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Surface reaction methodology was implicated in the optimization of hexavalent chromium removal onto lignin with respect to the process parameters. The influence of altering the conditions for removal of chromium(VI), for instance; solution pH, ionic strength, initial concentration, the dose of biosorbent, presence of other metals (Zn and Cu), presence of salts and biosorption-desorption studies, were investigated. It was found that the biosorption capacity of lignin depends on solution pH, with a maximum biosorption capacity for chromium at pH 2. Experimental equilibrium data were fitted to five different isotherm models by non-linear regression method, however, the biosorption equilibrium data were well interpreted by the Freundlich isotherm. The maximum biosorption capacities (q(max)) obtained using Dubinin-Radushkevich and Khan isotherms for Cr(VI) biosorption are 31.6 and 29.1 mg/g. respectively. Biosorption showed pseudo second order rate kinetics at different initial concentrations of Cr(VI). The intraparticle diffusion study indicated that film diffusion may be involved in the current study. The percentage removal of chromium on lignin decreased significantly in the presence of NaHCO3 and K2P2O7 salts. Desorption data revealed that nearly 70% of the Cr(VI) adsorbed on lignin could be desorbed using 0.1 M NaOH. It was evident that the biosorption mechanism involves the attraction of both hexavalent chromium (anionic) and trivalent chromium (cationic) onto the surface of lignin. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To investigate whether older adults participating in social activities are more likely to maintain or achieve recommended waist circumference (WC) levels. Method: A total of 4,280 older adults who participated in Wave 2 (baseline) and Wave 4 (follow-up) of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. WC was measured by a nurse in both study waves. Results: Participation in education, arts, music groups, evening classes, and in charitable associations was associated with maintaining recommended WC only in those men whose WC was in the recommended range at baseline. Participation in social activities was not associated with achieving recommended WC in women or men with initially large waist. Discussion: Participation in cultural and charitable activities may help in maintaining a recommended level of WC in older men with WC originally in the recommended range.


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Metaphor has featured frequently in attempts to define the proverb (see Taylor 1931, Whiting 1932, Mieder 1985, 1996), and since the advent of modern paremiological scholarship, it has been identified as one of the most salient markers of ‘proverbiality’ (Arora 1984) across a broad spectrum of world languages. Significant language-specific analyses, such as Klimenko (1946), Silverman-Weinreich (1981), and Arora (1984) have provided valuable qualitative information on the form and function of metaphor in Russian, Yiddish, and Spanish proverbs respectively. Unfortunately, no academic scholarship has engaged with the subject of metaphor in Irish proverbs. This study builds on international paremiological research on metaphor and provides for the first time a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the form, frequency, and nature of linguistic metaphors in Irish proverbs (1856-1952). Moreover, from the perspective of paremiology, it presents a methodological template and result-set that can be applied cross-linguistically to compare metaphor in the proverbs of other languages.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is the major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Although much attention has been given to the biological effects of its lipid A portion, a great body of evidence indicates that its O chain polysaccharide (O antigen) portion plays an important role in the bacterium-host interplay. In this work we have studied in-depth the role of the O antigen in Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8 pathogenesis. We made a detailed virulence analysis of three mutants having different O antigen phenotypes: (i) LPS with no O antigen (rough mutant); (ii) LPS with one O unit (semirough mutant) and (iii) LPS with random distribution of O antigen chain lengths. We demonstrated that these LPS O antigen mutants were attenuated in virulence regardless of the infection route used. Co-infection experiments revealed that the rough and semirough mutants were severely impaired in their ability to colonize the Peyer's patches and in contrast to the wild-type strain they did not colonize spleen and liver. The mutant with random distribution of O antigen chain lengths, however, survived better but started to be cleared from mouse organs after 8 days. As an explanation to this attenuation we present here evidence that other Yersinia virulence factors depend on the presence of O antigen for their proper function and/or expression. We demonstrated that in the rough mutant: (i) the YadA function but not its expression was altered; (ii) Ail was not expressed and (iii) inv expression was downregulated. On the other hand, expression of flhDC, the flagellar master regulatory operon, was upregulated in this mutant with a concomitant increase in the production of flagellins. Finally, expression of yplA, encoding for the Yersinia phospholipase A, was also upregulated accompanied by an increased flagellar type III secretion system mediated secretion of YplA to culture medium. Together these findings suggest that the absence of O antigen in the outer membrane of Yersinia either directly or indirectly, for example through a cellular or membrane stress, could act as a regulatory signal.


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Malone, C.,989, London: Batsford. Reprinted, 1989, 2nd edition 1994.


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Malone, C., 1989, London: Batsford. Reprinted, 1989, 2nd edition 1994.


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A single base deletion (211delG) in the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene was shown to cause familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) in a large family from Northern Ireland. Twenty-four of 52 family members tested had this mutation, 13 of which were newly diagnosed. Mutation-positive individuals had significantly higher mean total-cholesterol (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) than those without 211delG. LDL-C was a more accurate indicator of disease status than TC, When TC levels alone were considered, in individuals over 16 years, a false negative rate (TC <7.5 mmol/l) of 40% was found; however, this fell to 13% based on inclusion of LDL-C levels. Individuals with coronary artery disease (CAD) had significantly higher TC levels than those without CAD and tended to have tendinous xanthomas (TX) and corneal arcus (CA). Genetic polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and apolipoprotein (ape) B genes did not appear to be associated with lipid levels or with the clinical severity of the disease; however, the apo E e4 allele did show a lipid-raising effect in individuals with the mutation.


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Background: We examined whether higher effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and lower job control are associated with exit from the labour market. 

Methods: There were 1263 participants aged 50-74 years from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing with data on working status and work-related psychosocial factors at baseline (wave 2; 2004-2005), and working status at follow-up (wave 5; 2010-2011). Psychosocial factors at work were assessed using a short validated version of ERI and job control. An allostatic load index was formed using 13 biological parameters. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Exit from the labour market was defined as not working in the labour market when 61 years old or younger in 2010-2011. 

Results: Higher ERI OR=1.62 (95% CI 1.01 to 2.61, p=0.048) predicted exit from the labour market independent of age, sex, education, occupational class, allostatic load and depression. Job control OR=0.60 (95% CI 0.42 to 0.85, p=0.004) was associated with exit from the labour market independent of age, sex, education, occupation and depression. The association of higher effort OR=1.32 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.73, p=0.045) with exit from the labour market was independent of age, sex and depression but attenuated to non-significance when additionally controlling for socioeconomic measures. Reward was not related to exit from the labour market. 

Conclusions: Stressful work conditions can be a risk for exiting the labour market before the age of 61 years. Neither socioeconomic position nor allostatic load and depressive symptoms seem to explain this association.


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Apoiado na convicção de que o plurilinguismo se constitui enquanto valor a promover e competência a desenvolver, podendo ser potenciado pelo desenvolvimento de políticas linguísticas (educativas) e que, nesse âmbito, as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) têm um importante papel a desempenhar, este estudo enquadra-se na intersecção e relação de inter-discursividade entre as áreas disciplinares da Didáctica do Plurilinguismo e das Políticas Linguísticas. Partindo desta convicção, delineámos um estudo de caso com a Universidade de Aveiro (UA), incidindo sobre os seus diferentes contextos de acção institucional - formação, investigação e interacção com a sociedade -, com o qual se pretendia: i) descrever práticas e discursos da comunidade universitária no que concerne à utilização das línguas e à promoção do plurilinguismo; ii) diagnosticar representações da comunidade universitária relativamente ao papel da instituição universidade na construção de uma sociedade plurilingue e pluricultural e iii) identificar possibilidades e potencialidades, constrangimentos e obstáculos da acção das IES no desenvolvimento de dinâmicas capazes de promover o plurilinguismo. Tendo em conta estes objectivos, o estudo apoia-se num tipo de investigação qualitativa, inserida num paradigma de natureza fenomenológicointerpretativa o que implicou a utilização de diferentes métodos e instrumentos para a recolha dos dados. Inicialmente foi levada a cabo uma recolha documental no âmbito dos contextos institucionais que nos propusemos analisar. Seguidamente, procedemos à realização de inquéritos por entrevista semi-estruturada com representantes dos órgãos de governo e coordenação da instituição e com responsáveis pelos diferentes contextos a observar. Por fim, auscultámos alunos e directores de curso através de inquéritos por questionário. À totalidade dos dados aplicámos uma análise de conteúdo de natureza categorial. As categorias de análise que construímos, emergentes do quadro teórico e da sua interacção com os dados, permitiram uma análise compreensiva e uma visão holística dos resultados. A análise dos dados mostra que, ao nível dos três contextos de acção institucional analisados e no âmbito das práticas e discursos, se nota uma tensão entre o que denominamos de “global” e “local”. Explicitando, ao nível da dimensão “global” verificamos que a língua inglesa assume um lugar de destaque o que se relaciona, essencialmente, com a importância conferida à estratégia de internacionalização das actividades formativas e investigativas e à forma como a UA se dá a conhecer ao exterior e, aí, as outras línguas (incluindo a língua portuguesa) são percepcionadas enquanto barreiras. Ao nível da dimensão mais “local”, sobressai uma preocupação com a valorização de outras línguas que: ao nível da formação poderão funcionar enquanto “trunfos diferenciadores” no mercado económico-profissional; ao nível da investigação poderão permitir exercer maior influência do conhecimento científico sobre o público-alvo (e aqui salienta-se o papel da língua portuguesa na investigação em educação); ao nível da interacção com a sociedade, poderão potenciar a construção de relacionamento intercultural, designadamente no interior do campus universitário. Estes dois pólos não são incompatíveis e é a conjugação dos dois que tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de diversas iniciativas nos três contextos de acção institucional (por exemplo, a criação de Cursos Livres em variadas línguas, a participação em redes investigativas internacionais de excelência, a realização de actividades de fomento do contacto intercultural no campus), iniciativas estas que poderão concorrer de forma determinante para uma reflexão institucional acerca da importância das línguas e do plurilinguismo nas actividades universitárias. É com o objectivo de potenciar essa reflexão (-acção), e partindo dos nossos resultados, que traçamos, no final do estudo, alguns eixos transversais sobre as potencialidades da acção das IES no desenvolvimento de dinâmicas capazes de promover o plurilinguismo e políticas linguísticas de teor plurilingue, organizados em dois níveis: conceptualização da estratégia institucional e acção. No âmbito do primeiro eixo, apontamos para a necessidade de se desenvolver um locus de discussão e reflexão institucional acerca do plurilinguismo nas IES e de se potenciar a relação entre dimensão estratégica institucional e as línguas; no segundo nível – o da acção – invocamos a importância da exploração do plurilinguismo e da diversidade linguístico-cultural existente no campus e o valor do contexto da formação enquanto impulsor da promoção do plurilinguismo nas instituições universitárias.