784 resultados para Facebook©
This article analyzes how the Brazilian feminist movements utilize online social networks to expand their sphere of action and mobilization in society through understanding how is the activity of the collective Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro on your Facebook page and as this group is mobilized in the online environment to organize its annual march, here, specifically the 4th Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro. Through exploratory, descriptive and analytical qualitative research methodology and analysis of social networks on the Internet, it is concluded that the network generated by the topic "4th Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro" was central dynamic between a public clear feminist, but weak and little to comprehensive dialogue with society in general positions.
This study analyses the quotations from a specific Facebook page called Brasileiríssimos, which presents itself as a project aiming to publicize and value the Brazilian culture. For this analysis one can observe the use of concepts of traditional quotations, to highlight, when comparing to these formats, the different ways of quoting that can be found on this means of communication: Facebook. The research aims to reflect about how the image of the page is built from the dialogue between the I and the other. More specifically, we look at the dialogue of the author of the page with the quoted text and the reader. In order to analyze that, concepts of quotation from authors belonging to Bakhtin's Circle are going to be used, amongst others. These concepts constitute the analysis criteria of the quoted texts, especially on how the quotation is made. The chosen methodological approach is a qualitative analysis from the quotations made on Facebook, as well as texts that help to visualize the dialogue between the traditional forms of quotation and the forms found on the abovementioned page. On the proposed dialogue about the concepts of quotation it is possible to notice the production of meaning caused by the way in which the quotation is made, by how the author of the page inserts herself in relation to the quoted text and, finally, by the relation of the text with the reader. Because this research bases itself on the dialogical discourse analysis, it be turned to the concept of dialogism, analyzing discourses in contact. Departing from there, one of the main goals is to understand which discourses dialogue when the production of the quotation and in what manner the quotation is made on the chosen means of communication
Mazer, Murphy and Simonds (2007) recently demonstrated that high self-disclosure, compared to low self-disclosure, on a fictitious professor's Facebook profile was related to students' expectations of a positive classroom environment and high levels of motivation. These findings raise the question of whether all types of self-disclosure would have the same effect. This study examined college students' perceptions of specific ways that professors might use Facebook. We created six Facebook profiles for a fictitious male professor, each with a specific emphasis: Republican, Democrat, religious, family- oriented, socially oriented, or professional only. While viewing a printed version of one of the randomly distributed profiles, participants responded to questions that assessed their perceptions of the professors' teaching ability, classroom demeanor and appropriateness of self-disclosure, as well as their own Facebook use. Students responded most negatively, but sometimes with greatest interest, to professors' posting of social and political information. Appropriate use of Facebook, including professional and family information, increased students' respect for the professor and his classroom. These findings could be very helpful in guiding professor Facebook use.
This study analyses the quotations from a specific Facebook page called Brasileiríssimos, which presents itself as a project aiming to publicize and value the Brazilian culture. For this analysis one can observe the use of concepts of traditional quotations, to highlight, when comparing to these formats, the different ways of quoting that can be found on this means of communication: Facebook. The research aims to reflect about how the image of the page is built from the dialogue between the I and the other. More specifically, we look at the dialogue of the author of the page with the quoted text and the reader. In order to analyze that, concepts of quotation from authors belonging to Bakhtin's Circle are going to be used, amongst others. These concepts constitute the analysis criteria of the quoted texts, especially on how the quotation is made. The chosen methodological approach is a qualitative analysis from the quotations made on Facebook, as well as texts that help to visualize the dialogue between the traditional forms of quotation and the forms found on the abovementioned page. On the proposed dialogue about the concepts of quotation it is possible to notice the production of meaning caused by the way in which the quotation is made, by how the author of the page inserts herself in relation to the quoted text and, finally, by the relation of the text with the reader. Because this research bases itself on the dialogical discourse analysis, it be turned to the concept of dialogism, analyzing discourses in contact. Departing from there, one of the main goals is to understand which discourses dialogue when the production of the quotation and in what manner the quotation is made on the chosen means of communication
Estructura de Teleformación
“Dì che ti piace questa pagina”. Questo è uno dei tanti inviti rivolti a chi, ogni giorno, naviga in Internet. Che si stia leggendo un articolo sul sito de La Repubblica, o visitando il blog di un personaggio famoso o di un politico, i riferimenti ai social network sono ormai una presenza costante nelle pagine web. La facilità di restare in contatto con i propri amici, e la possibilità di collegarsi in qualsiasi momento, hanno portato gli utenti del Web 2.0 ad intensificare le discussioni, ed a commentare gli argomenti ed i contenuti prodotti dagli altri in un continuo e complesso “botta e risposta”. È possibile che quest'ambiente abbia favorito lo sviluppo di una nuova prospettiva della Rete, inteso come un nuovo modo di vedersi e di rapportarsi con gli altri, di esprimersi e di condividere le proprie storie e la propria storia. Per approfondire queste tematiche si è deciso di osservare alcuni dei social networks più diffusi, tra i quali Twitter e Facebook e, per raccogliere i dati più significativi di quest'ultimo, di sviluppare un'apposita applicazione software. Questa tesi tratterà gli aspetti teorici che hanno portato questa ricerca su scala nazionale e l'analisi dei requisiti del progetto; approfondirà le dinamiche progettuali e lo sviluppo dell'applicazione entro i vincoli imposti da Facebook, integrando un questionario per l'utente alla lettura dei dati. Dopo la descrizione delle fasi di testing e deployment, l'elaborato includerà un'analisi preliminare dei dati ottenuti per mezzo di una pre-elaborazione all'interno dell'applicazione stessa.
La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.
The media and the Internet may be having an influence on suicidal behavior. Online social networks such as Facebook represent a new facet of global information transfer. The impact of these online social networks on suicidal behavior has not yet been evaluated.
Facebook is a medium of social interaction producing its own style. I study how users from Malaga create this style through phonic features of the local variety and how they reflect on the use of these features. I then analyse the use of non-standard features by users from Malaga and compare them to an oral corpus. Results demonstrate that social factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Facebook communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity.
The wealth of social information presented on Facebook is astound-ing. While these affordances allow users to keep up-to-date, they also produce a basis for social comparison and envy on an unprecedented scale. Even though envy may endanger users’ life satisfaction and lead to platform avoidance, no study exists uncovering this dynamics. To close this gap, we build on responses of 584 Facebook users collected as part of two independent studies. In study 1, we explore the scale, scope, and nature of envy incidents triggered by Face-book. In study 2, the role of envy feelings is examined as a mediator between intensity of passive following on Facebook and users’ life satisfaction. Con-firming full mediation, we demonstrate that passive following exacerbates envy feelings, which decrease life satisfaction. From a provider’s perspective, our findings signal that users frequently perceive Facebook as a stressful environ-ment, which may, in the long-run, endanger platform sustainability.