1000 resultados para Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts - LUS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this work is to problematize a strong identification of Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898-1986), a norte-riograndense author, to the city of Natal, analyzing the constitution of a spaciality that takes this author as this city s intellectual exponent and cultural monument, which I name as Natal cascudiana. In this sense, I investigate the process of Câmara Cascudo s monumentalization by the city of Natal, questioning the way his life has been articulated to the site of his production. Bearing this in mind, I have structured the work in three parts: on the first one, I examine the emerging of this identity relationship considering the intellectual formation of young Cascudinho and the beginnings of his literary activities, verifying the reasons that led him to remain in Natal; on the second part I investigate his appointment as Natal s historian in 1948, discussing the ways through which this intellectual function institutionalized the works of Cascudo and conferred the city with a historical knowledge of itself; and finally, I analyze the constitution of a city memory regarding Cascudo, that has transformed him into spatial marks and urban toponym: names of streets, museum, library, bookstores etc. On these terms, I deal with the biographic gender to achieve a history of the city s spaces, problematizing the monumentalization of Cascudo in Natal, interrogating the emerging of this Natal cascudiana
A city is made not only to streets, sidewalks, buildings, bridges and viaducts. The city is also built by layers of sediment from the past that blend with layers of sediments present. The city's it's art, it's sociability is written. The aim of this study is to analyze how Mossoró historiographically the narrative is built by Luís da Câmara Cascudo. With this objective, we divide the work into three chapters. At first, we investigate the investment that the prefecture of the Mossoró city at the beginning of the forties, under the administration of Dix-sept Rosado, held for the construction of what would be the city's culture. A culture that was linked to the creation of a library, a museum, a university, the completion of several lectures on the themes of the city, and writing the history of Mossoró. The second chapter discusses the historical conditions of possibility that made Luís da Câmara Cascudo of the town historian. In the last chapter, we show how Mossoró was built by Cascudo from the specific analysis of the book Notas e Documentos para a história de Mossoró (1955). We discuss the conditions for its emergence, examining the interplay of interests that enabled its production
Cette dissertation a pour but d´analyser la ville de São Luís do Maranhão pendant la Première Republique, d´après le roman Vencidos e Degenerados, de José do Nascimento Moraes, publié en 1915. À partir des rapports entre l´Histoire et la Littérature, nous nous intéressons à la façon dont l´auteur écrit l´histoire d´une ville qui, après la fin de l´esclavage et l´installation de la Republique, conserve des anciens préjugés de race et reste plongée dans l´immobilité economique. Le roman fait partie d´un ensemble d´oeuvres scientifiques et littéraires d´une géneration connue sous le nom de Novos Atenienses (nouveaux athéniens), laquelle discutait la crise économique et culturelle vécue par le Maranhão au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Le discours formulé par les nouveaux-athéniens comprennait des eléments nostalgiques associés au culte des lettres envisageant la conquête de la réconaissance littéraire et le désir d´adapter la ville de São Luis aux modèles de progrès et modernisation de la période républicaine. Dans ce contexte, Moraes introduit les thèmes liés à la discrimination raciale qui demerait après la fin de l´esclavage, qu´il considérait un obstacle au progrès de la capitale de Maranhão, et aussi la cause des pérsecutions littéraires dont il était victime. On a analisé le roman en cherchant compreendre les rapports entre les individus et les rapports qui´ils entretienent avec les spaces de la ville, à partir de questions d´ordre littéraire, raciale et urbaine. En guise de conclusion, la narration de l´oeuvre est dévellopée de façon que la ville, peuplée de gens de couleurs, sert à legitimée l´oeuvre littéraire de Moraes, dont le nom a été oublié dans les principaux cercles littéraires de la capitale pendant la période examinée
In 1956, Luís da Câmara Cascudo published his book Geografia do Brasil Holandês. In this book, he studied and described a space - the Dutch Brazil - from a geographical and historical perspective. To do this, he articulated both perspectives from the point of view of his own reading of the History of Nordeste , establishing a dialogue with the historiographical tradition of the study of the Dutch Brazil in Pernambuco. When portraying the Dutch presence in Nordeste, Cascudo articulated a drama in which the Dutch would have their history described as a typically tragic plot, portrayed as if they were already condemned to failure in advance. To this tragedy he opposed a predominantly comic Portuguese plot, as if the Portuguese victory over the Dutch was as desirable as inevitable for the space of Nordeste . When narrating the clash between the Dutch and the Portuguese for the space of Nordeste , however, Cascudo ended up delineating his own place of speech, as a spokesperson for the identity of the potiguar space in opposition to the pernabucano space described by Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello. In this way, the space of Rio Grande do Norte would have its own identity, constructed from de Dutch absence and constituted from the Portuguese legacy contrarily to the space of Pernambuco, narrated from an articulation and a conciliation of the Flemish and Lusitan legacy, even though highlighting the latter. While the Dutch would had been a constant presence in the history of Pernambuco for Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello, they wouldn t have gone beyond legend in the space of Rio Grande do Norte, removed from its geography and erased from its history. When describing de geography of the potiguar space, therefore, Cascudo articulates the inexistence of the History of a time dominated by the Fleming with the search of a Portuguese space, trough the narration of its origins and constitution, as well as the registry of the characteristics of its legacy
A destruição dos habitats naturais e a extinção de espécies têm crescido muito a partir da última metade do século XX. Nesse contexto, o aumento do número de espécies ameaçadas tem proporcionado maior uso da reintrodução como estratégia de conservação no combate à atual taxa de extinção. O presente trabalho focaliza um estudo de 16 meses realizado com cervos-do-pantanal reintroduzidos na Estação Ecológica de Jataí. Os animais foram marcados com rádio-colares e monitorados diariamente entre dezembro de 1998 e abril de 2000, tendo suas atividades de deslocamento e uso do espaço acompanhadas por triangulação. Os animais exploraram várzeas dentro da unidade de conservação e também uma área de várzea pertencente a uma propriedade particular localizada na fronteira oeste da estação. Durante o período de estudo, a maioria dos cervos reintroduzidos utilizou a área de várzea particular mais intensivamente que as várzeas da unidade de conservação. A preferência demonstrada por essa área confirmou sua importância ecológica, evidenciando a necessidade de proteção por meio de sua incorporação aos limites da Estação Ecológica de Jataí.
Data on the reproductive and feeding biology of elasmobranchs from Manoel Luís Reefs, Maranhão State, Brazil. Nine species were recorded and evidences that the area is important for the reproduction and feeding activity of sharks and rays were obtained.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)