1000 resultados para EQUIVALENT LAYERS


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The novel alkyllithium 1b is not only intriguingly stable towards fragmentation, but also a synthetically useful reagent, complementing current carboxylic ester enolate methodology. Its design is based on interesting mechanistic principles, and harnesses the known stability of the 2,4,10-trioxaadamantane framework.


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CZTS (Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide) is a wide band gap quartnery chalcopyrite which has a band gap of about 1.45 eV and an absorption coefficient of 10(4) cm(-1); thus making it an ideal material to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells. Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis is a deposition technique, where the solution is atomized ultrasonically, thereby giving a fine mist having a narrow size distribution which can be used for uniform coatings on substrates. An Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis equipment was developed and CZTS absorber layers were successfully grown with this technique on soda lime glass substrates using aqueous solutions. Substrate temperatures ranging from 523 K to 723 K were used to deposit the CZTS layers and these films were characterized using SEM, EDAX and XRD. It was observed that the film crystallized in the kesterite structure and the best crystallites were obtained at 613 K. It was observed that the grain size progressively increased with temperature. The optical band gap of the material was obtained as 1.54 eV.


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The influence of temperature-dependent viscosity and Prandtl number on the unsteady laminar nonsimilar forced convection flow over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies has been examined where the unsteadiness and (or) nonsimilarity are (is) due to the free stream velocity, mass transfer, and transverse curvature. The partial differential equations governing the flow which involve three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme along with a quasilinearization technique. It is found that both the skin friction and heat transfer strongly respond to the unsteady free stream velocity distributions. The unsteadiness and injection cause the location of zero skin friction to move upstream. However, the effect of variable viscosity and Prandtl number is to move it downstream. The heat transfer is found to depend strongly on viscous dissipation, but the skin friction is little affected by it. In general, the results pertaining to variable fluid properties differ significantly, from those of constant fluid properties.


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ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.


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A new formulation of the stability of boundary-layer flows in pressure gradients is presented, taking into account the spatial development of the flow and utilizing a special coordinate transformation. The formulation assumes that disturbance wavelength and eigenfunction vary downstream no more rapidly than the boundary-layer thickness, and includes all terms nominally of order R(-1) in the boundary-layer Reynolds number R. In Blasius flow, the present approach is consistent with that of Bertolotti et al. (1992) to O(R(-1)) but simpler (i.e. has fewer terms), and may best be seen as providing a parametric differential equation which can be solved without having to march in space. The computed neutral boundaries depend strongly on distance from the surface, but the one corresponding to the inner maximum of the streamwise velocity perturbation happens to be close to the parallel flow (Orr-Sommerfeld) boundary. For this quantity, solutions for the Falkner-Skan flows show the effects of spatial growth to be striking only in the presence of strong adverse pressure gradients. As a rational analysis to O(R(-1)) demands inclusion of higher-order corrections on the mean flow, an illustrative calculation of one such correction, due to the displacement effect of the boundary layer, is made, and shown to have a significant destabilizing influence on the stability boundary in strong adverse pressure gradients. The effect of non-parallelism on the growth of relatively high frequencies can be significant at low Reynolds numbers, but is marginal in other cases. As an extension of the present approach, a method of dealing with non-similar flows is also presented and illustrated. However, inherent in the transformation underlying the present approach is a lower-order non-parallel theory, which is obtained by dropping all terms of nominal order R(-1) except those required for obtaining the lowest-order solution in the critical and wall layers. It is shown that a reduced Orr-Sommerfeld equation (in transformed coordinates) already contains the major effects of non-parallelism.


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Undoped and Te-doped gallium antimonide (GaSb) layers have been grown on GaSb bulk substrates by the liquid phase epitaxial technique from Ga-rich and Sb-rich melts. The nucleation morphology of the grown layers has been studied as a function of growth temperature and substrate orientation. MOS structures have been fabricated on the epilayers to evaluate the native defect content in the grown layers from the C-V characteristics. Layers grown from antimony rich melts always exhibit p-type conductivity. In contrast, a type conversion from p- to n- was observed in layers grown from gallium rich melts below 400 degrees C. The electron mobility of undoped n-type layers grown from Ga-rich melts and tellurium doped layers grown from Sb- and Ga-rich solutions has been evaluated.


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We present here a critical assessment of two vortex approaches (both two-dimensional) to the modelling of turbulent mixing layers. In the first approach the flow is represented by point vortices, and in the second it is simulated as the evolution of a continuous vortex sheet composed of short linear elements or ''panels''. The comparison is based on fresh simulations using approximately the same number of elements in either model, paying due attention in both to the boundary conditions far downstream as well as those on the splitter plate from which the mixing layer issues. The comparisons show that, while both models satisfy the well-known invariants of vortex dynamics approximately to the same accuracy, the vortex panel model, although ultimately not convergent, leads to smoother roll-up and values of stresses and moments that are in closer agreement with the experiment, and has a higher computational efficiency for a given degree of convergence on moments. The point vortex model, while faster for a given number of elements, produces an unsatisfactory roll-up which (for the number of elements used) is rendered worse by the incorporation of the Van der Vooren correction for sheet curvature.


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In this paper the effects of constant and cyclic power loads on the evolution of interfacial reaction layers in lead-free solder interconnections are presented. Firstly, the differences in the growth behavior of intermetallic compound (IMC) layers at the cathode and anode sides of the interconnections are rationalized. This is done by considering the changes in the intrinsic fluxes of elements owing to electromigration as well as taking into account the fact that the growth of Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 are coupled via interfacial reactions. In this way, better understanding of the effect of electron flux on the growth of each individual layer in the Cu-Sn system can be achieved. Secondly, it is shown that there is a distinct difference between steady-state current stressing (constant current, constant temperature) and power cycling with alternating on- and off-cycle periods (accompanied by a change of temperature). The reasons behind the observed differences are subsequently discussed. Finally, special care is taken to ensure that the current densities are chosen in such a way that there is no risk for even partial melting of the solder interconnections.


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It is well known that the increasing space activities pose a serious threat to future missions. This is mainly due to the presence of spent stages, rockets spacecraft and fragments which can lead to collisions. The calculation of the collision probability of future space vehicles with the orbital debris is necessary for estimating the risk. There is lack of adequately catalogued and openly available detailed information on the explosion characteristics of trackable and untrackable debris data. Such a situation compels one to develop suitable mathematical modelling of the explosion and the resultant debris environment. Based on a study of the available information regarding the fragmentation, subsequent evolution and observation, it turns out to be possible to develop such a mathematical model connecting the dynamical features of the fragmentation with the geometrical/orbital characteristics of the debris and representing the environment through the idea of equivalent breakup. (C) 1997 COSPAR.


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This is an exploratory study to illustrate the feasibility of detecting delamination type of damage in polymeric laminates with one layer of magnetostrictive particles. One such beam encircled with excitation and sensing coils is used for this study. The change in stress gradient of the magnetostrictive layer in the vicinity of delamination shows up as a change in induced voltage in the sensing coil, and therefore provides a means to sense the presence of delamination. Recognizing the constitutive behavior of the Terfenol-D material is highly nonlinear, analytical expressions for the constitutive relations are developed by using curve fitting techniques to the experimental data. Analytical expressions that relate the applied excitation field with the stress and magnetic flux densities induced in the magnetostrictive layer are developed. Numerical methods are used to find the relative change in the induced voltage in the sensing coil due to the presence of delamination. A typical example of unidirectional laminate, with embedded delaminations, is used for the simulation purposes. This exploratory study illustrates that the open-circuit voltage induced in the sensing coil changes significantly (as large of 68 millivolts) with the occurrence of delamination. This feature can be exploited for device off-line inspection techniques and/or linking monitoring procedures for practical applications.


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We report low-frequency 1/f-noise measurements of degenerately doped Si:P delta layers at 4.2 K. The noise was found to be over six orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk Si:P systems in the metallic regime and is one of the lowest values reported for doped semiconductors. The noise was nearly independent of magnetic field at low fields, indicating negligible contribution from universal conductance fluctuations. Instead, the interaction of electrons with very few active structural two-level systems may explain the observed noise magnitude.


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The equivalent coefficient of permeability of a stratified soil system calculated theoretically has been observed to be not the same as that directly measured, when the flow is normal to the orientation of the bedding planes. A hypothesis has been proposed in this investigation to explain this deviation according to which the permeability of the exit layer controls whether the measured permeability is greater or lesser than the theoretically calculated value. The proposed hypothesis has been used to successfully and satisfactorily explain the experimental observations made with the two-layer systems. It has been shown that the coefficient of permeability of a soil in a layered system cannot be considered as its property and that it depends upon the permeabilities of adjoining layers, their thicknesses, and the flow direction.


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In order to obtain basic understanding of microstructure evolution in laser-surface-alloyed layers, aluminum was surface alloyed on a pure nickel substrate using a CO2 laser. By varying the laser scanning speed, the composition of the surface layers can be systematically varied. The Ni content in the layer increases with increase in scanning speed. Detailed cross-sectional transmission electron microscopic study reveals complexities in solidification behavior with increased nickel content. It is shown that ordered B2 phase forms over a wide range of composition with subsequent precipitation of Ni2Al, an ordered omega phase in the B2 matrix, during solid-state cooling. For nickel-rich alloys associated with higher laser scan speed, the fcc gamma phase is invariably the first phase to grow from the liquid with solute trapping. The phase reorders in the solid state to yield gamma' Ni3Al. The phase competes with beta AlNi, which forms massively from the liquid. The beta AlNi transforms martensitically to a 3R structure during cooling in solid state. The results can be rationalized in terms of a metastable phase diagram proposed earlier. However, the results are at variance with earlier studies of laser processing of nickel-rich alloys.