906 resultados para European Convention on Humanh Rights, Article 5, right to liberty


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La liberté de religion, souvent reconnue comme étant la « première liberté » dans de nombreuses traditions juridiques, reflète également les différentes conceptions de la place de l’individu et de la communauté dans la société. Notre étude analysera les modèles constitutionnels canadien, américain et européen de liberté de religion et conscience. Dans un premier chapitre, nous examinerons les conceptions théoriques de la religion dans les sciences sociales ainsi les approches juridiques afin de mieux cerner comment la religion est conçue et de plus, comprendre les diverses influences sur sa conceptualisation. Dans un second et troisième chapitre, nous tenterons d’une part, de qualifier la relation entre la liberté de conscience et la liberté de religion au Canada en nous livrant à une analyse approfondie des deux libertés et d’autre part, d’identifier les questions qui demeurent irrésolues. Dans le chapitre final, nous observerons comment la liberté de conscience a été interprétée dans les contextes américain et dans l’Union Européenne, par le biais de la Cour Européenne des droits de l’Homme. Notre hypothèse est que l’on peut arriver à une meilleure compréhension de la relation entre les libertés de conscience et religion en clarifiant les conceptions théoriques de la religion et de la conscience en droit constitutionnel comparé.


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La protection des données personnelles en Suisse trouve son fondement dans la constitution et se concrétise avant tout dans une loi fédérale adoptée avant l'avènement d'Internet et la généralisation de la transmission d'informations personnelles sur des réseaux numériques. Cette réglementation est complétée par les engagements internationaux de la Suisse et notamment la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme du Conseil de l'Europe. L'article délimite tout d'abord le champ d'application de la législation, qui joue un rôle pour le traitement de données personnelles par des particuliers comme par les autorités de l'administration fédérale. Suit une brève analyse des principes fondamentaux (licéité, bonne foi, proportionnalité, finalité, exactitude, communication à l'étranger, sécurité, droit d'accès) et de leur application sur Internet. Enfin, la protection du contenu des messages électroniques privés est brièvement abordée sous l'angle du secret des télécommunications et à la lumière d'une jurisprudence récente du Tribunal fédéral.


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Dans l’Union européenne, certaines catégories d’immigrants font l’objet d’une protection renforcée contre l’expulsion. Cette protection contre l’expulsion s’acquiert notamment après avoir résidé de manière continue et pour une longue durée dans un État membre de l’Union européenne, de sorte que son intégration y soit forte. Qu’est ce que la notion de protection renforcée contre l’expulsion signifie exactement? Nous examinerons le droit de l’UE, en comparant le droit à la libre circulation des ressortissants européens et des travailleurs turcs, et l’étendue de leur protection respective contre l’expulsion. Est-elle la même ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous verrons le droit applicable à chacune de ces catégories de citoyens, notamment la Directive 2004/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil, du 29 avril 2004, relative au droit des citoyens de l’Union et des membres de leurs familles de circuler et de séjourner librement sur le territoire des États membres, le droit d’association UE/Turquie ainsi que la Directive 2003/109/CE du Conseil du 25 novembre 2003 relative au statut des ressortissants de pays tiers résidents de longue durée. Cette protection diffère selon la citoyenneté des individus. Ainsi, la protection des ressortissants turcs est moindre que celle des ressortissants européens. Toutefois, la CJUE a joué un rôle proactif dans l’interprétation des droits à la libre circulation des travailleurs turcs, en interprétant le droit d’association Turquie/UE par analogie avec celui applicable aux citoyens européens. Dans les litiges relatifs à la protection contre l’expulsion, les travailleurs turcs se sont également vu reconnaître une protection semblable à celle des ressortissants européens par la CJUE. La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme est un autre instrument qui vient protéger les résidants de l’Europe contre une violation de leurs droits fondamentaux que pourrait entraîner une expulsion du territoire. Face à cet activisme judiciaire, on est en mesure de se demander dans quelle mesure les ressortissants travailleurs turcs et européens jouissent d’une protection différente contre l’expulsion.


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The human right to water is nowadays more broadly recognised, mainly due to the essential societal function that this resource plays; likewise, because of the present water scarcity is generating conflicts between its different uses. Thus, this right aims at protecting human beings by guaranteeing access to clean water that is essential to satisfy vital human needs. Similarly, access to clean water is an important element to guarantee other rights including the right to life and health. The recognition of the right to water is mainly achieved in two ways: as a new and independent right and as a subordinate or derivative right. Concerning the latter, the right to water can emanate from civil and political rights, such as the right to life; or can be derived from economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to housing. This contribution explores the position of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding the right to water, and analyses whether the Court has recognised the right to water and, if so, in which manner.


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 This thesis explored supported decision-making for people with severe or profound intellectual disability. The findings provide guidance to supporters and policy makers to assist people with severe or profound intellectual disability to lead maximally autonomous lives, a clear obligation of Australia under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


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The right to education.Our newsletter once again takes on the challenges set forth by the Millennium Declaration and the human rights approach embedded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this issue, we will examine the right of children and adolescents to education.


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El punto de partida de nuestro estudio se sitúa en el polémico y discutido asunto resuelto por la sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de 8 de diciembre de 2009, Caso Muñoz Díaz c. España, donde se condena al Estado español por denegar la pensión de viudedad a una ciudadana casada exclusivamente por el rito matrimonial gitano. Al hilo de esta resolución analizaremos, entre otras cuestiones, las diversas formas matrimoniales a las que nuestro legislador otorga efectos civiles, la incidencia de dichas disposiciones en el principio de igualdad y no discriminación consagrado en el artículo 14 de la Constitución y en el artículo 14 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, y la posible vulneración de dicho principio en el marco de las prestaciones sociales reguladas en la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, recientemente reformada.


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This thesis explored supported decision-making for people with severe or profound intellectual disability. The findings provide guidance to supporters and policy makers to assist people with severe or profound intellectual disability to lead maximally autonomous lives, a clear obligation of Australia under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


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Energy represents the cornerstone of modern life. However, current patterns of energy production are unsustainable. This is true for both the developed and developing worlds. In this context, this paper considers how, from a conceptual perspective, the law can contribute to more sustainable patterns of energy production can be addressed. The approach that this paper adopts is to consider two of the most important concepts that are relevant to the governance of modern environmental and societal challenges: human dignity and sustainable development. It is within this context that this paper contends that the convergence of these concepts provides the platform for a novel approach to encourage the sustainable production of energy by way of a ‘right to sustainable energy’. With this in mind, this paper considers the forum in which a right to sustainable energy may be developed and outlines the content of the proposed right.


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This chapter, included in a book examining the relationship between Islam and English Law, considers the role that the idea of 'human dignity' plays in discussions of the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and freedom of religion, and the implications this has for future consideration of the place of Shari'a.


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This paper considers debates about the anti-liberal tendencies of the concept of “human dignity”, in particular those conceptions that are “expressivist”. My aim is to examine how far conceptions of dignity are expressivist, and if so what problems the concept of dignity understood in this way poses for liberty. I consider concerns about dignity’s potential illiberality, in particular the potential illiberality of respect-based conceptions of dignity, in the context of Professor András Sajó’s recent writing, illustrating the discussion with examples drawn from recent judicial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights regarding freedom of speech.


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This thesis entitled “The right to freedom of information in india”.In a democracy, the citizens being the persons to choose their own governors, the right to know from the Government is a pre-condition for a properly evaluated election. Freedom of speech and expression, one of the repositories of self~government, forms the basis for the right to know in a wider scale. The functions which the free speech rights serve in a society also emphasize the need for more openness in the functioning of a democracy.Maintanance of law and order and investigation of crimes are highly important in a country like India, where no risk may be taken on account of the public‘s right to know. The Indian situations relating terrorist activities, riots based on language, region, religion and caste are important in this respect. The right to know of the citizens may be regulated in the interests of secrecy required in these areas.On the basis of the conclusions reached in this study, a draft Bill has been proposed for the passing of an Access to Public Documents Act. This Bill is appended to this Thesis.


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My thesis uses legal arguments to demonstrate a requirement for recognition of same-sex marriages and registered partnerships between EU Member States. I draw on the US experience, where arguments for recognition of marriages void in some states previously arose in relation to interracial marriages. I show how there the issue of recognition today depends on conflicts of law and its interface with US constitutional freedoms against discrimination. I introduce the themes of the importance of domicile, the role of the public policy exception, vested rights, and relevant US constitutional freedoms. Recognition in the EU also depends on managing the tension between private international law and freedoms guaranteed by higher norms, in this case the EU Treaties and the European Convention on Human Rights. I set out the inconsistencies between various private international law systems and the problems this creates. Other difficulties are caused by the use of nationality as a connecting factor to determine personal capacity, and the overuse of the public policy exception. I argue that EU Law can constrain the use of conflicts law or public policy by any Member State where these are used to deny effect to same-sex unions validly formed elsewhere. I address the fact that family law falls only partly within Union competence, that existing EU Directives have had limited success at achieving full equality and that powers to implement new measures have not been used to their full potential. However, Treaty provisions outlawing discrimination on grounds of nationality can be interpreted so as to require recognition in many cases. Treaty citizenship rights can also be interpreted favourably to mandate recognition, once private international law is itself recognised as an obstacle to free movement. Finally, evolving interpretations of the European Convention on Human Rights may also support claims for cross-border recognition of existing relationships.


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The goal of accession to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) is to place the EU under the external oversight of the specialised court in Strasbourg. But in its Opinion of 18 December 2014 the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice ruled that the draft accession agreement is not compatible with the EU treaties. In this commentary the authors argue that this would force EU member states to renegotiate the terms of accession to the ECHR. But meeting the demands made by the Court of Justice will prove to be very difficult.