998 resultados para Eriksson, Mats O. G


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Musicais (ramo de Musicologia Histórica).


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução


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Experimental murine L. major infection is characterized by the expansion of distinct CD4+ T cell subsets. The Th1 response is related to production of IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gont> and resolution of infection, whereas Th-2 response with production of IL-4 and IL-10 and dissemination of infection. The objective of this study was to measure the circulating levels of IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gont>, IL-10 and TNF-ONT FACE="Symbol">aont> in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) before, during and at the end of therapy and to examine the association between cytokine levels and activity of VL. Fifteen patients with VL were evaluated. The cytokine determinations were done by using the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) before, during and at the end of therapy. At baseline, we detected circulating levels of IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gont> in 13 of 15 patients (median = 60 pg/ml); IL-10 in 14 of 15 patients (median = 141.4 pg/ml); and TNF-ONT FACE="Symbol">aont> in 13 of 14 patients (median = 38.9 pg/ml). As patients improved, following antimonial therapy, circulating levels of IL-10 showed an exponential decay (y = 82.34 e–0,10367x, r = –0.659; p < 0.001). IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gont> was no longer detected after 7/14 days of therapy. On the other hand, circulating levels of TNF-ONT FACE="Symbol">aont> had a less pronounced decay with time on therapy, remaining detectable in most patients during the first seven days of therapy (y = 36.99-0.933x, r = –0.31; p = 0.05). Part of the expression of a successful response to therapy may, therefore, include reduction in secretion of inflammatory as well as suppressive cytokines. Since IL-10 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gont> are both detected prior to therapy, the recognized cellular immune depression seen in these patients may be due to biological predominance of IL-10 (type 2 cytokine), rather than lack of IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">g ont>(type 1 cytokine) production.


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It has been reported that production of IL-2 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gONT>, known as T-helper type 1 cytokines, by peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) decreases with progression of HIV infection. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 production, Th2 cytokine profile, increases with HIV disease progression. PBMC were evaluated from 55 HIV-infected subjects from Divisão de Imunologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, to "in vitro" cytokines production after 24 hours of stimulation with PHA. Low levels of IL-4 production in both HIV- infected patients and normal subjects, were detected. The patients with CD4+ T cell counts <200 showed a significant decrease of IL-2 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gONT> production compared to controls. Patients with higher counts of CD4+ T cells (either between 200-500 or &gt;500 cells/mm3) also showed decreased production of IL-2 that was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between IL-2 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gONT> release with CD4+ T cells counts. HIV-1-infected individuals with CD4+ T cells &gt;500 cells/mm3 showed increased levels of IL-2 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gONT>, than individuals with CD4+ T cells <500 cells/mm3. In conclusion, we observed a decline of IL-2 and IFN-ONT FACE="Symbol">gONT> production at advanced HIV disease. IL-4 production was not affected during HIV infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that the cytokine profile might be influenced by the HIV infection rather than the cause of disease progression.


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As little is known about liver histology in the co-infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis G virus (HGV), HGV RNA was investigated in 46 blood donors with hepatitis C, 22 of them with liver biopsy: co-infection HCV / HGV (n = 6) and HCV isolated infection (n = 16). Besides staging and grading of inflammation at portal, peri-portal and lobular areas (Brazilian Consensus), the fibrosis progression index was also calculated. All patients had no symptoms or signs of liver disease and prevalence of HGV / HCV co-infection was 15.2%. Most patients had mild liver disease and fibrosis progression index, calculated only in patients with known duration of infection, was 0.110 for co-infection and 0.130 for isolated HCV infection, characterizing these patients as "slow fibrosers". No statistical differences could be found between the groups, although a lesser degree of inflammation was always present in co-infection. In conclusion co-infection HCV / HGV does not induce a more aggressive liver disease, supporting the hypothesis that HGV is not pathogenic.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of the Hepatitis G Virus on a population of blood donors fromo Paulo, Brazil and to evaluate its association to sociodemographic variables. Two RT-PCR systems targeting the putative 5'NCR and NS3 regions were employed and the former has shown a higher sensitivity. The observed prevalence of HGV-RNA on 545 blood donors was 9.7% (CI 95% 7.4;12.5). Statistical analysis depicted an association with race/ethnicity, black and mulatto donors being more frequently infected; and also with years of education, less educated donors presenting higher prevalences. No association was observed with other sociodemographic parameters as age, gender, place of birth and of residence. DNA sequencing of nine randomly chosen isolates demonstrated the presence of genotypes 1, 2 and 3 among our population but clustering of these Brazilian isolates was not detected upon phylogenetic analysis.


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This article describes the standardization and evaluation of an in-house specific IgG avidity ELISA for distinguishing recent primary from long-term human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. The test was standardized with the commercial kit ETI-CYTOK G Plus (Sorin Biomedica, Italy) using 8 M urea in phosphate-buffered saline to dissociate low-avidity antibodies after the antigen-antibody interaction. The performance of the in-house assay was compared to that of the commercial automated VIDAS CMV IgG avidity test (bioMérieux, France). Forty-nine sera, 24 from patients with a recent primary HCMV infection and 25 from patients with a long-term HCMV infection and a sustained persistence of specific IgM antibodies, were tested. Similar results were obtained with the two avidity methods. All 24 sera from patients with recently acquired infection had avidity indices compatible with acute HCMV infection by the VIDAS method, whereas with the in-house method, one serum sample had an equivocal result. In the 25 sera from patients with long-term infection, identical results were obtained with the two methods, with only one serum sample having an incompatible value. These findings suggest that our in-house avidity test could be a potentially useful tool for the immunodiagnosis of HCMV infection.


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Background Hippocampal neurogenesis has been suggested as a downstream event of antidepressants (AD) mechanism of action and might explain the lag time between AD administration and the therapeutic effect. Despite the widespread use of AD in the context of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) there are no reliable biomarkers of treatment response phenotypes, and a significant proportion of patients display Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). Fas/FasL system is one of the best-known death-receptor mediated cell signaling systems and is recognized to regulate cell proliferation and tumor cell growth. Recently this pathway has been described to be involved in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. Methods Since FAS -670A>G and FASL -844T>C functional polymorphisms never been evaluated in the context of depression and antidepressant therapy, we genotyped FAS -670A>G and FASL -844T>C in a subset of 80 MDD patients to evaluate their role in antidepressant treatment response phenotypes. Results We found that the presence of FAS -670G allele was associated with antidepressant bad prognosis (relapse or TRD: OR=6.200; 95% CI: [1.875–20.499]; p=0.001), and we observed that patients carrying this allele have a higher risk to develop TRD (OR=10.895; 95% CI: [1.362–87.135]; p=0.008).Moreover, multivariate analysis adjusted to potentials confounders showed that patients carrying G allele have higher risk of early relapse (HR=3.827; 95% CI: [1.072–13.659]; p=0.039). FAS mRNA levels were down-regulated among G carriers, whose genotypes were more common in TRD patients. No association was found between FASL-844T>C genetic polymorphism and any treatment phenotypes. Limitations Small sample size. Patients used antidepressants with different mechanisms of action. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge this is the first study to evaluate the role of FAS functional polymorphism in the outcome of antidepressant therapy. This preliminary report associates FAS -670A>G genetic polymorphism with Treatment Resistant Depression and with time to relapse. The current results may possibly be given to the recent recognized role of Fas in neurogenesis and/or neuroplasticity.


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o estudados clínica e radiologicamente 566 chagásicos crônicoso selecionados, da área endêmica de Bambuí, Minas Gerais. Utilizou-se o método do tempo de trânsito esofágico, em abreugrafias de 70 mm, incidência perfil esquerdo ou oblíqua anterior direita. Verificou-se uma prevalência global de 8,83% de disperistalse esofágica, especialmente a partir da terceira década de vida sem diferença quanto aos sexos. Observou-se 72% de esofagopatias no grau I, 18% no grau II e 10% no grau III. Para 80 indivíduos soro-negativos verificou-se apenas um caso de disperistalse, no grau I. Para 115 pacientes com a fase aguda da tripanossomíase detectada há 27 anos, em média, a prevalência global da esofagopatia foi de 18,3%, sendo crescente a proporção de alterações com o tempo de evolução da doença. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre estes números e a prevalência encontrada nos pacientes sem forma aguda detectada, discutindo-se se a maior proporção de esofagopatias nos indivíduos com fase aguda mais intensa não se deveria à maior desnervação ocorrida nestes casos. Verificou-se a concomitância de cardiopatia crônica chagásica em pelo menos 50% dos casos de disperistalse de esôfago, em acordo com outros Autores. Aparentemente esta associação é mais evidente naqueles casos de esofagopatias de graus mais avançados. Ressalta-se a simplicidade do método empregado e seu baixo custo operacional quando utilizada a abreugrafia postal, adequado portanto à realidade social das áreas endêmicas de doença de Chagas no Brasil.


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A maioria dos métodos utilizados na caracterização genética do HIV-1 baseia-se na análise de regiões específicas do genoma viral, fornecendo informação parcial sobre o mesmo e, por consequência, revelando-se inadequados para a identificação de vírus recombinantes. O único método que permite uma caracterização integral do genoma viral passa pela sua sequenciação completa. No entanto, este é um método dispendioso, laborioso e de difícil implementação quando se pretende a análise de elevados números de amostras. Como alternativa a este último, o conjunto de métodos genericamente designados de MHA (Multiple Region Hybridization Assay) baseiam-se na amplificação, por PCR em tempo-real, de várias regiões ao longo do genoma viral e na sua caracterização com sondas específicas (TaqMan). Tendo este modelo por base, o objectivo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de um ensaio de hibridação múltipla (MHABG0214) passível de ser aplicado ao estudo de um elevado número de amostras. Este método foi desenvolvido tendo como objectivo a genotipagem as estirpes circulantes dominantes na epidemia Portuguesa, nomeadamente os subtipos B, G e formas genéticas recombinantes CRF02_AG e CRF14_BG. Com base em alinhamentos de sequências de referência de genoma completo, delinearam-se primers universais e subtipo-específicos para a amplificação de diversas regiões codificantes distribuídas ao longo do genoma do HIV-1 (Gag, Protease, Transcriptase Reversa, Integrase, Rev, Gp120 e Gp41). A optimização foi efectuada, inicialmente, para um conjunto de amostras de referência e seguidamente avaliada num conjunto de 50 amostras clínicas. O MHABG0214 foi implementado numa estratégia de PCR em tempo-real, numa detecção dependente de SYBR® Green I para todas as regiões ou, como alternativa, usando sondas TaqMan (Gp41). Apresentamos ainda uma estratégia em que a análise de resultados se baseia, simplesmente, numa abordagem usando PCR/gel de agarose convencional. Estas abordagens constituem ferramentas úteis na identificação das estirpes de HIV-1 em Portugal.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)- PhD grant SFRH/BD/37151/2007; projects PTDC/MAT/099275/2008; PTDC/MAT/119689/2010; PTDC/MAT/120411/2010; PTDC/MAT-GEO/0675/2012


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A total of 123 stool specimens collected in Teresina, Piauí between 1994 and 1996, from 0 to 2-year-old children with diarrhea, were used for this study. Molecular characterization of the G and P rotavirus genotypes was performed using the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The following results were obtained for the P genotypes: P[8] (17. 1%), P[1] (4. 9%), P[4] (3. 3%), P[6, M37] (2. 4%) and mixtures (27. 6%). The P[1]+P[8] mixture was found in 19. 5% of the samples. For the G genotypes, the results were: G1 (25. 2%), G5 (13. 8%), G2 (2. 5%), G4 (2. 5%), G9 (0. 8%) and mixtures (41. 5%). G1+G5 was the mixture most frequently found (12. 1%). Our results showed unusual combinations such as P[1]G5 and P[1]+P[8]G5. The high percentage of mixtures and unusual combinations containing mixtures of human and animal rotavirus genotypes strongly suggests the possibility of gene reassortment and interspecies transmission.


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DNA may fold into a diversity of structures and topologies such as duplexes and triplexes. Some specific guanine-rich DNA sequences may even fold into a higher order structures denominated guanine G-quadruplexes (G4). These G-quadruplex forming sequences have shown biological interest since were found in telomeres and in promoter region of oncogenes. Thus, these G4 forming sequences have been explored as therapeutic targets for cancer therapy, since G4 formation was demonstrated to inhibit RNA-polymerase and telomerase activity. However, the G4 structures are transient and are only formed under specific conditions. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new G4-specific ligands which may potentially find applications in the therapeutic area. Several potential G4-binding ligands were synthesized and characterized. The synthesis of these compounds consisted on a procedure based on van Leusen chemistry and a cross-coupling reaction through C-H activation, affording phenanthroline compounds (Phen-1, 50%; Phen-2, 20%), phenyl (Iso-1, 61%; Iso-2, 21%; Ter-1, 85%; Ter-2, 35%), and quinolyl (Quin-1, 85%; Quin-2, 45%) compounds. Screening assays for selecting the potential G4 compounds were performed by FRET-melting, G4-FID, CD-melting and DSF. Qualitative biophysical studies were performed by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. Two high-specific G-quadruplex ligands, Phen-1 and Phen-2, were found to effectively bind telomeric and c-myc G4 structures. Phen-1 was found to stabilize parallel telomeric 22AG and c-myc sequence by 4.1 and 4.3 ˚C, respectively. Phen-2 also displayed high affinity towards 22AG (