284 resultados para Eden.


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Ce mémoire se focalise sur la pièce Antony and Cleopatra de Shakespeare en relation avec la pensée biblique, l’humanisme de la Renaissance et les caractéristiques de la tragédie comme genre littéraire et philosophie grecque. La chute d’Adam et Eve dans la Bible, ainsi que le conflit entre le héros tragique et les dieux, sont deux thèmes qui sont au centre de ce mémoire. Le mythe de la chute d’Adam et Eve sert, en effet, d’un modèle de la chute—et par conséquent, de la tragédie—d’Antoine et Cléopâtre mais aussi de structure pour ce mémoire. Si le premier chapitre parle de paradis, le deuxième évoque le péché originel. Le troisième, quant à lui, aborde une contre-rédemption. Le premier chapitre réfère à l’idée du paradis, ou l’Éden dans la bible, afin d’examiner ce qui est édénique dans Antony and Cleopatra. La fertilité, l’épicuréisme, l’excès dionysien sont tous des éléments qui sont présents dans la conception d’un Éden biblique et Shakespearien. Le deuxième chapitre est une étude sur la tragédie comme genre fondamentalement lié à la pensée religieuse et philosophique des grecs, une pensée qui anime aussi Antony and Cleopatra. Ce chapitre montre, en effet, que les deux protagonistes Shakespeariens, comme les héros tragiques grecs, défient les dieux et le destin, engendrant ainsi leur tragédie (ou ‘chute’, pour continuer avec le mythe d’Adam et Eve). Si le deuxième chapitre cherche à créer des ponts entre la tragédie grecque et la tragédie Shakespearienne, le troisième chapitre montre que le dénouement dans Antony and Cleopatra est bien différent des dénouements dans les tragédies de Sophocle, Euripide, et Eschyle. Examinant la pensée de la Renaissance, surtout la notion d’humanisme, la partie finale du mémoire présente les protagonistes de Shakespeare comme des éternels rebelles, des humanistes déterminés à défier les forces du destin.


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Constructed, beginning in 1576 by the architect Domenico Fontana, the Villa Montalto, named after the Cardinal Felice Peretti Montalto, was for a long rime described as having surpassed the splendor of all the villas in Rome. Located to the north of the city in an arid and practically deserted zone, between vineyards, Antique ruins and early Christian churches, the villa occupies a privileged place within the history of urban landscape. Elected pope in 1585, under the name of Sixtus V, Felice made his villa the largest that had ever existed inside of the walls, establishing the upper city of the Monti, the Città Felice, as a new economic and religious center, crystallizing his ambitions for a major territorial reform. By simultaneously focusing on the gardens, the painted decorations, the literature, and the architecture of the villa, but also on its economic and social role, this article proposes an original interpretation of the Villa Montalto, demonstrating the fundamental importance of the imagined landscape in the Rome of Sixtus V. Through the ideal space of his villa, the Pope sought to propose a new model of economic and social development necessary to the reform of the then poor and insalubrious Rome. The ultimate goal was none other than the reestablishment of a Christian Eden on Earth. Sixtus V thus placed himself within the lineage which, since Adam, had attempted through the virtue of agricultural labor, to atone for the original sin.


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In the texts and illustrations of medieval Mappae mundi, women are represented in three different roles: as biblical or Christian characters (such as Eve in the Garden of Eden, Lot's wife and female saints), as legendary or mythical figures (e.g. the Queen of Sheba, mermaids) and as 'other' creatures with a deviant behaviour from the European norm (e.g. Amazons). The principal goal of this study is to analyse the different strategies that were developed by male European observers to project a filtered image of woman in the selective medium of cartography from the tenth to the fifteenth century.


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El presente trabajo se centra en el fenómeno de la internacionalización dentro del sector petrolero. Para esto, se escogió a tres empresas: Ecopetrol, por ser la empresa colombiana más grande; Petrobras, el mayor representante de Latinoamérica; y Exxon Mobil, un gigante del petróleo a nivel mundial. Estas empresas, que se encuentran en diferentes etapas dentro de su proceso de la internacionalización, muestran comportamientos estratégicos similares. Son precisamente estas similitudes las que permitieron proponer un modelo de internacionalización generalizado para las diferentes empresas que componen dicho sector económico. Para alcanzar dicho modelo, se recurrió a diferentes teorías de internacionalización desarrolladas por varias escuelas de negocios en el mundo, tales como el Modelo Ecléctico, el de Uppsala o la Teoría de Redes. Cabe destacar que dicho modelo propuesto es una aproximación teórica a la realidad empresarial de las compañías petroleras, usando como marco de referencia una muestra pequeña de este tipo de organizaciones. Dentro de este modelo, los altos matices de complejidad propios del fenómeno de la internacionalización se ven reducidos de manera considerable, como parte del ejercicio académico propuesto en el presente estudio.


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Introducción: el delirium es el trastorno neuropsiquiátrico más frecuente entre pacientes hospitalizados, se asocia con aumento en el tiempo de hospitalización, complicaciones nosocomiales e incluso se le atribuye aumento de la mortalidad de forma independiente. Existen estudios acerca de factores de riesgo para la condición, enfocados en las patologías, medicaciones y antecedentes de los pacientes; sin embargo son escasos los que buscan identificar los factores propios de los pacientes y del proceso de hospitalización, el cual es el objetivo del presente. Metodología: se realizó un estudio con diseño de casos y controles, incluyendo pacientes de la Fundación Cardioinfantil - Instituto de Cardiología con diagnóstico de delirium, hospitalizados entre marzo de 2011 y marzo de 2013. Con una muestra calculada de 201 pacientes, 67 casos y 134 controles (2:1), se equiparó los grupos para edad, piso de hospitalización, tipo de habitación hospitalaria y la fecha de hospitalización, obteniendo las variables de interés. Resultados: se encontró distintas variables relacionadas con delirium, algunas de estas clásicamente asociadas con la condición, posterior al análisis de los datos, las variables más fuertemente relacionadas con la condición fueron el tipo de ingreso, escala visual análoga del dolor, índice de Barthel y el tiempo de estancia en urgencias. Discusión: en nuestra revisión, el presente estudio es el primero de nuestro medio que busca identificar los factores de riesgo dados por la condición basal de los pacientes en su ingreso al hospital, estos factores fácilmente identificables son de utilidad para la prevención de la condición.


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El presente estudio de caso hace un análisis y revisión de la consulta previa en un contexto suburbano como es la comunidad muisca de Bosa. Se describe cómo este mecanismo permite la defensa del territorio ante la expedición del plan parcial El Edén El Descanso que busca desarrollar en esta zona un proyecto de vivienda. En este sentido se hace una revisión de la documentación pública del Cabildo muisca de Bosa, del Distrito y del Ministerio del Interior que sirven de insumo para analizar las dinámicas y fases de este caso al ser el único en un contexto suburbano. A partir de esto se retoman varios elementos del Estado social de derecho, como los derechos colectivos y los mecanismos de participación, entre otros, en el marco del enfoque diferencial para las comunidades indígenas


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Las Infecciones Urinarias son causa de frecuente morbilidad, afecta a amplios sectores de la población, conllevan la utilización de antibióticos, afectan más a las mujeres, siendo un significativo problema de salud debido a su incidencia durante el embarazo que es del l0%1, diagnosticándose en la primera visita del control prenatal. Aproximadamente el 15% de las mujeres, tendrán una infección urinaria en alguna época durante su vida, con riesgos a largo plazo y calidad de vida. Amerita la detección temprana, el tratamiento oportuno y eficaz, el estudio y seguimiento posteriores.


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Contenido Introducción 1. Inteligencia emocional, liderazgo transformacional y género: factores que influencian el desempeño organizacional / Ana María Galindo Londoño, Sara Urrego Mayorga; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa Méndez. 2. El rol de la mujer en el liderazgo / Andrea Patricia Cuestas Díaz; Directora: Francoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 3. Liderazgo transformacional, clima organizacional, satisfacción laboral y desempeño. Una revisión de la literatura / Juliana Restrepo Orozco, Ángela Marcela Ochoa Rodríguez; Directora: Françoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 4. “E-Leadership” una perspectiva al mundo de las compañías globalizadas / Ángela Beatriz Morales Morales, Mónica Natalia Aguilera Velandia; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 5. Liderazgo y cultura. Una revisión / Daniel Alejandro Romero Galindo; Directora: Francoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 6. La investigación sobre la naturaleza del trabajo directivo: una revisión de la literatura / Julián Felipe Rodríguez Rivera, María Isabel Álvarez Rodríguez; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 7. La mujer en la alta dirección en el contexto colombiano / Ana María Moreno, Juliana Moreno Jaramillo ; Directora: Françoise Venezia Contreras Torres. 8. Influencia de la personalidad en el discurso y liderazgo de George W. Bush después del 11 de septiembre de 2011 / Karen Eliana Mesa Torres; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 9. La investigación sobre el campo del followership: una revisión de la literatura / Christian D. Báez Millán, Leidy J. Pinzón Porras; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 10. El liderazgo desde la perspectiva del poder y la influencia. Una revisión de la literatura / Lina María García, Juan Sebastián Naranjo; Director: Juan Javier Saavedra Mayorga. 11. El trabajo directivo para líderes y gerentes: una visión integradora de los roles organizacionales / Lina Marcela Escobar Campos, Daniel Mora Barrero; Director: Rafael Piñeros. 12. Participación emocional en la toma de decisiones / Lina Rocío Poveda C., Gloria Johanna Rueda L.; Directora: Francoise Contreras T. 13. Estrés y su relación con el liderazgo / María Camila García Sierra, Diana Paola Rocha Cárdenas; Director: Juan Carlos Espinosa. 14. “Burnout y engagement” / María Paola Jaramillo Barrios, Natalia Rojas Mancipe; Director: Rafael Piñeros.


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En este ensayo, el autor plantea un diálogo entre la novela La belleza del mundo, de Héctor Tizón, y los arquetipos bíblicos de Adán y Eva, la pérdida del paraíso y el destierro, y el retorno al Edén. A partir de la traición primigenia de la esposa del protagonista, se inicia la integración a un tiempo cíclico e infinito –el del exilio. En el destierro, el protagonista está marcado por su afán de anular la temporalidad real y, a la vez, su propia identidad, intenta forzosamente olvidar la propia historia, lo cual lo conduce a una crisis de identidad. Al cabo de un largo recorrido, se plantea la necesidad de incorporar los acontecimientos de la vida a un tiempo mítico que regenere y perpetúe todas las acciones, y en el cual se busque el sufrimiento para alcanzar la salvación. El autor evidencia paralelismos diversos del texto con la doctrina cristiana: el protagonista comprende que para regresar a su propio centro debe perdonar. Y eso solo es posible regresando, enfrentando su pasado: el tiempo de redención es un regreso, pero el mismo-nuevo sitio no vuelve a ser jamás el paraíso.


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The European research project TIDE (Tidal Inlets Dynamics and Environment) is developing and validating coupled models describing the morphological, biological and ecological evolution of tidal environments. The interactions between the physical and biological processes occurring in these regions requires that the system be studied as a whole rather than as separate parts. Extensive use of remote sensing including LiDAR is being made to provide validation data for the modelling. This paper describes the different uses of LiDAR within the project and their relevance to the TIDE science objectives. LiDAR data have been acquired from three different environments, the Venice Lagoon in Italy, Morecambe Bay in England, and the Eden estuary in Scotland. LiDAR accuracy at each site has been evaluated using ground reference data acquired with differential GPS. A semi-automatic technique has been developed to extract tidal channel networks from LiDAR data either used alone or fused with aerial photography. While the resulting networks may require some correction, the procedure does allow network extraction over large areas using objective criteria and reduces fieldwork requirements. The networks extracted may subsequently be used in geomorphological analyses, for example to describe the drainage patterns induced by networks and to examine the rate of change of networks. Estimation of the heights of the low and sparse vegetation on marshes is being investigated by analysis of the statistical distribution of the measured LiDAR heights. Species having different mean heights may be separated using the first-order moments of the height distribution.


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Absolute infrared photoabsorption cross-sections have been measured over the range 600-1500 cm(-1) for the powerful greenhouse gas SF5CF3 at high resolution (0.03 cm(-1)) and at temperatures between 203 and 298 K. Our data indicate that the integrated absorption intensity shows a weak negative dependence on temperature. It is concluded therefore that previous calculations of radiative forcings and global warming potentials based on room-temperature data are reasonable estimates for the atmosphere, but may be low by a few percent. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Medication errors in general practice are an important source of potentially preventable morbidity and mortality. Building on previous descriptive, qualitative and pilot work, we sought to investigate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and likely generalisability of a complex pharm acist-led IT-based intervention aiming to improve prescribing safety in general practice. Objectives: We sought to: • Test the hypothesis that a pharmacist-led IT-based complex intervention using educational outreach and practical support is more effective than simple feedback in reducing the proportion of patients at risk from errors in prescribing and medicines management in general practice. • Conduct an economic evaluation of the cost per error avoided, from the perspective of the National Health Service (NHS). • Analyse data recorded by pharmacists, summarising the proportions of patients judged to be at clinical risk, the actions recommended by pharmacists, and actions completed in the practices. • Explore the views and experiences of healthcare professionals and NHS managers concerning the intervention; investigate potential explanations for the observed effects, and inform decisions on the future roll-out of the pharmacist-led intervention • Examine secular trends in the outcome measures of interest allowing for informal comparison between trial practices and practices that did not participate in the trial contributing to the QRESEARCH database. Methods Two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial of 72 English general practices with embedded economic analysis and longitudinal descriptive and qualitative analysis. Informal comparison of the trial findings with a national descriptive study investigating secular trends undertaken using data from practices contributing to the QRESEARCH database. The main outcomes of interest were prescribing errors and medication monitoring errors at six- and 12-months following the intervention. Results: Participants in the pharmacist intervention arm practices were significantly less likely to have been prescribed a non-selective NSAID without a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) if they had a history of peptic ulcer (OR 0.58, 95%CI 0.38, 0.89), to have been prescribed a beta-blocker if they had asthma (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.58, 0.91) or (in those aged 75 years and older) to have been prescribed an ACE inhibitor or diuretic without a measurement of urea and electrolytes in the last 15 months (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.34, 0.78). The economic analysis suggests that the PINCER pharmacist intervention has 95% probability of being cost effective if the decision-maker’s ceiling willingness to pay reaches £75 (6 months) or £85 (12 months) per error avoided. The intervention addressed an issue that was important to professionals and their teams and was delivered in a way that was acceptable to practices with minimum disruption of normal work processes. Comparison of the trial findings with changes seen in QRESEARCH practices indicated that any reductions achieved in the simple feedback arm were likely, in the main, to have been related to secular trends rather than the intervention. Conclusions Compared with simple feedback, the pharmacist-led intervention resulted in reductions in proportions of patients at risk of prescribing and monitoring errors for the primary outcome measures and the composite secondary outcome measures at six-months and (with the exception of the NSAID/peptic ulcer outcome measure) 12-months post-intervention. The intervention is acceptable to pharmacists and practices, and is likely to be seen as costeffective by decision makers.


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Background: Medication errors are common in primary care and are associated with considerable risk of patient harm. We tested whether a pharmacist-led, information technology-based intervention was more effective than simple feedback in reducing the number of patients at risk of measures related to hazardous prescribing and inadequate blood-test monitoring of medicines 6 months after the intervention. Methods: In this pragmatic, cluster randomised trial general practices in the UK were stratified by research site and list size, and randomly assigned by a web-based randomisation service in block sizes of two or four to one of two groups. The practices were allocated to either computer-generated simple feedback for at-risk patients (control) or a pharmacist-led information technology intervention (PINCER), composed of feedback, educational outreach, and dedicated support. The allocation was masked to general practices, patients, pharmacists, researchers, and statisticians. Primary outcomes were the proportions of patients at 6 months after the intervention who had had any of three clinically important errors: non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) prescribed to those with a history of peptic ulcer without co-prescription of a proton-pump inhibitor; β blockers prescribed to those with a history of asthma; long-term prescription of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or loop diuretics to those 75 years or older without assessment of urea and electrolytes in the preceding 15 months. The cost per error avoided was estimated by incremental cost-eff ectiveness analysis. This study is registered with Controlled-Trials.com, number ISRCTN21785299. Findings: 72 general practices with a combined list size of 480 942 patients were randomised. At 6 months’ follow-up, patients in the PINCER group were significantly less likely to have been prescribed a non-selective NSAID if they had a history of peptic ulcer without gastroprotection (OR 0∙58, 95% CI 0∙38–0∙89); a β blocker if they had asthma (0∙73, 0∙58–0∙91); or an ACE inhibitor or loop diuretic without appropriate monitoring (0∙51, 0∙34–0∙78). PINCER has a 95% probability of being cost eff ective if the decision-maker’s ceiling willingness to pay reaches £75 per error avoided at 6 months. Interpretation: The PINCER intervention is an effective method for reducing a range of medication errors in general practices with computerised clinical records. Funding: Patient Safety Research Portfolio, Department of Health, England.


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Flood simulation models and hazard maps are only as good as the underlying data against which they are calibrated and tested. However, extreme flood events are by definition rare, so the observational data of flood inundation extent are limited in both quality and quantity. The relative importance of these observational uncertainties has increased now that computing power and accurate lidar scans make it possible to run high-resolution 2D models to simulate floods in urban areas. However, the value of these simulations is limited by the uncertainty in the true extent of the flood. This paper addresses that challenge by analyzing a point dataset of maximum water extent from a flood event on the River Eden at Carlisle, United Kingdom, in January 2005. The observation dataset is based on a collection of wrack and water marks from two postevent surveys. A smoothing algorithm for identifying, quantifying, and reducing localized inconsistencies in the dataset is proposed and evaluated showing positive results. The proposed smoothing algorithm can be applied in order to improve flood inundation modeling assessment and the determination of risk zones on the floodplain.