988 resultados para FIRE MANAGEMENT


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Resource selection by animals influences individual fitness, the abundance of local populations, and the distribution of species. Further, the degree to which individuals select particular resources can be altered by numerous factors including competition, predation, and both natural- and human-induced environmental change. Understanding the influence of such factors on the way animals use resources can guide species conservation and management in changing environments. In this study, we investigated the effects of a prescribed fire on small-scale (microhabitat) resource selection, abundance, body condition, and movement pathways of a native Australian rodent, the bush rat (Rattus fuscipes). Using a before-after, control-impact design, we gathered data from 60 individuals fitted with spool and line tracking devices. In unburnt forest, selection of resources by bush rats was positively related to rushes, logs and complex habitat, and negatively related to ferns and litter. Fire caused selection for spreading grass, rushes, and complex habitat to increase relative to an unburnt control location. At the burnt location after the fire, rats selected patches of unburnt vegetation, and no rats were caught at a trapping site where most of the understory had been burnt. The fire also reduced bush rat abundance and body condition and caused movement pathways to become more convoluted. After the fire, some individuals moved through burnt areas but the majority of movements occurred within unburnt patches. The effects of fire on bush rat resource selection, movement, body condition, and abundance were likely driven by several linked factors including limited access to shelter and food due to the loss of understory vegetation and heightened levels of perceived predation risk. Our findings suggest the influence of prescribed fire on small mammals will depend on the resulting mosaic of burnt and unburnt patches and how well this corresponds to the resource requirements of particular species.


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Fire is a major management issue in the southwestern United States. Three spatial models of fire risk for Coconino County, Northern Arizona. These models were generated using thematic data layers depicting vegetation, elevation, wind speed and direction, and precipitation for January (winter), June (summer), and July (start of monsoon season). ArcGIS 9.0 was used to weight attributes in raster layers to reflect their influence on fire risk and to interpolate raster data layers from point data. Final models were generated using the raster calculator in the Spatial Analyst extension of ArcGIS 9.0. Ultimately, the unique combinations of variables resulted in three different models illustrating the change in fire risk during the year.


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This study records the consequences of fire upon the soil and structure of the Amazonian Forest of Gaucha do Norte, Mato Grosso state, Brazil (13degrees12'S and 53degrees20'W). For this, the number of individuals sampled in 1 ha of the forest, during a phytosociological survey completed 2 days before the accidental fire, was compared with the survivors recorded afterwards in the reinventory of the area taken 2 days and 10 months after the fire. For the surveys, the area of 1 ha was subdivided into 50 plots of 10 m x 20 m, and all the individuals with circumference at breast height (CBH) greater than or equal to 15 cm were sampled. Chemical analysis of the 30 soil samples collected 2 days before the fire were compared with those obtained 15 days and 1 year after the fire. It was seen that, soon after the fire, there was a significant increase in the nutrient levels in the soil, an increase in the pH and a decrease in the aluminum toxicity. However, after 1 year, losses by lixiviation resulted in a nutrient reserve in the soil of less than that before the fire. The tree mortality was extremely high (23.98%), particularly amongst the younger individuals of the population (93.68% of the total of deaths in the period). There was no significant reduction in the forest richness analyzed: 60% of the species had reduced populations after the fire, but just four species were locally extinct. Results, however, demonstrated a role for fire in the selection of resistant species or those adapted to fires, since some species demonstrated a greater tolerance to the fire than others. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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QuestionsWe aimed to analyse the effect of fire on flowering in subtropical grasslands, by addressing the following questions: will fire history affect flowering? If yes, do fire feedbacks influence flowering or is it just the removal of above-ground biomass? Are there differences in burned and mowed plots?LocationSubtropical grasslands in Southern Brazil (30 degrees 03S, 51 degrees 07W).MethodsWe established plots in areas with different fire histories: 30d (30 plots: five replicates), 1yr (14 replicates), 3yr (30 plots: five replicates) since the last fire, in experimentally burned and mowed plots (14 replicates each). We counted the number of flowering species, as well as the number of flowering stalks.ResultsGraminoid species flowered in highest numbers 1yr after fire, whilst forbs had more species flowering just after fire, indicating different reproductive strategies in post-fire environments. Mowing was not as efficient as fire in stimulating flowering. Finally, the different functional groups showed different flowering responses to time since last fire and to the different types of management.ConclusionsOur results show fire stimulated flowering. Although mowing can be a good alternative for maintaining plant diversity, our study showed that this practice is not as efficient as fire in stimulating flowering. However, fire season should be noted as a limiting factor to the recovery of C-3 grasses in these subtropical grasslands, and annual burns may be harmful to C-4 grasses, since they delay their flowering to the next post-fire growing season.


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[EN] This paper describes a wildfire forecasting application based on a 3D virtual environment and a fire simulation engine. A new open source framework is presented for the development of 3D graphics applications over large geographic areas offering high performance 3D visualization and powerful interaction tools for the Geographic Information Systems community. The application includes a remote module that allows simultaneous connection of several users for monitoring a real wildfire event. The user is enabled to simulate and visualize a wildfire spreading on the terrain under conditions of spatial information on topography and fuels along with weather and wind files.


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Oriental fire-bellied toads (Bombina orientalis) are small semi-aquatic anuran species popular as both pets and laboratory animals. Although they are commonly anaesthetized to undergo clinical and experimental procedures, very little is known about their anaesthetic management. The aims of this prospective, randomized, cross-over experimental trial were to establish effective butorphanol and morphine concentrations to be added to alfaxalone for immersion anaesthesia (pilot study), and to compare the anaesthetic and antinociceptive effects of the two drug mixtures (alfaxalone-butorphanol and alfaxalone-morphine), in Bombina orientalis toads. For the actual trial, the toads were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: AB and AM, with seven animals in each group, which received alfaxalone-butorphanol and alfaxalone-morphine combinations, respectively, at the concentrations established during the pilot study. Heart rate, respiratory rate, von Frey filament threshold and response to nociceptive withdrawal (NWR), righting and myotactic reflexes were measured at 5 min intervals until return of righting reflex was observed. The investigator who carried out all the measurements was blinded to the treatment. Any undesired effect or complication was noted and recorded. The two treatments were found to be comparable in terms of onset and duration of anaesthesia, and occurrence of undesired effects. However, group AM resulted in lower NWR scores and higher von Frey filament thresholds than group AB. It is concluded that, at the investigated concentrations and in combination with alfaxalone by immersion, morphine provides better antinociception than butorphanol in oriental fire-bellied toads.


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Variability in fire regime at the continental scale has primarily been attributed to climate change, often overshadowing the widely potential impact of human activities. However, human ignition modifies the rhythm of fire episodes occurrence (fire frequency), whereas land use alters vegetation composition and fuel load, and thus the amount of biomass burned. It is unclear, however, whether and how humans have exercised a significant influence over fire regimes at continental and millennial scales. Based on sedimentary charcoal records, we use new alternative estimate of fire frequency and biomass burned for the last 16000 years (here after 16 ky) that we evaluate with outputs from climate, vegetation, land use and population models. We find that pronounced regional-scale land use changes in southern Europe at the beginning of the Neolithic (8–6 ky), during the Bronze Age (5–4 ky) and the medieval period (1 ky) caused a doubling of fire frequency compared to the Holocene average (the last 11.5 ky). Despite anthropogenic influences, southern European biomass burned decreased from 7 ky, which is in line both with changes in orbital parameters leading climate cooling and also reductions in biomass availability because of land use. Our study underscores the role of elevation-dependent parameters, and particularly biomass and land management, as major drivers of fire regime variability. Results attest a determinant anthropogenic driving-force on fire regime and a decrease in fire-carbon emissions since 7 ky in Southern Europe.


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In this study, we seeded a native plant species and applied a mulch of chopped wood originating from the same burned area to avoid the establishment of invasive species. We evaluated four treatments: (1) seeding, (2) mulch, (3) seeding and mulch, and (4) control. Our objective was to increase plant recovery and to minimize the soil erosion and degradation. The study was conducted in Alicante, Spain in Torremanzanas forest of the semi-arid Mediterranean bioclimatic area after the wildfire of November, 2002. During three years of monitoring, we find that combined treatment: seeding and mulch increased the post fire plant recovery 20% approximately more than the rest of treatments and the control plots. We also found that seven months after treating mulch and seeding and mulch treatments presented a gain of soil: +5.18 to + 5.24 mm while the seeding treatment and control plots presented soil loss rates of: −0.48 to −0.49 mm. In addition, mulch treatment significantly decreased soil compaction to the half, and increased the infiltration capacity to 40 ml.mn−1 more than in plots without mulch, as well as increased the soil respiration to the double compared with no mulch plots. Work in progress confirms the positive effect of chopped wood as mulching treatment with or without seeding on the soil protection against soil erosion, and the amelioration of bio-physical properties after wildfires in the Mediterranean semi-arid burned areas.


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Transportation Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Item 245


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Mode of access: Internet.