828 resultados para FRONTAL LOBE EPILEPSY


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It is essential to keep track of the movements we make, and one way to do that is to monitor correlates, or corollary discharges, of neuronal movement commands. We hypothesized that a previously identified pathway from brainstem to frontal cortex might carry corollary discharge signals. We found that neuronal activity in this pathway encodes upcoming eye movements and that inactivating the pathway impairs sequential eye movements consistent with loss of corollary discharge without affecting single eye movements. These results identify a pathway in the brain of the primate Macaca mulatta that conveys corollary discharge signals.


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Latent inhibition (LI) is a measure of reduced learning about a stimulus to which there has been prior exposure without any consequence. It therefore requires a comparison between a pre-exposed (PE) and a non-pre-exposed (NPE) condition. Since, in animals, LI is disrupted by amphetamines and enhanced by antipsychotics, LI disruption has been proposed as a measure of the characteristic attentional deficit in schizophrenia: the inability to ignore irrelevant stimuli. The findings in humans are, however, inconsistent. In particular, a recent investigation suggested that since haloperidol disrupted LI in healthy volunteers, and LI was normal in non-medicated patients with schizophrenia, the previous findings in schizophrenic patients were entirely due to the negative effects of their medication on LI (Williams et al., 1998). We conducted two studies of antipsychotic drug effects on auditory LI using a within-subject, parallel group design in healthy volunteers. In the first of these, single doses of haloperidol (1 mg. i.v.) were compared with paroxetine (20 mg p.o.) and placebo, and in the second, chlorpromazine (100 mg p.o.) was compared with lorazepam (2 mg. p.o.) and placebo. Eye movements, neuropsychological test performance (spatial working memory (SWM), Tower of London and intra/extra dimensional shift, from the CANTAB test battery) and visual analogue rating scales, were also included as other measures of attention and frontal lobe function. Haloperidol was associated with a non-significant reduction in LI scores, and dysphoria/akathisia (Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale) in three-quarters of the subjects. The LI finding may be explained by increased distractibility which was indicated by an increase in antisaccade directional errors in this group. In contrast, LI was significantly increased by chlorpromazine but not by an equally sedative dose of lorazepam (both drugs causing marked decreases in peak saccadic velocity). Paroxetine had no effect on LI, eye movements or CANTAB neuropsychological test performance. Haloperidol was associated with impaired SWM, which correlated with the degree of dysphoria/akathisia, but no other drug effects on CANTAB measures were detected. We conclude that the effect of antipsychotics on LI is both modality and pharmacologically dependent and that further research using a wider range of antipsychotic compounds is necessary to clarify the cognitive effects of these drugs, and to determine whether there are important differences between them.


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Objectives: It is increasingly important to develop predictors of treatment response and outcome in schizophrenia. Neuropsychological impairments, particularly those reflecting frontal lobe function, appear to predict poor outcome. Eye movement abnormalities probably also reflect frontal lobe deficits. We wished to see if these two aspects of schizophrenia were correlated and whether they could distinguish a treatment resistant from a treatment responsive group. Methods: Ten treatment resistant schizophrenic patients were compared with ten treatment responsive patients on three eye movement paradigms (reflexive saccades, antisaccades and smooth pursuit), clinical psychopathology (BPRS, SANS and CGI) and a neuropsychological test battery designed to detect frontal lobe dysfunction. Ten aged-matched controls also carried out the eye movement tasks. Results: Both treatment responsive (p = 0.038) and treatment resistant (p = 0.007) patients differed significantly from controls on the antisaccade task. The treatment resistant group had a higher error rate than the treatment responsive group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Similar poor neuropsychological test performance was found in both groups. Conclusions: To demonstrate the biological differences characteristic of treatment resistance, larger sample sizes and wider differences in outcome between the two groups are necessary.


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Although much is now known about eye movement detection, little is known about the higher cognitive processes involved in joint attention. We developed video stimuli which when watched, engender an experience of joint attention in the observer. This allowed us to compare an experience of joint attention to nonjoint attention within an fMRI scanning environment. Joint attention was associated with activity in the ventromedial frontal cortex, the left superior frontal gyrus (BA10), cingulate cortex, and caudate nuclei. The ventromedial frontal cortex has been consistently shown to be activated during mental state attribution tasks. BA10 may serve a cognitive integration function, which in this case seems to utilize a perception–action matching process. The activation we identified in BA10 overlaps with a location of increased grey matter density that we recently found to be associated with autistic spectrum disorder. This study therefore constitutes evidence that the neural substrate of joint attention also serves a mentalizing function. The developmental failure of this substrate in the left anterior frontal lobe may be important in the etiology of autistic spectrum disorder.


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This study explored the pattern of memory functioning in 58 patients with chronic schizophrenia and compared their performance with 53 normal controls. Multiple domains of memory were assessed, including verbal and nonverbal memory span, verbal and non-verbal paired associate learning, verbal and visual long-term memory, spatial and non-spatial conditional associative learning, recognition memory and memory for temporal order. Consistent with previous studies, substantial deficits in long-term memory were observed, with relative preservation of memory span. Memory for temporal order and recognition memory was intact, although significant deficits were observed on the conditional associative learning tasks. There was no evidence of lateralized memory impairment. In these respects, the pattern of memory impairment in schizophrenia is more similar in nature to that found in patients with memory dysfunction following mesiotemporal lobe lesions, rather than that associated with focal frontal lobe damage. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 3-10 people per 100 000 in the Western world. The median age of onset is 40 years, with death typically following 15-20 years later. In this study, we biochemically profiled post-mortem frontal lobe and striatum from HD sufferers (n = 14) and compared their profiles with controls (n = 14). LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS detected a total of 5579 and 5880 features for frontal lobe and striatum, respectively. An ROC curve combining two spectral features from frontal lobe had an AUC value of 0.916 (0.794 to 1.000) and following statistical cross-validation had an 83% predictive accuracy for HD. Similarly, two striatum biomarkers gave an ROC AUC of 0.935 (0.806 to 1.000) and after statistical cross-validation predicted HD with 91.8% accuracy. A range of metabolite disturbances were evident including but-2-enoic acid and uric acid, which were altered in both frontal lobe and striatum. A total of seven biochemical pathways (three in frontal lobe and four in striatum) were significantly altered as a result of HD. This study highlights the utility of high-resolution metabolomics for the study of HD. Further characterization of the brain metabolome could lead to the identification of new biomarkers and novel treatment strategies for HD.


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Daytime napping improves well-being and performance for young adults. The benefits of napping in older adults should be investigated because they have fragmented nocturnal sleep, cognitive declines, and more opportunity to nap. In addition, experience with napping might influence the benefits of napping. Study 1 examined the role of experience with napping in young adults. Habitual (n = 23) and non-habitual nappers (n = 16) were randomly assigned to a 20-minute nap or a 20- minute reading condition. Both groups slept the same according to macro architecture. However, microarchitecture showed greater theta, alpha, and beta power during Stage 1, and greater delta, alpha, and sigma power during Stage 2 for habitual nappers, for the most part indicating better sleep. Both groups felt less sleepy after the nap. P2 latency, reflecting information processing, decreased after the nap for habitual nappers, and after the control condition for non-habitual nappers. In sum, both groups who slept felt better, but only the habitual nappers who napped gained a benefit in terms of information processing. Based on this outcome, experience with napping was investigated in Study 2. Study 2 examined the extent to which daytime napping enhanced cognition in older adults, especially frontal lobe function. Cognitive deficits in older adults may be due to sleep loss and age-related decline in brain functioning. Longer naps were expected to provide greater improvement, particularly for older adults, by reducing sleep pressure. Thirty-two adults, aged 24-70 years, participated in a repeated measures dose-response manipulation of sleep pressure. Twenty- and sixty-minute naps were compared to a no-nap condition in three age groups. Mood, subjective sleepiness, reaction time, working memory, 11 novelty detection, and waking electro physiological measures were taken before and after each condition. EEG was also recorded during each nap or rest condition. Napping reduced subjective sleepiness, improved working memory (serial addition / subtraction task), and improved attention (reduced P2 amplitude). Physiological sleepiness (i.e., waking theta power) increased following the control condition, and decreased after the longer nap. Increased beta power after the short nap, and seen with older adults overall, may have reflected increased mental effort. Older adults had longer latencies and smaller amplitudes for several event-related potential components, and higher beta and gamma power. Following the longer nap, gamma power decreased for older adults, but increased for young adults. Beta and gamma power may represent enhanced alertness or mental effort. In addition, Nl amplitude showed that benefits depend on the preceding nap length as well as age. Since the middle group had smaller Nl amplitudes following the short nap and rest condition, it is possible that they needed a longer nap to maintain alertness. Older adults did not show improvements to Nl amplitude following any condition; they may have needed a nap longer than 60 minutes to gain benefits to attention or early information processing. Sleep characteristics were not related to benefits of napping. Experience with napping was also investigated. Subjective data confirmed habitual nappers were happier to nap, while non-habitual nappers were happier to stay awake, reflecting self-identified napping habits. Non-habitual nappers were sleepier after a nap, and had faster brain activity (i.e., heightened vigilance) at sleep onset. These reasons may explain why non-habitual nappers choose not to nap.


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Event-related potentials were recorded from 10-year-old children and young adults in order to examine the developmental dififerences in two frontal lobe functions: detection of novel stimuli during an auditory novelty oddball task, and error detection during a visual flanker task. All participants showed a parietally-maximal P3 in response to auditory stimuli. In children, novel stimuli generated higher P3 amplitudes at the frontal site compared with target stimuli, whereas target stimuli generated higher P3 amplitudes at the parietal site compared with novel stimuli. Adults, however, had higher P3 amplitude to novel tones compared with target tones at each site. Children also had greater P3 amplitude at more parietal sites than adults during the novelty oddball and flanker tasks. Furthermore, children and adults did not show a significant reduction in P3 amplitude from the first to second novel stimulus presentation. No age differences were found with respect to P3 latency to novel and target stimuli. These findings suggest that the detection of novel and target stimuli is mature in 10-year-olds. Error trials typically elicit a negative ERP deflection (the ERN) with a frontal-central scalp distribution that may reflect response monitoring. There is also evidence of a positive ERP peak (the Pe) with a posterior scalp distribution which may reflect subjective recognition of a response. Both children and adults showed an ERN and Pe maximal at frontal-central sites. Children committed more errors, had smaller ERN across sites, and had a larger Pe at the parietal site than adults. This suggests that response monitoring is still immature in 10-year-olds whereas recognition of and emotional responses to errors may be similar in children and adults.


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Multiple measures have been devised by clinicians and theorists from many different backgrounds for the purpose of assessing the influence of the frontal lobes on behaviour. Some utilize self-report measures to investigate behavioural characteristics such as risktaking, sensation seeking, impulsivity, and sensitivity to reward and punishment in an attempt to understand complex human decision making. Others rely more on neuroimaging and electrophysiological investigation involving experimental tasks thought to demonstrate executive functions in action, while other researchers prefer to study clinical populations with selective damage. Neuropsychological models of frontal lobe functioning have led to a greater appreciation of the dissociations among various aspects of prefrontal cortex function. This thesis involves (1) an examination of various psychometric and experimental indices of executive functions for coherence as one would predict on the basis of highly developed neurophysiological models of prefrontal function, particularly those aspects of executive function that involve predominantly cognitive abilities versus processes characterized by affect regulation; and (2) investigation of the relations between risk-taking, attentional abilties and their associated characteristics using a neurophysiological model of prefrontal functions addressed in (1). Late adolescence is a stage in which the prefrontal cortices undergo intensive structural and functional maturational changes; this period also involves increases in levels of risky and sensation driven behaviours, as well as a hypersensitivity to reward and a reduction in inhibition. Consequently, late adolescence spears to represent an ideal developmental period in which to examine these decision-making behaviours due to the maximum variability of behavioural characteristics of interest. Participants were 45 male undergraduate 18- to 19-year olds, who completed a battery of measures that included self-report, experimental and behavioural measures designed to assess particular aspects of prefrontal and executive functioning. As predicted, factor analysis supported the grouping of executive process by type (either primarily cognitive or affective), conforming to the orbitofrontal versus dorsolateral typology; risk-taking and associated characteristics were associated more with the orbitofrontal than the dorsolateral factor, whereas attentional and planning abilities tended to correlate more strongly with the dorsolateral factor. Results are discussed in light of future assessment, investigation and understanding of complex human decision-making and executive functions. Implications, applications and suggestions for future research are also proposed.


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Les modèles kainate et pentylènetétrazole représentent deux modèles d’épilepsie du lobe temporal dont les conséquences à long terme sont différentes. Le premier est un modèle classique d’épileptogénèse avec crises récurrentes spontanées tandis que le second se limite aux crises aigües. Nous avons d’abord caractérisé les différents changements survenant dans les circuits excitateurs et inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe adulte de rats ayant subi des crises à l’âge immature. Ensuite, ayant observé dans le modèle fébrile une différence du pronostic lié au genre, nous avons voulu savoir si cette différence était aussi présente dans des modèles utilisant des neurotoxines. L’étude électrophysiologique a démontré que les rats KA et PTZ, mâles comme femelles, présentaient une hyperactivité des récepteurs NMDA au niveau des cellules pyramidales du CA1, CA3 et DG. Les modifications anatomiques sous-tendant cette hyperexcitabilité ont été étudiées et les résultats ont montré une perte sélective des interneurones GABAergiques contenant la parvalbumine dans les couches O/A du CA1 des mâles KA et PTZ. Chez les femelles, seul le DG était légèrement affecté pour les PTZ tandis que les KA présentaient, en plus du DG, des pertes importantes au niveau de la couche O/A. Les évaluations cognitives ont démontré que seuls les rats PTZ accusaient un déficit spatial puisque les rats KA présentaient un apprentissage comparable aux rats normaux. Cependant, encore une fois, cette différence n’était présente que chez les mâles. Ainsi, nos résultats confirment qu’il y a des différences liées au genre dans les conséquences des convulsions lorsqu’elles surviennent chez l’animal immature.


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En raison de l’utilisation d’un mode de communication totalement différent de celui des entendants, le langage des signes, et de l’absence quasi-totale d’afférences en provenance du système auditif, il y a de fortes chances que d’importantes modifications fonctionnelles et structurales s’effectuent dans le cerveau des individus sourds profonds. Les études antérieures suggèrent que cette réorganisation risque d’avoir des répercussions plus importantes sur les structures corticales situées le long de la voie visuelle dorsale qu’à l’intérieur de celles situées à l’intérieur de la voie ventrale. L’hypothèse proposée par Ungerleider et Mishkin (1982) quant à la présence de deux voies visuelles dans les régions occipitales, même si elle demeure largement acceptée dans la communauté scientifique, s’en trouve aussi relativement contestée. Une voie se projetant du cortex strié vers les régions pariétales postérieures, est impliquée dans la vision spatiale, et l’autre se projetant vers les régions du cortex temporal inférieur, est responsable de la reconnaissance de la forme. Goodale et Milner (1992) ont par la suite proposé que la voie dorsale, en plus de son implication dans le traitement de l’information visuo-spatiale, joue un rôle dans les ajustements sensori-moteurs nécessaires afin de guider les actions. Dans ce contexte, il est tout à fait plausible de considérer qu’un groupe de personne utilisant un langage sensori-moteur comme le langage des signes dans la vie de tous les jours, s’expose à une réorganisation cérébrale ciblant effectivement la voie dorsale. L’objectif de la première étude est d’explorer ces deux voies visuelles et plus particulièrement, la voie dorsale, chez des individus entendants par l’utilisation de deux stimuli de mouvement dont les caractéristiques physiques sont très similaires, mais qui évoquent un traitement relativement différent dans les régions corticales visuelles. Pour ce faire, un stimulus de forme définie par le mouvement et un stimulus de mouvement global ont été utilisés. Nos résultats indiquent que les voies dorsale et ventrale procèdent au traitement d’une forme définie par le mouvement, tandis que seule la voie dorsale est activée lors d’une tâche de mouvement global dont les caractéristiques psychophysiques sont relativement semblables. Nous avons utilisé, subséquemment, ces mêmes stimulations activant les voies dorsales et ventrales afin de vérifier quels pourraient être les différences fonctionnelles dans les régions visuelles et auditives chez des individus sourds profonds. Plusieurs études présentent la réorganisation corticale dans les régions visuelles et auditives en réponse à l’absence d’une modalité sensorielle. Cependant, l’implication spécifique des voies visuelles dorsale et ventrale demeure peu étudiée à ce jour, malgré plusieurs résultats proposant une implication plus importante de la voie dorsale dans la réorganisation visuelle chez les sourds. Suite à l’utilisation de l’imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle pour investiguer ces questions, nos résultats ont été à l’encontre de cette hypothèse suggérant une réorganisation ciblant particulièrement la voie dorsale. Nos résultats indiquent plutôt une réorganisation non-spécifique au type de stimulation utilisé. En effet, le gyrus temporal supérieur est activé chez les sourds suite à la présentation de toutes nos stimulations visuelles, peu importe leur degré de complexité. Le groupe de participants sourds montre aussi une activation du cortex associatif postérieur, possiblement recruté pour traiter l’information visuelle en raison de l’absence de compétition en provenance des régions temporales auditives. Ces résultats ajoutent aux données déjà recueillies sur les modifications fonctionnelles qui peuvent survenir dans tout le cerveau des personnes sourdes, cependant les corrélats anatomiques de la surdité demeurent méconnus chez cette population. Une troisième étude se propose donc d’examiner les modifications structurales pouvant survenir dans le cerveau des personnes sourdes profondes congénitales ou prélinguales. Nos résultats montrent que plusieurs régions cérébrales semblent être différentes entre le groupe de participants sourds et celui des entendants. Nos analyses ont montré des augmentations de volume, allant jusqu’à 20%, dans les lobes frontaux, incluant l’aire de Broca et d’autres régions adjacentes impliqués dans le contrôle moteur et la production du langage. Les lobes temporaux semblent aussi présenter des différences morphométriques même si ces dernières ne sont pas significatives. Enfin, des différences de volume sont également recensées dans les parties du corps calleux contenant les axones permettant la communication entre les régions temporales et occipitales des deux hémisphères.


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Les patients atteints d'épilepsie du lobe temporal (TLE) ainsi que les rats injectés à l'acide kaïnique (KA) exhibent des patrons pathophysiologiques similaires de crises, de sclérose de l'hippocampe et de perte de certains types neuronaux. Parmi les cellules atteintes dans le modèle KA du TLE on retrouve certains interneurones inhibiteurs du CA1. En effet, certains interneurones des couches oriens et alveus (O/A-IN) meurent suite à une injection de KA chez le rat, contrairement aux interneurones à la bordure des couches radiatum et lacunosum/moleculare (R/LM-IN) de la même région. Bien que cette perte soit empêchée par des antagonistes des récepteurs glutamatergiques métabotropes de groupe I (mGluR1/5), la cause de cette perte sélective des O/A-INs reste à être précisée. Au cours des travaux de cette thèse, nous avons effectué des enregistrements de patch-clamp en configuration cellule-entière en modes courant- et voltage-imposé couplés à l'imagerie calcique pour étudier les causes de la vulnérabilité sélective des O/A-INs dans ce modèle. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué les effets d'une application aiguë de KA sur les propriétés membranaires et calciques pour voir s'il y avait des différences entre les O/A-INs et R/LM-INs qui pourraient expliquer la vulnérabilité. Nos résultats montrent que les dépolarisations et variations de résistance d'entrée ainsi que les augmentations de calcium intracellulaire, dépendantes principalement des récepteurs -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasole propionic acid (AMPA), sont similaires entre les deux types d'interneurones suite à des applications aigües de KA. Ceci indique que l'effet aigu du KA sur les interneurones ne serait pas la cause de la vulnérabilité des O/A-INs. Dans un second temps nous avons comparé l'implication des sous-types de récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 dans l'activité épileptiforme des deux types d'interneurones évoquée dans un modèle de tranche désinhibée. Dans ce cas, nos données montrent un rôle important des mGluR1 et 5 activés synaptiquement lors des décharges épileptiformes et ce, de manière spécifique aux O/A-INs. Les courants synaptiques sous-tendant ces décharges impliquent des récepteurs ionotropes et métabotropes du glutamate. En présence d'antagonistes des récepteurs ionotropes glutamatergiques, les courants synaptiques sont biphasiques et formés de composantes rapide et lente. Les récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 sont différemment impliqués dans ces composantes: les mGluR5 étant impliqués dans les composantes rapide et lente, et les mGluR1 que dans la composante lente. Ces résultats indiquent que les mGluR1 et 5 contribuent différemment à l'activité épileptiforme, et spécifiquement dans les O/A-INs, et pourraient donc être impliqués dans la vulnérabilité sélective de ces interneurones dans le modèle KA.


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Abstract Objective. Cerebral edema is a serious complication of acute liver failure (ALF), which may lead to intracranial hypertension and death. An accepted tenet has been that the blood-brain barrier is intact and that brain edema is primarily caused by a cytotoxic etiology due to hyperammonemia. However, the neuropathological changes in ALF have been poorly studied. Using a well characterized porcine model we aimed to investigate ultrastructural changes in the brain from pigs suffering from ALF. Materials and methods. Sixteen female Norwegian Landrace pigs weighing 27-35 kg were randomised into two groups: ALF (n = 8) and sham operated controls (n = 8). ALF was induced with an end-to-side portacaval shunt followed by ligation of the hepatic arteries. Biopsies were harvested from three different areas of the brain (frontal lobe, cerebellum, and brain stem) following eight hours of ALF and analyzed using electron microscopy. Results. Profound perivascular and interstitial edema were found in all three areas. Disruption of pericytic and astrocytic processes were seen, reflecting breakdown/lesion of the blood-brain barrier in animals suffering from ALF. Furthermore, neurons and axons were edematous and surrounded by vesicles. Severe damage to Purkinje neuron (necrosis) and damaged myelin were seen in the cerebellum and brain stem, respectively. Biopsies from sham operated animals were normal. Conclusions. Our data support the concept that vasogenic brain edema plays an important role in the development of intracranial hypertension in pigs with ALF.


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Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been described in a wide range of neurological diseases including animal models of epilepsy. The present study was undertaken to assess COX-2 expression in hippocampal biopsies from patients with therapy-refractive temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). For this purpose, hippocampal CA1 subfield was dissected from epileptic patients with (n=5) or without (n=2) hippocampal sclerosis (HS). COX-2 expression was investigated using immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. COX-2 immunoreactivity in TLE patient material in the absence of HS was restricted to a few neurons of the hippocampus. In the presence of HS, on the other hand, a significant induction of astrocytic COX-2 immunoreactivity associated with a concomitant increase in the steady-state level of COX-2 mRNA was observed in the CA1 subfield. These findings suggest that induction of astrocytic COX-2 is implicated in the pathogenesis of HS in TLE and is consistent with the previous findings of increased concentrations of prostaglandins in the cerebrospinal fluid of these patients.


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Les ataxies forment un groupe de maladies neurodégénératives qui sont caractérisées par un manque de coordination des mouvements volontaires. Mes travaux ont porté sur une forme d'ataxie à début tardif (LOCA), après l’âge de 50 ans. Les principales caractéristiques cliniques sont: atrophie cérébelleuse à l’IRM (88%), dysarthrie (81%), atrophie du lobe frontal (50%) et nystagmus (52%). La ségrégation dans les familles de cette ataxie est en faveur d’une transmission récessive. Afin d'identifier le gène responsable de LOCA, nous avons recruté 38 patients affectés d'une forme tardive d'ataxie, issus du SLSJ, des Cantons de l’Est ou d’autres régions du Québec. Un premier criblage du génome a été effectué avec des marqueurs microsatellites sur une famille clé. Une analyse de liaison paramétrique nous a suggéré une liaison au chromosome 13 (4.4Mb). Une recherche d’un haplotype partagé entre 17 familles LOCA a diminué la taille de l'intervalle candidat à 1.6Mb, mais l’haplotype s’est avéré fréquent dans la population canadienne-française. Un second criblage du génome avec des marqueurs SNP nous a permis d’évaluer par cartographie d’homozygotie la possibilité qu’une mutation fondatrice partagée dans des sous-groupes de malades. Plusieurs stratégies d'analyse ont été effectuées, entre autre par regroupement régional. Aucun loci candidats ne fut identifié avec confiance. Nous avons donc combiné les données de génotypage avec le séquençage exomique afin d'identifier le gène responsable. L'analyse de six individus atteints nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de variants rare contenant quatre gènes potentiels. Cette analyse doit se poursuivre pour identifier le gène responsable de LOCA.