613 resultados para Erlangen


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Zusammenfassung Die psychische Gesundheit von Jugendlichen ist ein multifaktorielles Geschehen. Sie hängt in einem grossen Mass von den Werten und Normen ab, welche die Eltern und die Peers, aber auch die Schulen und Lehrbetriebe vermitteln. Um den Wissens- und Verhaltenstransfer von den Erziehungsverantwortlichen zu den Jugendlichen zu unterstützen, sind Kommunikations- und Persönlichkeitsschulungen anzuregen, von deren Nutzen gute empirische Evidenz vorliegt. Neben strukturellen Massnahmen und Angeboten sollten Jugendliche in ihrer Selbstregulation gefördert werden. Sie nehmen dadurch nachweislich ihren Handlungsspielraum stärker wahr, was wiederum zu einem verbesserten Handlungsrepertoire führt. Die aufgezeigten konkreten Möglichkeiten tragen dazu bei, dass Jugendliche ihr Wohlbefinden verbessern und eine robuste psychische Gesundheit (wieder-)erlangen oder beibehalten können.


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J. P. Harl


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[Georg Philipp Telemann]


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Three complementary imaging techniques were used to describe a complex rosette-shaped microboring that penetrates the shells of brachiopods from the Ordovician–Silurian shallow marine limestones of Anticosti Island, Canada. Pyrodendrina cupra n. igen. and isp. is among the oldest dendrinid microborings and consists of shallow and deep penetrating canals that radiate from a central polygonal chamber. The affinity of the tracemaker is unknown, but a foraminiferal origin, as proposed for some dendrinid borings, is rejected. Combining microCT with traditional stereomicroscopy and SEM helped distinguish and quantify fine morphological features while maintaining contextual information of the microboring within the shell substrate. Different imaging techniques inherently bias the description of microborings. These biases must be accounted for as new methods in ichnotaxonomy are integrated with past research based on different methods.


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Seamounts are of great interest to science, industry and conservation because of their potential role as 'stirring rods' of the oceans, their enhanced productivity, their high local biodiversity, and the growing exploitation of their natural resources. This is accompanied by rising concern about the threats to seamount ecosystems, e.g. through over-fishing and the impact of trawling. OASIS described the functioning characteristics of seamount ecosystems. OASIS' integrated hydrographic, biogeochemical and biological information. Based on two case studies. The scientific results, condensed in conceptual and mass balanced ecosystem models, were applied to outline a model management plan as well as site-specific management plans for the seamounts investigated. OASIS addressed five main objectives: Objective 1: To identify and describe the physical forcing mechanisms effecting seamount systems Objective 2: To assess the origin, quality and dynamics of particulate organic material within the water column and surface sediment at seamounts. Objective 3: To describe aspects of the biodiversity and the ecology of seamount biota, to assess their dynamics and the maintenance of their production. Objective 4: Modelling the trophic ecology of seamount ecosystems. Objective 5: Application of scientific knowledge to practical conservation.


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The dorsal valve of a Pleistocene terebratulid brachiopod, Terebratula scillae Seguenza, 1871, has developed a malignant cyst due to colonization in vivo by an endolithic sponge.This trace fossil is a compound boring and bioclaustration structure, representing a boring that has grown in unison with the growth of the cyst. The brachiopod has grown to adult size and growthlines indicate that it was colonised by the sponge when about half grown. Malformation of the shell may not have caused the death of the brachiopod and the sponge does not appear to have outlived its host; both symbionts seem to have died more or less simultaneously. This minus-minus relationship of two symbionts is considered to be a case of 'accidental symbiosis'.


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Endolithic bioerosion is difficult to analyse and to describe, and it usually requires damaging of the sample material. Sponge erosion (Entobia) may be one of the most difficult to evaluate as it is simultaneously macroscopically inhomogeneous and microstructurally intricate. We studied the bioerosion traces of the two Australian sponges Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (sensu Schönberg 2000) and Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 with a newly available radiographic technology: high resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (MCT). MCT allows non-destructive visualisation of live and dead structures in three dimensions and was compared to traditional microscopic methods. MCT and microscopy showed that C. celata bioerosion was more intense in the centre and branched out in the periphery. In contrast, C. orientalis produced a dense, even trace meshwork and caused an overall more intense erosion pattern than C. celata. Extended pioneering filaments were not usually found at the margins of the studied sponge erosion, but branches ended abruptly or tapered to points. Results obtained with MCT were similar in quality to observations from transparent optical spar under the dissecting microscope. Microstructures could not be resolved as well as with e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Even though sponge scars and sponge chips were easily recognisable on maximum magnification MCT images, they lacked the detail that is available from SEM. Other drawbacks of MCT involve high costs and presently limited access. Even though MCT cannot presently replace traditional techniques such as corrosion casts viewed by SEM, we obtained valuable information. Especially for the possibility to measure endolithic pore volumes, we regard MCT as a very promising tool that will continue to be optimised. A combination of different methods will produce the best results in the study of Entobia.


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The dataset shows the ice thickness over Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula derived from TanDEM-X Interferometry. The data has been acquired between June and August 2012. The TanDEM-X heights have been linked to CryoSAT-2 heights (V. Helm) from the respective time stamp. Elevations have been transformed from WGS84 ellipsoidal heights to the EGM2008 geoid. The ice shelf thickness was estimated assuming hydrostatic equilibrium and a mean ice density of 915 kg/m³.