782 resultados para Engel, Antke
The objective of this study was to adapt a nonlinear model (Wang and Engel - WE) for simulating the phenology of maize (Zea mays L.), and to evaluate this model and a linear one (thermal time), in order to predict developmental stages of a field-grown maize variety. A field experiment, during 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 was conducted in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, in two growing seasons, with seven sowing dates each. Dates of emergence, silking, and physiological maturity of the maize variety BRS Missões were recorded in six replications in each sowing date. Data collected in 2005/2006 growing season were used to estimate the coefficients of the two models, and data collected in the 2006/2007 growing season were used as independent data set for model evaluations. The nonlinear WE model accurately predicted the date of silking and physiological maturity, and had a lower root mean square error (RMSE) than the linear (thermal time) model. The overall RMSE for silking and physiological maturity was 2.7 and 4.8 days with WE model, and 5.6 and 8.3 days with thermal time model, respectively.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi simular o aparecimento de folhas em genótipos de arroz cultivados e em biótipos de arroz-vermelho por meio da adaptação do modelo de Wang e Engel, modificado por Streck et al. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em Santa Maria, RS, em 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. Foram utilizadas as cultivares IRGA 417 e EEA 406, um híbrido e dois biótipos de arroz-vermelho. O modelo de aparecimento de folhas foi ajustado para os genótipos usando-se dados de estágio de Haun (HS), de cinco épocas de semeadura, em 2004/2005, e a avaliação do modelo foi feita com dados de HS medidos em três épocas de semeadura, em 2005/2006. Realizou-se também um experimento numérico utilizando-se dados de temperatura de 2003/2004 e de 2006/2007, e comparou-se o HS simulado dos genótipos cultivados em relação aos biótipos de arroz-vermelho. O modelo apresentou bom desempenho para simular o HS com raiz do quadrado médio do erro geralmente menor do que uma folha. A emissão de folhas na haste principal foi maior nos genótipos modernos - IRGA 417 e híbrido - do que no genótipo tradicional EEA 406. A emissão de folhas é diferente em distintos biótipos de arroz-vermelho.
Introduction: Neuronal oscillations have been the focus of increasing interest in the neuroscientific community, in part because they have been considered as a possible integrating mechanism through which internal states can influence stimulus processing in a top-down way (Engel et al., 2001). Moreover, increasing evidence indicates that oscillations in different frequency bands interact with one other through coupling mechanisms (Jensen and Colgin, 2007). The existence and the importance of these cross-frequency couplings during various tasks have been verified by recent studies (Canolty et al., 2006; Lakatos et al., 2007). In this study, we measure the strength and directionality of two types of couplings - phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings - between various bands in EEG data recorded during an illusory contour experiment that were identified using a recently-proposed adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010). Methods: The data used in this study have been taken from a previously published study examining the spatiotemporal mechanisms of illusory contour processing (Murray et al., 2002). The EEG in the present study were from a subset of nine subjects. Each stimulus was composed of 'pac-man' inducers presented in two orientations: IC, when an illusory contour was present, and NC, when no contour could be detected. The signals recorded by the electrodes P2, P4, P6, PO4 and PO6 were averaged, and filtered into the following bands: 4-8Hz, 8-12Hz, 15-25Hz, 35-45Hz, 45-55Hz, 55-65Hz and 65-75Hz. An adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010) was then applied in each band in order to extract the main oscillation and estimate its frequency. This additional step ensures that clean phase information is obtained when taking the Hilbert transform. The frequency estimated by the tracker was averaged over sliding windows and then used to compare the two conditions. Two types of cross-frequency couplings were considered: phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings. Both types were measured with the phase locking value (PLV, Lachaux et al., 1999) over sliding windows. The phase-amplitude couplings were computed with the phase of the low frequency oscillation and the phase of the amplitude of the high frequency one. Different coupling coefficients were used when measuring phase-phase couplings in order to estimate different m:n synchronizations (4:3, 3:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 and 9:1) and to take into account the frequency differences across bands. Moreover, the direction of coupling was estimated with a directionality index (Bahraminasab et al., 2008). Finally, the two conditions IC and NC were compared with ANOVAs with 'subject' as a random effect and 'condition' as a fixed effect. Before computing the statistical tests, the PLV values were transformed into approximately normal variables (Penny et al., 2008). Results: When comparing the mean estimated frequency across conditions, a significant difference was found only in the 4-8Hz band, such that the frequency within this band was significantly higher for IC than NC stimuli starting at ~250ms post-stimulus onset (Fig. 1; solid line shows IC and dashed line NC). Significant differences in phase-amplitude couplings were obtained only when the 4-8 Hz band was taken as the low frequency band. Moreover, in all significant situations, the coupling strength is higher for the NC than IC condition. An example of significant difference between conditions is shown in Fig. 2 for the phase-amplitude coupling between the 4-8Hz and 55-65Hz bands (p-value in top panel and mean PLV values in the bottom panel). A decrease in coupling strength was observed shortly after stimulus onset for both conditions and was greater for the condition IC. This phenomenon was observed with all other frequency bands. The results obtained for the phase-phase couplings were more complex. As for the phase-amplitude couplings, all significant differences were obtained when the 4-8Hz band was considered as the low frequency band. The stimulus condition exhibiting the higher coupling strength depended on the ratio of the coupling coefficients. When this ratio was small, the IC condition exhibited the higher phase-phase coupling strength. When this ratio was large, the NC condition exhibited the higher coupling strength. Fig. 3 shows the phase-phase couplings between the 4-8Hz and 35-45Hz bands for the coupling coefficient 6:1, and the coupling strength was significantly higher for the IC than NC condition. By contrast, for the coupling coefficient 9:1 the NC condition gave the higher coupling strength (Fig. 4). Control analyses verified that it is not a consequence of the frequency difference between the two conditions in the 4-8Hz band. The directionality measures indicated a transfer of information from the low frequency components towards the high frequency ones. Conclusions: Adaptive tracking is a feasible method for EEG analyses, revealing information both about stimulus-related differences and coupling patterns across frequencies. Theta oscillations play a central role in illusory shape processing and more generally in visual processing. The presence vs. absence of illusory shapes was paralleled by faster theta oscillations. Phase-amplitude couplings were decreased more for IC than NC and might be due to a resetting mechanism. The complex patterns in phase-phase coupling between theta and beta/gamma suggest that the contribution of these oscillations to visual binding and stimulus processing are not as straightforward as conventionally held. Causality analyses further suggest that theta oscillations drive beta/gamma oscillations (see also Schroeder and Lakatos, 2009). The present findings highlight the need for applying more sophisticated signal analyses in order to establish a fuller understanding of the functional role of neural oscillations.
The objective of this work was to simulate maize leaf development in climate change scenarios at Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, considering symmetric and asymmetric increases in air temperature. The model of Wang & Engel for leaf appearance rate (LAR), with genotype-specific coefficients for the maize variety BRS Missões, was used to simulate tip and expanded leaf accumulated number from emergence to flag leaf appearance and expansion, for nine emergence dates from August 15 to April 15. LAR model was run for each emergence date in 100-year climate scenarios: current climate, and +1, +2, +3, +4 and +5°C increase in mean air temperature, with symmetric and asymmetric increase in daily minimum and maximum air temperature. Maize crop failure due to frost decreased in elevated temperature scenarios, in the very early and very late emergence dates, indicating a lengthening in the maize growing season in warmer climates. The leaf development period in maize was shorter in elevated temperature scenarios, with greater shortening in asymmetric temperature increases, indicating that warmer nights accelerate vegetative development in maize.
The RAD52 epistasis group was identified in yeast as a group of genes required to repair DNA damaged by ionizing radiation [1]. Genetic evidence indicates that Rad52 functions in Rad51-dependent and Rad51-independent recombination pathways [2] [3] [4]. Consistent with this, purified yeast and human Rad52 proteins have been shown to promote single-strand DNA annealing [5] [6] [7] and to stimulate Rad51-mediated homologous pairing [8] [9] [10] [11]. Electron microscopic examinations of the yeast [12] and human [13] Rad52 proteins have revealed their assembly into ring-like structures in vitro. Using both conventional transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), we found that the human Rad52 protein forms heptameric rings. A three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction revealed that the heptamer has a large central channel. Like the hexameric helicases such as Escherichia coli DnaB [14] [15], bacteriophage T7 gp4b [16] [17], simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen [18] and papilloma virus E1 [19], the Rad52 rings show a distinctly chiral arrangement of subunits. Thus, the structures formed by the hexameric helicases may be a more general property of other proteins involved in DNA metabolism, including those, such as Rad52, that do not bind and hydrolyze ATP.
In dieser Thèse "Studien zu einer Poetik des Engels" wird anhand verschiedener Texte aus verschiedenen Epochen, jedoch mit Akzent auf der zweiten Hàlfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, dem Erscheinen von Engeln in literarischen Texten nachgegangen, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der poetologischen Dimension, die mit der Darstellung von Engelfiguren zusammenhàngt, und mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Konsequenzen fur die Texte, in denen sie erscheinen.¦Literarische Texte bieten nàmlich einen geeigneten Immanenzort fur diese Art Epi-phanie an, eine Erscheinungsmoglichkeit fur Engel. Die Art und Weise, wie Dichterinnen und Dichter sie in ihren Texten erscheinen lassen, steht im Zentrum des Interesses dieser Studien. Wie verkorpern sich Engel in diesen Texten? Wie sprechen sie und wie kann mit ihnen und von ihnen gesprochen werden? Welche poetischen Funktionen ubernehmen diese Figuren, von denen die Dichter sprechen und die sie sprechen lassen? Welche poetischen Dynamiken entstehen in diesen Texten durch die Engelserscheinungen?¦Der Engel, der traditionell als Bote (gr. angelos), als Vermittler oder Obermittler gilt, hat im Medium Literatur (oder Text) selbst auch eine mediale Funktion inne, sodass Engel und Literatur einander widerspiegeln und Engeltexte zu Orten werden, an denen eine sprachliche und poetologische Auseinandersetzung stattfinden kann, die sowohl der Lite¬ratur (und auch etwa dem Erzàhler) als auch dem Engel inhàrent ist und es mit dem Ver- mittlungs(un)vermogen zu tun hat.¦In diesen Studien geht es darum, die produktive und dynamische Leistung des Engels (oder der Engel) im Schreib- und im Leseprozess zu erfahren und nachzuzeichnen. Durch ihre Pràsenz im Text bringen Engel einen Perspektivenwechsel ins Spiel, der die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Text pràgt und den Text selbst beeinflusst, sodass die Engel diese Texte zur Schreib- und Leseerfahrung werden lassen.¦Engelsdichtungen erweisen sich als durch und durch relational, sie involvieren den Dichter sowie auch den Leser, der ihnen - lesend - begegnet, und beeinflussen den ganzen Text und seine Dynamik, da diese Figuren unmoglich von ihm abstrahiert werden konnen. Engel erweisen sich auch als àusserst subversiv, wenn sie dem nicht entsprechen, was man von ihnen erwartet, wenn sie sich den geltenden (sozialen, politischen, aber auch - im Medium Literatur - sprachlichen oder dichterischen) Regeln widersetzen.¦In einem einleitenden Kapitel wird die Fragestellung skizziert und anhand vieler Textbeispiele verfeinert, sowie auch die Methode veranschaulicht. Darin werden Texte von Wallace Stevens (The Necessary Angel), Jean Paul (Der Tod eines Engels), Wim Wenders und Peter Handke (Himmel über Berlin) betrachtet, sowie auch etwa von Goethe, Morike, Andersen, Tolstoi (Der Engel Gottes oder Wovon die Menschen leben), Pseudo- Strieker (Der König im Bade), Baudelaire.¦Die weiteren Kapitel sind als Fallstudien zu verstehen und setzen sich mit einzelnen Texten auseinander, die von verschiedenen Autoren und zu verschiedenen Zeiten geschrieben wurden und sich von der Gattung und der Lange her stark unterscheiden:¦- "Zwischen Lichterscheinung und Holzfigur": Zu einem Tagebucheintrag von Franz Kafka (25. Juni 1914).¦- "Schweigende Boten": Zu Heinrich Bolls Roman Der Engel schwieg [1949-1951 niedergeschrieben, erst 1992 posthum erschienen).¦- "Ein subversiver Engel - wider Willen": Zu Fridrich Dürrenmatts Komödie Ein Engel kommt nach Babylon (1. Fassung 1954, 2. Fassung 1957, Neufassung 1980).¦- Zu drei Engel-Texten von Ilse Aichinger:¦- "Ein errungenes Weihnachten - im Spiel": Zum Romankapitel Das grosse Spiel (6. Kapitel aus dem Roman Die grössere Hoffnung, 1948),¦- "»Habt ihr den Engel gesehen?« - Wenn sich mit den Engeln auf einmal jeder Sinn entzieht": Zur Erzählung Engel in der Nacht (1949; aus dem Band Der Gefesselte),¦- "Ober Verwirrung hinweg - Zur subversiven Poetik eines Engels": Zur Erzâhlung Der Engel (1963; aus dem Band Eliza Eliza).¦Im Schlusskapitel, in dem vergleichende Beobachtungen zu diesen Texten und ihren Analysen, Hervorhebungen der Gemeinsamkeiten und entscheidende poetische Merkmale dieser Texte erwähnt werden, wird nicht das Ziel angestrebt, eine Synthese aus dieser Vielfältigkeit zu machen, die in den verschiedenen Kapiteln zum Vorschein kommt. Vielmehr wird gezeigt, wie fruchtbar die Auseinandersetzung mit Engeln in diesen Texten ist und wie diese Texte sich von ihrem 'Gegenstand' berühren lassen, je auf unterschiedliche Weise.
Microbial communities in animal guts are composed of diverse, specialized bacterial species, but little is known about how gut bacteria diversify to produce genetically and ecologically distinct entities. The gut microbiota of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, presents a useful model, because it consists of a small number of characteristic bacterial species, each showing signs of diversification. Here, we used single-cell genomics to study the variation within two species of the bee gut microbiota: Gilliamella apicola and Snodgrassella alvi. For both species, our analyses revealed extensive variation in intraspecific divergence of protein-coding genes but uniformly high levels of 16S rRNA similarity. In both species, the divergence of 16S rRNA loci appears to have been curtailed by frequent recombination within populations, while other genomic regions have continuously diverged. Furthermore, gene repertoires differ markedly among strains in both species, implying distinct metabolic capabilities. Our results show that, despite minimal divergence at 16S rRNA genes, in situ diversification occurs within gut communities and generates bacterial lineages with distinct ecological niches. Therefore, important dimensions of microbial diversity are not evident from analyses of 16S rRNA, and single cell genomics has potential to elucidate processes of bacterial diversification.
Helsinki 1833
S.l. 1873
Akvarellin kehyksessä vaikeasti luettavissa oleva saksankielinen teksti ja vuosiluku 1814. Akvarelli on signeeraamaton.
New material of the wasp family Maimetshidae (Apocrita) is presented from four Cretaceous amber de- posits- the Neocomian of Lebanon, the Early Albian of Spain, the latest Albian/earliest Cenomanian of France, and the Campanian of Canada. The new record from Canadian Cretaceous amber extends the temporal and paleogeographical range of the family. New material from France is assignable to Guyote- maimetsha enigmatica Perrichot et al. including the first females for the species, while a series of males and females from Spain are described and figured as Iberomaimetsha Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, gen. n., with the two new species Iberomaimetsha rasnitsyni Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, sp. n. and I. nihtmara Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs & Engel, sp. n.; a single female from Lebanon is described and figured as Ahiromaimetsha najlae Perrichot, Azar, Nel & Engel, gen. et sp. n., and a single male from Canada is described and figured as Ahstemiam cellula McKellar & Engel, gen. et sp. n. The taxa are compared with other maimetshids, a key to genera and species is given, and brief comments made on the family.
UNLABELLED: Honeybees harbor well-defined bacterial communities in their guts. The major members of these communities appear to benefit the host, but little is known about how they interact with the host and specifically how they interface with the host immune system. In the pylorus, a short region between the midgut and hindgut, honeybees frequently exhibit scab-like structures on the epithelial gut surface. These structures are reminiscent of a melanization response of the insect immune system. Despite the wide distribution of this phenotype in honeybee populations, its cause has remained elusive. Here, we show that the presence of a common member of the bee gut microbiota, the gammaproteobacterium Frischella perrara, correlates with the appearance of the scab phenotype. Bacterial colonization precedes scab formation, and F. perrara specifically localizes to the melanized regions of the host epithelium. Under controlled laboratory conditions, we demonstrate that exposure of microbiota-free bees to F. perrara but not to other bacteria results in scab formation. This shows that F. perrara can become established in a spatially restricted niche in the gut and triggers a morphological change of the epithelial surface, potentially due to a host immune response. As an intermittent colonizer, this bacterium holds promise for addressing questions of community invasion in a simple yet relevant model system. Moreover, our results show that gut symbionts of bees engage in differential host interactions that are likely to affect gut homeostasis. Future studies should focus on how these different gut bacteria impact honeybee health. IMPORTANCE: As pollinators, honeybees are key species for agricultural and natural ecosystems. Their guts harbor simple communities composed of characteristic bacterial species. Because of these features, bees are ideal systems for studying fundamental aspects of gut microbiota-host interactions. However, little is known about how these bacteria interact with their host. Here, we show that a common member of the bee gut microbiota causes the formation of a scab-like structure on the gut epithelium of its host. This phenotype was first described in 1946, but since then it has not been much further characterized, despite being found in bee populations worldwide. The scab phenotype is reminiscent of melanization, a conserved innate immune response of insects. Our results show that high abundance of one member of the bee gut microbiota triggers this specific phenotype, suggesting that the gut microbiota composition can affect the immune status of this key pollinator species.
The Albian amber from Spain presently harbors the greatest number and diversity of amber adult fossil snakeflies (Raphidioptera). Within Baissopteridae, Baissoptera? cretaceoelectrasp. n., from the Peñacerrada I outcrop (Moraza, Burgos), is the first amber inclusion belonging to the family and described from western Eurasia, thus substantially expanding the paleogeographical range of the family formerly known from the Cretaceous of Brazil and eastern Asia. Within the family Mesoraphidiidae, Necroraphidia arcuatagen. et sp. n. and Amarantoraphidia ventolinagen. et sp. n. are described from the El Soplao outcrop (Rábago, Cantabria), whereas Styporaphidia? hispanicasp. n. and Alavaraphidia imperterritagen. et sp. n. are describedfrom Peñacerrada I. In addition, three morphospecies are recognized from fragmentary remains. The following combinations are restored: Yanoraphidia gaoi Ren, 1995, stat. rest., Mesoraphidia durlstonensis Jepson, Coram and Jarzembowski, 2009, stat. rest., and Mesoraphidia heteroneura Ren, 1997, stat. rest. The singularity of this rich paleodiversity could be due to the paleogeographic isolation of the Iberian territory and also the prevalence of wildfires during the Cretaceous.
The fossil crown wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues comb. rev.(Stephanidae, Electrostephaninae) is re-described from a single male preserved in middle Eocene Baltic Amber. The holotype was lost or destroyed around the time of World War II and subsequent interpretations of its identity have been based solely on the brief descriptive comments provided by Brues in his original account. The new specimen matches the original description and illustration provided by Brues in every detail and we hereby consider them to be conspecific, selecting the specimen as a neotype for the purpose of stabilizing the nomenclature for this fossil species. This neotype exhibits a free first metasomal tergum and sternum, contrary to the assertion of previous workers who indicated these to be fused. Accordingly, this species does indeed belong to the genus Electrostephanus Brues rather than to Denaeostephanus Engel & Grimaldi (Stephaninae). Electrostephanus petiolatus is transferred to a new subgenus, Electrostephanodes n. subgen. , based on its elongate pseudo- petiole and slender gaster, but may eventually warrant generic status as the phylogenetic placement of these fossil lineages continues to be clarifi ed. A revised key to the Baltic amber crown wasps is provided.