917 resultados para Extratos de glândulas salivares


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This study aimed to analyze the phytoremediation potential of Eichhornia crassipes in natural environments, optimize the extraction process of crude protein from plant tissue and, obtain and characterize this process in order to determine its viability of use instead of the protein sources of animal and/or human feed. For this, it has been determined in Apodi/Mossoró river water the concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cádmium, lead, and total chromium; It was determined in plant tissue of aquatic macrophytes of Eichhornia crassipes species present in Apodi/Mossoró River the moisture content, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, lead, total chromium, total nitrogen and crude protein. It was also determined the translocation factor and bioaccumulation of all the quantified elements; It was developed and optimized the extraction procedure of crude protein based on the isoelectric method and a factorial design 24 with repetition; It was extracted and characterized the extract obtained by determining the moisture content, ash, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, cadmium, total nitrogen and crude protein. And finally, it was also characterized the protein extract using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Derived Thermogravimetric (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and jelly-like electrophoresis of polyacrylamide (SDS -PAGE) to assess the their molecular weights/mass. Thus, from the results obtained for the translocation and bioaccumulation factors was found that the same can be used as phytoremediation agent in natural environments of all quantified elements. It was also found that the developed method of extraction and protein precipitation was satisfactory for the purpose of the work, which gave the best conditions of extraction and precipitation of proteins as: pH extraction equal to 13.0, extraction temperature equals 60 ° C, reaction time equals to 30 minutes, and pH precipitation equals to 4.0. As for the extract obtained, the total nitrogen and crude protein were quantified higher than those found in the plant, increasing the crude protein content approximately 116.88% in relation to the quantified contente in the vegetal tissue of macrophyte. The levels of nickel and cadmium were the unique that were found below the detection limit of used the equipment. The electrophoretic analysis allowed us to observe that the protein extract obtained is composed of low polypeptide chains by the molecular and phytochelatins, with 6 and 15 kDa bands. Analysis of TG, DTG, DSC and FT-IR showed similarities in protein content of the obtained extracts based on different collection points and 9 parts of the plant under study, as well as commercial soy protein and casein. Finally, based on all these findings, it was concluded that the obtained extract in this work can be used instead of the protein sources of animal feed should, before that, test its digestibility. As human supplementation, it is necessary to conduct more tests associated with the optimization process in the sense of removing undesirable components and constant monitoring of the water body and the raw material used


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The present work aimed to evaluate the effect fungitoxic of plant extracts on the mycelial growth and on the spores germination of C. gloeosporioides. The plant extracts were obtained starting from dried ground plants, using water and ethilic alcohol as extractor. Twenty-two plant species were used to obtain the extracts. The extracts were tested by means of the incorporation of 20% (v/v) in PDA medium, before or after sterilization. The percentage of inhibition of the mycelial growth (PIM) was determined. Extract in the proportion of 50% was added to a spore suspension used to determine the percentage of inhibition of the spores germination (PIS). The hidroetanolic extracts provided larger PIM of C. gloeosporioides, while larger PIS was obtained with the aqueous extracts. Non autoclaved extracts was the most efficient in mycelial growth of C. gloeosporioides, even more than the autoclaved ones. Aqueous and hidroetanolic extracts of Momordica charantia and hidroetanolic extract of Eucalyptus citriodora provided higher PIM. Aqueous extracts of Luffa acutangula, Eucalyptus citriodora, Chenopodium ambrosioides, and Bauhinia, and hidroetanolic extracts of Ruta graveolens, Eucalyptus citriodora, Zingiber officinale and Chenopodium ambrosioides inhibited more than 90% of spores germination.


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Restos vegetais e liteira podem interferir no desenvolvimento de plantas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos alelopáticos de extratos aquosos de Pinus sp., milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) e mucuna (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) sobre a germinação, colonização micorrízica e crescimento inicial de milho (Zea mays L.), soja (Glycine max L.) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os extratos foram elaborados utilizando folhas trituradas. O experimento in vitro empregou papel Germitest umedecido com extratos ou água destilada por sete dias. O experimento em casa de vegetação teve esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 4, com quatro repetições: três espécies vegetais (soja, milho e feijão), três extratos aquosos (Pinus, milheto e mucuna) e quatro doses de extrato (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 kg L-1). O substrato foi Latossolo Vermelho coletado no município de Selvíria-MS, no bioma Cerrado. Após a semeadura, os vasos receberam, a cada cinco dias, por 45 dias, 50 mL dos extratos. Para a soja, extratos de mucuna e milheto diminuíram o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula e os de Pinus aumentaram esses comprimentos. em feijão, o extrato de Pinus diminuiu o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula, mas os extratos de mucuna e milheto aumentaram-no. O extrato do milheto reduziu a percentagem e a velocidade de germinação em feijão. Todos os extratos reduziram a colonização micorrízica e o número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em soja, milho e feijão.


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The increase in the incidence of fungal infections due to the drug-resistance or to the number of patients with immune alterations such as AIDS, chemotherapy or organ transplantation, has done the research necesseray for new antifungal drugs. The species from Northeastern Brazil may become an important source of innovative natural molecules. To evaluate the antifungal activity of 10 medicinal plants from Northeastern Brazil, traditionally used as antimicrobial agents, 30 crude extracts (CE) were tested in vitro against four standard species of Candida spp. The CE most promising of these plants were evaluated against yeasts of the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients and through a bioassay-guided fractionation. The extracts form leaves of E. uniflora, the stem bark of L. ferrea and leaves of P. guajava showed significant activity against all yeasts evaluated, with MIC values between 15.62 and 62.5 μg/mL. E. uniflora also showed fungicidal properties against all yeasts, especially against Candida dubliniensis. In patients with immune systems compromised, such as transplanted, oral candidiasis manifests mainly due to immunosuppressive therapy, and resistance to conventional antifungals. The CE of E. uniflora presented range of MIC values between 1.95 to 1000 μg/mL, and lower MIC50 and MIC90 values were observed against C. non-albicans. Due the better results, the CE of E. uniflora was elected to performe the bioassay-guided fractionation. Thus it was possible to obtain enriched fractions, which showed good inhibitory ability against ATCC strains of Candida spp. It was also possible to perform experiments to verify the production of biofilm in two strains of C. dubliniensis and action of extracts and fractions on the same. With this, we observed a behavior between the yeast ATCC and clinical isolate. In addition, CE, fractions and subfractions of E. uniflora inhibit planktonic cells to preventing the growth of biofilm. The preliminary chemical characterization of the fractions obtained revealed the presence of polyphenols (especially flavonoids and tannins). Finally, the results suggests that among the plant species studied, E. uniflora showed a pattern very promising as regards the antifungal, requiring further study of purification and structural elucidation of compounds in order to verify that the antifungal effect found can be attributed to a specific compound or some mechanism depends on synergistic the mixture of polyphenols


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar quantitativamente os microrganismos, Streptococcus do grupo mutans e Candida sp, da cavidade bucal de pacientes com carcinoma de orofaringe antes, durante e após o tratamento com radioterapia e correlacionar fatores salivares como pH, capacidade tampão (CT) e fluxo salivar (FS). Amostras de saliva foram coletadas, diluídas e inoculadas em ágar SB-20 e ágar Sabouraud, respectivamente para Streptococcus do grupo mutans e Candida sp. Previamente à diluição, a saliva concentrada foi analisada, determinando-se os fatores salivares. Após crescimento das colônias, o número de microrganismos foi determinado em UFC/ml. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que houve correlação positiva entre os fatores salivares e a presença de microrganismos ilustrada pelo aumento no número de UFC/ml dos microrganismos analisados concomitantemente com a diminuição do fluxo salivar. Os efeitos da radiação comprometeram a homeostasia salivar e favoreceram o aumento das infecções por leveduras e bactérias durante o tratamento radioterápico.


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The objective of this study aimed at the verification of the allelopatic action of extracts of "pata-de-vaca" (Bauhinia forficata Link) and "'barbatimao" (Stryhnodendron adsiringens (Mart.) Coville) on seeds of tomato (Lyeopersicum esculentum Mill). Tomato seeds placed in translucent "gerbox" were treated with aqueous extracts prepared with fresh and dry leaves of the tested species at the following concentrations: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0% (control). The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and five replications of 25 seeds per plot per species. The data were submitted to the analysis of variance and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% of probability. Germination percentage, mean time and germination rates (MGT and MGR), and mean of the primary root length were evaluated. No difference was found for germination percentage of tomato seeds for the different extracts. For MGR, all treatments with fresh leaf extract differed from the check. MGT and MGR showed differences among the following dry leaf extracts concentrations: 25%, 75% and 100%. All treatments presented inhibitory effect on the length of the primary root.


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No presente trabalho foi estudada a ocorrência, distribuição e morfologia de glândulas tegumentares do abdome em Exomalopsis auropilosa Spinola, Centris fuscata Lepeletier, Epicharis flava Friese e Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) suspecta Moure & Camargo. Os resultados mostraram a ocorrência de glândulas epiteliais (classe I) e unicelulares (classe III) com distribuição dorsal (tergais) e ventral (esternais) sem que se pudesse caracterizar um padrão relacionável com a posição filogenética ou grau de sociabilidade. No entanto, verificou-se uma tendência para maior número de glândulas em espécies com algum grau de sociabilidade como E. auropilosa e X. suspecta.


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As glândulas mandibulares de operárias recém-emergidas, nutridoras e campeiras, rainhas virgens e fisogástricas, e machos maduros de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille foram estudadas histológica e morfometricamente. Estas glândulas apresentam diferenças histológicas características para cada idade e/ou função do indivíduo. de acordo com a morfometria conclui-se que as glândulas mandibulares possuem um ciclo secretor determinado, no qual a secreção começa a ser produzida nas operárias recém-emergidas, e acumula-se no citoplasma e reservatório da glândula das operárias nutridoras. Nas operárias campeiras o citoplasma encontra-se bastante vacuolizado, o que foi interpretado como resultado da eliminação da secreção. Rainhas fisogástricas apresentaram as maiores áreas celulares e nucleares, ao oposto dos machos, os quais apresentaram as menores áreas.


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The present study aimed at evaluating the behavior of the soybean oil with the addition of lemon seed extracts (Citrus limon), in different concentrations, through oxidative stability and also at measuring the antioxidant activity using the DPPH free radical method and total phenolic compounds. The concentration of 2,400 mg.kg(-1) for the lemon seed extract, galego variety, was the one that provided the soybean oil with the best oxidative stability. The maximum antioxidant activities and the concentration values of the natural extract sufficient to obtain 50% of maximum effect, estimated at 100% (EC(50)), determined by DPPH for the extract and gallic acid were 70.58%, 69.94 mu g.mL(-1) and 75.07%, 64.73 mu g.mL(-1), respectively. The concentration of total phenolic compounds, determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, was of 76 mg.g(-1). Thus, it can be said that the lemon seed extract, galego, presents natural antioxidant action demonstrating potential to be used in foods.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de metodologia para o controle de qualidade dos extratos etanólicos e infusão de Turnera diffusa Willd. ex Schult., Turneraceae, usando como marcadores os compostos fenólicos. Essa espécie é usada popularmente como afrodisíaca e antiulcerogênica. Foram usadas técnicas cromatográficas: CLAE acoplada com detector de ultravioleta e cromatografia em camada delgada. Foram detectados flavonóides como os principais componentes da planta.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O efeito do extrato aquoso de três plantas daninhas, Cynodon dactylon (l.)Pers., Cyperus rotundus l. e Sorghum halepense (l.) Pers. sobre a germinação e o crescimento de plântulas de arroz (Oryza salina L. cv. IAC-165) foi estudado, com a finalidade de investigar a sensibilidade do arroz aos efeitos alelopáticos dessas plantas. Foram utilizados, na preparação dos extratos, raizes de Cynodon daclylon, tubérculos de Cyperus rolundus: e riomas de Sorglun halepense, os quais foram homoneizados em solução aquosa, submetidos a filtração e centrifugação. O sobrenadante foi aplicado no substrato de germinação das sementes, verificando-se, aos sete dias após a se meadura, que apenas os extratos de Cy-nodon daetylon e Sorghum halepense afetaram a porcentagem de germinação das sementes de arroz. Entretanto, o crescimento da radícula e da parte aérea das plântulas foi prejudicado pelos três extratos testados, sendo o efeito mais drástico causado pelo extrato de Cyperus, retundus.


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Foram estudadas a ocorrência e a morfologia de glândulas tegumentares presentes no abdome de fêmeas de Melissoptila richardiae. Os resultados mostram que nesta espécie, células glandulares da classe III são encontradas de duas formas: isoladas nos tergitos e esternitos III e IV e formando um aglomerado de unidades glandulares bilateralmente, entre os segmentos III e IV, os quais liberam seu produto de secreção em um reservatório originado a partir da membrana intersegmental. Os resultados sugerem que o produto secretado é lipídico e, provavelmente volátil.