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In this paper we investigate a number of gas flames for fire polishing borosilicate glass capillaries used in the manufacturing of IVF micro-pipettes. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) was also used as an alternative to finish the pipette end. Glass micro tools in the IVF industry are drawn from hollow glass capillaries of diameter 1 mm. These capillaries are cut manually to a length of 100 mm from hollow glass rods resulting in sharp and chipped edges. These capillaries are held in a customised holder having padding of soft silicone or rubber. Sharp and uneven edges of these capillaries pick up particles of rubber or soft silicone shavings, rendering them ineffective for IVF treatments. The working range of borosilicate glass is 800-1,200 degrees C. The experiments involved analysis of fire polishing process for borosilicate glass capillaries using candle, butane, propane, 2350 butane propane, oxyacetylene gas flames, finding the optimum distance of the capillary relative to the flame, optimum time for which the capillary should be held in the flame and optimum region of the flame which gives the required temperature range. The results show that 2350 butane propane gas mix is optimum for fire polishing of borosilicate glass capillaries. The paper is concluded by comparing the results of fire polishing with the results of acid polishing, in which HF of 1.6% concentration is used to etch the ends of the borosilicate glass pipettes.


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We establish a description of the maximal C*-algebra of quotients of a unital C*-algebra A as a direct limit of spaces of completely bounded bimodule homomorphisms from certain operator submodules of the Haagerup tensor product of A with itself labelled by the essential closed right ideals of A into A. In addition the invariance of the construction of the maximal C*-algebra of quotients under strong Morita equivalence is proved.


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In this letter, we investigate the distribution of the phase component of the complex received signal observed in practical experiments using body area networks. Two phase distributions, the recently proposed kappa-mu and eta-mu probability densities, which together encompass the most widely used fading models, namely Semi-Gaussian, Rayleigh, Hoyt, Rice, and Nakagami-m, have been compared with measurement data. The kappa-mu distribution has been found to provide the best fit over a range of on-body links, while the user was mobile. The experiments were carried out in two dissimilar indoor environments at opposite ends of the multipath spectrum. It has also been found that the uniform phase distribution has not arisen in anyone of the experiments.


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Transcription in eukaryotic genomes generates an extensive array of non-protein-coding RNA, the functional significance of which is mostly unknown. We are investigating the link between non-coding RNA and chromatin regulation through analysis of FLC - a regulator of flowering time in Arabidopsis and a target of several chromatin pathways. Here we use an unbiased strategy to characterize non-coding transcripts of FLC and show that sense/antisense transcript levels correlate in a range of mutants and treatments, but change independently in cold-treated plants. Prolonged cold epigenetically silences FLC in a Polycomb-mediated process called vernalization. Our data indicate that upregulation of long non-coding antisense transcripts covering the entire FLC locus may be part of the cold-sensing mechanism. Induction of these antisense transcripts occurs earlier than, and is independent of, other vernalization markers and coincides with a reduction in sense transcription. We show that addition of the FLC antisense promoter sequences to a reporter gene is sufficient to confer cold-induced silencing of the reporter. Our data indicate that cold-induced FLC antisense transcripts have an early role in the epigenetic silencing of FLC, acting to silence FLC transcription transiently. Recruitment of the Polycomb machinery then confers the epigenetic memory. Antisense transcription events originating from 3' ends of genes might be a general mechanism to regulate the corresponding sense transcription in a condition/stage-dependent manner.


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The extreme 3'-ends of human telomeres consist of 150–250 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA sequence together with associated proteins. Small-molecule ligands can compete with these proteins and induce a conformational change in the DNA to a four-stranded quadruplex arrangement, which is also no longer a substrate for the telomerase enzyme. The modified telomere ends provide signals to the DNA-damage-response system and trigger senescence and apoptosis. Experimental structural data are available on such quadruplex complexes comprising up to four telomeric DNA repeats, but not on longer systems that are more directly relevant to the single-stranded overhang in human cells. The present paper reports on a molecular modelling study that uses Molecular Dynamics simulation methods to build dimer and tetramer quadruplex repeats. These incorporate ligand-binding sites and are models for overhang–ligand complexes.


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Guanine-rich DNA repeat sequences located at the terminal ends of chromosomal DNA can fold in a sequence-dependent manner into G-quadruplex structures, notably the terminal 150–200 nucleotides at the 3' end, which occur as a single-stranded DNA overhang. The crystal structures of quadruplexes with two and four human telomeric repeats show an all-parallel-stranded topology that is readily capable of forming extended stacks of such quadruplex structures, with external TTA loops positioned to potentially interact with other macromolecules. This study reports on possible arrangements for these quadruplex dimers and tetramers, which can be formed from 8 or 16 telomeric DNA repeats, and on a methodology for modeling their interactions with small molecules. A series of computational methods including molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, and principal components analysis have been used to characterize the properties of these higher-order G-quadruplex dimers and tetramers with parallel-stranded topology. The results confirm the stability of the central G-tetrads, the individual quadruplexes, and the resulting multimers. Principal components analysis has been carried out to highlight the dominant motions in these G-quadruplex dimer and multimer structures. The TTA loop is the most flexible part of the model and the overall multimer quadruplex becoming more stable with the addition of further G-tetrads. The addition of a ligand to the model confirms the hypothesis that flat planar chromophores stabilize G-quadruplex structures by making them less flexible.


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In previous studies the authors cloned and characterized the DNA sequence of the regions at both ends of the O7-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis cluster of Escherichia coli VW187 (O7:K1), and identified the biosynthetic genes for dTDP-rhamnose and GDP-mannose, as well as one of the candidate glycosyltransferases. In this work the complete DNA sequence of a 6.9 kb intervening region is presented. Seven new ORFs were identified. All the functions required for the synthesis and transfer of the O7 LPS were assigned on the basis of complementation experiments of transposon insertion mutants, and amino acid sequence homology to proteins involved in LPS synthesis of other bacteria. Of the seven ORFs, two encoded membrane proteins that were homologous to the O-antigen translocase (Wzx) and polymerase (Wxy), two were involved in the biosynthesis of dTDP-N-acetylviosamine, and the remaining three showed homologies to sugar transferases. The O antigen chain length regulator gene wzz was also identified in the vicinity of the O7 polysaccharide cluster. O7-specific DNA primers were designed and tested for serotyping of O7 E. coli strains.


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Deficiency of UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase is implicated in type III galactosemia. Two variants, p.K161N-hGALE and p.D175N-hGALE, have been previously found in combination with other alleles in patients with a mild form of the disease. Both variants were studied in vivo and in vitro and showed different levels of impairment. p.K161N-hGALE was severely impaired with substantially reduced enzymatic activity, increased thermal stability, reduced cofactor binding and no ability to rescue the galactose-sensitivity of gal10-null yeast. Interestingly p.K161N-hGALE showed less impairment of activity with UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine in comparison to UDP-galactose. Differential scanning fluorimetry revealed that p.K161N-hGALE was more stable than the wild-type protein and only changed stability in the presence of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and NAD(+). p.D175N-hGALE essentially rescued the galactose-sensitivity of gal10-null yeast, was less stable than the wild-type protein but showed increased stability in the presence of substrates and cofactor. We postulate that p.K161N-hGALE causes its effects by abolishing an important interaction between the protein and the cofactor, whereas p.D175N-hGALE is predicted to remove a stabilizing salt bridge between the ends of two a-helices that contain residues that interact with NAD(+). These results suggest that the cofactor binding is dynamic and that its loss results in significant structural changes that may be important in disease causation.


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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a 38-kDa secreted protein, a prototypic member of the CCN family, which is up-regulated in many diseases, including atherosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and diabetic nephropathy. We previously showed that CTGF can cause actin disassembly with concurrent down-regulation of the small GTPase Rho A and proposed an integrated signaling network connecting focal adhesion dissolution and actin disassembly with cell polarization and migration. Here, we further delineate the role of CTGF in cell migration and actin disassembly in human mesangial cells, a primary target in the development of renal glomerulosclerosis. The functional response of mesangial cells to treatment with CTGF was associated with the phosphorylation of Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) and resultant phosphorylation of a number of Akt/PKB substrates. Two of these substrates were identified as FKHR and p27(Kip-1). CTGF stimulated the phosphorylation and cytoplasmic translocation of p27(Kip-1) on serine 10. Addition of the PI-3 kinase inhibitor LY294002 abrogated this response; moreover, addition of the Akt/PKB inhibitor interleukin (IL)-6-hydroxymethyl-chiro-inositol-2(R)-2-methyl-3-O-octadecylcarbonate prevented p27(Kip-1) phosphorylation in response to CTGF. Immunocytochemistry revealed that serine 10 phosphorylated p27(Kip-1) colocalized with the ends of actin filaments in cells treated with CTGF. Further investigation of other Akt/PKB sites on p27(Kip-1), revealed that phosphorylation on threonine 157 was necessary for CTGF mediated p27(Kip-1) cytoplasmic localization; mutation of the threonine 157 site prevented cytoplasmic localization, protected against actin disassembly and inhibited cell migration. CTGF also stimulated an increased association between Rho A and p27(Kip-1). Interestingly, this resulted in an increase in phosphorylation of LIM kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of cofilin, suggesting that CTGF mediated p27(Kip-1) activation results in uncoupling of the Rho A/LIM kinase/cofilin pathway. Confirming the central role of Akt/PKB, CTGF-stimulated actin depolymerization only in wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) compared to Akt-1/3 (PKB alpha/gamma) knockout MEFs. These data reveal important mechanistic insights into how CTGF may contribute to mesangial cell dysfunction in the diabetic milieu and sheds new light on the proposed role of p27(Kip-1) as a mediator of actin rearrangement.


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Spatial-temporal flexibility of the actin filament network (F-actin) is essential for all basic cellular functions and is governed by a stochastic dynamic model. In this model, actin filaments that randomly polymerise from a pool of free actin are bundled with other filaments and severed by ADF/cofilin. The fate of the severed fragments is not known. It has been proposed that the fragments are disassembled and the monomeric actin recycled for the polymerisation of new filaments. Here, we have generated tobacco cell lines and Arabidopsis plants expressing the actin marker Lifeact to address the mechanisms of F-actin reorganisation in vivo. We found that F-actin is more dynamic in isotropically expanding cells and that the density of the network changes with a periodicity of 70 seconds. The depolymerisation rate, but not the polymerisation rate, of F-actin increases when microtubules are destabilised. New filaments can be assembled from shorter free cytoplasmic fragments, from the products of F-actin severing and by polymerisation from the ends of extant filaments. Thus, remodelling of F-actin might not require bulk depolymerisation of the entire network, but could occur via severing and end-joining of existing polymers.


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In this paper we conduct a number of experiments to assess the impact of typical human body movements on the signal characteristics of outdoor body-to-body communications channels using flexible patch antennas. A modified log-distance path loss model which accounts for body shadowing and signal fading due to small movements is used to model the measured data. For line of sight channels, in which both ends of the body-to-body link are stationary, the path loss exponent is close to that for free space, although the received signal is noticeably affected by involuntary or physiological-related movements of both persons. When one person moves to obstruct the direct signal path between nodes, attenuation by the person's body can be as great as 40 dB, with even greater variation observed due to fading. The effects of movements such as rotation, tilt, walking in line of sight and non-line of sight on body-to-body communications channels are also investigated in this study. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the complex received signal in body area networks for two environments at the opposite ends of the multipath spectrum at 2.45 GHz. Important attributes of the complex channel such as the Gaussianity of the quadrature components and power imbalance, which form the basis of many popular fading models, are investigated. It is found that in anechoic environments the assumption of Gaussian distributed quadrature components will not always yield a satisfactory fit. Using a complex received signal model which considers a non-isotropic scattered signal contribution along with the presence of an optional dominant signal component, we use an autocorrelation function originally derived for mobile-to-mobile communications to model the temporal behavior of a range of dynamic body area network channels with considerable success. In reverberant environments, it was observed that the real part of the complex autocorrelation function for body area network channels decayed slightly quicker than that expected in traditional land mobile channels. © 2013 IEEE.


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The fate and cycling of two selected legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs), PCB 153 and gamma-HCH, in the North Sea in the 21st century have been modelled with combined hydrodynamic and fate and transport ocean models
(HAMSOM and FANTOM, respectively). To investigate the impact of climate variability on POPs in the North Sea in the 21st century, future scenario model runs for three 10-year periods to the year 2100 using plausible levels of both in
situ concentrations and atmospheric, river and open boundary inputs are performed. This slice mode under a moderate scenario (A1B) is sufficient to provide a basis for further analysis. For the HAMSOM and atmospheric forcing, results of the IPCC A1B (SRES) 21st century scenario are utilized, where surface forcing is provided by the REMO downscaling of the ECHAM5 global atmospheric model, and open boundary conditions are provided by the MPIOM global ocean model.
Dry gas deposition and volatilization of gamma-HCH increase in the future relative to the present by up to 20% (in the spring and summer months for deposition and in summer for volatilization). In the water column, total mass of
gamma-HCH and PCB 153 remain fairly steady in all three runs. In sediment,
gamma-HCH increases in the future runs, relative to the present, while PCB 153 in sediment decreases exponentially in all three runs, but even faster in the future, due to the increased number of storms, increased duration of gale wind conditions and increased water and air temperatures, all of which are the result of climate change. Annual net sinks exceed sources at the ends of all periods.
Overall, the model results indicate that the climate change scenarios considered here generally have a negligible influence on the simulated fate and transport of the two POPs in the North Sea, although the increased number and magnitude of storms in the 21st century will result in POP resuspension and ensuing revolatilization events. Trends in emissions from primary and secondary sources will remain the key driver of levels of these contaminants over time.


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Research focusing on several post-communist countries has found evidence of social cleavage effects on political behaviour similar to those found in Western Europe. In some post-communist countries, however, social cleavage effects appear far weaker (if at all). To understand why this is the case, I perform a case study of Romania, focusing on the religious–secular cleavage. Drawing upon research that emphasises the role of parties in forming cleavages, I argue that the reason for the absence of social cleavage effects is due to party competition for the same group of voters by parties from opposing ends of the ideological spectrum. By shifting their positions, some parties have prevented the appearance of cleavages by shaping individuals' perceptions of the parties and, in doing so, have even altered individuals' own left–right self-placements.


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The abductor hallucis flap is commonly used as a pedicled flap (distally or proximally based) in the management of ankle, heel, and mid-foot lesions, where it is ideally used for closing defects. This study investigates the anatomical details of this muscle regarding its various forms of insertion and its arterial supply in 15 cadaveric feet. Four types of insertion could be distinguished: type A, insertion at the proximal phalanx of the big toe (46.7%); type B, insertion by two slips into the base of the proximal phalanx and the sesamoid bone (33.3%); type C, insertion at the sesamoid bone (6.7%); And type D, the insertion is divided into superficial tendinous and deep fleshy parts which are attached to the base of the proximal phalanx and to the metatarsophalangeal joint capsule of the big toe, respectively (13.3%). As regards the arterial supply, three patterns were noticed: pattern A (40%) where the medial plantar artery (MPA) is divided into superficial and deep branches that supplied the muscle; pattern B (53.3%) where the MPA failed to produce a deep branch but instead continued as the superficial branch supplying the two ends of the muscle; and pattern C (6.6%) where the MPA continued as a deep branch supplying the muscle. A superficial branch of MPA provided a branch to the abductor hallucis muscle from its proximal part. In two specimens (13.3%), the lateral plantar artery shared in the supply of the most proximal part of the muscle. These results can be useful in determining the appropriate flap design based on the abductor hallucis type of insertion and the pattern of its arterial supply in the patients.