960 resultados para EMILIA


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Nell'elaborato si presenta un'analisi dei fenomeni di dissesto che coinvolgono il lato nord della rupe di San Leo e il sottostante bacino del Fosso Campone, delle relative campagne di indagine e degli interventi e opere effettuati o in progetto.


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Los descubrimientos paleontológicos realizados en el siglo XIX propiciaron el auge de un tipo de narraciones en que se trataba de reconstruir el modo de vida de los antepasados de la edad paleolítica. Este género también se cultivó en España. Emilia Pardo Bazán publicó en 1912 En las cavernas, que es una recreación hipotética, mediante la ficción, del origen del hombre y de su civilización desde un punto de vista ambiguo en lo referido a los supuestos beneficios de esa civilización, mediante la narración de las peripecias amorosas de una pareja paleolítica contrariada por su medio social. A esta importante obra de Pardo Bazán siguieron cuentos de escritores como Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent o José María Pemán, cuyas historias se pueden considerar también parábolas fantásticas sobre nuestros orígenes culturales. En cambio, novelas como El Rey de los Trogloditas (1925), de Jesús Carballo, perseguían conferir cierto realismo a sus fábulas de la cultura, sin olvidar su dimensión aventurera ni su significado alegórico. Posteriormente, la Guerra Civil de 1936 influyó en un nuevo planteamiento de la paleoficción española en la posguerra, a la que seguirá un período casi vacío para el género hasta la llegada de la novela prehistórica comercial.


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L’elaborato si concentra sull’analisi della geologia e della geomorfologia nell’area in cui è situata la località di Libiano, nel Comune di Novafeltria, in Provincia di Rimini e sull’analisi dell’intervento proposto dalla regione Emilia-Romagna a seguito di un evento franoso verificatosi nel febbraio 2015, che aveva evidenziato l’inefficienza dell’opera in gabbioni precedentemente costruita. Sono inoltre state proposte ed analizzate tre soluzioni alternative alla progettazione dell’opera muraria con funzione di sostegno, in quanto la morfologia e la situazione attuale del terreno suggerivano un possibile scenario di frana attiva o quiescente. Queste configurazioni sono poi state sottoposte a verifica seguendo le direttive presenti nelle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni del 2008 ed è risultato che solo una delle tre soddisfa le verifiche a flessione e a taglio. È stata inoltre effettuata tramite un software la verifica di stabilità del versante oggetto di studio, privo di opere di sostegno, che ne ha confermato l’instabilità.


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Il mio elaborato ha come scopo quello di creare un quadro della situazione regionale dal punto di vista delle start-up eco-innovative. Per fare questo ho utilizzato un sito/piattaforma internet contenente il registro delle start-up innovative in Italia. A partire da tale supporto ho analizzato 700 start-up situate nella regione Emilia-Romagna. Tra queste, ho individuato 78 start-up eco-innovative. Lo studio vuole comprendere le tendenze e la diffusione di tali start-up, studiandone, nell' ordine, la distribuzione geografica, l’inizio delle attività, il codice Ateco, la tecnologia OECD di riferimento. Con questo studio si arriverà poi in definitiva a capire quanto l’ambito della Green Economy sia diffuso in Emilia-Romagna.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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INTERVIDA es una Organización, que busca brindar ayuda a las familias más vulnerables y marginales para que puedan salir adelante de la situación en la que se encuentran ofreciendo los medios para que puedan valerse por si mismo. Las familias de la comunidad Santa Emilia del municipio de Cuyultitán, departamento de La Paz, es uno de estos casos; por lo que es de aquí donde parte la preocupación de INTERVIDA para apoyar a estas personas. Por lo que surge la idea de INTERVIDA junto con la Pre-Adesco de la comunidad de crear una panadería para que sirva de fuente de empleo para los habitantes. Es por esto que el principal objetivo que se pretende alcanzar con la presente investigación es elaborar un estudio de demanda de mercado para el establecimiento de una panadería que contribuya a la generación de empleo en la comunidad Santa Emilia, municipio de Cuyultitán del departamento de La Paz. Para la realización de la investigación se utilizó como métodos el análisis y la síntesis para darle tratamiento a toda la información. Para analizar las variables se utilizó el tipo de investigación correlacional, así también se utilizó la encuesta, la entrevista y la observación para recabar toda la información necesaria. La principal información se obtuvo de los encargados de las 20 tiendas a quienes se les realizó la encuesta, la cual inicialmente se pretendía pasar a todas las tiendas de los cuatro municipios de estudio que son Cuyultitán, Olocuilta, Comalapa y San Luis Talpa, pero debido a la situación de las extorsiones que sufre el país se dificultó obtener toda la información que se deseaba. De los resultados se obtuvo información para poder determinar que existía demanda para cubrir con la nueva panadería, así también los precios idóneos para competir en el mercado, conocer la oferta de pan que existe en la zona en estudio, entre otras importantes para el estudio. Entre las conclusiones más destacadas se pueden mencionar, que existe una clara oportunidad de demanda para cubrir en el mercado; que la mejor forma de comercializar el pan francés es por medio de vendedores ambulantes; y que se obtendrían ganancias y no pérdidas para la panadería al iniciar su funcionamiento. Las principales recomendaciones para la panadería son elaborar un producto de excelente calidad con los ingredientes exactos para contribuir de esta forma a mejorar los niveles nutricionales de los habitantes; realizar un amplio esfuerzo de promoción de ventas para que se conozca la panadería y sus productos y utilizar los precios con los que actualmente se venden los productos para poder competir en el mercado. Proponiendo a partir del diagnóstico que se utilice la estrategia genérica de diferenciación de donde se parte para proponer un plan estratégico y táctico que deberá adoptar la panadería para funcionar de manera eficiente.


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This article presents a reflective view of three teaching colleagues from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane who had attended and participated in the 'Landscapes of Rights' Conference in Adelaide, July 2009. The conference is a biennial event run by the Reggio Emilia-Australia Information Exchange. The authors explore and reflect on the provocations posed throughout this conference and consider these in light of their ongoing work in the field of teacher education, of early childhood teaching and as active supporters of children's rights.


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This document outlines the system submitted by the Speech and Audio Research Laboratory at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for the Speaker Identity Verication: Application task of EVALITA 2009. This submission consisted of a score-level fusion of three component systems, a joint-factor GMM system and two SVM systems using GLDS and GMM supervector kernels. Development and evaluation results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of this fused system approach.


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We examined properties of culture-level personality traits in ratings of targets (N=5,109) ages 12 to 17 in 24 cultures. Aggregate scores were generalizable across gender, age, and relationship groups and showed convergence with culture-level scores from previous studies of self-reports and observer ratings of adults, but they were unrelated to national character stereotypes. Trait profiles also showed cross-study agreement within most cultures, 8 of which had not previously been studied. Multidimensional scaling showed that Western and non-Western cultures clustered along a dimension related to Extraversion. A culture-level factor analysis replicated earlier findings of a broad Extraversion factor but generally resembled the factor structure found in individuals. Continued analysis of aggregate personality scores is warranted.


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This project involved the complete refurbishment and extension of a 1980’s two-storey domestic brick building, previously used as a Boarding House (Class 3), into Middle School facilities (Class 9b) on a heritage listed site at Nudgee College secondary school, Brisbane. The building now accommodates 12 technologically advanced classrooms, computer lab and learning support rooms, tuckshop, art room, mini library/reading/stage area, dedicated work areas for science and large projects with access to water on both floors, staff facilities and an undercover play area suitable for assemblies and presentations. The project was based on a Reggio Emilia approach, in which the organisation of the physical environment is referred to as the child’s third teacher, creating opportunities for complex, varied, sustained and changing relationships between people and ideas. Classrooms open to a communal centre piazza and are integrated with the rest of the school and the school with the surrounding community. In order to achieve this linkage of the building with the overall masterplan of the site, a key strategy of the internal planning was to orientate teaching areas around a well defined active circulation space that breaks out of the building form to legibly define the new access points to the building and connect up to the pathway network of the campus. The width of the building allowed for classrooms and a generous corridor that has become ‘breakout’ teaching areas for art, IT, and small group activities. Large sliding glass walls allow teachers to maintain supervision of students across all areas and allow maximum light penetration through small domestic window openings into the deep and low-height spaces. The building was also designed with an effort to uphold cultural characteristics from the Edmund Rice Education Charter (2004). Coherent planning is accompanied by a quality fit-out, creating a vibrant and memorable environment in which to deliver the upper primary curriculum. Consistent with the Reggio Emilia approach, materials, expressive of the school’s colours, are used in a contemporary, adventurous manner to create panels of colour useful for massing and defining the ‘breakout’ teaching areas and paths of travel, and storage elements are detailed and arranged to draw attention to their aesthetic features. Modifications were difficult due to the random placement of load bearing walls, minimum ceiling heights, the general standard of finishes and new fire and energy requirements, however the reuse of this building was assessed to be up to 30% cheaper than an equivalent new building, The fit out integrates information technology and services at a level not usually found in primary school facilities. This has been achieved within the existing building fabric through thoughtful detailing and co-ordination with allied disciplines.


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The Design Minds Tomorrow’s Classroom Toolkit was one of six K7-12 secondary school design toolkits commissioned by the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) Asia Pacific Design Library (APDL), to facilitate the delivery of the Stage 1 launch of its Design Minds online platform (www.designminds.org.au) partnership initiative with Queensland Government Arts Queensland and the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, on June 29, 2012. Design Minds toolkits are practical guides, underpinned by a combination of one to three of the Design Minds model phases of ‘Inquire’, ‘Ideate’ and ‘Implement’ (supported by at each stage with structured reflection), to enhance existing school curriculum and empower students with real life design exercises, within the classroom environment. Toolkits directly identify links to Naplan, National Curriculum, C2C and Professional Standards benchmarks, as well as the student capabilities of successful and creative 21st century citizens they seek to engender through design thinking. This toolkit explores, through four distinct exercises, different design tools and ways to approach the future design of environments (classrooms/schools) to facilitate the Reggio Emilia philosophy of learning, while addressing diverse and changing social, cultural, technological and environmental challenges. The Design Minds Tomorrow’s Classroom Toolkit encourages students to explore architecture and interior design, and to think about their (life-long) learning as a product of inspiring interactions with people and the environments around them, and that their potential role in contributing to both delightful and functional design solutions requires a deep understanding of the user experience. More generally, it aims to facilitate awareness in young people, of the role of design in society and the value of design thinking skills in generating strategies to solve basic to complex systemic challenges, as well as to inspire post-secondary pathways and idea generation for education. The toolkit encourages students and teachers to develop sketching, making, communication, presentation and collaboration skills to improve their design process, as well as explore further inquiry (background research) to enhance the ideation exercises. Exercise 1 focuses on the ‘Inquire’ and ‘Ideate’ phases, Exercise 2 on the ‘Inquire’, Exercise 3 builds on ideation skills, and Exercise 4 concentrates on the ‘Implement’ phase. Depending on the intensity of the focus, the unit of work could be developed over a 2-5 week program (approximately 4-10 x 60 minute lessons/workshops) or as smaller workshops treated as discrete learning experiences. The toolkit is available for public download from http://designminds.org.au/tomorrows-classroom/ on the Design Minds website. This toolkit inspired the authorship and facilitation of a 2-day design workshop entitled Learning Environment 2050 at John Paul College, Daisy Hill, Brisbane on the 15-16 August 2013. 120 Grade 7 students and their teachers, under the mentorship of two design academics, 3 QUT design students and a professional architect, as part of a QUT School of Design Project Week community engagement activity, explored the formulation of a participatory design brief for the redesign of the school’s Wesley Precinct (including classrooms, a sustainable farm and recreation areas).


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Background: Rural African American women receive less frequent mammography screening and die of breast cancer at a higher rate than is seen in the general population. To overcome this disparity, it is necessary to assist rural providers in their efforts to influence women to obtain screening. Method: This study examined the feasibility of using distance education to disseminate knowledge about timely and appropriate mammography screening to rural nurses, using patient outcome data to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention. Results: Overall, there was a decline in referrals and mammography screening, but the intervention group centers showed a smaller decline after the educational intervention than did the control group. Conclusion: The findings show the effect of dissemination of information and the feasibility of using patient outcome data for educational evaluation. Neighboring academic health centers and nursing schools should include in their mission the provision of educational programs for relatively isolated rural nurses.


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This study is an evaluation of design students’ perceptions of the benefits of collective learning in a real-world collaborative design studio. Third year students worked in inter-disciplinary teams representing architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and industrial design. Responding to a real-world brief and in consultation with an industry partner client and early childhood education pre-service teachers, the teams were required to collectively propose a design response for a community-based child and family centre, on an iconic koala sanctuary site. Data were collected using several methods including a participatory action research method, through the form of a large analogue, collaborative jigsaw puzzle. Using a grounded theory methodology, qualitative data were thematically analysed to reveal six distinct aspects of collaboration, which positively impacted the students’ learning experience. The results of this study include recommendations for improving real world collaboration in the design studio in preparation for students’ transition into professional practice.


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A foundational text for pre-service teachers explaining the theories, policies and pedagogies that shape the provision of early childhood education and care in Australia. In order to effectively practise as an early childhood educator it is essential to understand the theories, policies and pedagogy that shape the discipline. Understanding Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia provides core foundational knowledge that is critical for best practice. Part One looks at concepts of childhood and the development of mass education before examining influential theories including developmental psychology, sociology, feminisms and critical theory. Specific approaches are also analysed including Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Multiple Intelligences and HighScope. Part Two focuses on the guiding frameworks and policies in Australia and explores in depth issues affecting Indigenous children and provisions for recognising diversity and the practice of inclusion. The final section examines teaching and leadership and considers curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, building relationships between staff and families, the care of babies and infants, the environment in which early childhood education takes place and the responsibilities and professional development of teachers. This essential reference will ensure pre-service teachers develop a sophisticated understanding of how theory underpins effective practice in early childhood education.