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Cerclages regain interest due to a rising number of periprosthetic fractures. The contact distribution at the circumferential cerclage-bone interface is still unknown. Local interface pressure depends on the amount of contact area. Cortical damage at the interface would provoke cerclage loosening. Therefore, the contact area, the bone pressure along the interface and the cortical resistance underneath loaded cerclages were determined in an ex vivo model.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Evidence-based information is limited on distribution of local anaesthetic solution following perineural analgesia of the palmar (Pa) and palmar metacarpal (PaM) nerves in the distal aspect of the metacarpal (Mc) region ('low 4-point nerve block'). OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block using a radiographic contrast model. METHODS: A radiodense contrast medium was injected subcutaneously over the medial or the lateral Pa nerve at the junction of the proximal three-quarters and distal quarter of the Mc region (Pa injection) and over the ipsilateral PaM nerve immediately distal to the distal aspect of the second or fourth Mc bones (PaM injection) in both forelimbs of 10 mature horses free from lameness. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and analysed subjectively and objectively. Methylene blue and a radiodense contrast medium were injected in 20 cadaver limbs using the same techniques. Radiographs were obtained and the limbs dissected. RESULTS: After 31/40 (77.5%) Pa injections, the pattern of the contrast medium suggested distribution in the neurovascular bundle. There was significant proximal diffusion with time, but the main contrast medium patch never progressed proximal to the mid-Mc region. The radiological appearance of 2 limbs suggested that contrast medium was present in the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS). After PaM injections, the contrast medium was distributed diffusely around the injection site in the majority of the limbs. In cadaver limbs, after Pa injections, the contrast medium and the dye were distributed in the neurovascular bundle in 8/20 (40%) limbs and in the DFTS in 6/20 (30%) of limbs. After PaM injections, the contrast and dye were distributed diffusely around the injection site in 9/20 (45%) limbs and showed diffuse and tubular distribution in 11/20 (55%) limbs. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Proximal diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block is unlikely to be responsible for decreasing lameness caused by pain in the proximal Mc region. The DFTS may be penetrated inadvertently when performing a low 4-point nerve block.


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BACKGROUND: There are inherent conceptual problems in investigating the pharmacodynamics of cancer drugs in vivo. One of the few possible approaches is serial biopsies in patients. However, this type of research is severely limited by methodological and ethical constraints. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A modified 3-dimensional tissue culture technique was used to culture human tumor samples, which had been collected during routine cancer operations. Twenty tumor samples of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were cultured ex vivo for 120 h and treated with mitomycin C, taxotere and cisplatin. The cytotoxic activity of the anticancer agents was quantified by assessing the metabolic activity of treated tumor cultures and various assays of apoptosis and gene expression were performed. RESULTS: The proliferative activity of the tissue was maintained in culture as assessed by Ki-67 staining. Mitomycin C, cisplatin and taxotere reduced the metabolic activity of the tumor tissue cultures by 51%, 29% and 20%, respectively, at 120 h. The decrease in metabolic activity corresponded to the induction of apoptosis as demonstrated by the typical morphological changes, such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation. In addition, activated caspase-3 could be verified in apoptotic cells by immunohistochemistry. To verify functional aspects of apoptosis, the induction of chemotherapy-induced cell death was inhibited with the caspase inhibitor z-VAD.fmk. RNA was extracted from the tissue cultures after 120 h of ex vivo drug treatment and was of sufficient quality to allow quantitative PCR. CONCLUSION: The 3-dimensional ex vivo culture technique is a useful method to assess the molecular effects of pharmacological interventions in human cancer samples in vitro. This culture technique could become an important tool for drug development and for the prediction of in vivo drug efficacy.


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STUDY DESIGN: Ex vivo in vitro study evaluating a novel intervertebral disc/endplate culture system. OBJECTIVES: To establish a whole-organ intervertebral disc culture model for the study of disc degeneration in vitro, including the characterization of basic cell and organ function. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: With current in vivo models for the study of disc and endplate degeneration, it remains difficult to investigate the complex disc metabolism and signaling cascades. In contrast, more controlled but simplified in vitro systems using isolated cells or disc fragments are difficult to culture due to the unconstrained conditions, with often-observed cell death or cell dedifferentiation. Therefore, there is a demand for a controlled culture model with preserved cell function that offers the possibility to investigate disc and endplate pathologies in a structurally intact organ. METHODS: Naturally constrained intervertebral disc/endplate units from rabbits were cultured in multi-well plates. Cell viability, metabolic activity, matrix composition, and matrix gene expression profile were monitored using the Live/Dead cell viability test (Invitrogen, Basel, Switzerland), tetrazolium salt reduction (WST-8), proteoglycan and deoxyribonucleic acid quantification assays, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Viability and organ integrity were preserved for at least 4 weeks, while proteoglycan and deoxyribonucleic acid content decreased slightly, and matrix genes exhibited a degenerative profile with up-regulation of type I collagen and suppression of collagen type II and aggrecan genes. Additionally, cell metabolic activity was reduced to one third of the initial value. CONCLUSIONS: Naturally constrained intervertebral rabbit discs could be cultured for several weeks without losing cell viability. Structural integrity and matrix composition were retained. However, the organ responded to the artificial environment with a degenerative gene expression pattern and decreased metabolic rate. Therefore, the described system serves as a promising in vitro model to study disc degeneration in a whole organ.


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PURPOSE: A microangiographical technique is described, which allows visualization of small and capillary blood vessels and quantification of fasciocutaneous blood vessels by means of digital computer analysis in very small laboratory animals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The left carotid artery of 20 nu/nu mice was cannulated (26 gauge) and a mixture of gelatin, bariumsulfate, and green ink was injected according to standardized protocol. Fasciocutaneous blood vessels were visualized by digital mammography and analyzed for vessel length and vessel surface area as standardized units [SU] by computer program. RESULTS: With the described microangiography method, fasciocutaneous blood vessels down to capillary size level can be clearly visualized. Regions of interest (ROIs) can be defined and the containing vascular network quantified. Comparable results may be obtained by calculating the microvascular area index (MAI) and the microvascular length index (MLI), related to the ROIs size. Identical ROIs showed a high reproducibility for measured [SU] < 0.01 +/- 0.0012%. CONCLUSION: Combining microsurgical techniques, pharmacological knowledge, and modern digital image technology, we were able to visualize small and capillary blood vessels even in small laboratory animals. By using our own computer analytical program, quantification of vessels was reliable, highly reproducible, and fast.


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In the dual ex vivo perfusion of an isolated human placental cotyledon it takes on average 20-30 min to set up stable perfusion circuits for the maternal and fetal vascular compartments. In vivo placental tissue of all species maintains a highly active metabolism and it continues to puzzle investigators how this tissue can survive 30 min of ischemia with more or less complete anoxia following expulsion of the organ from the uterus and do so without severe damage. There seem to be parallels between "depressed metabolism" seen in the fetus and the immature neonate in the peripartum period and survival strategies described in mammals with increased tolerance of severe hypoxia like hibernators in the state of torpor or deep sea diving turtles. Increased tolerance of hypoxia in both is explained by "partial metabolic arrest" in the sense of a temporary suspension of Kleiber's rule. Furthermore the fetus can react to major changes in surrounding oxygen tension by decreasing or increasing the rate of specific basal metabolism, providing protection against severe hypoxia as well as oxidative stress. There is some evidence that adaptive mechanisms allowing increased tolerance of severe hypoxia in the fetus or immature neonate can also be found in placental tissue, of which at least the villous portion is of fetal origin. A better understanding of the molecular details of reprogramming of fetal and placental tissues in late pregnancy may be of clinical relevance for an improved risk assessment of the individual fetus during the critical transition from intrauterine life to the outside and for the development of potential prophylactic measures against severe ante- or intrapartum hypoxia. Responses of the tissue to reperfusion deserve intensive study, since they may provide a rational basis for preventive measures against reperfusion injury and related oxidative stress. Modification of the handling of placental tissue during postpartum ischemia, and adaptation of the artificial reperfusion, may lead to an improvement of the ex vivo perfusion technique.


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Cancer is caused by a complex pattern of molecular perturbations. To understand the biology of cancer, it is thus important to look at the activation state of key proteins and signaling networks. The limited amount of available sample material from patients and the complexity of protein expression patterns make the use of traditional protein analysis methods particularly difficult. In addition, the only approach that is currently available for performing functional studies is the use of serial biopsies, which is limited by ethical constraints and patient acceptance. The goal of this work was to establish a 3-D ex vivo culture technique in combination with reverse-phase protein microarrays (RPPM) as a novel experimental tool for use in cancer research. The RPPM platform allows the parallel profiling of large numbers of protein analytes to determine their relative abundance and activation level. Cancer tissue and the respective corresponding normal tissue controls from patients with colorectal cancer were cultured ex vivo. At various time points, the cultured samples were processed into lysates and analyzed on RPPM to assess the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and 24 proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis. The methodology displayed good robustness and low system noise. As a proof of concept, CEA expression was significantly higher in tumor compared with normal tissue (p<0.0001). The caspase 9 expression signal was lower in tumor tissue than in normal tissue (p<0.001). Cleaved Caspase 8 (p=0.014), Bad (p=0.007), Bim (p=0.007), p73 (p=0.005), PARP (p<0.001), and cleaved PARP (p=0.007) were differentially expressed in normal liver and normal colon tissue. We demonstrate here the feasibility of using RPPM technology with 3-D ex vivo cultured samples. This approach is useful for investigating complex patterns of protein expression and modification over time. It should allow functional proteomics in patient samples with various applications such as pharmacodynamic analyses in drug development.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT The fate of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) supplied to the degenerating intervertebral disc (IVD) is still not fully understood and can be negatively affected by low oxygen, pH, and glucose concentration of the IVD environment. The hMSC survival and yield upon injection of compromised IVD could be improved by the use of an appropriate carrier and/or by predifferentiation of hMSCs before injection. PURPOSE To optimize hMSC culture conditions in thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel, hyaluronan-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (HA-pNIPAM), to achieve differentiation toward the disc phenotype in vitro, and evaluate whether preconditioning contributes to a better hMSC response ex vivo. STUDY DESIGN In vitro and ex vivo whole-organ culture of hMSCs. METHODS In vitro cultures of hMSCs were conducted in HA-pNIPAM and alginate for 1 week under hypoxia in chondropermissive medium alone and with the supplementation of transforming growth factor β1 or growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF-5). Ex vivo, hMSCs were either suspended in HA-pNIPAM and directly supplied to the IVDs or predifferentiated with GDF-5 for 1 week in HA-pNIPAM and then supplied to the IVDs. Cell viability was evaluated by Live-Dead assay, and DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and gene expression profiles were used to assess hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype. RESULTS The HA-pNIPAM induced hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype more effectively than alginate: in vitro, higher GAG/DNA ratio and higher collagen type II, SOX9, cytokeratin-19, cluster of differentiation 24, and forkhead box protein F1 expressions were found for hMSCs cultured in HA-pNIPAM compared with those cultured in alginate, regardless of the addition of growth factors. Ex vivo, direct combination of HA-pNIPAM with the disc environment induced a stronger disc-like differentiation of hMSCs than predifferentiation of hMSCs followed by their delivery to the discs. CONCLUSIONS Hyaluronan-based thermoreversible hydrogel supports hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype without the need for growth factor supplementation in vitro and ex vivo. Further in vivo studies are required to confirm the suitability of this hydrogel as an effective stem cell carrier for the treatment of IVD degeneration.


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Background Psychological stress delays wound healing but the precise underlying mechanisms are unclear. Macrophages play an important role in wound healing, in particular by killing microbes. We hypothesized that (a) acute psychological stress reduces wound-induced activation of microbicidal potential of human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM), and (b) that these reductions are modulated by stress hormone release. Methods Fourty-one healthy men (mean age 35±13 years) were randomly assigned to either a stress or stress-control group. While the stress group underwent a standardized short-term psychological stress task after catheter-induced wound infliction, stress-controls did not. Catheter insertion was controlled. Assessing the microbicidal potential, we investigated PMA-activated superoxide anion production by HMDM immediately before and 1, 10 and 60 min after stress/rest. Moreover, plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine and salivary cortisol were repeatedly measured. In subsequent in vitro studies, whole blood was incubated with norepinephrine in the presence or absence of phentolamine (norepinephrine blocker) before assessing HMDM microbicidal potential. Results Compared with stress-controls, HMDM of the stressed subjects displayed decreased superoxide anion-responses after stress (p’s <.05). Higher plasma norepinephrine levels statistically mediated lower amounts of superoxide anion-responses (indirect effect 95% CI: 4.14–44.72). Norepinephrine-treated HMDM showed reduced superoxide anion-production (p<.001). This effect was blocked by prior incubation with phentolamine. Conclusions Our results suggest that acute psychological stress reduces wound-induced activation of microbicidal potential of HMDM and that this reduction is mediated by norepinephrine. This might have implications for stress-induced impairment in wound healing.


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Fractures of the keel bone, a bone extending ventrally from the sternum, are a serious health and welfare problem in free range laying hens. Recent findings suggest that a major cause of keel damage within extensive systems is collisions with internal housing structures, though investigative efforts have been hindered by difficulties in examining mechanisms and likely influencing factors at the moment of fracture. The objectives of this study were to develop an ex vivo impact protocol to model bone fracture in hens caused by collision, to assess impact and bird-related factors influencing fracture occurrence and severity, and to identify correlations of mechanical and structural properties between different skeletal sites. We induced keel bone fractures in euthanized hens using a drop-weight impact tester able to generate a range of impact energies, producing fractures that replicate those commonly found in commercial settings. The results demonstrated that impact energies of a similar order to those expected in normal housing were able to produce fractures, and that greater collision energies resulted in an increased likelihood of fractures and of greater severity. Relationships were also seen with keel's lateral surface bone mineral density, and the peak reactive force (strength) at the base of the manubrial spine. Correlations were also identified between the keel and long bones with respect to both strength and bone mineral density. This is the first study able to relate impact and bone characteristics with keel bone fracture at the moment of collision. Greater understanding of these relationships will provide means to reduce levels of breakage and severity in commercial systems.


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PURPOSE To investigate the ex vivo performance of high-resolution computed tomography (CT) for quantitative assessment of percentage diameter stenosis in coronary arteries compared to histopathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS High-resolution CT was performed in 26 human heart specimens after the injection of iodinated contrast media into the coronary arteries. Coronary artery plaques were visually identified on CT images and the grade of stenosis for each plaque was measured with electronic calipers. All coronary plaques were characterized by histopathology according to the Stary classification, and the percentage of stenosis was measured. RESULTS CT depicted 84% (274/326) of all coronary plaques identified by histology. Missed plaques by CT were of Stary type I (n=31), type II (n=16), and type III (n=5). The stenosis degree significantly correlated between CT and histology (r=0.81, p<0.001). CT systematically overestimated the stenosis of calcified plaques (mean difference - 11.0 ± 9.5%, p<0.01) and systematically underestimated the stenosis of non-calcified plaques (mean difference -6.8 ± 10.4%, p<0.05), while there was no significant difference for mixed-type plaques (mean difference -0.4 ± 11.7%, p=0.85). There was a significant underestimation of stenosis degree as measured by CT for Stary II plaques (mean difference -14 ± 9%, p<0.01) and a significant overestimation for Stary VII plaques (mean difference 9 ± 10%, p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in stenosis degree between both modalities for other plaque types. CONCLUSIONS High-resolution CT reliably depicts advanced stage coronary plaques with an overall good correlation of stenosis degree compared to histology, however, the degree of stenosis is systematically overestimated in calcified and underestimated in non-calcified plaques.


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Treatment of metastatic melanoma with tumor reactive T cells (adoptive T cell therapy, ACT) is a promising approach associated with a high clinical response rate. However, further optimization of this treatment modality is required to increase the clinical response after this therapy. ACT in melanoma involves an initial phase (pre-REP) of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) expansion ex vivo from tumor isolates followed by a second phase, “rapid expansion protocol” (REP) generating the billions of cells used as the TIL infusion product. The main question addressed in this thesis was how the currently used REP affected the responsiveness of the CD8+ T cells to defined melanoma antigens. We hypothesized that the REP drives the TIL to further differentiate and become hyporesponsive to antigen restimulation, therefore, proper cytokine treatment or other ways to expand TIL is required to improve upon this outcome. We evaluated the response of CD8+ TIL to melanoma antigen restimulation using MART-1 peptide-pulsed mature DC in vitro. Post-REP TILs were mostly hypo-responsive with poor proliferation and higher apoptosis. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the expression of CD28 was significantly reduced in post-REP TILs. By sorting experiment and microarray analysis, we confirmed that the few CD28+ post-REP TILs had superior survival capacity and proliferated after restimulation. We then went on to investigate methods to maintain CD28 expression during the REP and improve TIL responsiveness. Firstly, IL-15 and IL-21 were found to synergize in maintaining TIL CD28 expression and antigenic responsiveness during REP. Secondly, we found IL-15 was superior as compared to IL-2 in supporting the long-term expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ TIL after restimulation. These results suggest that current expansion protocols used for adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma yield largely hyporesponsive products containing CD8+ T cells unable to respond in vivo to re-stimulation with antigen. A modification of our current approaches by using IL-15+IL-21 as supporting cytokines in the REP, or/and administration of IL-15 instead of IL-2 after TIL infusion, may enhance the anti-tumor efficacy and long-term persistence of infused T cells in vivo.