976 resultados para FAD2.2 gene


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Histone H1 in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania is a developmentally regulated protein encoded by two genes, HIS-1.1 and HIS-1.2. These genes are separated by approximately 20 kb of sequence and are located on the same DNA strand of chromosome 27. When Northern blots of parasite RNA were probed with HIS-1 strand-specific riboprobes, we detected sense and antisense transcripts that were polyadenylated and developmentally regulated. When the HIS-1.2 coding region was replaced with the coding region of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene, antisense transcription of this gene was unaffected, indicating that the regulatory elements controlling antisense transcription were located outside of the HIS-1.2 gene, and that transcription in Leishmania can occur from both DNA strands even in the presence of transcription of a selectable marker in the complementary strand. A search for other antisense transcripts within the HIS-1 locus identified an additional transcript (SC-1) within the intervening HIS-1 sequence, downstream of adenine and thymine-rich sequences. These results show that gene expression in Leishmania is not only regulated polycistronically from the sense strand of genomic DNA, but that the complementary strand of DNA also contains sequences that could drive expression of open reading frames from the antisense strand of DNA. These findings suggest that the parasite has evolved in such a way as to maximise the transcription of its genome, a mechanism that might be important for it to maintain virulence.


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Spondylo-megaepiphyseal-metaphyseal dysplasia (SMMD; OMIM 613330) is a dysostosis/dysplasia caused by recessive mutations in the homeobox-containing gene, NKX3-2 (formerly known as BAPX1). Because of the rarity of the condition, its diagnostic features and natural course are not well known. We describe clinical and radiographic findings in six patients (five of which with homozygous mutations in the NKX3-2 gene) and highlight the unusual and severe changes in the cervical spine and the neurologic complications. In individuals with SMMD, the trunk and the neck are short, while the limbs, fingers and toes are disproportionately long. Radiographs show a severe ossification delay of the vertebral bodies with sagittal and coronal clefts, missing ossification of the pubic bones, large round "balloon-like" epiphyses of the long bones, and presence of multiple pseudoepiphyses at all metacarpals and phalanges. Reduced or absent ossification of the cervical vertebrae leads to cervical instability with anterior or posterior kinking of the cervical spine (swan neck-like deformity, kyknodysostosis). As a result of the cervical spine instability or deformation, five of six patients in our series suffered cervical cord injury that manifested clinically as limb spasticity. Although the number of individuals observed is small, the high incidence of cervical spine deformation in SMMD is unique among skeletal dysplasias. Early diagnosis of SMMD by recognition of the radiographic pattern might prevent of the neurologic complications via prophylactic cervical spine stabilization. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Aim: The insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone (RTZ) acts by activating peroxisome proliferator and activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma), an effect accompanied in vivo in humans by an increase in fat storage. We hypothesized that this effect concerns PPARgamma(1) and PPARgamma(2) differently and is dependant on the origin of the adipose cells (subcutaneous or visceral). To this aim, the effect of RTZ, the PPARgamma antagonist GW9662 and lentiviral vectors expressing interfering RNA were evaluated on human pre-adipocyte models. Methods: Two models were investigated: the human pre-adipose cell line Chub-S7 and primary pre-adipocytes derived from subcutaneous and visceral biopsies of adipose tissue (AT) obtained from obese patients. Cells were used to perform oil-red O staining, gene expression measurements and lentiviral infections. Results: In both models, RTZ was found to stimulate the differentiation of pre-adipocytes into mature cells. This was accompanied by significant increases in both the PPARgamma(1) and PPARgamma(2) gene expression, with a relatively stronger stimulation of PPARgamma(2). In contrast, RTZ failed to stimulate differentiation processes when cells were incubated in the presence of GW9662. This effect was similar to the effect observed using interfering RNA against PPARgamma(2). It was accompanied by an abrogation of the RTZ-induced PPARgamma(2) gene expression, whereas the level of PPARgamma(1) was not affected. Conclusions: Both the GW9662 treatment and interfering RNA against PPARgamma(2) are able to abrogate RTZ-induced differentiation without a significant change of PPARgamma(1) gene expression. These results are consistent with previous results obtained in animal models and suggest that in humans PPARgamma(2) may also be the key isoform involved in fat storage.


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Background: Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is a reversible form of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency commonly triggered by stressors such as excessive exercise, nutritional deficits, or psychological distress. Women vary in their susceptibility to inhibition of the reproductive axis by such stressors, but it is unknown whether this variability reflects a genetic predisposition to hypothalamic amenorrhea. We hypothesized that mutations in genes involved in idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a congenital form of GnRH deficiency, are associated with hypothalamic amenorrhea. Methods: We analyzed the coding sequence of genes associated with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in 55 women with hypothalamic amenorrhea and performed in vitro studies of the identified mutations. Results: Six heterozygous mutations were identified in 7 of the 55 patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea: two variants in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 gene FGFR1 (G260E and R756H), two in the prokineticin receptor 2 gene PROKR2 (R85H and L173R), one in the GnRH receptor gene GNRHR (R262Q), and one in the Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence gene KAL1 (V371I). No mutations were found in a cohort of 422 controls with normal menstrual cycles. In vitro studies showed that FGFR1 G260E, FGFR1 R756H, and PROKR2 R85H are loss-of-function mutations, as has been previously shown for PROKR2 L173R and GNRHR R262Q. Conclusions: Rare variants in genes associated with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are found in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea, suggesting that these mutations may contribute to the variable susceptibility of women to the functional changes in GnRH secretion that characterize hypothalamic amenorrhea. Our observations provide evidence for the role of rare variants in common multifactorial disease. (Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00494169.)


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Several studies have demonstrated that mice are polymorphic for the number of renin genes, with some inbred strains harboring one gene (Ren-1(c)) and other strains containing two genes (Ren-1(d) and Ren-2). In this study, the effects of 1% salt and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)/salt were investigated in one- and two-renin gene mice, for elucidation of the role of renin in the modulation of BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt and DOCA. The results demonstrated that, under baseline conditions, mice with two renin genes exhibited 10-fold higher plasma renin activity, 100-fold higher plasma renin concentrations, elevated BP (which was angiotensin II-dependent), and an increased cardiac weight index, compared with one-renin gene mice (all P < 0.01). The presence of two renin genes markedly increased the BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt. The number of renin genes also modulated the responses to DOCA/salt. In one-renin gene mice, DOCA/salt induced significant renal and cardiac hypertrophy (P < 0.01) even in the absence of any increase in BP. Treatment with losartan, an angiotensin II AT(1) receptor antagonist, decreased BP in two-renin gene mice but not in one-renin gene mice. However, losartan prevented the development of cardiac hypertrophy in both groups of mice. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that renin genes are important determinants of BP and of the responses to salt and DOCA in mice. The results confirm that the Ren-2 gene, which controls renin production mainly in the submaxillary gland, is physiologically active in mice and is not subject to the usual negative feedback control. Finally, these data provide further evidence that mineralocorticoids promote cardiac hypertrophy even in the absence of BP changes. This hypertrophic process is mediated in part by the activation of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors.


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Purpose/Objective: NLRs are intracellular proteins involved in sensing pathogen- and danger-associated molecular patterns, thereby initiating inflammatory responses or cell death. The function of the family member NLRC5 remains a matter of debate, particularly with respect to NF-jB activation, type I IFN, and MHC class I expression. Materials and methods: To study the function of this NLR in vivo, we generated Nlrc5-deficient mice. Results: We found that NLRC5 deletion led to a mild reduction in MHC class I expression on DCs and an intermediate decrease on B cells, while MHC class I levels were dramatically lowered on T, NKT, and NK cells. Nlrc5-/- lymphocytes showed decreased H-2 gene transcript abundance and, accordingly, NLRC5 was sufficient to drive MHC class I expression in a human lymphoid cell line. Moreover, endogenous NLRC5 localized to the nucleus and occupied the proximal promoter region of H-2 genes. Notably, cytotoxic T cell-mediated elimination of Nlrc5-/- lymphocytes was markedly reduced. In addition, we observed low NLRC5 expression in several murine and human lymphoid-derived tumor cell lines. Conclusions: We found that NLRC5 acts as a key transcriptional regulator of MHC class I genes, in particular in lymphocytes. Loss of NLRC5 expression represents an advantage for evading CD8+ T cellmediated elimination by downmodulation of MHCI levels * a mechanism transformed cells may take advantage of. Therefore, our data support an essential role for NLRs in directing not only innate, but also adaptive immune responses (Staehli F et al. J Immunol 2012).


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Mastitis has been recognized for some time as the most costly disease in dairy herds. From February to November 2004, 670 samples of bovine mastitic milk from which 231 Escherichia coli strains were isolated, were collected from two Brazilian states. The strains were screened for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing (stx 1 and stx 2) and intimin (eae) genes. Twenty (8.6%) strains were detected by PCR to harbor the Shiga toxin genes (8 the stx 1 gene, 12 the stx 2 gene and none both of them). Two (0.8%) of the Escherichia coli strains studied were eae positive non Shiga toxin-producing. The strains were also examined for resistance to 12 antimicrobial agents. The predominantly observed resistance was to tetracycline (92.2%), streptomycin (90.4%), nalidixic acid (88.3%), amikacin (86.5%) and cephalothin (84.8%). Multidrug resistance was found among 152 isolates (65.8%).


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L’arthrose (OA) est une maladie articulaire dégénérative à l’étiologie complexe et diverse. Les travaux de ces dernières années ont démontré que l’OA est une pathologie affectant tous les tissus de l’articulation incluant le cartilage, la membrane synoviale et l’os sous-chondral. L’OA se traduit par une déstructuration et une perte de fonctionnalité de l’articulation, et est principalement caractérisée par une perte de cartilage articulaire. L’inflammation de la membrane synoviale joue un rôle déterminant dans la progression de l’OA, toutefois elle serait secondaire à la dégradation du cartilage. De plus, l’os sous-chondral est également le siège de nombreuses transformations lors de l’OA. Il est fortement suggéré que ces changements ne correspondent pas seulement à une conséquence, mais pourraient être une cause du développement de l’OA impliquant une communication entre ce tissu et le cartilage. Il est maintenant bien établi que les voies inflammatoires et cataboliques jouent un rôle crucial dans l’OA. C’est pourquoi, nous avons étudié l’implication d’une nouvelle famille de récepteurs membranaires, les PARs, et plus particulièrement le PAR-2 dans les voies physiopathologiques de l’OA. Notre hypothèse est que l’activation de PAR-2 au cours de l’OA est un phénomène majeur du développement/progression de la maladie faisant du récepteur PAR-2 un candidat privilégié pour le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques ciblant non seulement le cartilage mais aussi l’os sous-chondral. Pour cette étude, nous avons travaillé in vitro avec des chondrocytes (Cr) et des ostéoblastes (Ob) OA respectivement du cartilage et de l’os sous-chondral du condyle fémoral humain. Nos résultats ont démontré que PAR-2 était plus exprimé dans les Cr et les Ob OA que dans les cellules normales. Par ailleurs, PAR-2 est régulé positivement par certains facteurs retrouvés au cours de l’OA comme l’IL-1β, le TNF-α et le TGF-β dans les Cr OA, et par l’IL-1β, le TNF-α et la PGE2 dans les Ob OA. De plus, les principaux facteurs cataboliques et inflammatoires, soit la MMP-1, la MMP-13 et la COX-2 sont produits en quantité plus élevée suite à l’activation du récepteur dans le cartilage OA. De même, l’activation de PAR-2 dans les Ob OA conduit à une production accrue de facteurs pro-résorptifs tels que RANKL, l’IL-6, la MMP-1 et la MMP-9, et à l’augmentation de l’activité pro-résorptive de ces cellules. En outre, dans les deux types tissulaires étudiés, l’activation de PAR-2 augmente l’activité de certaines protéines de la famille des MAPKinases comme Erk1/2, p38 et JNK. Finalement, nous avons conclu notre étude en employant un modèle in vivo d’OA induite chez la souris sauvage et déficiente pour le gène PAR-2. Nos résultats ont démontré que l’absence d’expression et de production de PAR-2 influençait le processus inflammatoire et les changements structuraux affectant à la fois le cartilage et l’os sous-chondral, conduisant à un ralentissement du développement de l’OA. Nos travaux de recherche ont donc permis de montrer que le récepteur PAR-2 est un élément majeur du processus OA en agissant sur les voies cataboliques et inflammatoires du cartilage, et sur le remodelage tissulaire de l’os sous-chondral. Mots-clés : Arthrose, chondrocyte, cartilage, ostéoblaste, os sous-chondral, PAR-2, MMPs, COX, ILs, RANKL, résorption osseuse, MAPKinase, catabolisme, inflammation


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Les estrogènes jouent un rôle primordial dans le développement et le fonctionnement des tissus reproducteurs par leurs interactions avec les récepteurs des estrogènes ERα et ERβ. Ces récepteurs nucléaires agissent comme facteurs de transcription et contrôlent l’expression des gènes de façon hormono-dépendante et indépendante grâce à leurs deux domaines d’activation (AF-1 et AF-2). Une dérégulation de leur activité transcriptionnelle est souvent à l’origine de pathologies telles que le cancer du sein, de l’endomètre et des ovaires. Alors que ERα est utilisé comme facteur pronostic pour l’utilisation d’agents thérapeutiques, l’importance de la valeur clinique de ERβ est encore controversée. Toutefois, des évidences récentes lui associent un pouvoir anti-tumorigénique en démontrant que sa présence favorise l’inhibition de la progression de ces cancers ainsi que l’efficacité des traitements. En combinaisons avec d’autres études, ces observations démontrent que bien que les deux isoformes partagent une certaine similitude d’action, les ERs sont en mesure d’exercer des fonctions distinctes. Ces différences sont fortement attribuables au faible degré d’homologie observé entre certains domaines structuraux des ERs, comme le domaine AF-1, ce qui fait en sorte que les différents sites de modifications post-traductionnelles (MPTs) présents sur les ERs sont très peu conservés entre les isoformes. Or, l’activité transcriptionnelle ligand-dépendante et indépendante des ERs est hautement régulée par les MPTs. Elles sont impliquées à tous les niveaux de l’activation des ERs incluant la liaison et la sensibilité au ligand, la localisation cellulaire, la dimérisation, l’interaction avec l’ADN, le recrutement de corégulateurs transcriptionnels, la stabilité et l’arrêt de la transcription. Ainsi, de par leur dissimilitude, les ERs seront différemment régulés par la signalisation cellulaire. Comme un débalancement de plusieurs voies de signalisation ont été associées à la progression de tumeurs ER-positives ainsi qu’au développement d’une résistance, une meilleure compréhension de l’impact des MPTs sur la régulation spécifique des ERs s’avère essentielle en vue de proposer et/ou développer des traitements adéquats pour les cancers gynécologiques. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre les rôles des MPTs sur l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ qui sont, contrairement à ERα, très peu connus. Nous démontrons une régulation dynamique de ERβ par la phosphorylation, l’ubiquitination et la sumoylation. De plus, toutes les MPTs nouvellement découvertes par mes recherches se situent dans l’AF-1 de ERβ et permettent de mieux comprendre le rôle capital joué par ce domaine dans la régulation de l’activité ligand-dépendante et indépendante du récepteur. Dans la première étude, nous observons qu’en réponse aux MAPK, l’AF-1 de ERβ est phosphorylé au niveau de sérines spécifiques et qu’elles jouent un rôle important dans la régulation de l’activité ligand-indépendante de ERβ par la voie ubiquitine-protéasome. En effet, la phosphorylation de ces sérines régule le cycle d’activation-dégradation de ERβ en modulant son ubiquitination, sa mobilité nucléaire et sa stabilité en favorisant le recrutement de l’ubiquitine ligase E6-AP. De plus, ce mécanisme d’action semble être derrière la régulation différentielle de l’activité de ERα et ERβ observée lors de l’inhibition du protéasome. Dans le second papier, nous démontrons que l’activité et la stabilité de ERβ en présence d’estrogène sont étroitement régulées par la sumoylation phosphorylation-dépendante de l’AF-1, processus hautement favorisé par l’action de la kinase GSK-3. La sumoylation de ERβ par SUMO-1 prévient la dégradation du récepteur en entrant en compétition avec l’ubiquitination au niveau du même site accepteur. De plus, contrairement à ERα, SUMO-1 réprime l’activité de ERβ en altérant son interaction avec l’ADN et l’expression de ses gènes cibles dans les cellules de cancers du sein. Également, ces recherches ont permis d’identifier un motif de sumoylation dépendant de la phosphorylation (pSuM) jusqu’à lors inconnu de la communauté scientifique, offrant ainsi un outil supplémentaire à la prédiction de nouveau substrat de la sumoylation. En plus de permettre une meilleure compréhension du rôle des signaux intracellulaires dans la régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ, nos résultats soulignent l’importance des MPTs dans l’induction des différences fonctionnelles observées entre ERα et ERβ et apportent des pistes supplémentaires à la compréhension de leurs rôles physiopathologiques respectifs.


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The GATA family of transcription factors establishes genetic networks that control developmental processes including hematopoiesis, vasculogenesis, and cardiogenesis. We found that GATA-1 strongly activates transcription of the Tac-2 gene, which encodes proneurokinin-B, a precursor of neurokinin-B (NK-B). Neurokinins function through G protein-coupled transmembrane receptors to mediate diverse physiological responses including pain perception and the control of vascular tone. Whereas an elevated level of NK-B was implicated in pregnancy-associated pre-eclampsia ( Page, N. M., Woods, R. J., Gardiner, S. M., Lomthaisong, K., Gladwell, R. T., Butlin, D. J., Manyonda, I. T., and Lowry, P. J. ( 2000) Nature 405, 797 - 800), the regulation of NK-B synthesis and function are poorly understood. Tac-2 was expressed in normal murine erythroid cells and was induced upon ex vivo erythropoiesis. An estrogen receptor fusion to GATA-1 (ER-GATA-1) and endogenous GATA-1 both occupied a region of Tac-2 intron-7, which contains two conserved GATA motifs. Genetic complementation analysis in GATA-1-null G1E cells revealed that endogenous GATA-2 occupied the same region of intron-7, and expression of ER-GATA-1 displaced GATA-2 and activated Tac-2 transcription. Erythroid cells did not express neurokinin receptors, whereas aortic and yolk sac endothelial cells differentially expressed neurokinin receptor subtypes. Since NK-B induced cAMP accumulation in yolk sac endothelial cells, these results suggest a new mode of vascular regulation in which GATA-1 controls NK-B synthesis in erythroid cells.


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Dietary fibre has been proposed to decrease risk for colon cancer by altering the composition of intestinal microbes or their activity. In the present study, the changes in intestinal microbiota and its activity, and immunological characteristics, such as cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 gene expression in mucosa, in pigs fed with a high-energy-density diet, with and without supplementation of a soluble fibre (polydextrose; PDX) (30 g/d) were assessed in different intestinal compartments. PDX was gradually fermented throughout the intestine, and was still present in the distal colon. Irrespective of the diet throughout the intestine, of the four microbial groups determined by fluorescent in situ hybridisation, lactobacilli were found to be dominating, followed by clostridia and Bacteroides. Bifidobacteria represented a minority of the total intestinal microbiota. The numbers of bacteria increased approximately ten-fold from the distal small intestine to the distal colon. Concomitantly, also concentrations of SCFA and biogenic amines increased in the large intestine. In contrast, concentrations of luminal IgA decreased distally but the expression of mucosal COX-2 had a tendency to increase in the mucosa towards the distal colon. Addition of PDX to the diet significantly changed the fermentation endproducts, especially in the distal colon, whereas effects on bacteria] composition were rather minor. There was a reduction in concentrations of SCFA and tryptamine, and an increase in concentrations of spermidine in the colon upon PDX supplementation. Furthermore, PDX tended to decrease the expression of mucosal COX-2, therefore possibly reducing the risk of developing colon cancer-promoting conditions in the distal intestine.


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The PPARγ2 gene SNP Pro12Ala has shown variable association with metabolic syndrome traits in healthy subjects. We investigated the effect of interaction between genotype and the ratio of polyunsaturated:saturated (P:S) fatty acid intake on plasma lipids in 367 White subjects aged 30-70 y at increased cardiometabolic risk, in the RISCK study. Interaction was determined after habitual diet at recruitment, at baseline after a 4-week high-SFA (HS) diet and after 24-week reference (HS), high-MUFA (HM) and low-fat (LF) diets. At recruitment, there were no significant associations between genotype and plasma lipids, however, P:S x genotype interaction influenced plasma total cholesterol (TC) (P=0.02), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) (P=0.002) and triglyceride (TG) (P=0.02) concentrations. At P:S ratio ≤0.33, mean TC and LDL-C concentrations in Ala12 allele carriers were significantly higher than in non-carriers (respectively P=0.003; P=0.0001). Significant trends in reduction of plasma TC (P=0.02) and TG (P=0.002) concentrations occurred with increasing P:S (respectively ≤0.33 to >0.65 and 0.34 to >0.65) in Ala12 allele carriers. There were no significant differences between carriers and non-carriers after the 4-week HS diet or 24-week interventions. Plasma TC and TG concentrations in PPARG Ala12 allele carriers decrease as P:S increases, but are not dependent on a reduction in SFA intake.


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PURPOSE. Interleukin (IL)-17, which is responsible for the initial influx of leukocytes into the target tissue, was recently described as the main cytokine involved in autoimmune diseases. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome is a significant cause of noninfectious blindness in the world. Herein the authors aimed at unraveling the involvement of IL-17 in VKH and in experimental autoimmune uveitis, focusing on the signaling pathways involved in IL-17 synthesis. METHODS. Mice were immunized with 161-180 peptide and pertussis toxin. Draining lymph node cells, harvested 21 days after immunization, were cultured in the presence or absence of p38 alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor (SB203580) and assayed for cytokine production and quantification of CD4(+)IL-17(+) cells. Mice received intraocular injections of SB203580, and disease severity was evaluated by histologic examination of the enucleated eyes at day 21. CD4(+) lymphocytes from MSK-1/2-deficient mice, human CD4(+) cells silenced with MSK1 siRNA, or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from VKH patients were cultured in the presence or absence of p38 alpha MAPK inhibitor and then assayed for IL-17, IFN-gamma, and IL-4 production. RESULTS. The inhibition of p38 alpha MAPK fully blocked the synthesis of IL-17 by PBMCs from VKH patients and lymphocytes from EAU mice. The absence of the msk1/2 gene resulted in failure to produce IL-17 by murine and human lymphocytes. Interestingly, intraocular injections of SB203580 in EAU mice did not suppress development of the disease. CONCLUSIONS. These data show that p38 alpha MAPK-MSK1/2 is involved in the control of IL-17 synthesis by CD4(+) T cells and that inhibition of p38 alpha MAPK in vitro suppresses IL-17 synthesis but that inhibition of this kinase in vivo did not protect from EAU. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:3567-3574) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.09-4393


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Mitochondria are the central coordinators of energy metabolism and alterations in their function and number have long been associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemias. Since oxidative phosphorylation requires an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, ion channels in this membrane certainly must play an important role in the regulation of energy metabolism. However, in many experimental settings, the relationship between the activity of mitochondrial ion transport and metabolic disorders is still poorly understood. This review briefly summarizes some aspects of mitochondrial H(+) transport (promoted by uncoupling proteins, UCPs). Ca(2+) and K(+) uniporters which may be determinant in metabolic disorders. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From 111 dogs with neurological signs admitted in this research in a 22-month period, brain samples of 34 animals were inoculated in mice in order to isolate Toxoplasma gondii. From these 34 dogs, 9 strains of T. gondii were isolated and the genetic characterization performed by restriction analysis (RFLP) of the SAG-2 gene. RFLP analysis showed that four of them were classified as Type I, and five as Type Ill. The present report is the first description of genotyping of T. gondii isolated from brain samples of naturally infected dogs, in Brazil. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.