966 resultados para ELDERLY WOMEN


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do método Pilates na autonomia funcional de idosas. Foram selecionadas 52 voluntárias, submetidas à avaliação geral e ao protocolo de avaliação da autonomia funcional do Grupo Latino-Americano de Desenvolvimento para Maturidade (GDLAM), que consiste em cinco testes (caminhada de 10 m, levantar-se da posição sentada, levantar-se da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa, levantar-se da posição de decúbito ventral e vestir e tirar uma camiseta); em seguida, foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo Pilates (GP, n=27; idade 66,9±5,3 anos) e grupo controle (GC, n=25; idade 65,2±3,9 anos). O GP foi submetido a uma série de dez exercícios de Pilates, por oito semanas, duas vezes por semana. Os dois grupos foram reavaliados após esse período. O nível de significância considerado foi de p?0,05. O GP obteve resultados significativamente melhores em todos os testes e no índice geral do GDLAM (p=0,035) após a intervenção. O GC obteve escore significativamente melhor (p=0,042) apenas no teste de caminhada de 10 m, tendo mantido sua classificação inicial de funcionalidade regular. Comparando-se os escores dos grupos após a intervenção, encontraram-se diferenças significativas em favor do GP, inclusive no índice GDLAM (p<0,05), tendo este passado da classificação de regular a bom. A prática do método Pilates gerou pois melhora significativa do desempenho funcional das idosas estudadas.


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O aumento da população idosa colabora para a maior prevalência de inúmeras e variadas patologias, cujos tratamentos em geral incluem recursos farmacológicos, que levam à prática de polifarmácia, fator esse que tem grande impacto na segurança do paciente idoso, tendo em vista que a polifarmácia é a grande responsável pelas reações adversas a medicamentos e interações medicamentosas. O objetivo foi avaliar a segurança e a utilização de medicamentos em prescrição de pacientes idosos com idade igual ou maior que 60 anos internados no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, da Universidade Federal do Pará. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, observacional de caráter descritivo e exploratório, para coleta de dados foi realizada análise de prontuários; os dados foram processados no programa estatístico SPSS 20.0. Os resultados demonstraram que a média de idade foi de 71,9 anos, sendo 52,7% mulheres; o sexo feminino apresentou pacientes idosos mais velhos que no sexo masculino. O tempo de internação obteve uma média de 21,7 dias, a média de diagnósticos por paciente foi de 2,6. O principal diagnóstico de internamento hospitalar foi doenças do aparelho circulatório (20,3%). A média de medicamentos prescritos por internação foi de 6,8. Os medicamentos mais utilizados faziam parte do sistema digestório e metabólico (32,4%), a prevalência de prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inadequados durante as internações avaliadas foi de 11,2%, sendo maior entre as mulheres (58,8%), o medicamento potencialmente inadequado mais frequentemente nas prescrições foi o Butilbrometo de Escopolamina (25,2%). Em relação às potenciais interações medicamentosas, foram identificadas em 65,5% das prescrições, com uma média de 8,6 por paciente; os medicamentos mais envolvidos nas interações fazem parte do sistema cardiovascular (38,6%), a maior parte das interações medicamentosas potenciais possuía gravidade moderada (75,3%), as interações potenciais de ação farmacocinético corresponderam a 65,4% das prescrições e a hipotensão e hipercalemia corresponderam em conjunto por 30,7% das RAM; a estratégia de manejo de maior ocorrência foi a monitorização de sinais e sintomas (65,7%) e, no que se refere à monitorização, a pressão arterial correspondeu a 21,8%. No presente estudo, os fatores relacionados à polifarmácia foram: tempo de internação, número de diagnósticos, interação medicamentosa e a quantidade de medicamentos inapropriados; e foram constatadas como determinante na ocorrência de polifarmácia as variáveis clínicas: número de diagnósticos e tempo de internação. Diante de tais resultados, verifica-se a necessidade de se adotar estratégias para a otimização da farmacoterapia prestada ao paciente idoso.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Introduction : The aging is characterized by a reduction in the effectiveness of skills, among them the loss of the flexibility. The hamstring muscles may be affected by the decreased flexibility occurs when elderly can present limitation of gait, low back problems and osteomuscular. Among the techniques used to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring muscles are the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle . However, the scientific literature doesn’t provide consistent data on the correlation of these forms of evaluation. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle used to assess the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in elderly women. Method: This was a cross-sectional, observational study, consisting of 39 elderly, healthy. The evaluation was composed by forms with personal details and physical examination (body weight, height and body mass index), and the evaluation of tests to measure the flexibility of the hamstring muscles (Sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle). The correlation of the data was done by using the Spearmam’s rank correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: The data showed a positive correlation between Sit and Reach Test Computerized Photogrammetry and the popliteal angle of the right leg (r=0.4690, p=0.0026) and the left leg (r=0.3604, p=0.0241). Conclusion: The data from this study allow conclude that the tests for assessing hamstring flexibility in elderly women, the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle are complementary because it doesn’t correlate strongly.


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This paper proposes to investigate a specific fragment of the history of Japanese immigration to Brazil: labor relations during the period before the outcome of World War II. To this end, choosing oral history as a research method, and assumptions of historical materialism as a theoretical framework, we sought to examine the accounts of experiences remembered by a group of elderly women in this community of immigrant settlers. Theys participated both in the São Paulo coffee work in the first decades of the twentieth century, as the planting of cotton, in the 1930s.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The prescription of strength training intensity (ST) by maximum repetition (RM) is characterized by a decrease in the number of repetitions in multiple series. Some studies have shown that reductions in the intensity of exercise can optimize the volume of training with similar acute neuromuscular behaviors. The objective of the study was to investigate the acute effect of two different ST intensities on the training volume, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) in elderly women. The study included eight trained women (66.7 ± 6.7 years; 7.6 ± 17.8 kg; 159 cm; 29.33 ± 5.80 kg/m²). They underwent to three experimental conditions: two different intensities of ST (100% and 80% of 15-RM) on a chair for Leg Extension and a control condition. In the condition to 100% of 15 RM, all participants performed three sets to the concentric muscle fatigue, whereas in the condition to 80% involved the use of two sets of 15 repetitions and only the third to the concentric muscle fatigue. The order of experimental conditions was randomized. The MVC and RFD were determined on the basis of the isometric forcetime curve analysis which was obtained by a force transducer fixed on the unit Bonnet Chair, in the pre and after four and ten minutes for each experimental conditions. The total volume was calculated by multiplying the number of repetitions in three sets by the load in kg. Descriptive statistical analysis procedures were employed (mean ± standard deviation) in addition to two-way ANOVA. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. It was neither main effect of moment or condition, nor condition x moment interaction for MVC and RFD. For the total volume, no significant difference was noted between the conditions (100 and 80% of 15-RM). For sustainability of ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Several studies have shown that different stretching routines can lead to decreases on acute neuromuscular system performance. Although the deficit in muscle strength mediated by different methods of stretching has been systematically observed, few studies have investigated the possible existence of a dose-response relationship between the amount of stretching and muscle strength deficit in older adults. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate the acute effect of two different stretching volumes on isometric force-time curve (Cf-t) in elderly women. The study included 13 older women (64.08 ± 4.27 years, 69.98 ± 10.56 kg, 157.90 ± 8.66 cm, 28.25 ± 4.22 kg/m²). The participants visited the laboratory for five consecutive days, among which the first two were used for familiarization. During the other three days the participants underwent experimental conditions: control (C) stretch 30 seconds (AE30) and stretch 60 seconds (AE60). For the AE30 and AE60 conditions, three series of passive static stretching were performed, with duration of 30 and 60 seconds, respectively. The experimental conditions were performed with an interval of at least 24 hours between them and the order of execution was randomized. The recording of isometric Cf-t of the knee extensor muscles was performed in extensor chair connected to a force transducer. Measurements were recorded immediately after each experimental condition, for five seconds. For statistical analysis, descriptive procedures were used and ANOVA one way to check possible changes on the Maximal Voluntary Contraction (CVM) and Peak Rate of Force Development (TDFP) among the three conditions (p <0.05). The ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference for CVM and TDFP, between the three conditions. It can be concluded that different volumes of static stretching, three sets ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The perceived exertion has been used for the intensity control and exercise prescription. Among the various scales that estimate the perceived exertion, the Borg’s RPE scale is one of the best known. However, for populations with low levels of schooling or with visual difficulties such as the elderly, the application of these scales becomes more difficult. In previous studies, a color scale of perceived exertion was developed to aim for assistance in application of the scale and interpretation of perceived exertion. This scale showed high correlation with the Borg’s scale and proved to be valid to estimate the perceived exertion. Thereby, the aim of this study was to assess the validity of the color scale of perceived exertion to measure the perceived exertion in adult women of different ages. Participated in the study 12 young adult women with age of 21,7 ± 1,5 years old, and 10 elderly women with age of 60,3 ± 3,5 years old. The participants were submitted to an incremental exercise of treadmill walking with stages of 2 minutes duration. The inicial load was 5,5 km/h and inclination of 6% for young women and 2% for elderly women, both with 2% increments at each stage completed, without changing the speed. Heart rate and oxygen comsuption responses were determined at the 30 finals seconds of each stage. At the 60 finals seconds of each stage participants indicated the perceived exertion for the overall body, for the legs and for the chest, primarily in the color scale and following in the tradicional Borg’s scale. The analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to assess the effect of different loads on the perceived exertion and physiological responses. The correlations betwen physiological variables, color scale and Borg’s scale were analyzed in group and individually. In all analysis the significance...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)