965 resultados para Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931.
"This copy is one of an edition of three hundred copies printed from type by the De Vinne press."--T.p. verso.
Oliver Cromwell. A cast from the original mask taken after death ..." (plate facing p. [2])
Imprint dated: v.1, 1847; v.2-3, 1835; v.4, 1836; v.5, 1843.
Vols. I-III edited by C. E. Doble; vols. IV-V, by D. W. Rannie; vols. VI-VIII edited under the superintendence of the committee of the Oxford Historical Society; vols. IX-XI edited by H. E. Salter.
Report of the society for the year 1910 (3 p.) appended.
v. 1, 1795-1846 v. 2, 1847-1881.
A novel karyotype with 2n = 50, FN = 48, was described for specimens of Thaptomys collected at Una, State of Bahia, Brazil, which are morphologically indistinguishable from Thaptomys nigrita, 2n = 52, FN = 52, found in other localities. It was hence proposed that the 2n = 50 karyotype could belong to a distinct species, cryptic of Thaptomys nigrita, once chromosomal rearrangements observed, along with the geographic distance, might represent a reproductive barrier between both forms. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood based on partial cytochrome b sequences with 1077 bp were performed, attempting to establish the relationships among the individuals with distinct karyotypes along the geographic distribution of the genus; the sample comprised 18 karyotyped specimens of Thaptomys, encompassing 15 haplotypes, from eight different localities of the Atlantic Rainforest. The intra-generic relationships corroborated the distinct diploid numbers, once both phylogenetic reconstructions recovered two monophyletic lineages, a northeastern clade grouping the 2n = 50 and a southeastern clade with three subclades, grouping the 2n = 52 karyotype. The sequence divergence observed between their individuals ranged from 1.9% to 3.5%.
American Museum of Natural History
The life of Dr. Thomas Parmeter MD was one of astonishing complexity. Convicted of bigamy in London, he arrived in Sydney on 16 January 1816 and almost immediately resumed his medical practice. In England he had engaged in several literary activities and these too he soon resumed in New South Wales, contributing to contemporary newspapers. A riding accident in 1820 and a stroke in 1825 restricted his ability to practise medicine and so he turned to writing and farming for an income. Neither activity was a financial success and he died in poverty. Herein are collected together his poems, epigrams, aphorisms and quotations from poets and other writers. His contribution to the cultural life of Sydney, though not fully documented, was very likely significant.
The apocreadiid digenean Homalometron senegalense is redescribed from the soleid fish Synaptura kleinii from off Corsica in the western Mediterranean. For the first time, lymphatic vessels are described for this species, and the implications of this in the systematics of the Apocreadiidae discussed. This species is considered closest to H. galaicus and H. wrightae, both also reported from soleid hosts. The concept of Apocreadiidae espoused is that most recently developed by Cribb & Bray (1999).
Thomas & Tow's evaluation of the utility of human security is an important contribution to an ongoing debate about what security is and for whom security should be provided. In particular, the authors' engagement with the human security agenda is important given the centrality of this approach to recent attempts to rethink security. This article argues, however, that Thomas & Tow's approach to the human security agenda is problematic for two central reasons. First, their attempt to narrow security to make this approach amenable to state policymakers risks reifying the sources of insecurity for individuals everywhere. Second, the conception of human security they put forward appears largely inconsistent with the normative concerns inherent in the human security agenda.
Foram constituÃdos quatro grupos de roedores silvestres para a contagem de células sangüÃneas periféricas, da seguinte forma: Grupo I - formado de animais normais, nascidos em biotério, com 30 dias de vida; Grupo II - formado de animais que foram capturados no campo e considerados não infectados com S. mansoni, após ovohelmintoscopia das fezes, realizada durante 30 dias de observação; Grupo III - animáis capturados no campo, nautralmente infectados com o esquistossomo, e o Grupo IV - de animais nascidos em biotério, com 30 dias de vida, e infectados com 150 cercárias de S. mansoni, oriundas da Região da Baixada Maranhense. Semanalmente, a partir da data da infecção, estes animais foram sangrados e tiveram suas células sangüÃneas periféricas contadas global e especificamente. Os resultados mostraram que o número de hemácias e leucócitos por mm³ não variou nos animais normais, tanto de campo como de biotério. No grupo de animais experimentalmente infectados, foi observado decréscimo do número de hemácias à proporção que a infecção evoluia. Comportamento oposto foi verificado com os leucócitos. Elevados nÃveis de eosinófilos só foram observados nos animais com infecção natural. Estes resultados foram discutidos com dados da literatura e considerados importantes para complementar as informações sobre este hospedeiro natural do trematódeo, oferecido como modelo experimental do verme, e para sua própria história natural.