997 resultados para Evento e legado


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Trecho da participação do embaixador André Correa do Lago, chefe da delegação brasileira na Conferência de Durban (COP 17), no evento das Iniciativas Empresariais pelo Clima (IEC). Ele fala sobre trajetória do Brasil nas COPs, andamento das negociações e relação entre mudanças climáticas, ação governamental e empresas


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O presente trabalho surge em resultado do evento de 20 de Fevereiro de 2010, com o objectivo de caracterizar a bacia hidrográfica da Ribeira de João Gomes, nas suas vertentes hidráulicas, hidrológicas e de transporte sólido. Inicialmente este trabalho relata as condições climáticas, geológicas e hidrológicas da ilha da Madeira, inclusive nos recursos hídricos e nas situações hidrológicas extremas. Em seguida é apresentado uma breve cronologia dos eventos aluviais presentes na ilha da Madeira desde o início do século XVIII. Foram efectuados trabalhos de campo com o intuito de elaborar uma caracterização morfológica, conhecer a geometria do corredor fluvial, proceder à localização das zonas inundadas, zonas com deposição de material sólido e identificar as zonas com danos. Através da informação recolhida dos trabalhos de campo, foi possível alcançar estimativas de valores de caudais líquidos e velocidades de escoamento na zona canalizada a jusante da Ribeira de João Gomes. Posteriormente através do modelo digital do terreno foi elaborada a delimitação da bacia hidrográfica e a determinação da sua rede de drenagem, procedendo à hierarquização da rede de drenagem, determinação dos declives da bacia e calcular as características geométricas e da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica. São apresentadas algumas medidas estruturais utilizadas em bacia hidrográficas de forma a proteger as zonas urbanas e minimizar os efeitos provocados por evento aluviais.


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Após o temporal que se abateu sobre a ilha da Madeira no dia 20 de Fevereiro de 2010 ficou a dúvida se a tragédia podia ter sido evitada ou pelo menos minimizada. A intensa intervenção humana, principalmente na baixa da cidade do Funchal, alterou o normal curso das ribeiras. Esse facto levantou a questão se o homem estará a ser negligente ou irresponsável na maneira como constrói nas suas proximidades. Posto isto, o Governo Regional da Madeira achou que algo mais poderia ser investigado em relação ao comportamento das ribeiras em situações extremas, tal como a sucedida. Com o intuito de responder a estas e outras questões, equipas da UMa (Universidade da Madeira), IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) e LREC (Laboratório Regional de Engenharia Civil) iniciaram, em cooperação, um estudo que foi denominado por Estudo de Avaliação do Risco de Aluviões na Ilha da Madeira. Ao autor deste trabalho foi concedida a oportunidade de fazer parte deste importante estudo para a Ilha da Madeira e de poder realizar esta dissertação no âmbito do mesmo. Foram estudadas as três mais importantes ribeiras do Funchal (João Gomes, Santa Luzia e São João) e as ribeiras da Ribeira Brava e Tabua. O presente trabalho, em particular, incidiu sobre a bacia hidrográfica e Ribeira de São João. Este trabalho inicia-se por uma base teórica, onde é feita uma caracterização biofísica à Ilha da Madeira e mais detalhadamente à bacia hidrográfica da Ribeira de São João. Segue-se uma pequena referência a eventos semelhantes e anteriores ao de 20 de Fevereiro. A parte prática do trabalho consiste no tratamento e interpretação dos dados levantados nas visitas de campo. Estimaram-se os valores sucedidos no dia do evento para caudais máximos e velocidades de escoamento em secções transversais da ribeira previamente seleccionadas. Estimou-se também o volume para o material sólido que foi depositado no leito e nas ruas ou estradas que se situam dentro da área da bacia hidrográfica da Ribeira de São João. Foi feita também uma caracterização granulométrica desse mesmo material sólido. Por fim elaboraram-se listas e mapas com as infra-estruturas danificadas. Finalmente foram propostas algumas medidas preventivas que poderão minimizar as consequências de futuras aluviões.


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This work aims to analyze the interpretations about Evo Morales' government in Bolivia. For such, it proposes a theoretical reclaim of Marxism in Latin America, as well as of Bolivian political history since the 1952 Revolution, going through the crisis in Pacted Democracy intensified in the five-year conjuncture of struggles started in 2000 up to the election and reelection of Morales. It departs from an empirical prior conjecture taken from a qualitative analysis and a broad literature review to analyze the different interpretations of the Bolivian political process from Marxist theoretical matrices. After this historical recovery and this reading of contemporary Bolivia, it concludes with a consideration about the formation of a possible new block of power in the country, with the retaking of nationalism and Indianism as revolutionary reasons


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Cette étude analyse La pratique pédagogique de l éducateur norte-rio-grandense Nestor dos Santos Lima, de 1910 a 1930, période ou se concentre son plus grand nombre de publications sur lês questions scolaires. Nous désirons comprendre de quelle forme cet intelectuel a contribué au développement du systeème d enseignement primaire à travers sés écrits sur lês principes et méthodes de l enseignement de la lecture et à l écriture, appliqués dans lês Groupes Scolaires de l État. Nestor Lima a joué um grand role dans la sociaété, à la tetê de fonctoins comme celle de La présidence de l Institut Historique e Geographique du Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), directeur de lÉcole Normale de Natal et du Dápartament d Education de État. Il a pulié de diverses oeuvres de caractere scolaire, comme lês Régiments Internes pour lês Groupes Scolaires, Écoles Isolées, Écoles Rudimentaires et Conseil d Education. Dans cette étude, nous mettons em évidence lês leçons de métodologique pour l enseignement de la lecture ET de évidence lês leçons de metodologie pour l enseignement de la lecture et de l ecriture, adresses aus eleves de lÉcole Normale de Natal, publiées dans la colonne Pádagogie du journal A República. Dans ces matièrs, nous observons que lês aspects qui composaient la pratique développe par Nestor Lima impliquaient lês questions Morales et civiques, la preocupation de la formation enseignante à l École Normale de Natal et le Célibat Pédagogique Féminin. Nous observons que la preocupations dês pratiques de lecture et lécriture sont presentes dans l oeuvre de cet éducateur comme legs important aux générations qui se succédent. Il est évident qu Il a cherché das sés productions une meilleure qualification dês enseignants pour que le niveau de l enseignement primaire puísse ainsi évoluer


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This research aims to analyze the intellectual practice of Luiz Antônio Ferreira Souto dos Santos Lima. This is done considering the author´s legacy related to the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil in the time span of 1910 to 1961. Thus, the research is grounded on assumptions that rely on the Cultural History field. The research also dealt with dialogues between the author and Chartier (1990), Elias (1994), Morais (2003; 2006), as well as Gondra (2003). For the bibliographical research the work dealt with a vast array of documents such as newspapers called A República and Diário do Natal, Pedagogium, Revista do ensino, as well as state laws and decrees These documents were obtained at the Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The research also dealt with School Bylaws and a medical doctoral thesis called Mental Hygiene and Education that was written by Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima. Other documents were obtained at the State´s Public Archive, such as the Book of Honor, Work Records, Reports and Minutes of the General Directorate of Public Instruction Meetings. It was possible to infer that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima was teacher at Grupo Escolar Augusto Severo, the Atheneu as well as some local grade schools. The professor had a broad role in society, in administrative positions such as the Presidency of the Association of Teachers of Rio Grande do Norte, as Grade School Director in the School of Pharmacy and the State Education Department. He was also a member of the Academy of Arts and a partner at Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The professor has also concerned with issues related to teaching good habits such as feeding, grooming, discipline, game morals, temperance, smoking, sex education; all of which necessary for the formation of healthy children. He was an enthusiast of an intuitive method and teaching lessons through practice, that he considered key elements in education. It is seen that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima had presence in the State´s health education and that his ideals were line with the ideal of modernity of the early twentieth century


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In most cultures, dreams are believed to predict the future on occasion. Several neurophysiological studies indicate that the function of sleep and dreams is to consolidate and transform memories, in a cyclical process of creation, selection and generalization of conjectures about the reality. The aim of the research presented here was to investigate the possible adaptative role of anticipatory dreams. We sought to determine the relationship between dream and waking in a context in which the adaptive success of the individual was really at risk, in order to mobilize more strongly the oneiric activity. We used the entrance examination of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as a significant waking event in which performance could be independently quantified. Through a partnership with UFRN, we contacted by e-mail 3000 candidates to the 2009 examination. In addition, 150 candidates were approached personally. Candidates who agreed to participate in the study (n = 94) completed questionnaires specific to the examination and were asked to describe their dreams during the examinaton period. The examination performance of each candidate in the entrance examination was provided by the UFRN to the researcher. A total of 45 participants reported dreams related to the examination. Our results show a positive correlation between performance on the examination and anticipatory dreams with the event, both in the comparison of performance on objective and discursive, and in final approval (in the group that not dreamed with the exam the rate of general approval, 22,45%, was similar to that found in the selection process as a whole, 22.19%, while for the group that dreamed with the examination that rate was 35.56%). The occurrence of anticipatory dreams reflectes increased concern during waking (psychobiological mobilization) related to the future event, as indicated by higher scores of fear and apprehension, and major changes in daily life, in patterns of mood and sleep, in the group that reported testrelated dreams. Furthermore, the data suggest a role of dreams in the determination of environmentally relevant behavior of the vigil, simulating possible scenarios of success (dream with approval) and failure (nightmares) to maximize the adaptive success of the individual


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Inserted in the schedule for Christmas celebration in the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, the spectacle so called Auto de Natal mixes the Christmas story of Jesus birth with cultural and natural heritage of the state, making possible the integration of professionals from various fields, such as: literature, theater, dance and music. Important for local identity, Auto de Natal integrates elements of intangible heritage in the state. In this context, the research analyzed the perceptions of those who were involved in the production, presentation and organization of the event, planned to be culturally attractive to tourism. For this, it was used the descriptive and exploratory method, making use of documental, bibliographic and field researches. It was applied qualitative techniques to the interpretation of the interviews, while it was applied quantitative techniques to analyze the questionnaires. The research has discovered that Auto de Natal has the potential to add value to Cultural Tourism, diversifying the tourism product. The research has also observed that most of the respondents recognized Auto de Natal as intangible heritage, and concluded that the Christmas theme, which is alluding to the nomenclature of destiny, needs to be well-done to attract more tourists to experience the Natal in Natal


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INTRODUCTION. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death in Brazil.OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the frequency of CVD risk factors In a population attending a health education community event.METHODS. Retrospective study that included 428 completed forms with clinical and demographic information of volunteers attending a public event, in May, 2006. Data were expressed by means and standard deviation or proportions and compared by Student's t test or Chi-square test. Associations between Arterial Hypertension (AH), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and clinical variables were analyzed by multinomial logistic regression. Significance level was p<0.05.RESULTS. Mean age was 57 +/- 14years, and women represented 58% of the total population. The main cardiovascular risk factors were AH (39.5%), DM (15.4%) and dyslipidemia (25.89%). The frequency of unawareness about these risk factors was respectively 8.4%, 17.5% and 33.1%.. Family history of CVD was reported by 41% while only 67% reported having any information about DM or dyslipidemia. Among obese individuals (IMC >= 30 Kg/m2, 27.3% of the population), systolic blood pressure (133 +/- 16mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (84 +/- 11.5mmHg) and casual glycemia (124 +/- 52.5mg/dl) were higher when compared to non-obese (p<0.05). There was a significant association between obesity and dyslipidemia (p=0.04). Age and IMC were independently associated with AH and DM.CONCLUSION. The high frequency of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in this population suggests the need for educational programs to promote primary prevention, mainly for the elderly and overweight. [Rev Assoc Med Bras 2009; 55(5): 606-10]


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Um evento extremo de precipitação ocorreu na primeira semana do ano 2000, de 1º a 5 de janeiro, no Vale do Paraíba, parte leste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, causando enorme impacto socioeconômico, com mortes e destruição. Este trabalho estudou este evento em 10 estações meteorológicas selecionadas que foram consideradas como aquelas tendo dados mais homogêneos do Que outras estações na região. O modelo de distribuição generalizada de Pareto (DGP) para valores extremos de precipitação de 5 dias foi desenvolvido, individualmente para cada uma dessas estações. Na modelagem da DGP, foi adotada abordagem não-estacionaria considerando o ciclo anual e tendência de longo prazo como co-variaveis. Uma conclusão desta investigação é que as quantidades de precipitação acumulada durante os 5 dias do evento estudado podem ser classificadas como extremamente raras para a região, com probabilidade de ocorrência menor do que 1% para maioria das estações, e menor do que 0,1% em três estações.


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This article intends to discuss the importance of the ego-psychology towards the psychoanalytical interpretation of the aesthetic experience. Its focus is based on the Ernst Kris original work, therefore it intends to present certain basis of his aesthetical thinking. In this case, however, it will suggest one certain reading which emphasizes the problem of sublimation as a drive destination-and not as a defense mechanism-in within this relationship between art and psychoanalysis; hence, it brings out a phenomenon that crosses the psychoanalytical thinking since its first conception.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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