892 resultados para Energy consumption -- Computer simulation
Reducing energy consumption is one of the main goals of sustainability planning in most countries. For instance in Europe, the EC established the objectives in the Communication “20 20 by 2020 Europe's climate change opportunity”. • Next Generation Networks (NGN) One of the most relevant upcoming ICT development • The role of energy consumption seems mostly absent from the main analysis and the debate on NGN deployment.
By analysing the dynamic principles of the human gait, an economic gait‐control analysis is performed, and passive elements are included to increase the energy efficiency in the motion control of active orthoses. Traditional orthoses use position patterns from the clinical gait analyses (CGAs) of healthy people, which are then de‐normalized and adjusted to each user. These orthoses maintain a very rigid gait, and their energy cosT is very high, reducing the autonomy of the user. First, to take advantage of the inherent dynamics of the legs, a state machine pattern with different gains in eachstate is applied to reduce the actuator energy consumption. Next, different passive elements, such as springs and brakes in the joints, are analysed to further reduce energy consumption. After an off‐line parameter optimization and a heuristic improvement with genetic algorithms, a reduction in energy consumption of 16.8% is obtained by applying a state machine control pattern, and a reduction of 18.9% is obtained by using passive elements. Finally, by combining both strategies, a more natural gait is obtained, and energy consumption is reduced by 24.6%compared with a pure CGA pattern.
The aim of this thesis is the subjective and objective evaluation of angledependent absorption coefficients. As the assumption of a constant absorption coefficient over the angle of incidence is not always held, a new model acknowledging an angle-dependent reflection must be considered, to get a more accurate prediction in the sound field. The study provides information about the behavior of different materials in several rooms, depending on the reflection modeling of incident sound waves. An objective evaluation was run for an implementation of angle-dependent reflection factors in the image source and ray tracing simulation models. Results obtained were analysed after comparison to diffuse-field averaged data. However, changes in acoustic characteristics of a room do not always mean a variation in the listener’s perception. Thus, additional subjective evaluation allowed a comparison between the different results obtained with the computer simulation and the response from the individuals who participated in the listening test. The listening test was designed following a three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC) paradigm. In each interaction asked to the subjects a sequence of either three pink noise bursts or three natural signals was alternated. These results were supposed to show the influence and perception of the two different ways to implement surface reflection –either with diffuse or angle-dependent absorption properties. Results show slightly audible effects when material properties were exaggerated. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación objetiva y subjetiva del coeficiente de absorción en función del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. La suposición de un coeficiente de absorción constante con respecto al ángulo de incidencia no siempre se sostiene. Por ello, un nuevo modelo considerando la reflexión dependiente del ángulo se debe tener en cuenta para obtener predicciones más certeras en el campo del sonido. El estudio proporciona información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes materiales en distintos recintos, dependientes del modelo de reflexión de las ondas de sonido incidentes. Debido a las dificultades a la hora de realizar las medidas y, por lo tanto, a la falta de datos, los coeficientes de absorción dependientes del ángulo a menudo no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de realizar las simulaciones. Hoy en día, aún no hay una tendencia de aplicar el coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo para mejorar los modelos de reflexión. Por otra parte, para una medición satisfactoria de la absorción dependiente del ángulo, sólo hay unos pocos métodos. Las técnicas de medición actuales llevan mucho tiempo y hay algunos materiales, condiciones y ángulos que no pueden ser reproducidos y, por lo tanto, no es posible su medición. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, los ángulos de incidencia de las ondas de sonido son conocidos y almacenados en una de base de datos para cada uno de los materiales, de modo que los coeficientes de absorción para el ángulo dado pueden ser devueltos siempre que sean requeridos por el usuario. Para realizar el estudio se llevó a cabo una evaluación objetiva, por medio de la implementación del factor de reflexión dependiente del ángulo en los modelos de fuentes imagen y trazado de rayos. Los resultados fueron analizados después de ser comparados con el promedio de los datos obtenidos en medidas en el campo difuso. La simulación se hizo una vez se configuraron un número de materiales creados por el autor, a partir de los datos existentes en la literatura y los catálogos de fabricantes. Los modelos de Komatsu y Mechel sirvieron como referencia para los materiales porosos, configurando la resistividad al aire o el grosor, y para los paneles perforados, introduciendo el radio de los orificios y la distancia entre centros, respectivamente. Estos materiales se situaban en la pared opuesta a la que se consideraba que debía alojar a la fuente sonora. El resto de superficies se modelaban con el mismo material, variando su coeficiente de absorción y/o de dispersión. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de recintos fueron modelados para poder reproducir distintos escenarios de los que obtener los resultados. Sin embargo, los cambios en las características acústicas de un recinto no significan variaciones en la percepción por parte del oyente. Por ello, una evaluación subjetiva adicional permitió una comparación entre los diferentes resultados obtenidos mediante la simulación informática y la respuesta de los individuos que participaron en la prueba de escucha. Ésta fue diseñada bajo las pautas del modelo de test three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC), con treinta y dos preguntas diferentes. En cada iteración los sujetos fueron preguntados por una secuencia alterna entre tres señales, siendo dos de ellas iguales. Éstas podían ser tanto ráfagas de ruido rosa como señales naturales, en este test se utilizó un fragmento de una obra clásica interpretada por un piano. Antes de contestar al cuestionario, los bloques de preguntas eran ordenados al azar. Para cada ensayo, la mezcla era diferente, así los sujetos no repetían la misma prueba, evitando un sesgo por efectos de aprendizaje. Los bloques se barajaban recordando siempre el orden inicial, para después almacenar los resultados reordenados. La prueba de escucha fue realizada por veintitrés personas, toda ellas con conocimientos dentro del campo de la acústica. Antes de llevar a cabo la prueba de escucha en un entorno adecuado, una hoja con las instrucciones fue facilitada a cada persona. Los resultados muestran la influencia y percepción de las dos maneras distintas de implementar las reflexiones de una superficie –ya sea con respecto a la propiedad de difusión o de absorción dependiente del ángulo de los materiales. Los resultados objetivos, después de ejecutar las simulaciones, muestran los datos medios obtenidos para comprender el comportamiento de distintos materiales de acuerdo con el modelo de reflexión utilizado en el caso de estudio. En las tablas proporcionadas en la memoria se muestran los valores del tiempo de reverberación, la claridad y el tiempo de caída temprana. Los datos de las características del recinto obtenidos en este análisis tienen una fuerte dependencia respecto al coeficiente de absorción de los diferentes materiales que recubren las superficies del cuarto. En los resultados subjetivos, la media de percepción, a la hora de distinguir las distintas señales, por parte de los sujetos, se situó significativamente por debajo del umbral marcado por el punto de inflexión de la función psicométrica. Sin embargo, es posible concluir que la mayoría de los individuos tienden a ser capaces de detectar alguna diferencia entre los estímulos presentados en el 3AFC test. En conclusión, la hipótesis de que los valores del coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo difieren es contrastada. Pero la respuesta subjetiva de los individuos muestra que únicamente hay ligeras variaciones en la percepción si el coeficiente varía en intervalos pequeños entre los valores manejados en la simulación. Además, si los parámetros de los materiales acústicos no son exagerados, los sujetos no perciben ninguna variación. Los primeros resultados obtenidos, proporcionando información respecto a la dependencia del ángulo, llevan a una nueva consideración en el campo de la acústica, y en la realización de nuevos proyectos en el futuro. Para futuras líneas de investigación, las simulaciones se deberían realizar con distintos tipos de recintos, buscando escenarios con geometrías irregulares. También, la implementación de distintos materiales para obtener resultados más certeros. Otra de las fases de los futuros proyectos puede realizarse teniendo en cuenta el coeficiente de dispersión dependiente del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. En la parte de la evaluación subjetiva, realizar una serie de pruebas de escucha con distintos individuos, incluyendo personas sin una formación relacionada con la ingeniería acústica.
La contribución del sector de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TICs) al consumo de energía a nivel global se ha visto incrementada considerablemente en la última década al mismo tiempo que su relevancia dentro de la economía global. Se prevé que esta tendencia continúe debido al uso cada vez más intensivo de estas tecnologías. Una de las principales causas es el tráfico de datos de banda ancha generado por el uso de las redes de telecomunicaciones. De hecho como respuesta a esta demanda de recursos por parte de los usuarios, de la industria de las telecomunicaciones está iniciando el despliegue de las redes de nueva generación. En cualquier caso, el consumo de energía es un factor generalmente ausente del debate sobre el despliegue de estas tecnologías, a pesar de la posible repercusión que pueda llegar a tener en los costes y la sostenibilidad de estos proyectos. A lo largo de este trabajo se desarrollan modelos para evaluar el consumo energético de las redes de acceso de nueva generación (NGAN). Estos servirán tanto para llevar a cabo cálculos en un escenario global estático, como en cualquiera otro que determine la potencial evolución de la red de acceso a lo largo de su despliegue. Estos modelos combinan tres factores: la penetración prospectiva de cada una de las tecnologías de banda ancha analizadas, el tráfico generado por usuario y su futura evolución, y el perfil de consumo de energía de cada uno de los dispositivos de red desplegados. Tras evaluar los resultados derivados de la aplicación de los modelos en el caso demográfico específico de España, se obtienen conclusiones acerca de las diferencias tecnológicas en cuanto al consumo energético, sus implicaciones económicas, y la sensibilidad de los cálculos atendiendo a posibles modificaciones en los valores de referencia de diferentes parámetros de diseño. Se destaca por tanto el efecto en el consumo energético de los desarrollos tecnológicos, tecno-económicos, y de las decisiones en el ámbito regulatorio. Aunque como se ha dicho, se ha ejemplificado el cálculo para un caso particular, tanto los modelos como las conclusiones extraídas se pueden extrapolar a otros países similares.
The first level data cache un modern processors has become a major consumer of energy due to its increasing size and high frequency access rate. In order to reduce this high energy con sumption, we propose in this paper a straightforward filtering technique based on a highly accurate forwarding predictor. Specifically, a simple structure predicts whether a load instruction will obtain its corresponding data via forwarding from the load-store structure -thus avoiding the data cache access - or if it will be provided by the data cache. This mechanism manages to reduce the data cache energy consumption by an average of 21.5% with a negligible performance penalty of less than 0.1%. Furthermore, in this paper we focus on the cache static energy consumption too by disabling a portin of sets of the L2 associative cache. Overall, when merging both proposals, the combined L1 and L2 total energy consumption is reduced by an average of 29.2% with a performance penalty of just 0.25%. Keywords: Energy consumption; filtering; forwarding predictor; cache hierarchy
We estimate the energy consumption of toll highway transport on a number of Spanish roads. Regression parameters are balanced according to coefficients from an empirical analysis based on survey data by vehicle type. The mean energy consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions on the toll highway sections are estimated as 1895 MJ/h/lane-km and 0.15 tCO2 eq./h/lane-km, values that increase to 2644 and 0.22 when energy and carbon emissions of transport infrastructure are considered based on the life cycle energy consumption for toll highway construction and use. If the energy intensity of infrastructure construction is allocated to the users according to traffic, it is much higher for motorcycles than for cars, and is significantly lower for articulated trucks than for vans.
This article provides a new methodology for estimating fuel consumption and emissions by enabling a correct comparison between freight transportation modes. The approach is developed and integrated as a part of an intelligent transportation system dealing with goods movement. A key issue is related to energy consumption ratios and consequent CO2 emissions. Energy consumption ratios are often used based on transport demand. However, including other ratios based on transport supply can be useful. Furthermore, it is important to indicate which factors are associated with variations in energy consumption and emissions; especially of interest are parameters that have a higher incidence and order of magnitude, in order to fairly compare and understand the difference between transport modes and sub-modes. The study finds that the use of an energy consumption equation can improve the quality of the estimates. The study proposes that coefficients that define the energy consumption equation should be tested to determine market niches and sources of improvement in energy consumption according to the category of vehicles, fuel types used, and classes of products transported.
This paper shows how the methodologies used in current practice might lead to an underestimation of energy consumption by different passenger transport modes, and also offers recommendations for improvements to these methodologies. The first recommendation is related to energy consumption rates. The studies reviewed use traditional energy consumption rates based on transportation demand, such as kilowatts-hour per vehicle-kilometre or kilowatts-hour per passenger-kilometre, and include other rates based on transportation supply which might prove useful. Second, energy consumption rates are dependent on factors, and the introduction of homogeneous units which are independent of these factors therefore offers a significant improvement when comparing transport modes. Third, the use of a vehicle energy consumption equation will improve the quality of the assessments. Fourth, we propose that the coefficients which define the energy consumption equation should be broken down to determine market niches and sources for improvements in energy consumption in the vehicle categories.
The contribution to global energy consumption of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector has increased considerably in the last decade, along with its growing relevance to the overall economy. This trend will continue due to the seemingly ever greater use of these technologies, with broadband data traffic generated by the usage of telecommunication networks as a primary component. In fact, in response to user demand, the telecommunications industry is initiating the deployment of next generation networks (NGNs). However, energy consumption is mostly absent from the debate on these deployments, in spite of the potential impact on both expenses and sustainability. In addition, consumers are unaware of the energy impact of their choices in ultra-broadband services. This paper focuses on forecasting energy consumption in the access part of NGNs by modelling the combined effect of the deployment of two different ultra-broadband technologies (FTTH-GPON and LTE), the evolution of traffic per user, and the energy consumption in each of the networks and user devices. Conclusions are presented on the levels of energy consumption, their cost and the impact of different network design parameters. The effect of technological developments, techno-economic and policy decisions on energy consumption is highlighted. On the consumer side, practical figures and comparisons across technologies are provided. Although the paper focuses on Spain, the analysis can be extended to similar countries.
This theoretical study analyzes the relation between the measures necessesary for the energy retrofitting of a residential building constructed in Madrid, their cost and the improvement of the energy rating of the dwellings. The aim of this work is to establish an evaluation methodology that allows developers and architects to obtain conclusions and orientates therm in the decisioin-making process. It will allow finding the most suitable cost-effective solutions in each case. This paper describes the methodology and the findings obtained. Energy retrofitting and the improvement of the energy behaviour of the building depend on the selection of the retrofitting solutions and also on the investment. In this case study to achieve the best energy rates it is necessary to improve the thermal performance of the envelope as well as the energy systems. Energy retrofitting means an increase in property value but it can't only be considered in economic terms. It is necessary to take into account unquantifiable aspects as increased comfort, improved sound insulation, livability, health, or the elimination of energy poverty situations.
In a large number of physical, biological and environmental processes interfaces with high irregular geometry appear separating media (phases) in which the heterogeneity of constituents is present. In this work the quantification of the interplay between irregular structures and surrounding heterogeneous distributions in the plane is made For a geometric set image and a mass distribution (measure) image supported in image, being image, the mass image gives account of the interplay between the geometric structure and the surrounding distribution. A computation method is developed for the estimation and corresponding scaling analysis of image, being image a fractal plane set of Minkowski dimension image and image a multifractal measure produced by random multiplicative cascades. The method is applied to natural and mathematical fractal structures in order to study the influence of both, the irregularity of the geometric structure and the heterogeneity of the distribution, in the scaling of image. Applications to the analysis and modeling of interplay of phases in environmental scenarios are given.
A 2D computer simulation method of random packings is applied to sets of particles generated by a self-similar uniparametric model for particle size distributions (PSDs) in granular media. The parameter p which controls the model is the proportion of mass of particles corresponding to the left half of the normalized size interval [0,1]. First the influence on the total porosity of the parameter p is analyzed and interpreted. It is shown that such parameter, and the fractal exponent of the associated power scaling, are efficient packing parameters, but this last one is not in the way predicted in a former published work addressing an analogous research in artificial granular materials. The total porosity reaches the minimum value for p = 0.6. Limited information on the pore size distribution is obtained from the packing simulations and by means of morphological analysis methods. Results show that the range of pore sizes increases for decreasing values of p showing also different shape in the volume pore size distribution. Further research including simulations with a greater number of particles and image resolution are required to obtain finer results on the hierarchical structure of pore space.
Fragmentation schemes inspired by theoretical results and conjectures of Kolmogorov are applied to produce particle size distributions of different natures, depending on fragmentation parameters. A two-dimensional computer simulation method of packing is applied to the resulting distributions and the void fraction is evaluated. The relationship between the void fraction and characteristic parameters of the fragmentation process is studied.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of the most important users of wireless communication technologies in the coming years and some challenges in this area must be addressed for their complete development. Energy consumption and spectrum availability are two of the most severe constraints of WSNs due to their intrinsic nature. The introduction of cognitive capabilities into these networks has arisen to face the issue of spectrum scarcity but could be used to face energy challenges too due to their new range of communication possibilities. In this paper a new strategy based on game theory for cognitive WSNs is discussed. The presented strategy improves energy consumption by taking advantage of the new change-communication-channel capability. Based on game theory, the strategy decides when to change the transmission channel depending on the behavior of the rest of the network nodes. The strategy presented is lightweight but still has higher energy saving rates as compared to noncognitive networks and even to other strategies based on scheduled spectrum sensing. Simulations are presented for several scenarios that demonstrate energy saving rates of around 65% as compared to WSNs without cognitive techniques.
Linked Data is the key paradigm of the Semantic Web, a new generation of the World Wide Web that promises to bring meaning (semantics) to data. A large number of both public and private organizations have published their data following the Linked Data principles, or have done so with data from other organizations. To this extent, since the generation and publication of Linked Data are intensive engineering processes that require high attention in order to achieve high quality, and since experience has shown that existing general guidelines are not always sufficient to be applied to every domain, this paper presents a set of guidelines for generating and publishing Linked Data in the context of energy consumption in buildings (one aspect of Building Information Models). These guidelines offer a comprehensive description of the tasks to perform, including a list of steps, tools that help in achieving the task, various alternatives for performing the task, and best practices and recommendations. Furthermore, this paper presents a complete example on the generation and publication of Linked Data about energy consumption in buildings, following the presented guidelines, in which the energy consumption data of council sites (e.g., buildings and lights) belonging to the Leeds City Council jurisdiction have been generated and published as Linked Data.