316 resultados para Eosinophils.


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P>The Cayenne tick Amblyomma cajennense infests preferably horses in its adult form but other mammal species in its immature stages and is the main vector of Rickettsia rickettsii, the Brazilian spotted fever pathogen. As wooless lambs are often raised on pasture together with horses, an experiment was performed to investigate their possible acquisition of resistance to A. cajennense after experimental infestations. Seven naive wooless lambs were infested thrice at 60 days interval with immature and adult instars of A. cajennense from a laboratory colony, the tick biotic potential being determined and biopsies of tick bite lesions taken to investigate the inflammatory cell component. Nearly 100% of larvae died in all infestations, while nymphs and adults fed normally throughout re-infestations. Microscopic features of adult tick bite lesions revealed predominance of neutrophils (38%) and eosinophils (36.8%), respectively, in the first and second infestations. In the third infestation, 43.6% of MN cells were found and about 31% of eosinophils. on the other hand, nymph bite lesions revealed in all infestations a predominance of eosinophils, increasing from 36% in the first infestation to 50.5% in the third one. It is concluded that wooless lambs present remarkable innate resistance against larvae of A. cajennense, but marked susceptibility to the other tick instars despite the migration of great number of eosinophils to the tick lesion.


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Carrageenin-induced inflammatory responses in the hindpaws of rats were quantitated by measuring: (1) alterations in volumes of the paws; and (2) alterations in concentration of dye, previously injected intravenously, which was recovered in perfusates from the paws. The inflammatory response in one paw was attenuated by previously inducing an inflammatory response in the contralateral paw. The effect was abolished by pretreatment with insulin. Indexes of adrenal activity were increased after the induction of the inflammatory response and they were not attenuated by pretreatment with insulin. Adrenal hyperactivity was characterized by increased serum corticosterone concentration, decreased adrenal ascorbic acid content, and reduced number of circulating eosinophils. It is concluded that inflammatory stimuli which lead to alterations in microvessels depend on a facilitatory effect of insulin. This effect is antagonized by glucocorticoids released in enhanced concentrations after the application of noxious stimuli. Therefore, endogenous insulin and glucocorticoids act as modulators of inflammatory responses.


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The effects of chronic mild prenatal stress on leukocyte infiltration into the airways was investigated in rat offspring. The chronic prenatal stress consisted of transitory and variable changes in the rat's living conditions. Offspring at adult age were actively sensitized (day 0) and intratracheally challenged (day 14) with ovalbumin. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in the offspring at 48 h after intratracheal challenge with ovalbumin. A significant increase in total leukocyte infiltration was observed in the non-stressed offspring group and this was associated with a marked recruitment of eosinophils without a significant effect on the influx of neutrophils and mononuclear cells. In the prenatal stressed offspring, the counts of both total leukocyte and eosinophils, as well as mononuclear cells, was increased by 50% compared to the non-stressed offspring. We provide here the first experimental evidence that chronic mild unpredictable prenatal stress produces a marked increase in the allergen-induced airway inflammation in the rat offspring.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of ropivacaine after intrafascicular injection into the sciatic nerves of albino rabbits. Twenty adult albine rabbits were used, following sedation with intramuscular ketamine (50 mg/kg) for nerve exposure by lateral incision. We considered three experimental groups: Group I:sciatic nerve control; Group II: intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of physiologic saline solution in the left nerves and intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of local anesthetic ropivacaine into the rigth nerves. The specimens were colected at 48 h after drugs administration; Group III. intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of physiologic saline solution in the left nerves and intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of local anesthetic ropivacaine in the rigth nerves. The specimens were colected at 7 days after drugs administration. The sciatic nerves were removed from these animals and fixed in Karnowisky solution for 24 hours. After partial dehydration up to 95% ethanol, they were embedded in historesin (Leica). The tissue was then sectioned at 1-2μm. Sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE); toluidine blue (TB) or picrosirius-haematoxylin (PSH). Comparing with control group the histological evidence of inflammatory reaction (migration of macrophagic cells and eosinophils-appeared soon after injection, with intense proliferation of perineurial cells. The results show that after 7 days of intrafascicular injection there was a severe fibrosis and an increase on perineurial vascularization. In group 2 the inflammatory reaction was noted near the local of the injection. Furthermore in this experiment we observed an increase on the number of epineurial lipoblasts and adipocytes. This study demonstrated that the toxic effects of ropivacaine are transient. In many cases there was an initial fascicular recover and axonal regeneration after 7 days of the injection.


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The studies on the characterization of eosinophils and neutrophils/ heterophils of turtles are contradictory. Some authors have pointed out the existence of two distinct cell types: eosinophils and heterophils. Other authors have proposed that eosinophils and heterophils may be the same cells in different stages of maturation. These interpretations are based only on a morphological analysis. In the blood of the turtle (Chrysemys dorbignih), a South American freshwater species, there are two types of granulocytes with eosinophilic staining pattern: the first with round cytoplasmic granules and the second with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules. In the present study by using histoenzymological methods for the analyses of enzymological cellular content, we found that the cells with round cytoplasmic granules were positive for nonspecific esterase and the cells with ellipsoidal granules were positives for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase and peroxidase. The results show that these cells are distinct cells and that the cells with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules have the same histoenzymological characteristics as the neutrophils/heterophils of mammalians and other vertebrates.


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In the present study we compared the immunological reactions between Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick-infested susceptible (dogs and mice) and tick-resistant hosts (guinea pigs), elucidating some of the components of efficient protective responses against ticks. We found that T-cells from guinea pigs infested with adult ticks proliferate vigorously in the presence of concanavalin A (ConA), whereas ConA-induced cell proliferation of tick-infested mice and dogs was significantly decreased at 43.1 and 94.0%, respectively, compared to non-infested controls. Moreover, cells from mice and dogs submitted to one or three successive infestations did not exhibit a T-cell proliferative response to tick antigens, whilst cells from thrice tick-infested guinea pigs, when cultured with either a tick extract or tick saliva, displayed a significant increase in cell proliferation. Also, we evaluated the response of tick-infested mice to a cutaneous hypersensitivity test induced by a tick extract. Tick-infested mice developed a significant immediate reaction, whereby a 29.9% increase in the footpad thickness was observed. No delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction was detected. Finally, the differential cell count at the tick attachment site in repeatedly infested mice exhibited a 6.6- and 4.1-fold increase in the percentage of eosinophils and neutrophils, respectively, compared to non-infested animals, while a decrease of 77.0-40.9 in the percentage of mononuclear cells was observed. The results of the cutaneous hypersensitivity test and the cellular counts at the tick feeding site for mice support the view that tick-infested mice develop an immune response to R. sanguineus ticks very similar to dogs, the natural host of this species of tick, but very different from guinea pigs (resistant host), which develop a DTH reaction in addition to a basophil and mononuclear cell infiltration at the tick-attachment site. In conclusion, saliva introduced during tick infestations reduces the ability of a susceptible animal host to respond to tick antigens that could stimulate a protective immune response. As a consequence, the animals present a lack of DTH response and disturbed cellular migration to tick feeding site, which can represent a deficient response against ticks. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the peripheral blood of the roadside hawk, Buteo magnirostris, the following types of granulocytic leucocytes were identified: heterophil, eosinophil and basophil. The heterophils presented acidophilic and spindle shaped granules, the eosinophils possess spherical eosinophilic granules and the basophils showed spherical and basophilic granules. The heterophils and eosinophils presented positive cytochemical reaction to glycogen and basic polyaminoacid, while the eosinophils presented sudanophilic granules, which were also positive for myeloperoxidase. The heterophils, alone, presented positivity for acid phosphatase in some granules and immunoreactivity to TGF-β1 was observed only in the cytoplasm of the eosinophils. Electron microscopy demonstrated the heterophil granules as predominantly spindle shaped, being strongly electron-dense, while the eosinophils had numerous uniformly electron-dense spherical granules and the basophils presented three different types of granules identified according to their electron-density and the aspect of their matrix.


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This research studied the condition (Kn) relative factor, the hepatosomatic (HSR), the splenosomatic (SSR) relation, the erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes number, the glicogen locality by PAS method in thrombocytes and leucocytes and the total protein and electrolytes serices levels in both Cyprinus carpio L. sex. The female Kn showed higher value than the males. The female HSR average values were lower than the ones observed in males, while the leukocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils percentage number were the highest. However, the males magnesium and choride serices levels were higher than the females. The HRS average values, hematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, average corspucular volume (ACV), average corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (ACHC), erythocytes number, trombocytes, monocytes, oesinophils, positive PAS leukocyte granular (PAS-LG), and total protein, sodium, potassium and calcium serices levels did not show significant statistics difference (p> 0.05) between males and females. The PAS method showed glicogen granules into the thronbocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils cytoplasm. Nevertheless, in the PAS-LG cytoplasm, neutral glicoprotein granules were also observed. Monocytes and lynfocytes showed negative reaction to PAS. In the teleosts, the gonodas matureness presents higher relation with the factor of condition. During the reprodution period it is unlikely to find the sexual effects isolated in the hemogram, because most of the time that is not the only factor to cause dimorphism.


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Hematological characteristics are important tools for diagnosis and prognostic features in fish population and they contribute to the comprehension of comparative physiology, phylogenetic relation, food habit and other ecological parameters. Red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), thrombocytes counts, glucose, cortisol, hepatosomatic and splenosomatic relation were evaluated in Piaractus mesopotamicus. The values of hepatosomatic relation varied from 0.67% to 2.79% and splenosomatic relation from 0.011% to 0.108%. RBC 1.870 to 4.590 × 106/μL, hemoglobin concentration 5.7 to 12.1g/dL, haematocrit 24.0% to 40.0%, mean corpuscular volume 98.0 to 174.0 fL, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration 19.1 to 34.2g/dL, glucose 40.6 to 89.2mg/dL and cortisol 4.73 to 110.5ng/dL The number of total thrombocytes was 12,160.0 to 89,280.0/μL and WBC 2,019.0 to 47,473.0/μL. Differential count of leucocytes showed 54.1% limphocytes, 10.9% neutrophils, 10.3% monocytes, 9.9% PAS-positive granular leukocytes (PAS-GL), 6.7% eosinophils, 0.3% basophils and 7.8% immature leucocytes. Variation of these haematological characteristics in the same fish species was observed, being considered as the normal variation in the fish concerned. Hence it is incorrect to assume that biological characteristics in fishes are distributed normally.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the host response of a human and a porcine derived acellular dermal tissue (ADT) implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of a rat model. Two subcutaneous pockets were surgically created along the dorsal midline of 25 rats (5 rats/group). The human ADT was placed superiorly and the porcine ADT, inferiorly. The animals were sacrificed at 07, 15, 30, 60 and 180 postoperative days (PO) and the ADTs and surrounding soft tissues were assessed for ultrastructural evaluation by transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural findings were similar in both materials. Normal collagen and elastic fibers bundles were observed during all experimental moments, as well as macrophages presenting cytoplasmic enlargements digesting cellular portions after 15 PO. From 30 until 180 PO, vacuolar structures filled with an amorphous, electron-transparent substance, were present inside and outside the fibroblasts. Both human and porcine ADT showed similar pattern of ultrastructural response when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The porcine ADT appears as a good alternative to be used as a biomaterial.


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This study evaluated the efficacy of dietary vitamin C (ascorbic acid or AA), vitamin E (α-tocopherol or α-T), and C + E supplementation on the blood parameters of Arapaima gigas grown in net cages for 45 days. Four treatments were tested: control (commercial feed); C800; E500 and C + E (800 + 500) with supplementation of 800 mg AA kg- 1, 500 mg α-T kg- 1 and 800 + 500 mg AA + α-T kg- 1, respectively. Hematocrit (Ht), red blood cells (RBC), and hemoglobin concentration (Hb) (oxidative status indicators), thrombocytes and leukocytes (immunological indicators), plasma protein and glucose were evaluated. Fish fed vitamin C and C + E supplemented diets showed greater weight gain and survival. Dietary vitamin C and C + E diet supplementation resulted in increased Ht, Hb, RBC, MCHC, total leukocytes, total proteins, thrombocytes and eosinophils compared to the control and α-T. The α-tocopherol-supplemented diet reduced the number of total thrombocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils and increased glucose and eosinophils relatively to the control. In general, leukocytes and thrombocytes were good indicators of the efficiency of vitamin on the defense mechanism of the A. gigas reared in cages. Results indicate that high α-T diet supplementation provides no benefit for the maintenance of the oxidative or the immunological status of A. gigas. However, it was demonstrated that high dietary AA improves A. gigas immunological status. Red blood cell indices and immune system indicators showed no synergistic effect between the vitamins after supplementing the A. gigas diet with α-T + AA. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study aimed at evaluating clinical and laboratory aspects during experimental envenomation by Crotalus durissus terrificus in dogs treated with antiophidic serum. Twenty-one dogs were divided into three groups of seven animals each. Group I received 1mg/kg venom (sc); Group II received 1mg/kg venom (sc), 50mg antiophidic serum (iv), and fluid therapy including 0.9% NaCl solution (iv); and Group III received 1mg/kg venom (sc), 50mg antiophidic serum (iv), and fluid therapy including 0.9% NaCl solution containing sodium bicarbonate diluted to the dose of 4mEq/kg. The clinical signs of ataxia, sedation, flaccid paralysis, mydriasis, eyeball paralysis, mandible ptosis, sialorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea observed in the dogs were very similar to those observed in humans. The decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte, platelet and fibrinogen levels, prolongation of clotting time, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), as well as hypocellularity in the bone marrow characterized anemia, thrombocytopenia and blood incoagulability, as well as hypofibrinogenemia and decreased bone-marrow activity. Important bleeding was not observed. Increased numbers of leukocytes and neutrophils and decreased numbers of lymphocytes and eosinophils characterized an acute inflammatory response and stress caused by generalized pain. The employed antiophidic serum was effective and all animals survived.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate through endoscopy the tracheal aspiration cytology in twenty seven Quarter Horses from Curitiba and surroundings, following the Three Barrel Competittion. Upper respiratory tract secretion was obtained by tracheal aspiration using a polyethylene catheter introduced through the endoscopic fiberoptic working channel, at the level of tracheal bifurcation. Cytologic slides were prepared by smear and stained by diff-quick technique and the differential was performed in 500 cells counting by 1,000X optic microscopy. None of the horses presented abnormality, including epixtasis, at the clinical examination. However, hemosiderophages were detected at cytology in three animals, suggesting that some may be suffering of subclinical pulmonary hemorrhage. Differential cell counting of tracheal aspiration results were, in average: 44.09 ± 35.68% of epithelial cells; 1.10 ± 2.18% of Globet cells; 23.10 ± 35.93% of neutrophils; 0.13 ± 0.37% of lymphocytes; 0.91 ± 2.81% of eosinophils; 30.57 ± 23.62% of macrophages and 0.13 + 0.93% of hemosiderophages. In conclusion, based in the present study, the evaluation of cellular populations with the tracheal aspiration may offer important additional information to the clinician, particularly about the inflammatory processes of lower respiratory tract and pulmonary bleeding.


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Background: Airway eosinophilia is considered a central event in the pathogenesis of asthma. The toxic components of eosinophils are thought to be important in inducing bronchial mucosal injury and dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested an interaction between nitric oxide (NO) and chemokines in modulating eosinophil functions, but this is still conflicting. In the present study, we have carried out functional assays (adhesion and degranulation) and flow cytometry analysis of adhesion molecules (VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression) to evaluate the interactions between NO and CC-chemokines (eotaxin and RANTES) in human eosinophils. Methods: Eosinophils were purified using a percoll gradient followed byimmunomagnetic cell separator. Cell adhesion and degranulation were evaluated by measuring eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) activity, whereas expression of Mac-1 and VLA-4 was detected using flow cytometry. Results: At 4 h incubation, both eotaxin (100 ng/ml) and RANTES (1000 ng/ml) increased by 133% and 131% eosinophil adhesion, respectively. L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) also increased the eosinophil adhesion, but the co-incubation of L-NAME with eotaxin or RANTES did not further affect the increased adhesion seen with chemokines alone. In addition, L-NAME alone (but not D-NAME) caused a significant cell degranulation, but it did not affect the CC-chemokine-induced cell degranulation. Incubation of eosinophils with eotaxin or RANTES, in absence or presence of L-NAME, did not affect the expression of VLA-4 and Mac-1 on eosinophil surface. Eotaxin and RANTES (100 ng/ml each) also failed to elevate the cyclic GMP levels above baseline in human eosinophils. Conclusion: Eotaxin and RANTES increase the eosinophil adhesion to fibronectin-coated plates and promote cell degranulation by NO-independent mechanisms. The failure of CC-chemokines to affect VLA-4 and Mac-1 expression suggests that changes in integrin function (avidity or affinity) are rather involved in the enhanced adhesion. © 2008 Lintomen et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.