprehensive Test of Upper Limb Apraxia. Performance in two domains of gesturing - imitation and pantomime - was recorded on video. Raters of gesture performance were blinded. RESULTS Patients with multiple episodes had severe gestural deficits. For almost all gesture categories, performance was worse in multiple- than in first-episode patients. First-episode patients demonstrated subtle deficits with a comparable pattern. CONCLUSIONS Subjects with multiple psychotic episodes have severe deficits in gesturing, while only mild impairments were found in first-episode patients independent of age, gender, education and negative symptoms. The results indicate that gesturing is impaired at the onset of disease and likely to further deteriorate during its course.


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The onset and early course of schizophrenia is associated with subtle loss of grey matter which may be responsible for the evolution and persistence of symptoms such as apathy, emotional blunting, and social withdrawal. Such 'negative' symptoms are unaffected by current antipsychotic therapies. There is evidence that the antibiotic minocycline has neuroprotective properties. We investigated whether the addition of minocycline to treatment as usual (TAU) for 1 year in early psychosis would reduce negative symptoms compared with placebo. In total, 144 participants within 5 years of first onset in Brazil and Pakistan were randomised to receive TAU plus placebo or minocycline. The primary outcome measures were the negative and positive syndrome ratings using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Some 94 patients completed the trial. The mean improvement in negative symptoms for the minocycline group was 9.2 and in the placebo group 4.7, an adjusted difference of 3.53 (s.e. 1.01) 95% CI: 1.55, 5.51; p < 0.001 in the intention-to-treat population. The effect was present in both countries. The addition of minocycline to TAU early in the course of schizophrenia predominantly improves negative symptoms. Whether this is mediated by neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory or others actions is under investigation.


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Bipolar affective disorder (BD) is a severe, recurrent and disabling disorder with devastating consequences for individuals, families and society. Although these hazards and costs provide a compelling rationale for development of early detection and early intervention strategies in BD, the development of at-risk criteria for first episode mania is still in an early stage of development. In this paper we review the literature with respect to the clinical, neuroantomical and neuropsychological data, which support this goal. We also describe our recently developed bipolar at-risk criteria (BAR). This criteria comprises the peak age range of the first onset of bipolar disorder, genetic risk, presenting with sub-threshold mania, cyclothymic features or depressive symptoms. An initial pilot evaluation of the BAR criteria in 22 subjects indicated conversion rates to proxies of first-episode mania of 23% within 265 days on average, and high specificity and sensitivity of the criteria. If prospective studies confirm the validity of the BAR criteria, then the criteria would have the potential to open up new avenues of research for indicated prevention in BD and might therefore offer opportunities to ameliorate the severity of, or even prevent BD.


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In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in cognitive alterations during the early course of schizophrenia. From a clinical perspective, a better understanding of cognitive functioning in putative at-risk states for schizophrenia is essential for developing optimal early intervention models. Two approaches have more recently been combined to assess the entire course of the initial schizophrenia prodrome: the predictive "basic symptom at-risk" (BS) and the ultra high-risk (UHR) criteria. Basic symptoms are considered to be present during the entire disease progression, including the initial prodrome, while the onset of symptoms captured by the UHR criteria expresses further disease progression toward frank psychosis. The present study investigated the cognitive functioning in 93 subjects who met either BS or UHR criteria and thus were assumed to be at different points on the putative trajectory to psychosis. We compared them with 43 patients with a first episode of psychosis and to 49 help-seeking patient controls. All groups performed significantly below normative values. Both at-risk groups performed at intermediate levels between the first-episode (FE) group and normative values. The UHR group demonstrated intermediate performance between the FE and BS groups. Overall, auditory working memory, verbal fluency/processing speed, and declarative verbal memory were impaired the most. Our results suggest that cognitive impairments may still be modest in the early stages of the initial schizophrenia prodrome and thus support current efforts to intervene in the early course of impending schizophrenia because early intervention may prevent or delay the onset of frank psychosis and thus prevent further cognitive damage.


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The aim of this study was to assess patterns and correlates of family variables in 31 adolescents treated for their first episode of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (early-onset schizophrenia [EOS]). Expressed emotion, perceived criticism, and rearing style were assessed. Potential correlates were patient psychopathology, premorbid adjustment, illness duration, quality of life (QoL), sociodemographic variables, patient and caregiver "illness concept," and caregiver personality traits and support. Families were rated as critical more frequently by patients than raters (55% vs. 13%). Perceived criticism was associated with worse QoL in relationship with parents and peers. An adverse rearing style was associated with a negative illness concept in patients, particularly with less trust in their physician. Future research should examine perceived criticism as a predictor of relapse and indicator of adolescents with EOS who need extended support and treatment. Rearing style should be carefully observed because of its link with patients' illness concept and, potentially, to service engagement and medication adherence


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BACKGROUND Whether screening for thrombophilia is useful for patients after a first episode of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a controversial issue. However, the impact of thrombophilia on the risk of recurrence may vary depending on the patient's age at the time of the first VTE. PATIENTS AND METHODS Of 1221 VTE patients (42 % males) registered in the MAISTHRO (MAin-ISar-THROmbosis) registry, 261 experienced VTE recurrence during a 5-year follow-up after the discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy. RESULTS Thrombophilia was more common among patients with VTE recurrence than those without (58.6 % vs. 50.3 %; p = 0.017). Stratifying patients by the age at the time of their initial VTE, Cox proportional hazards analyses adjusted for age, sex and the presence or absence of established risk factors revealed a heterozygous prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutation (hazard ratio (HR) 2.65; 95 %-confidence interval (CI) 1.71 - 4.12; p < 0.001), homozygosity/double heterozygosity for the factor V Leiden and/or PT mutation (HR 2.35; 95 %-CI 1.09 - 5.07, p = 0.030), and an antithrombin deficiency (HR 2.12; 95 %-CI 1.12 - 4.10; p = 0.021) to predict recurrent VTE in patients aged 40 years or older, whereas lupus anticoagulants (HR 3.05; 95%-CI 1.40 - 6.66; p = 0.005) increased the risk of recurrence in younger patients. Subgroup analyses revealed an increased risk of recurrence for a heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation only in young females without hormonal treatment whereas the predictive value of a heterozygous PT mutation was restricted to males over the age of 40 years. CONCLUSIONS Our data do not support a preference of younger patients for thrombophilia testing after a first venous thromboembolic event.


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Background: Early detection and treatment of mental disorders in adolescents and young adults can lead to better health outcomes. Mental health literacy is a key to early recognition and help seeking. Whilst a number of population health initiatives have attempted to improve mental health literacy, none to date have specifically targeted young people nor have they applied the rigorous standards of population health models now accepted as best practice in other health areas. This paper describes the outcomes from the application of a health promotion model to the development, implementation and evaluation of a community awareness campaign designed to improve mental health literacy and early help seeking amongst young people. Method: The Compass Strategy was implemented in the western metropolitan Melbourne and Barwon regions of Victoria, Australia. The Precede-Proceed Model guided the population assessment, campaign strategy development and evaluation. The campaign included the use of multimedia, a website, and an information telephone service. Multiple levels of evaluation were conducted. This included a cross-sectional telephone survey of mental health literacy undertaken before and after 14 months of the campaign using a quasi-experimental design. Randomly selected independent samples of 600 young people aged 12 - 25 years from the experimental region and another 600 from a comparison region were interviewed at each time point. A series of binary logistic regression analyses were used to measure the association between a range of campaign outcome variables and the predictor variables of region and time. Results: The program was judged to have an impact on the following variables, as indicated by significant region-by-time interaction effects ( p < 0.05): awareness of mental health campaigns, self-identified depression, help for depression sought in the previous year, correct estimate of prevalence of mental health problems, increased awareness of suicide risk, and a reduction in perceived barriers to help seeking. These effects may be underestimated because media distribution error resulted in a small amount of print material leaking into the comparison region. Conclusion: We believe this is the first study to apply the rigorous standards of a health promotion model including the use of a control region to a mental health population intervention. The program achieved many of its aims despite the relatively short duration and moderate intensity of the campaign.