888 resultados para Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia
Our work aims to discuss the teaching of science in the context of informal education. Thus, we present and analyze the results of an initiative that we have made seeking to interest high school students to study sciences and technology. The Energy shows are activities which are presented in experimental demonstrations of science concepts to middle school students. After the show the students respond to a questionnaire which formed the basis for this study. The results indicate that the achievement of shows have had an impact on students.
The Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching, the PIBID, has by its nature the training of teachers. Focused on graduate students, the PIBID acts as a proposal for training beyond the mandatory classes, giving to the students that are entering the program, a great opportunity to improve their training as a teacher. Thus, this work focuses on a discussion of the PIBID at the Faculty of Sciences UNESP Bauru, aimed at subprojects of graduate students linked to the areas of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry, working in an interdisciplinary way. I interviewed five teachers (three area coordinators and two contributors) seeking to verify, in their view, the understanding about the program and what were the major difficulties in the training of teachers. For contributors teachers and coordinators of the subprojects, interdisciplinarity has a very important role in the training of new teachers, and the PIBID allows to work this concept more broadly than just in the mandatory classes. However, a program so big like the PIBID comes with problems and it is in this context that this study was conducted. Coordinator teachers and contributors of the subprojects identified flaws in the program that may affect the activities proposed in the institutional design
Na presente dissertao feita uma abordagem da problemtica associada instabilidade de taludes, destacando-se as tcnicas de engenharia natural usadas para o controlo de situaes de instabilidade e de movimentos de vertentes. A ilha da Madeira, devido sua morfologia, caractersticas geolgicas e episdios de precipitao intensa, revela uma enorme tendncia ocorrncia destes movimentos. Como preveno instabilidade de um talude essencial proceder ao levantamento de vrios mtodos de monotorizao e estabilizao, assim como definir os riscos associados aos movimentos de vertentes, identificando os seus diferentes tipos e como se iniciam. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertao tem como objetivos: identificar e tipificar os principais problemas dos taludes e encostas; identificar os aspetos mais importantes do conhecimento das tcnicas de reabilitao de taludes e encostas; propor uma metodologia geral de interveno na reabilitao dos taludes; propor medidas de interveno e melhoria dos taludes e encostas e, por fim, verificar a aplicabilidade das medidas e metodologias propostas em estudos de casos. No que concerne aos estudos de caso, estes englobaram trs ocorrncias de deslizamento em reas destintas do concelho de So Vicente. Procedeu-se ao levantamento da caracterizao geral de campo, estudos prvios e projeto de execuo de cada uma das reas a intervencionar. Procurou-se uma tcnica de engenharia natural que fosse ao encontro das necessidades dos terrenos em questo, tentando sempre enquadrar as solues paisagsticas no meio envolvente. Os sistemas vivos a aplicar nas diferentes reas de estudo, tiveram em conta a localizao de So Vicente em plena Floresta Laurissilva tendo-se, ainda, especial cuidado na seleo de espcies endmicas da regio.
ades de natureza investigativa contribuem para a aprendizagem matemtica de alunos do ensino secundrio. O estudo incidiu sobre uma turma do dcimo primeiro ano de escolaridade do curso de lnguas e humanidades. Foram trabalhadas trs atividades no mbito do captulo Modelos Populacionais. Estas foram desenvolvidas com o auxlio de tecnologia, nomeadamente, calculadora grfica e computador atravs da explorao do software Graph 4.4.2, no sentido de motivar os alunos e facilitar a compreenso dos contedos abordados. Tendo em conta que um dos objetivos deste estudo analisar as atitudes reveladas pelos alunos aquando da realizao das propostas, os dados obtidos so constitudos essencialmente por pormenores descritivos de tal forma que foi aplicada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa atravs da observao participante. A utilizao da tecnologia motivou os alunos, que se mostraram desde logo entusiasmados com a realizao das atividades. Foi tambm visvel, ao longo da realizao das propostas, o desenvolv
Na presente dissertao feita uma abordagem da problemtica associada instabilidade de taludes, destacando-se as tcnicas de engenharia natural usadas para o controlo de situaes de instabilidade e de movimentos de vertentes. A ilha da Madeira, devido sua morfologia, caractersticas geolgicas e episdios de precipitao intensa, revela uma enorme tendncia ocorrncia destes movimentos. Como preveno instabilidade de um talude essencial proceder ao levantamento de vrios mtodos de monotorizao e estabilizao, assim como definir os riscos associados aos movimentos de vertentes, identificando os seus diferentes tipos e como se iniciam. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertao tem como objetivos: identificar e tipificar os principais problemas dos taludes e encostas; identificar os aspetos mais importantes do conhecimento das tcnicas de reabilitao de taludes e encostas; propor uma metodologia geral de interveno na reabilitao dos taludes; propor medidas de interveno e melhoria dos taludes e encostas e, por fim, verificar a aplicabilidade das medidas e metodologias propostas em estudos de casos. No que concerne aos estudos de caso, estes englobaram trs ocorrncias de deslizamento em reas destintas do concelho de So Vicente. Procedeu-se ao levantamento da caracterizao geral de campo, estudos prvios e projeto de execuo de cada uma das reas a intervencionar. Procurou-se uma tcnica de engenharia natural que fosse ao encontro das necessidades dos terrenos em questo, tentando sempre enquadrar as solues paisagsticas no meio envolvente. Os sistemas vivos a aplicar nas diferentes reas de estudo, tiveram em conta a localizao de So Vicente em plena Floresta Laurissilva tendo-se, ainda, especial cuidado na seleo de espcies endmicas da regio.
Mode of access: Internet.
A Geometria Analtica parte integrante dos contedos a serem trabalhados na Educao Bsica. Alm disso, os conceitos trabalhados na Educao Bsica so aprofundados nos componentes curriculares dos cursos de graduao das ciências exatas tais como Engenharia, Ciências da Computao, Arquitetura, Matemtica, Fsica, etc. Seu estudo relevante, pois uma ferramenta importante para o Clculo Diferencial e Integral e uma das principais referncias em um primeiro curso de lgebra Linear. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo histrico e epistemolgico das primeiras contribuies da Geometria. importante que o professor discuta os acontecimentos histricos ao trabalhar com os contedos da Geometria Analtica, propor aos alunos os problemas matemticos que originaram os conceitos da Geometria Analtica e possibilite ao aluno a construo do conhecimento e no apenas para a resoluo de algoritmos.
No mbito do conceito de sustentabilidade dos recursos hdricos, foi realizado um estudo para avaliar o estado qualitativo das guas superficiais e subterrneas de uma rea em particular, mais concretamente o concelho do Funchal. Inicialmente, fez-se uma caracterizao da regio hidrogrfica em estudo onde se incluem aspetos geogrficos, climticos, hidrolgicos, geomorfolgicos e socioecnomicos. Posteriormente, realizou-se uma apresentao grfica de anlises temporais efetuadas a parmetros biolgicos, fsico-qumicos e microbiolgicos s guas superficiais e subterrneas da regio em estudo. Por fim, apresenta-se e prope-se uma vasta lista de objetivos a manter ou alcanar nos prximos anos, onde se incluem aes prioritrias e recomendaes visando, no s a melhoria qualitativa e quantitativa global dos recursos hdricos no concelho mas tambm a proteo contra poluio e riscos naturais.
Este trabalho foi elaborado no mbito do Mestrado de Ensino de Matemtica do 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Secundrio da Universidade da Madeira, no ano letivo de 2012/2013. Os grandes objetivos deste estudo so os de analisar qualitativamente uma atividade, para compreender como que os alunos aprendem trigonometria, utilizando os robots NXT da Lego. De igual modo, se procede tambm, de forma sucinta, apresentao do trabalho desenvolvido pelo grupo de estgio, ao longo da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionado. Para a realizao da investigao, foram recolhidos dados pelo investigador, atravs de registos audiovisuais do trabalho dos alunos, com cmara e vdeo. Com o fim de melhor estudar o problema aqui apresentado, o mesmo foi dissecado em trs questes de investigao: (a) Que aprendizagens os alunos realizam com a montagem, programao e interao com os robots? (b) De que forma que os alunos aprendem trigonometria, quando utilizam os Robots? (c) Quais as dificuldades manifestadas pelos alunos na resoluo de problemas? As questes de investigao iluminaram a anlise dos dados. Das concluses que advm deste estudo destaca-se o papel essencial da robtica e dos materiais manipulveis, na construo e concetualizao do conhecimento dos alunos.
Em Portugal, de acordo com os princpios gerais da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo, um dos objetivos da educao responder s necessidades resultantes da realidade social, fomentando a evoluo plena e harmoniosa de cada indivduo, no sentido de este se tornar um cidado livre, responsvel, solidrio e autnomo, capaz de julgar com esprito crtico e criativo o meio social em que est inserido e de se empenhar na sua progressiva mudana. Para educar matematicamente os alunos necessrio contribuir para o desenvolvimento das suas competncias e saberes, ajudando-os a se tornarem cidados crticos e conscientes, para que participem criticamente na comunidade e percebam como a matemtica utilizada. O presente estudo visou compreender como que a Educao Matemtica Crtica contribui para o desenvolvimento de competncias matemticas e na formao de cidados crticos e conscientes. Para a realizao desta investigao foi selecionada uma turma de um Curso de Educao e Formao (CEF), na qual quase todos os alunos, que tinham idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 17 anos, revelavam um percurso de insucesso em Matemtica. O estudo foi do tipo qualitativo e tomou como mtodo a observao participante. Recorreu-se a um conjunto de informaes sobre vrios temas, retirada da internet, para que os alunos as analisassem criticamente. Este estudo defende a ideia de que a Educao Matemtica Crtica contribui para a realizao de aprendizagens mais significativas e na formao de cidados mais crticos e conscientes, permitindo-lhes participar criticamente na sociedade onde esto inseridos.
Generalized hyper competitiveness in the world markets has determined the need to offer better products to potential and actual clients in order to mark an advantagefrom other competitors. To ensure the production of an adequate product, enterprises need to work on the efficiency and efficacy of their business processes (BPs) by means of the construction of Interactive Information Systems (IISs, including Interactive Multimedia Documents) so that they are processed more fluidly and correctly.The construction of the correct IIS is a major task that can only be successful if the needs from every intervenient are taken into account. Their requirements must bedefined with precision, extensively analyzed and consequently the system must be accurately designed in order to minimize implementation problems so that the IIS isproduced on schedule and with the fewer mistakes as possible. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of Goals, a software (engineering) construction process which aims at defining the tasks to be carried out in order to develop software. This process defines the stakeholders, the artifacts, and the techniques that should be applied to achieve correctness of the IIS. Complementarily, this process suggests two methodologies to be applied in the initial phases of the lifecycle of the Software Engineering process: Process Use Cases for the phase of requirements, and; MultiGoals for the phases of analysis and design. Process Use Cases is a UML-based (Unified Modeling Language), goal-driven and use case oriented methodology for the definition of functional requirements. It uses an information oriented strategy in order to identify BPs while constructing the enterprises information structure, and finalizes with the identification of use cases within the design of these BPs. This approach provides a useful tool for both activities of Business Process Management and Software Engineering. MultiGoals is a UML-based, use case-driven and architectural centric methodology for the analysis and design of IISs with support for Multimedia. It proposes the analysis of user tasks as the basis of the design of the: (i) user interface; (ii) the system behaviour that is modeled by means of patterns which can combine Multimedia and standard information, and; (iii) the database and media contents. This thesis makes the theoretic presentation of these approaches accompanied with examples from a real project which provide the necessary support for the understanding of the used techniques.
O presente trabalho analisa solues de controlo no-linear baseadas em Redes Neuronais e apresenta a sua aplicao a um caso prtico, desde o algoritmo de treino at implementao fsica em hardware. O estudo inicial do estado da arte da utilizao das Redes Neuronais para o controlo leva proposta de solues iterativas para a definio da arquitectura das mesmas e para o estudo das tcnicas de Regularizao e Paragem de Treino Antecipada, atravs dos Algoritmos Genticos e proposta de uma forma de validao dos modelos obtidos. Ao longo da tese so utilizadas quatro malhas para o controlo baseado em modelos, uma das quais uma contribuio original, e implementado um processo de identificao on-line, tendo por base o algoritmo de treino Levenberg-Marquardt e a tcnica de Paragem de Treino Antecipada que permite o controlo de um sistema, sem necessidade de recorrer ao conhecimento prvio das suas caractersticas. O trabalho finalizado com um estudo do hardware comercial disponvel para a implementao de Redes Neuronais e com o desenvolvimento de uma soluo de hardware utilizando uma FPGA. De referir que o trabalho prtico de teste das solues apresentadas realizado com dados reais provenientes de um forno elctrico de escala reduzida.
Abstract. Interplanetary scintillation observations of 48 of the 55 Augusto et al. (1998) flat spectrum radio sources were carried out at 111 MHz using the interplanetary scintillation method on the Large Phased Array (LPA) in Russia. Due to the large size of the LPA beam (1 0.5) a careful inspection of all possible confusion sources was made using extant large radio surveys: 37 of the 48 sources are not confused. We were able to estimate the scintillating flux densities of 13 sources, getting upper limits for the remaining 35. Gathering more or improving extant VLBI data on these sources might significantly improve our results. This proof-of-concept project tells us that compact (<1 ) flat spectrum radio sources show strong enough scintillations at 111 MHz to establish/constrain their spectra (low-frequency end). Key words. galaxies: general galaxies: active galaxies: quasars: general
Disease, injury, and age problems compromise human quality of life and continuously motivate the search for new and more efficacious therapeutic approaches. The field of Tissue Regeneration and Engineering has greatly evolved over the last years, mainly due to the combination of the important advances verified in Biomaterials Science and Engineering with those of Cell and Molecular Biology. In particular, a new and promising area arose Nanomedicine that takes advantage of the extremely small size and especial chemical and physical properties of Nanomaterials, offering powerful tools for health improvement. Research on Stem Cells, the self-renewing progenitors of body tissues, is also challenging to the medical and scientific communities, being expectable the appearance of new and exciting stem cell-based therapies in the next years. The control of cell behavior (namely, of cell proliferation and differentiation) is of key importance in devising strategies for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. Cytokines, growth factors, transcription factors and other signaling molecules, most of them proteins, have been identified and found to regulate and support tissue development and regeneration. However, the application of these molecules in long-term regenerative processes requires their continuous presence at high concentrations as they usually present short half-lives at physiological conditions and may be rapidly cleared from the body. Alternatively, genes encoding such proteins can be introduced inside cells and be expressed using cells machinery, allowing an extended and more sustained production of the protein of interest (gene therapy). Genetic engineering of stem cells is particularly attractive because of their self-renewal capability and differentiation potential. For Tissue Regeneration and Engineering purposes, the patients own stem cells can be genetically engineered in vitro and, after, introduced in the body (with or without a scaffold) where they will not only modulate the behavior of native cells (stem cell-mediated gene therapy), but also directly participate in tissue repair. Cells can be genetically engineered using viral and non-viral systems. Viruses, as a result of millions of years of evolution, are very effective for the delivery of genes in several types of cells, including cells from primary sources. However, the risks associated with their use (like infection and immunogenic reactions) are driving the search for non-viral systems that will efficiently deliver genetic material into cells. Among them, chemical methods that are promising and being investigated use cationic molecules as carriers for DNA. In this case, gene delivery and gene expression level remain relatively low when primary cells are used. The main goal of this thesis was to develop and assess the in vitro potential of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers based carriers to deliver genes to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). PAMAM dendrimers are monodispersive, hyperbranched and nanospherical molecules presenting unique characteristics that make them very attractive vehicles for both drug and gene delivery. Although they have been explored for gene delivery in a wide range of cell lines, the interaction and the usefulness of these molecules in the delivery of genes to MSCs remains a field to be explored. Adult MSCs were chosen for the studies due to their potential biomedical applications (they are considered multipotent cells) and because they present several advantages over embryonic stem cells, such as easy accessibility and the inexistence of ethical restrictions to their use. This thesis is divided in 5 interconnected chapters. Chapter I provides an overview of the current literature concerning the various non-viral systems investigated for gene delivery in MSCs. Attention is devoted to physical methods, as well as to chemical methods that make use of polymers (natural and synthetic), liposomes, and inorganic nanoparticles as gene delivery vectors. Also, it summarizes the current applications of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells using non-viral systems in regenerative medicine, with special focus on bone tissue regeneration. In Chapter II, the potential of native PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini to transfect MSCs is evaluated. The level of transfection achieved with the dendrimers is, in a first step, studied using a plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoding for the -galactosidase reporter gene. The effect of dendrimers generation, cell passage number, and N:P ratio (where N= number of primary amines in the dendrimer; P= number of phosphate groups in the pDNA backbone) on the level of transfection is evaluated, being the values always very low. In a second step, a pDNA encoding for bone morphogenetic protein-2, a protein that is known for its role in MSCs proliferation and differentiation, is used. The BMP-2 content produced by transfected cells is evaluated by an ELISA assay and its effect on the osteogenic markers is analyzed through several classical assays including alkaline phosphatase activity (an early marker of osteogenesis), osteocalcin production, calcium deposition and mineralized nodules formation (late osteogenesis markers). Results show that a low transfection level is enough to induce in vitro osteogenic differentiation in MSCs. Next, from Chapter III to Chapter V, studies are shown where several strategies are adopted to change the interaction of PAMAM dendrimers with MSCs cell membrane and, as a consequence, to enhance the levels of gene delivery. In Chapter III, generations 5 and 6 of PAMAM dendrimers are surface functionalized with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) containing peptides experiments with dendrimers conjugated to 4, 8 and 16 RGD units were performed. The underlying concept is that by including the RGD integrin-binding motif in the design of the vectors and by forming RGD clusters, the level of transfection will increase as MSCs highly express integrins at their surface. Results show that cellular uptake of functionalized dendrimers and gene expression is enhanced in comparison with the native dendrimers. Furthermore, gene expression is dependent on both the electrostatic interaction established between the dendrimer moiety and the cell surface and the nanocluster RGD density. In Chapter IV, a new family of gene delivery vectors is synthesized consisting of a PAMAM dendrimer (generation 5) core randomly linked at the periphery to alkyl hydrophobic chains that vary in length and number. Herein, the idea is to take advantage of both the cationic nature of the dendrimer and the capacity of lipids to interact with biological membranes. These new vectors show a remarkable capacity for internalizing pDNA, being this effect positively correlated with the CH2 content present in the hydrophobic corona. Gene expression is also greatly enhanced using the new vectors but, in this case, the higher efficiency is shown by the vectors containing the smallest hydrophobic chains. Finally, chapter V reports the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of novel gene delivery vectors based on PAMAM dendrimers (generation 5) conjugated to peptides with high affinity for MSCs membrane binding - for comparison, experiments are also done with a peptide with low affinity binding properties. These systems present low cytotoxicity and transfection efficiencies superior to those of native dendrimers and partially degraded dendrimers (Superfect, a commercial product). Furthermore, with this biomimetic approach, the process of gene delivery is shown to be cell surface receptor-mediated. Overall, results show the potential of PAMAM dendrimers to be used, as such or modified, in Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. To our knowledge, this is the first time that PAMAM dendrimers are studied as gene delivery vehicles in this context and using, as target, a cell type with clinical relevancy. It is shown that the cationic nature of PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini can be synergistically combined with surface engineering approaches, which will ultimately result in suitable interactions with the cytoplasmic membrane and enhanced pDNA cellular entry and gene expression. Nevertheless, the quantity of pDNA detected inside cell nucleus is always very small when compared with the bigger amount reaching cytoplasm (accumulation of pDNA is evident in the perinuclear region), suggesting that the main barrier to transfection is the nuclear membrane. Future work can then be envisaged based on the versatility of these systems as biomedical molecular materials, such as the conjugation of PAMAM dendrimers to molecules able to bind nuclear membrane receptors and to promote nuclear translocation.