870 resultados para Educational Practices


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This 20-page paper was presented in June 2001 at an invitational conference hosted by the Education Policy Research Group at Keele University. The theme of the conference was “travelling policy/local spaces: globalisation, identities and education policy in Europe“. Linked from the events page at http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/ed/events/conf papers.htm, this document is one of 22 papers from the conference that are presented in full text. The paper is organised in three sections, firstly examining the local impact of the application of a global development agenda on educational practices in Victoria, Australia, then analysing policy texts issued by the OECD, Unesco, and the Word Bank, and finally interpreting the data in the light of interagency politics and the authors‘ reading of the global-local dynamics of the educational restructuring in Victoria.


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This research produced in one region in Ghana examines the production of educational practices, relations of power and student experiences within teaching and non-teaching spaces in junior secondary settings. The strength of the visual approach in interrogating school cultural norms and the problematising of the tangled complexities of knowing about schooling, identity and pedagogy are outlined. An important aspect of the study is the foregrounding of educational practice as a social act occurring in response to historical circumstances and changing social contexts (Brown & Jones, 2001). We see this work as an important step towards democratization of the research relationship and empowerment of students to contribute to the way they are educated. But also we are wary of how representation through visual methods also can 'frame' participants and the researchers. We recognise that one way to uncover how school practices are exemplified in Ghana is to put students in the middle of researching their experiences. In this way, our research moved from constructing students as simply consumers of adult designed and managed products to practices based on democratic participation (Thomson & Gunter, 2007). Throughout the research journey we were guided by the fact that knowledge is not neutral or to be discovered. Culture and communicative processes are essential determinants of reality. In this study the students as researchers, produced photographs that trigger dialectical conversations of students’ perspectives that foreground their experiences at school. This enabled us to digress from dominant positivistic empiricism to a more legitimate ethical practice, and understanding of the intricacies of educational practice, the norms and structures that underpin everyday actions in schools.


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Home education provides valuable educational and developmental opportunities for children. An examination of Australia’s research indicates many best educational practices, including more informed mediation, contextualised learning, and opportunities to exercise autonomy. Key features include learning embedded in communities and program modification in response to students’ needs. Current state and territory legal requirements are examined within the context of this research and Australia’s obligations to international human rights treaties. All jurisdictions accept home education as one way to meet compulsory education requirements. The extent to which respective laws then reflect understanding of home education research and practice varies. Most jurisdictions allow for a variety of educational approaches. Some oversight regulation could however be modified to reflect a better understanding of home education. Consultation with home educators and reference to research would assist the development of more uniform legislation and policy across Australia, and enable better regulatory practice.


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The changing nature of higher education and the structure of graduate labour markets have increased emphasis on employability and graduate outcomes. Universities have responded to this changed environment by embedding generic skills in the curriculum. This paper examines the generic skills that students perceived they acquired in their accounting studies in preparation for graduate employment. Given the changed background profiles of students studying accounting degree in Australia, and the employment difficulties they encounter on graduation, the study specifically addresses the perceptions of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The findings demonstrate that, overall, students believed that their accounting course assisted in developing generic skills, while differences in perceptions were identified between different cultural cohorts. The research highlights the need to develop educational practices which embed generic skills development in the curriculum in a way that maximises the opportunities for culturally-diverse student cohorts to enhance their employment outcomes on graduation.


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Effective and meaningful student engagement is integral for enhancing student learning experience and outcomes. For international students who move beyond their cultural comfort zone and navigate through cross-border experiences, it is essential to conceptualise their engagement through not only the formal curriculum but also the informal curriculum. International student engagement should be viewed in relation to multiple interrelated dimensions. These may include their engagement with the learning content and learning process, the bonding between teachers and students, the interaction between international and domestic students and amongst international students themselves and their integration into the relevant networks, the community and the society that they are living in. These dimensions of engagement are anchored in the intersections of international student personal agency and personal experiences, educational practices, cultural boundaries and the broader social and political context shaping Australian international education.


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There are a variety of audiences for educational research, for example: fellow researchers, educators, those who develop and implement policy for education, and the community. In general the audiences with which we have most effectively communicated are the first two. These can be characterised as ‘insiders’, with whom communications about our research reflect a shared understanding of education practices. Communication with the latter two groups needs to be different as the members of the ‘outsider’ communities generally do not share the same understandings of educational practices and purposes. In this paper we will explore implications of these challenges drawing on our research on school-community collaborations in school science programs.


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Background:  Environmental factors associated with schooling systems in various countries have been implicated in the rising prevalence of myopia, making the comparison of prevalence of refractive errors in migrant populations of interest. This study aims to determine the prevalence of refractive errors in children of Middle Eastern descent, raised and living in urban Australia but actively maintaining strong ties to their ethnic culture, and to compare them with those in the Middle East where myopia prevalence is generally low.Methods:  A total of 354 out of a possible 384 late primary/early secondary schoolchildren attending a private school attracting children of Middle Eastern background in Melbourne were assessed for refractive error and visual acuity. A Shin Nippon open-field NVision-K5001 autorefractor was used to carry out non-cycloplegic autorefraction while viewing a distant target. For statistical analyses students were divided into three age groups: 10–11 years (n = 93); 12–13 years (n = 158); and 14–15 years (n = 102).Results:  All children were bilingual and classified as of Middle Eastern (96.3 per cent) or Egyptian (3.7 per cent) origin. Ages ranged from 10 to 15 years, with a mean of 13.17 ± 0.8 (SEM) years. Mean spherical equivalent refraction (SER) for the right eye was +0.09 ± 0.07 D (SEM) with a range from -7.77 D to +5.85 D. The prevalence of myopia, defined as a spherical equivalent refraction 0.50 D or more of myopia, was 14.7 per cent. The prevalence of hyperopia, defined as a spherical equivalent refraction of +0.75 D or greater, was 16.4 per cent, while hyperopia of +1.50 D or greater was 5.4 per cent. A significant difference in SER was seen as a function of age; however, no significant gender difference was seen.Conclusions:  This is the first study to report the prevalence of refractive errors for second-generation Australian schoolchildren coming from a predominantly Lebanese Middle Eastern Arabic background, who endeavour to maintain their ethnic ties. The relatively low prevalence of myopia is similar to that found for other metropolitan Australian school children but higher than that reported in the Middle East. These results suggest that lifestyle and educational practices may be a significant influence in the progression of myopic refractive errors.


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 The Investigation of Play and Literacy of Western Australian Indigenous children resulted in the development of the first culturally appropriate assessment of pretend play and social pretend play for Australian Indigenous children. Understanding relationships between pretend play, social pretend play and literacy in the Indigenous context has potential to inform therapy and educational practices.


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This paper explores the critical pedagogy of activists as they participate in activism on some of the most important human rights issues of our time. I argue the pedagogy of activism is critically cognitive and embodied in a practice that is inherently social. The paper commences with some writing on what I claim is Freire’s own activism, always working towards a struggle for social justice and social change. His educational practices were never removed from sites and movements of struggle and resistance and he encouraged teachers to be political, that their teaching should never be disassociated from a critique of the political and social realities that impact on and create impediments to a democratic education.The paper then outlines empirical research on the learning dimensions of activists conducted in Australia and draws on some of the personal narratives of activists. I explore the reflexivity of activists as they work within and against the state, on issues of indigenous self-determination, racism, religion, homophobia, urban development, climate change, civil liberties, economic inequality and others. I argue for a critically reflexive pedagogy, as Paulo Freire reminds us, activism without purposeful reflection has the potential to become what he termed “naïve activism’’. That is, a focus on the theory and philosophical underpinnings of activism, and the tactics and strategies necessary to instigate social change, can create a pedagogy that is wanting in praxis. Yet the urgency of activism and the desire for significant social change often prevents a critical space for reflection to occur.The paper concludes with some suggestions for how Freire’s writing on praxis, can improve activists important practice.


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Background and Purpose: The number of degree-awarding programmes in medical education is steadily increasing. Despite the popularity and extensive investment in these courses, there is little research into their impact. This study investigated the perceived impact of an internationally-renowned postgraduate programme in medical education on health professionals’ development as educators.

Methods: An online survey of the 2008–12 graduates from the Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee was carried out. Their self-reported shifts in various educational competencies and scholarship activities were analysed using non-parametric statistics. Qualitative data were also collected and analysed to add depth to the quantitative findings.

Results: Of the 504 graduates who received the online questionnaire 224 responded. Participants reported that a qualification in medical education had significantly (p < 0.001) improved their professional educational practices and engagement in scholarly activities. Masters graduates reported greater impact compared to Certificate graduates on all items, including ability to facilitate curriculum reforms, and in assessment and feedback practices. Masters graduates also reported more engagement in scholarship activities, with significantly greater contributions to journals. These qualifications equally benefited all participants regardless of age. International graduates reported greater impact of the qualification than their UK counterparts.

Conclusion: A postgraduate medical education programme can significantly impact on the practices and behaviours of health professionals in education, improving self-efficacy and instilling an increased sense of belonging to the educational community.


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O estudo das novas tecnologias de ensino/aprendizagem utilizadas pelos docentes em Administração no cotidiano da sala de aula é uma das temáticas mais debatidas na academia. Essas tecnologias são apreendidas e utilizadas por discentes e docentes incorporando-as, ou não, nas suas práticas educacionais. Sua descrição e compreensão são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do campo organizacional. Descrever, no entanto, essas tecnologias utilizando as palavras do professor na condução da sua classe é um dos propósitos centrais desenvolvidos nessa pesquisa. Discutir, se as concepções pedagógicas dos cursos de Administração perpassam pelo sentido valorativo e conceitual daquilo que propõe a educação formal tornou-se evidente no decurso dissertativo. Problematizar o pensamento metafísico, a epistemologia dialética e o paradigma funcionalista com a episteme de Michel Foucault foi um ponto de chegada: Arqueologia. Argumenta-se de que forma as forças contraditórias e paradoxais existentes na educação garantem, de um lado, maiores possibilidades de subjetividades com atitudes críticas e, de outro, inibem a abordagem crítica e reflexiva com pedagogias instrumentais e utilitaristas. Essa relação multifacetada e permeada de variabilidade levou-nos a estudá-lo a partir da razão dialética. Tal vertente metodológica que possibilita a construção sintética e compreensão de seus fatores contributivos por meio da justaposição de tese e antítese que situam-se em condições opostas. Entretanto, não há interpretação. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de campo foram classificados em três categorias próprias ao método escolhido: totalidade, sistema de contradição e negação da negação. Em sua análise, optamos não explicar, mas sim, problematizar o paradigma dominante nos cursos de Administração. Sugerindo a sempre renovada possibilidade de atitude crítica nas práticas cotidianas dos docentes entrevistados. Dentro deste contexto essencialmente paradoxal, compreendemos o sentido dialético que os movimenta, acomete e surpreende a cada dia na sala de aula: da mesma forma que as práticas os limitam devido a conformação própria da educação, com seus instrumentos doutrinários; ao mesmo tempo, assegura-lhes, a possibilidade da construção ensino/aprendizagem com seus inéditos viáveis. Dimensões que apresentam-se como contraponto a uma literatura epistemológica funcionalista dominante e consideram um complexo multifacetado que, ao modelo da episteme de Michel Foucault, sugerem provocações muito além do bem e do mal.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar as características teóricas e metodológicas das monografias defendidas no curso de turismo da Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA, que tratam de assuntos voltados para a temática em Gestão de Negócios turísticos no período de 2001/2005. Trabalham-se as principais definições e conceitos relacionados à pesquisa, mostrando ser a pesquisa um ato não isolado, processual e sistematizado. Apresenta a importância e as funções da pesquisa afirmando que a mesma vem conquistando um certo espaço na vida acadêmica por melhorar as práticas educativas bem como contribuindo para melhoria de vida dos cidadãos, quando unida à tecnologia, além de apresentar a importância dos métodos de investigação nos vários níveis e fases. Aborda sobre a pesquisa nas diversas concepções na universidade de forma contextualizada. Aborda sobre a função social da pesquisa estimulando a divulgação científica, vinculando esta responsabilidade como débito social do pesquisador para com a comunidade científica. A pesquisa configura-se como um método descritivo - exploratório analisado segundo três matrizes: paradigmática, tipológica e o mapa conceitual que serviram como critério orientador, onde as monografias foram metodicamente analisadas em sua estrutura no nível teórico, apresentando as principais temáticas trabalhadas, as críticas e as propostas, bem como os autores mais citados e os tipos de documento mais pesquisados. No nível técnico são analisados a característica das pesquisas, as técnicas, instrumentos e procedimentos utilizados na coleta e analise dos dados. No nível epistemológico foram observados os critérios de validação, as concepções de causalidade e de ciência, e os pressupostos lógico – gnosiológicos. Os dados obtidos, analisados a luz do referencial teórico apontam para necessidade de um maior rigor científico e espírito crítico por parte dos pesquisadores.


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This work started from an investigation concerning the process of education, moralization and disciplining of the poor in the backlands of the Brazilian Northeast region, in the second half of the 19th century, through the incorporation of the values of productive work. In order to do so, we took as our field of investigation the missions of Father José Antônio Pereira Ibiapina (1806-1883), in which an extensive work was developed, including the construction of twenty two (22) charity houses in the States of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará e Piauí, but also of weirs, churches, graveyards, hospitals and so forth. Given the socio-historical character of the research, we adopted qualitative methods of analysis and the following procedures: survey and analysis of documents, statute and internal rules that ordered the workings of the charity houses; biographies on Father Ibiapina and the missions‟ reports, as well as various sorts of publications on the missionary. Our study comprises his 27 year-period of missionary-religious activity (1856-1883), and undertakes an analysis on the topic of poverty, since the medieval Christian take on it until modernity, when it stops representing a value and becomes a problem to be solved through work. The socio-political context in which Ibiapina lived in the Northeast was marked by the consequence of droughts and economic crises in the region. The analysis of the documents indicates that, in the circumstances of political weakness and lack of interest for regional demands by the national political agenda, his missionary actions produced strong effects. Starting from an ethics of valorization of work, which combined modern and traditional elements, his actions set up disciplinary, moralizing and civil educational practices of the poor, founding, simultaneously, a pragmatic religious experience directed at the resolution of the problems caused by poverty. In that sense, we observe that such actions are connected to the broader process of moralization and education of the poor, but the analysis also suggests that their inscription into the social order articulated both forward as well as conservative aspects of the established system