937 resultados para Fat-free Mass


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Our objective was to assess the contribution of lean body mass (LBM) and fat body mass (FBM) to areal bone mineral density (aBMD) in women during the years surrounding menopause. We used a 12-year observational design. Participants included 75 Caucasian women who were premenopausal, 53 of whom were available for follow-up. There were two measurement periods: baseline and 12-year follow-up. At both measurement periods, bone mineral content and aBMD of the proximal femur, posterior-anterior lumbar spine, and total body was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). LBM and FBM were derived from the total-body scans. General health, including current menopausal status, hormone replace therapy use, medication use, and physical activity, was assessed by questionnaires. At the end of the study, 44% of the women were postmenopausal. After controlling for baseline aBMD, current menopausal status, and current hormone replacement therapy, we found that change in LBM was independently associated with change in aBMD of the proximal femur (P = 0.001). The cross-sectional analyses also indicated that LBM was a significant determinant of aBMD of all three DXA-scanned sites at both baseline and follow-up. These novel longitudinal data highlight the important contribution of LBM to the maintenance of proximal femur bone mass at a key time in women's life span, the years surrounding menopause.


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OBJECTIVE: Abdominal obesity is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess whether metabolomic markers of T2D and blood pressure (BP) act on these traits via visceral fat (VF) mass.

METHODS: Metabolomic profiling of 280 fasting plasma metabolites was conducted on 2,401 women from TwinsUK. The overlap was assessed between published metabolites associated with T2D, insulin resistance, or BP and those that were identified to be associated with VF (after adjustment for covariates) measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

RESULTS: In addition to glucose, six metabolites were strongly associated with both VF mass and T2D: lactate and branched-chain amino acids, all of them related to metabolism and the tricarboxylic acid cycle; on average, 38.5% of their association with insulin resistance was mediated by their association with VF mass. Five metabolites were associated with BP and VF mass including the inflammation-associated peptide HWESASXX, the steroid hormone androstenedione, lactate, and palmitate. On average, 29% of their effect on BP was mediated by their association with VF mass.

CONCLUSIONS: Little overlap was found between the metabolites associated with BP and those associated with insulin resistance via VF mass.


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Fresh Bombay ducks and Bombay ducks dried (a) without any pre-treatment or (b) after brining with NaCl solutions of 15% and 7.5% concentrations for 18 hours were analyzed for moisture, ash, minerals, vitamins, fat, free fatty acids, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid value, total protein, total amino nitrogen, soluble proteins and trimethylamine contents. All the dried samples were stored in (a) tightly closed tin containers or (b) polythene bags and analyzed for the above mentioned constituents every 1½ months. It was observed that brining did not exercise any marked influence on keeping properties. Organoleptic observations showed that fish stored in tin containers kept better and longer than those stored in polythene bags.


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process is described for the preparation of chitosan from prawn waste. The process involves extraction of protein using 0.5% sodium hydroxide solution, bleaching the protein free mass with bleach liquor containing 0.3-0.5% available chlorine followed by demineralisation with 1.25 N hydrochloric acid in the cold and deacetylation using 1:1 (w/w) sodium hydroxide solution at 100°C for 2 hours.


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Six groups of albino rats were fed identical diets, differing in their protein sources for sixty days. The protein sources used were fat free casein, defatted groundnut cake, and defatted fish powders from three species of fishes, namely, the fresh water fish Labeo rohita, the marine fishes, Rastrelliger kanagurta and Otolithus argenteus and marine prawns, Parapenaeopsis stylifera. After sixty days, the levels of cholesterol in the serum, liver and heart of the rats were estimated. The casein group recorded the highest level of cholesterol. Compared to casein, the groundnut protein was distinctly hypocholesterolemic. The fish proteins had a still greater cholesterol lowering ability. Of the proteins used in this study, the proteins of prawns had the maximum hypocholesterolemic effect. An attempt is made to correlate the behaviour of the proteins in this respect, with their respective amino acid compositions.


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Presented is a study that expands the body of knowledge on the effect of in-cycle speed fluctuations on performance of small engines. It uses the engine and drivetrain models developed previously by Callahan, et al. (1) to examine a variety of engines. The predicted performance changes due to drivetrain effects are shown in each case, and conclusions are drawn from those results. The single-cylinder, high performance four-stroke engine showed significant changes in predicted performance compared to the prediction with zero speed fluctuation in the model. Measured speed fluctuations from a firing Yamaha YZ426 engine were applied to the simulation in addition to data from a simple free mass model. Both methods predicted similar changes in performance. The multiple-cylinder, high performance two-stroke engine also showed significant changes in performance depending on the firing configuration. With both engines, the change in performance diminished with increasing mean engine speed. The low output, single-cylinder two-stroke engine simulation showed only a negligible change in performance, even with high amplitude speed fluctuations. Because the torque versus engine speed characteristic for the engine was so flat, this was expected. The cross-charged, multi-cylinder two-stroke engine also showed only a negligible change in performance. In this case, the combination of a relatively high inertia rotating assembly and the multiple cylinder firing events within the revolution smoothing the torque pulsations reduced the speed fluctuation amplitude itself.


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Presented is a study that expands the body of knowledge on the effect of in-cycle speed fluctuations on performance of small engines. It uses the methods developed previously by Callahan, et al. (1) to examine a variety of two-stroke engines and one four-stroke engine. The two-stroke engines were: a high performance single-cylinder, a low performance single-cylinder, a high performance multi-cylinder, and a medium performance multi-cylinder. The four-stroke engine was a high performance single-cylinder unit. Each engine was modeled in Virtual Engines, which is a fully detailed one-dimensional thermodynamic engine simulator. Measured or predicted in-cycle speed data were input into the engine models. Predicted performance changes due to drivetrain effects are shown in each case, and conclusions are drawn from those results. The simulations for the high performance single-cylinder two-stroke engine predicted significant in-cycle crankshaft speed fluctuation amplitudes and significant changes in performance when the fluctuations were input into the engine model. This was validated experimentally on a firing test engine based on a Yamaha YZ250. The four-stroke engine showed significant changes in predicted performance compared to the prediction with zero speed fluctuation assumed in the model. Measured speed fluctuations from a firing Yamaha YZ400F engine were applied to the simulation in addition to data from a simple free mass model. Both methods predicted similar fluctuation profiles and changes in performance. It is shown that the gear reduction between the crankshaft and clutch allowed for this similar behavior. The multi-cylinder, high performance two-stroke engine also showed significant changes in performance, in this case depending on the firing configuration. The low output two-stroke engine simulation showed only a negligible change in performance in spite of high amplitude speed fluctuations. This was due to its flat torque versus speed characteristic. The medium performance multi-cylinder two-stroke engine also showed only a negligible change in performance, in this case due to a relatively high inertia rotating assembly and multiple cylinder firing events within the revolution. These smoothed the net torque pulsations and reduced the amplitude of the speed fluctuation itself.


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Energy balance is the difference between metabolizable energy intake and total energy expenditure. Energy intake is difficult to measure accurately; changes in body weight, for example, are not a good measure of the adequacy of energy intake, because fluctuations in body weight are common even if the overall trend is toward weight loss. It is now customary to assess energy requirements indirectly from total energy expenditure. Total energy expenditure consists of basal metabolism, postprandial thermogenesis, and physical activity. Energy expenditure is related to both body weight and body composition. A reduction in total energy expenditure accompanies weight loss, because basal metabolic rate decreases with the loss of lean tissue mass. Similarly, with weight gain, there is an increase in basal metabolic rate, because lean tissue mass grows to support the increase in fat tissue mass. Excess energy intake over energy expenditure causes weight gain and an accompanying increase in total energy expenditure. Following a period of adaptation, total energy expenditure will match energy intake and body weight will stabilize at a higher level. This same relationship holds for weight loss. Respiratory quotient (measured in steady state) is an indication of the proportion of energy expenditure derived from fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Over long periods of time, fat balance is equivalent to energy balance, as an excess of fat intake over fat oxidation causes fat storage.


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L’obésité est définie comme un surplus de masse adipeuse. Cette condition représente un problème de santé publique devenu pandémique dans les pays industrialisés. Elle prédispose à des maladies potentiellement mortelles comme le diabète de type 2, les maladies cardiovasculaires et la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique. L’accumulation du tissu adipeux intra-abdominal, formé d’adipocytes, est corrélée avec la résistance à l’insuline. L’augmentation de la masse adipeuse se fait par l’hyperplasie des préadipocytes, la différenciation des préadipocytes en adipocytes et l’hypertrophie des adipocytes. La différenciation des préadipocytes se fait selon l’adipogenèse qui est régulée par une multitude de facteurs, mais qui est inhibée pas les stimuli inflammatoires qui sont aussi responsables de la résistance à l’insuline et de l’apparition des problèmes de santé liés à l’obésité. Nous avons identifié un nouveau système de régulation autocrine/paracrine de l’adipogenèse dans les cellules du tissu adipeux. Le pyroglutamylated RF-amide peptide (QRFP), qui était connu pour son rôle dans la régulation de l’appétit, est un activateur de l’adipogenèse par l’activation de son récepteur, le G protein-coupled receptor 103 (GPR103). Le QRFP est exprimé dans les macrophages et les adipocytes alors que le GPR103 de sous-type b est exprimé dans les adipocytes seulement. Un traitement des adipocytes avec le QRFP augmente le captage des acides gras, l’accumulation de lipides ainsi que l’expression et l’activité de l’enzyme LPL. Le QRFP augmente aussi l’expression des gènes des transporteurs d’acides gras CD36 et FATP1, de l’enzyme activatrice d’acides gras ACSL1 et des facteurs de transcription PPAR-γ et C/EBP-α, qui sont tous impliqués dans l’adipogenèse. En plus de ses effets sur l’adipogenèse, le QRFP possède aussi un effet inhibiteur sur l’activité lipolytique induite par les catécholamines. Nous avons montré que l’expression du QRFP est diminuée dans le tissu adipeux des souris obèses. Selon nos résultats, cette diminution pourrait être expliquée par une augmentation des endotoxines circulantes chez les obèses, appelée endotoxémie métabolique, qui agirait, entre autres, par l’induction des interférons dans les macrophages. Les voies de signalisation de ces effets ont aussi été identifiées. Nous avons montré un autre exemple de stimulus inflammatoire qui régule les signaux adipogènes à la baisse.


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Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) play a key role in regulating delta-6 desaturase (D6D), the key enzyme for long-chain PUFA biosynthesis. Nevertheless, the extent of their effects on this enzyme remains controversial and difficult to assess. It has been generally admitted that C18 unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) regulate negatively delta-6 desaturase (D6D). This inhibition has been evidenced in regard to a high glucose/fat free (HG/FF) diet used in reference. However, several nutritional investigations did not evidence any inhibition of desaturases when feeding fatty acids.

Because the choice of the basal diet appeared to be of primary importance in such experiments, our goal was to reconsider the specific role of dietary UFAs on D6D regulation, depending on nutritional conditions. For that, sixteen adult Wistar rats were fed purified linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid or oleic acid, included in one of two diets at 4% by weight: an HG/FF or a high starch base (HS) where the pure UFAs replaced a mixed vegetable oil. Our results showed first that D6D specific activity was significantly greater when measured in presence of an HG/FF than with an HS/4% vegetable oil diet. Secondly, we found that linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids added to HG/FF reduced the specific activity of D6D. In contrast, when pure UFAs were added to an HS base, D6D specific activities remained unchanged or increased. Concordant results were obtained on D6D mRNA expression.

Altogether, this study evidenced the importance of the nutritional status in D6D regulation by C18 UFAs: when used as control, HG/FF diet stimulates D6D compared with a standard control diet containing starch and 4% fats, leading to an overestimation of the D6D regulation by UFAs. Then, UFAs should be considered as repressors for unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis only in very specific nutritional conditions.


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This thesis deals with two electrical methods designed to enable rapid, safe and noninvasive measurement of body composition, both for clinical and community use. The first section provides a review of the literature related to measurement of body composition in humans and outlines the approach of the research project. The second section deals with established methods of determining body composition, the two most important being hydrostatic densitometry and deuterium oxide dilution. In this part of the report, a novel method for measuring lung volume by hydrogen dilution at the time of underwater weighing is described. The main findings of the thesis are contained in the third section which deals with the assessment of body opposition by electrical means. There are two components to this part of the study. The first involved the testing of a commercially available bioelectric impedance analyser (BIA) which measures impedance to a flow of current through the body. Studies on the reproducibility and reliability of measurements were performed. Results showed the importance of correct electrode placement and revealed that subjects can consume a light meal and a drink before being measured with the BIA without adversely affecting impedance readings. Results suggested, however, that subjects empty their bladders before measurements are made. Strong correlations were found between height 2/ resistance and measurements of total body water (r = 0.839) and fat-free weight derived from densitometry (r = 0.821), Moderate correlations (r = 0.6 to 0.7) were also found when height /resistance was related to fat-free weight derived from anthropometric measurements. The second and major consonant of the third section deals with the development of a method based on the absorption of energy from a weak electromagnetic field established in a capacitor or chamber large enough to accommodate an adult human subject. The method involves measurement of the effect of the body on the electromagnetic field, and is based on differential absorption of energy by body fat and fat-free tissues. Regression equations were developed for predicting the weight of fat and fat-free tissue in the body from measurement of electromagnetic field effects in a test capacitor and in a resonating chamber. The test capacitor comprised a large aluminum cylinder with a copper rod as a central conductor. The following equation was derived for the relationship of fat-free weight (FEW) based on body density, with measurements of change in resonant frequency (ΔfR), height (H) and weight (W) : FFW = -4.39 + 0.690 W + 19.9 H + 37.6 ΔfR In a study of 17 subjects, a value of 0.891 was found for R2, and S.E.E. was 1.63. The resonating chamber consisted of a large enclosed aluminium cylinder with a copper rod as a central conductor. The following equation was derived for the relationship of fat weight (FW) based on the mean of estimates from body density and total body water, with measurements of change in signal attenuation (ΔA), change in resonant frequency (ΔfR), and height (H) and weight (W) : FW = 73.48 + 0.291 (W/√(ΔA) - 49.2 H - 0.53 ΔfR In a study of 27 subjects, a value of 0.956 was found for R2, and S.E.E. was 1.97. In these equations, variables were measured in the following units : FEW, FW and W (kg), ΔfR (MHz) and H (m).


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1. We studied the changes in body mass, metabolizable energy intake rate (ME) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) of a Thrush Nightingale, Luscinia luscinia, following repeated 12-h migratory flights in a wind tunnel. In total the bird flew for 176 h corresponding to 6300 km. This is the first study where the fuelling phase has been investigated in a bird migrating in captivity.

2. ME was very high, supporting earlier findings that migrating birds have among the highest intake rates known among homeotherms. ME was significantly higher the second day of fuelling, indicating a build-up of the capacity of the digestive tract during the first day of fuelling.

3. Further indications of an increase in size or activity level of metabolically active structures during fuelling come from the short-term variation in BMR, which increased over the 2-day fuelling period with more than 20%, and in almost direct proportion to body mass. However, mass-specific BMR decreased over the season.

4. The patterns of mass change, ME and BMR of our focal bird following two occasions of 12-h fasts were the same as after flights, indicating that fast and flight may involve similar physiological processes.

5. The relatively low ME the first day following a flight may be a contributing factor to the well-known pattern that migrating birds during stopover normally lose mass the first day of fuelling.


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Foram utilizados 520 pintos de corte machos da linhagem Cobb® com 1 dia de idade alimentados com dietas à base de milho, farelo de soja e farelo de arroz desengordurado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação de fitase sobre o desempenho e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Foi adotado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e oito repetições de 13 aves por repetição. A composiçãos percentual dos tratamentos foi: controle positivo (CP) - 3.000 kcal de energia metabolizável por quilo (EM/kg); 21,4% de proteína bruta (PB); 0,42% de fósforo disponível (Pd) e 0,96% de cálcio (Ca); e controle negativo (CN) - 2.940 kcal EM/kg; 21,2% PB; 0,27% Pd e 0,90% Ca. Avaliaram-se três níveis de suplementação de Fitase5000 Ouro Fino na dieta CN: 500, 750 ou 1.000 unidades de fitase/kg ração (uft/kg) e seus efeitos na uniformidade, no consumo de ração, no ganho de peso, na conversão alimentar, na digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), da proteína bruta (PB), do Ca, P, da energia digestível (ED), %MS e %MN, nas concentrações de Ca e P e na resistência óssea nas tíbias dos frangos aos 20 dias de idade. A digestibilidade do P das dietas com menores níveis nutricionais foi inferior à da ração controle positivo. A suplementação com fitase melhorou a digestibilidade do P e da ED, uma vez que os coeficientes melhoraram com a adição de 1.000 uft/kg. A redução nos níveis nutricionais da dieta prejudicou o desempenho e a mineralização e resistência óssea das tíbias das aves, no entanto, a suplementação com fitase melhorou estas características. As características do osso das aves alimentadas com ração CN suplementada com 750 uft de fitase foram semelhantes às obtidas com a dieta controle positivo.


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This study evaluated the spatial, time and alimentary niches of Tropidurus hispidus and Tropidurus semitaeniatus in sympatry in a caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, as well as their foraging and termoregulatory behaviors, the activity body temperature and their reproductive and fat body cycles. Monthly excursions, from October 2006 to May 2008, were conducted at the Ecological Station of the Seridó (ESEC Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte municipality, using specific methodology for investigation of the aforementioned objectives. The two species presented similarities in space niche use, mainly in rocky habitat, however they differed in vertical microhabitat use with T. hispidus using a larger vertical microhabitat range. In the dry season the time of activity of both species was bimodal. In the wet season T. semitaeniatus showed a unimodal activity period, while T. hispidus maintained an bimodal activity period. In terms of importance in the diet, to both species, Hymenoptera/Formicidae and Isoptera predominated during the dry season. In the wet season, although Hymenoptera/Formicidae had larger importance among the prey items, lizards opportunistically predated on Lepidoptera larvae, Coleoptera larvae/adults and Orthoptera nymphs/adults. The foraging intensity revealed differences between the species, mainly in the wet season, when T. semitaeniatus was more active than T. hispidus. The mean activity body temperature of T. semitaeniatus was significantly higher than that of T. hispidus. The thermoregulatory behavior showed that during the dry season T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus spent more time in shade or under filtered sun. In the wet season, T. hispidus did not show differences in the amount of time spent among the light exposure locations, however T. semitaeniatus spent most of their time exposed to direct sun or filtered sun. The reproductive cicle of T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus occurred from the middle of the dry season to the beginning of the wet season. In both species, female reproductive activity was influenced by precipitation, whereas males exhibited spermatozoa in their testes throughout the year, and their reproductive activity was not related with any of the climatic variables analysed. In the two species, the fat storage varied inversely with reproductive activity, and there was no difference in fat body mass between females and males. We concluded that the segregation between T. hispidus and T. semitaeniatus in this caatinga area occurs in vertical space use, in the largest vagility of T. hispidus in microhabitat use and larger range size of their alimentary xviii items. Additionally, significant seasonal differences in relation to the activity period, body temperature, and foraging and termoregulatory behaviors between these two Tropidurus species facilitate their coexistence.