455 resultados para Festes-Gandia
Tít. tomado del comienzo del texto
Según Palau, XVI, 259717 la obra fue impresa en 1789
Pie de imp. tomado de colofón
Aut. consta al final del texto
Grab. calc. en port. con esc. del Ayuntamiento de Valencia
Contiene: Las poesías que se compusieron en obsequio de nuestros soberanos, señalándolas con la debida distincion
Título tomado del principio del texto
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Oratio ad divinam Sapientiam : (NP08/27).
Contiene: Breve de Alejandro VII fechada en Roma en Sta. María la Mayor el dia 28 de julio de 1656
Crystallization and grain growth technique of thin film silicon are among the most promising methods for improving efficiency and lowering cost of solar cells. A major advantage of laser crystallization and annealing over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the amorphous silicon thin film, melting it and changing the microstructure to polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as it cools. Depending on the laser density, the vaporization temperature can be reached at the center of the irradiated area. In these cases ablation effects are expected and the annealing process becomes ineffective. The heating process in the a-Si thin film is governed by the general heat transfer equation. The two dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a moving heat source is solve numerically using the finite element method (FEM), particularly COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical model help to establish the density and the process speed range needed to assure the melting and crystallization without damage or ablation of the silicon surface. The samples of a-Si obtained by physical vapour deposition were irradiated with a cw-green laser source (Millennia Prime from Newport-Spectra) that delivers up to 15 W of average power. The morphology of the irradiated area was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica DCM3D) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM Hitachi 3000N). The structural properties were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia Raman microscope).
En esta fecha, el editor del Diario era José de la Croix
Sign.: []4
Fecha de 1760 tomada de las licencias