842 resultados para Edith Fetherston


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Tutkielman aiheena on astangajoogan kotikaupunki Mysore Intiassa ja siellä sijaitseva Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute -joogakoulu (KPJAYI). Mysorella on erityinen asema astangajoogan kontekstissa ja sadat astangajoogaajat ympäri maailmaa matkustavat Mysoreen joogamaan useiden kuukausien ajaksi. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää miksi Mysoreen matkustetaan, miksi Mysorella on erityinen asema ja miten tuota asemaa pidetään yllä. Olen koostanut tutkielman aineiston kolmen kuukauden etnografisen kenttätyön aikana Mysoressa. Aineistoa ovat yhdeksän suomalaisen astangajoogaajan haastattelut ja kenttäpäiväkirja, joka rajautuu varsinaisen analyysin ulkopuolelle. Aineiston olen analysoinut sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkijan position paikantajana ja itsereflektion keinona olen käyttänyt autoetnografiaa, sillä olen itsekin astangajoogaaja. Tutkielman keskeiset teoreettiset käsitteet ovat pyhiinvaellus ja uskonnollinen matka, tila ja paikka sekä autenttisuus. Olen hyödyntänyt Victor ja Edith Turnerin kulttuuriantropologisia huomioita pyhiinvaelluksesta ja tuonut sen rinnalle kulttuurimaantieteilijä Doreen Masseyn näkemykset tilan ja paikan sosiaalisesta ja muuttuvasta luonteesta. Lisäksi peilaan aineistoa uskontotieteilijä Thomas Tweedin teoriaan uskontojen risteyksistä ja rajojen ylittämisistä: Tweedin mukaan uskonnoissa on kyse sekä maantieteellisten, sosiaalisten, henkilökohtaisten että yliluonnollisten rajojen ylittämisistä. Autenttisuus taas liittyy käsitykseen aidosta joogasta, sen harjoittelusta ja alkuperästä. Joogaajilla on Mysoreen matkustamiseen useita eri syitä, kuten irtiotto arjesta, harjoitukseen syventyminen ja halu olla Intian kaltaisessa ympäristössä. Mysoren erityinen asema taasen rakentuu KPJAYI:n opettajien, astangatradition ja joogasalin erityisen luonteen varaan. Yksinkertaisesti todettuna Mysore on rajaamista. Mysoren erityistä asemaa pidetään yllä rajaamalla astangajoogaajien Mysorea erilleen muista paikoista esimerkiksi korostamalla Mysoren tasa-arvoistavaa luonnetta ja joogasalin erityisyyttä. Mysoren voi todeta olevan astangajoogan sydän, sillä aineiston perusteella Mysore edustaa aitoa, syvää, puhdasta ja säilyvää (astanga)joogaa, jossa olennaista on traditioon sitoutuminen, parampara.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58552


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In October of 1967 the Administrative Staff moved to their new general offices at the Glenridge Campus. Pictured here from left to right are: Elizabeth Koschok, Roger Reynolds, Edith Toth, Jean Zurowski, Jenny Gurski, Ed. Mitchelson, Ruth Urbanic, and Jennie Balasak.


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This study explores 5 teachers' perspectives on inclusive education. The literature reviewed gives a historical background of special education as well as discusses a number of current methods and techniques that have been implemented as a means to include exceptional students in regular classroom settings. This is a qualitative study that collected and interpreted data in narrative form. Common themes emerged from the accounts that were shared by the participants. This study found that the understanding of mUltiple intelligences and differentiated instruction might assist a teacher to better meet the needs of exceptional students within inclusive classrooms. Based on this study, it is determined that a range of considerations needs to be weighed when choosing an educational placement for a student with an exceptionality. Each decision needs to be based on the individual student and the options open to himlher. When a decision about class placement is to be made, not only are the student's strengths and needs to be considered, but also the school and community, the teacher, and the parents' desire for their child must be taken into account. More work still needs to be done around inclusive education that is at the practical level, so that the needs of both the student and the teacher can be met. Inclusive education did not mean the same thing to each person. It was individualized, just as each student is an individual and what works best for himlher is individual. In learning about inclusive education, settings and strategies need to be considered to allow for each individual student to achieve hislher personal best.


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Family portrait taken at Charles C. Chapman's birthday celebration, Fullerton, California,July 2, 1932. The group poses outside his residence on the lawn. Top row [left to right]: Arthur Irvin, Charles Wickett, Irvin Chapman, Sam Collins, Paul Williams, Grant Chapman,, Sidney Chapman, Clay McCarn, Earl Chapman's son David McDougal, Earl Chapman's son William McDougal, Earl Chapman, Harry Chapman, William Wickett Sr. Second row [left to right]: Mr. VanMeter, Mrs. Sinclair, C. C. Sinclair, John Franklin, Way Bagley, Marjorie Collins, Emma Williams, Ruth Chapman, Vesta Chapman, Inez Bagley, Grace Chapman, Bertha Chapman, Clough Chapman, Frank and Bertha Chapman's daughter Agnes McDougal [Streech], Georgiana Chapman, Thela Clough, Mrs. Earl [Ann] Chapman, Bessie Reynolds, Fred Chapman, E. B. [Bert] Reynolds. Seated [left to right]: Mrs. VanMeter, Hattie Clark, Louie Messlar, Charlie Thamer, Louella Thamer, Dolla Harris, Stanley Chapman Sr. holding Mary Anne, Ethel Wickett, Charles C. Chapman, Clara Chapman, Colum C. Chapman, Aunt Annie Colum, Deryth Chapman, Anna Marie Chapman, Floy Chapman, Edith Chapman. Front row [left to right]: Sam E. Collins, Bill Wickett Jr., Joyce Chapman, Marilyn Chapman, Elizabeth Chapman, Mary McCarn, Nina Chapman Lescher, Jodeane Collins, Bob Gibb, Jean Chapman. In front is a floral arrangement with drawing of a Western Union telegram "To Chas. C. Chapman, July 2, 1932, N. Fullerton, Cal., 'Wishing you a happy birthday, Nina."


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The Scholfield and Galbraith families of Dunnville, Ont. were related by marriage. Thomas Jefferson Galbraith (1842-1921) worked as a collector of canal tolls at Port Maitland, a landing waiter and searcher and an acting preventive officer in Customs. He was married to Jane Ann [Jennie] Montieth and they had five children, Margaret, Minnie Montieth, Genevieve Marion, Edith Stuart and Thomas Percy Galbraith. Genevieve Marion Galbraith was married to Harry E. Scholfield, son of Frederick Scholfield (d.1908) and Georginna Galer (d. 1888), a dry goods merchant in Dunnville. Some extent records belong to a William Scholfield who operated a mill in Dunnville. Included are records related to land lease, mortgage and bargain and sale agreements between Scholfield and various individuals, including Richard Kirkpatrick, William Kohler, Alvin Drake, Robert Ban[u]d, Henry Beckett, Sr., Samuel Waltho, Nehemiah Niece.


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The I.O.D.E. as we currently know it today was founded in 1900 by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal, who recognized a need for loyal support of Canadians departing to fight in the Boer War with the Empire forces in South Africa. She encouraged the formation of a federation of women to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The first chapter was formed in Fredericton, New Brunswick on January 15th 1900. Primary chapters were formed in quick succession across Canada. In 1901, Edith Boulton Nordheimer was elected the first national president, the location of the head office became Toronto, Ontario and the federation was incorporated as Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire Junior Branch. The Earl Mountbatten Chapter was formed in 1947 and is continuing to be a functioning chapter at the time of writing this finding aid. During the 1970’s the name I.O.D.E. was officially adopted. It is a federally chartered not-for-profit, charitable organization. Structured to report under the jurisdiction of the National chapter are the Provincial chapters, the Municipal chapters and the Primary chapters. The I.O.D.E. is associated with the Victory League in England and Daughters of the British Empire in the United States and it is proud of its heritage and traditions. Queen Elizabeth II is the current patron of the organization and although chapters sometimes disband there are always new chapters forming, including e-chapters that meet through 21st century electronics.


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The I.O.D.E. as we currently know it today was founded in 1900 by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal, who recognized a need for loyal support of Canadians departing to fight in the Boer War with the Empire RG310 page 2 forces in South Africa. She encouraged the formation of a federation of women to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The first chapter was formed in Fredericton, New Brunswick on January 15th 1900. Primary chapters were formed in quick succession across Canada. In 1901, Edith Boulton Nordheimer was elected the first national president, the location of the head office became Toronto, Ontario and the federation was incorporated as Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire Junior Branch. The Second Dragoons Chapter was formed in 1933 and was disbanded in 1983, which was their 50th anniversary. During the 1970’s the name I.O.D.E. was officially adopted. It is a federally chartered not-for-profit, charitable organization. Structured to report under the jurisdiction of the National chapter are the Provincial chapters, the Municipal chapters and the Primary chapters. The I.O.D.E. is associated with the Victory League in England and Daughters of the British Empire in the United States and it is proud of its heritage and traditions. Queen Elizabeth II is the current patron of the organization and although chapters sometimes disband there are always new chapters forming, including e-chapters that meet through 21st century electronics


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The I.O.D.E. as we currently know it today was founded in 1900 by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal, who recognized a need for loyal support of Canadians departing to fight in the Boer War with the Empire forces in South Africa. She encouraged the formation of a federation of women to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The first chapter was formed in Fredericton, New Brunswick on January 15th 1900. Primary chapters were formed in quick succession across Canada. In 1901, Edith Boulton Nordheimer was elected the first national president, the location of the head office became Toronto, Ontario and the federation was incorporated as Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire Junior Branch. The Duke of Kent Chapter was formed in 1934 and was disbanded in 1980. During the 1970’s the name I.O.D.E. was officially adopted. It is a federally chartered not-for-profit, charitable organization. Structured to report under the jurisdiction of the National chapter are the Provincial chapters, the Municipal chapters and the Primary chapters. The I.O.D.E. is associated with the Victory League in England and Daughters of the British Empire in the United States and it is proud of its heritage and traditions. Queen Elizabeth II is the current patron of the organization and although chapters sometimes disband there are always new chapters forming, including e-chapters that meet through 21st century electronics.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Químicas con Especialidad en Química Analítica) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Énfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL