981 resultados para Elizalde, Silvia
Resumen: El trabajo presenta una aproximación al estudio de algunos aspectos simbólicos arqueológicos en la quebrada de La Cueva, Humahuaca, Jujuy. En primer término se estudian y discuten los contextos funerarios recuperados en el pasado y presente en el Pukara de La Cueva, en el marco de la denominada Arqueología de la Muerte. En segunda instancia, se analiza el hallazgo de un molusco fósil dentro de un contexto habitacional del mismo sitio, para el cual se postulan y discuten posibles connotaciones simbólicas. Con esta investigación buscamos trascender la presentación de datos puramente materiales, para penetrar en la esfera de la ideología, el simbolismo y las relaciones sociales de los grupos prehispánicos que habitaron la quebrada de La Cueva.
Contenido: Las “gentiles casas” del libro de Pero Tafur / Sofía Carrizo Rueda – Una lectura de los “Cuatro cuartetos” e T. S. Eliot / Inés de Cassagne – La noción de función en las ciencias del lenguaje / Hugo Edgardo Lombardini – Los “Borges” del Fervor / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – El soneto primero de Garcilaso como afirmación doctrinaria / Graciela Maturo – Los símbolos de la culpa en “Cartas de mamá” / Graciela Pucciarelli de Colantonio – La anotación de la Soledad I (vv. 883-957) / Liliana Silvia Serviano – Un planto español para Roldán / Lía Noemí Uriarte Rebaudi – Notas – Reseñas bibliográficas
El monacato medieval y la evangelización de los pueblos germánicos / Martín de Elizalde OSB -- Iglesia, cultura, universidad / Eduardo Briancesco -- La música medieval, iniciadora de la música moderna / Clara Cortazar -- Aproximación hermenéutica al documento medieval. Algunos principios / Ricardo Corleto OAR -- Edad Media y América. Predicación y catequesis / Nilda Guglielmi -- La preparación del Concilio Plenario latinoamericano, según la documentación vaticana -- El “sensus populi”. La legitimidad de una Teología desde el Pueblo / Víctor Manuel Fernández -- Crónica 1998 -- Notas Bibliográficas
Etnocentrismo o el moderno retorno a la tradición / Gilberto Cristián Aranda Bustamante -- El socialismo peruano en el pensamiento de José Carlos Mariátegui / María Victoria Carsen -- Las relaciones entre el anarquismo mexicano y el argentino, 1920-1930 / María Fernanda De La Rosa -- Voces que crean mundos: el sujeto enunciador colonial (Perú, fines del siglo XVI y principios del XVII) / Valeria Marina Elizalde -- Inmigración ruso-alemana y ruralidad. La colonia agrícola como forma de asentamiento / Fabián Claudio Flores -- Yoshio Shinya, un argentino de espíritu / Joaquín Ignacio Mogaburu -- Beneficencia, control social y disputas de las mujeres en el espacio público del sur bonaerense a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX / Yolanda de Paz Trueba -- La economía en la Confederación (1852-1861)/ Susana I. Rato de Sambuccetti -- Las representaciones domésticas de la modernidad. Paradigmas de la vivienda popular a mediados del siglo en Argentina / Susana N. Tuler -- Miscelánea -- Reseñas Bibliográficas
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.
Intelectuales y poder: la influencia de Carlos Nino en la presidencia de Alfonsín / Cristina Basombrío -- Notas sobre la influencia de las ideas políticas españolas en la Argentina. Siglo XIX / Miguel Ángel De Marco -- El significado de La rosa blindada en el ámbito intelectual argentino de la década de 1960 / María Victoria Carsen -- Una alternativa diferente. El teatro libertario (1910-1930) / María Fernanda De La Rosa -- El límite, la marca y la huella. Reflexiones acerca de la construcción de identidades socioculturales en América Latina / Valeria M. Elizalde -- Crisis política y realineamientos partidarios en los años en los años treinta. Partidos políticos en Catamarca (1928-1932) / Carlos Humberto Ibáñez, Luis Alejandro Alvero -- El doctor Dick Edgar Ibarra Grasso y el hallazgo y desciframiento de la escritura indígena andina / Julio M. Luqui Lagleyze -- El ocaso de la UCR Antipersonalista y el aporte del radicalismo a la construcción del peronismo (1943-1946) / Elena T. Piñeiro -- Leyes de Reforma de Regulares, extinción de los agustinos cuyanos y algunos modelos de secularización / Emiliano Sánchez Pérez, Osa -- Reseñas Bibliográficas
Contenido: Nota preliminar – La transcripción de textos incluídos en los primeros impresos castellanos: algunos problemas aún sin resolver /Lilia E. Ferrario de Orduna – Símbolos “primarios” y relato “ mítico” según Paul Ricoeur en el “Libro de Buen Amor” / Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda – Adán de San Víctor y las sequentiae en las “Cantigas de Santa María” del Rey Sabio / Santiago Disalvo – Andanzas por la sierra en el “Libro de Buen Amor” / Lía Noemí Uriarte Rebaudi – Obras menores en cuaderna vía: esbozo de un panorama para el siglo XIV / María Cristina Balestrini – Algunas cuestiones vinculadas con el “Libro de Séneca hordenado e dispuesto contra la yra e saña”: fecha de composición, traductor e intencionalidad / Juan Héctor Fuentes – Legitimación y consejo en “Castigos e documentos” del rey Sancho IV / Diana Leila Albornoz – Las veinte primeras coplas del “Rimado de Palacio”: la construcción de una voz confesante / Lorena Edith Pacheco ; Gloria Edith Siracusa – Nájera en Ayala: doctrina y discurso / Jorge N. Ferro – Adiciones unitarias a la versión primitiva de las crónicas de Pero López de Ayala / José Luis Moure – Estructura y estilo del “Tratado del Aojamiento” / Lidia Beatriz Ciapparelli – Consideraciones sobre las virtudes en Mosén Diego de Valera / Hugo Roberto Basualdo Miranda ; María del Carmen Maurín ; Ángel Alfredo Atencio Santander – La historia del mago Merlín desde la perspectiva demonológica de la Baja Edad Media / Mónica Nasif – Evolución del topos constantinopolitano en los libros de caballerías: el caso de “Cirongilio de Tracia” de Bernardo de Vargas / Javier Roberto González – Las doncellas seductoras en los libros de caballerías españoles / María del Rosario Aguilar – Los procedimientos jurídico-deliberativos en el “Amadís de Gaula” / Silvia Cristina Lastra Paz – La imagen del moro en la “Leyenda de los infantes de Lara” / Irene Zaderenko – La finalidad del “Libro de Apolonio” / Carlos Crida – La estructura narrativa de las “Mocedades de Rodrigo” / Leonardo Funes – Edición crítica del manuscrito escurialense M-III-7 (Libro de las maravillas del mundo, de Juan de Mandevilla). Problemas y respuestas / María Mercedes Rodríguez
Examina a renúncia na Câmara dos Deputados, de parlamentares envolvidos em situações consideradas atentatórias ou incompatíveis com o decoro parlamentar, que desistiram de seus mandatos para evitar a cassação e a conseqüente inelegibilidade por oito anos, confrontando-a com os princípios estabelecidos no Código de Ética e Decoro Parlamentar e analisa a eficácia da legislação vigente.
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[ES] El envío de mensajes cortos a programas, anuncios o concursos de televisión se ha convertido hoy en día en una fuente importante de ingresos tanto para los operadores de telefonía móvil como para las cadenas y productoras televisivas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar cómo contribuye la actitud y la relación individuo-medio en que el telespectador utilice este servicio de mensajería para participar en los programas televisivos. Los resultados ponen de relieve que tanto la compatibilidad del individuo con el servicio como el entretenimiento percibido al participar en este tipo de programas y la actitud hacia el uso son factores determinantes de la utilización del servicio.
Background:Human papillomavirus (HPV) variants differ in their biological and chemical properties, and therefore, may present differences in pathogenicity. Most authors classified variants based on the phylogenetic analysis of L1 region. Nevertheless, recombination in HPV samples is becoming a usual finding and thus, characterizing genetic variability in other regions should be essential. Objectives:We aimed to characterize the genetic variability of HPV 18 in 5 genomic regions: E6, E7, E4, L1 and the Upstream Regulatory Region (URR), working with both single infection and multiple HPV infection samples. Furthermore, we aimed to assess the prevalence of HPV 18 variants in our region and look for possible existence of recombination as well as analyze the relationship between these variants and the type of lesion. Methods: From 2007 to 2010, Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Department analyzed 44 samples which were positive for HPV 18. Genetic variability was determined in PCR products and variants were assigned to European, Asian-amerindian or African lineage. Recombination and association of variants with different types of lesion was studied. Results: Genetic analysis of the regions revealed a total of 56 nucleotide variations. European, African and Asian-amerindian variants were found in 25/44 (56.8%), 10/44 (22.7%) and 5/44 (11.4%) samples, respectively. We detected the presence of recombinant variants in 2/44 (4.5%) cases. Samples taken from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (H-SIL) only presented variants with specific-african substitutions. Conclusions: Multiple HPV infection, non-european HPV variants prevalence and existence of recombination are considered risk factors for HPV persistence and progression of intraepithelial abnormalities, and therefore, should be taken into consideration in order to help to design and optimize diagnostics protocols as well as improve epidemiologic studies. Our study is one of the few studies in Spain which analyses the genetic variability of HPV18 and we showed the importance of characterizing more than one genomic region in order to detect recombination and classify HPV variants properly
Background The prognosis of patients bearing high grade glioma remains dismal. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is well validated as a primary contributor of glioma initiation and progression. Nimotuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that recognizes the EGFR extracellular domain and reaches Central Nervous System tumors, in nonclinical and clinical setting. While it has similar activity when compared to other anti-EGFR antibodies, it does not induce skin toxicity or hypomagnesemia. Methods A randomized, double blind, multicentric clinical trial was conducted in high grade glioma patients (41 anaplastic astrocytoma and 29 glioblastoma multiforme) that received radiotherapy plus nimotuzumab or placebo. Treatment and placebo groups were well-balanced for the most important prognostic variables. Patients received 6 weekly doses of 200 mg nimotuzumab or placebo together with irradiation as induction therapy. Maintenance treatment was given for 1 year with subsequent doses administered every 3 weeks. The objectives of this study were to assess the comparative overall survival, progression free survival, response rate, immunogenicity and safety. Results The median cumulative dose was 3200 mg of nimotuzumab given over a median number of 16 doses. The combination of nimotuzumab and RT was well-tolerated. The most prevalent related adverse reactions included nausea, fever, tremors, anorexia and hepatic test alteration. No anti-idiotypic response was detected, confirming the antibody low immunogenicity. The mean and median survival time for subjects treated with nimotuzumab was 31.06 and 17.76 vs. 21.07 and 12.63 months for the control group. Conclusions In this randomized trial, nimotuzumab showed an excellent safety profile and significant survival benefit in combination with irradiation.
Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience exacerbations of the disease that require hospitalization. Current guidelines offer little guidance for identifying patients whose clinical situation is appropriate for admission to the hospital, and properly developed and validated severity scores for COPD exacerbations are lacking. To address these important gaps in clinical care, we created the IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study. Methods/Design: The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology was used to identify appropriate and inappropriate scenarios for hospital admission for patients experiencing COPD exacerbations. These scenarios were then applied to a prospective cohort of patients attending the emergency departments (ED) of 16 participating hospitals. Information was recorded during the time the patient was evaluated in the ED, at the time a decision was made to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge home, and during follow-up after admission or discharge home. While complete data were generally available at the time of ED admission, data were often missing at the time of decision making. Predefined assumptions were used to impute much of the missing data. Discussion: The IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study will validate the appropriateness criteria developed by the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology and thus better delineate the requirements for admission or discharge of patients experiencing exacerbations of COPD. The study will also provide a better understanding of the determinants of outcomes of COPD exacerbations, and evaluate the equity and variability in access and outcomes in these patients.
The common 2652 6N del variant in the CASP8 promoter (rs3834129) has been described as a putative low-penetrance risk factor for different cancer types. In particular, some studies suggested that the deleted allele (del) was inversely associated with CRC risk while other analyses failed to confirm this. Hence, to better understand the role of this variant in the risk of developing CRC, we performed a multi-centric case-control study. In the study, the variant 2652 6N del was genotyped in a total of 6,733 CRC cases and 7,576 controls recruited by six different centers located in Spain, Italy, USA, England, Czech Republic and the Netherlands collaborating to the international consortium COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics). Our analysis indicated that rs3834129 was not associated with CRC risk in the full data set. However, the del allele was under-represented in one set of cases with a family history of CRC (per allele model OR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.69-0.90) suggesting this allele might be a protective factor versus familial CRC. Since this multi-centric case-control study was performed on a very large sample size, it provided robust clarification of the effect of rs3834129 on the risk of developing CRC in Caucasians.
Background: Budesonide has a long history as intranasal drug, with many marketed products. Efforts should be made to demonstrate the therapeutic equivalence and safety comparability between them. Given that systemic availability significantly varies from formulations, the clinical comparability of diverse products comes to be of clinical interest and a regulatory requirement. The aim of the present study was to compare the systemic availability, pharmacodynamic effect, and safety of two intranasal budesonide formulations for the treatment of rhinitis. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers participated in this randomised, controlled, crossover, clinical trial. On two separated days, subjects received a single dose of 512 mu g budesonide (4 puffs per nostril) from each of the assayed devices (Budesonida nasal 64 (R), Aldo-Union, Spain and Rhinocort 64 (R), AstraZeneca, Spain). Budesonide availability was determined by the measurement of budesonide plasma concentration. The pharmacodynamic effect on the hypothalamic-adrenal axis was evaluated as both plasma and urine cortisol levels. Adverse events were tabulated and described. Budesonide availability between formulations was compared by the calculation of 90% CI intervals of the ratios of the main pharmacokinetic parameters describing budesonide bioavailability. Plasma cortisol concentration-time curves were compared by means of a GLM for Repeated Measures. Urine cortisol excretion between formulations was compared through the Wilcoxon's test. Results: All the enroled volunteers successfully completed the study. Pharmacokinetic parameters were comparable in terms of AUC(t) (2.6 +/- 1.5 vs 2.2 +/- 0.7), AUCi (2.9 +/- 1.5 vs 2.4 +/- 0.7), t(max) (0.4 +/- 0.1 vs 0.4 +/- 0.2), C(max)/AUC(i) (0.3 +/- 0.1 vs 0.3 +/- 0.0), and MRT (5.0 +/- 1.4 vs 4.5 +/- 0.6), but not in the case of C(max) (0.9 +/- 0.3 vs 0.7 +/- 0.2) and t(1/2) (3.7 +/- 1.8 vs 2.9 +/- 0.4). The pharmacodynamic effects, measured as the effect over plasma and urine cortisol, were also comparables between both formulations. No severe adverse events were reported and tolerance was comparable between formulations. Conclusion: The systemic availability of intranasal budesonide was comparable for both formulations in terms of most pharmacokinetic parameters. The pharmacodynamic effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was also similar. Side effects were scarce and equivalent between the two products. This methodology to compare different budesonide-containing devices is reliable and easy to perform, and should be recommended for similar products intented to be marketed or already on the market.