150 resultados para EEM-PARAFAC


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Interglacial lacustrine sediments of 0.3-0.6 m thickness are found in the basin of Wurzach over a distance of about 9 km as detected by 5 borings. The interglacial bed is intercalated between lacustrine sediments of Würm (above) and glaciolacustrine sediments of the Younger Riss (below). Most of the Würmian sediments are silty-sandy, calcareous and varved deposits. They were deposited as bottom sediments of a delta, which had formed in the glacial lake filling the Wurzach basin during the Upper Würm. The terminal moraine of the Younger Riss is found in the N and S of the Reed of Wurzach. In the NE it is overlain by sediments of Würm and Holocene age. The pollen bearing part of the new profile represents the last interglacial period (except its earliest phases), the two Lower Würm interstadials, which are equivalents of the Brørup and Odderade interstadial phases, and a third interstadial, the Dürnten, known from other localities in the forelands of the Alps with a forest vegetation, which consisted mainly of spruce and larch trees, and the intercalated stadial phases. These interstadials are different from those described earlier by FILZER, which on the contrary represent cold periods with highly increased reworking of pollen. The equivalents of the Brørup, Odderade and Dürnten interstadials are the "Kiefer-Fichten-Kampfzeit" and part of the "Kiefernzeit mit Fichte" of FILZER. The characteristic series of climatic events known already from a great number of sites scattered all over Europe and again at Wurzach proves that the Riss/Würm- and the Eem interglacial periods are time-equivalents. Differing amounts of Carpinus and Abies at different places in the northern foreland of the Alps are related to the migration history of the two species during the last interglacial period and must not be used to distinguish different types of interglacials (type Zeifen, type Pfefferbichl).


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Geochemical studies of organic "biomarker" compounds were applied to Eemian sediments cored at Dagebuell (DA-1) on the west coast, and at Krummland (KR-1) in the east of the Baltic Zone of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 10 samples from the early stage of the Eemian Transgression to the high Eem at Krummland, and 24 samples from the peak and late phases of the Eemian at Dagebuell provide new insights on the development of the Eemian Sea in the region. C37-C39-ethyl- and methyl-ketones in the Krummland sediments indicated unstable conditions at the onset of the marine trangression, and freshwater influence in keeping with their shallow nearshore environment. In the Dagebuell deposits, patterns typical of marine to brackish conditions were observed, comparable to those found today in the Skagerrak and Belt Sea areas. The sea-surface temperatures estimated from the alkenone unsaturation ratio UK37 at DA-1 corroborate the evidence from "standard" faunal and pollen assemblages, and lithological successions. Here, the temperature maximum attained in pollen assemblage zone PAZ Illc, indicates the early onset of very warm conditions, preceding the highest sea level of the penultimate interglacial by 8,000 years, based on previously published U/Th ages.


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Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents


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The European Union continues to exert a large influence on the direction of member states energy policy. The 2020 targets for renewable energy integration have had significant impact on the operation of current power systems, forcing a rapid change from fossil fuel dominated systems to those with high levels of renewable power. Additionally, the overarching aim of an internal energy market throughout Europe has and will continue to place importance on multi-jurisdictional co-operation regarding energy supply. Combining these renewable energy and multi-jurisdictional supply goals results in a complicated multi-vector energy system, where the understanding of interactions between fossil fuels, renewable energy, interconnection and economic power system operation is increasingly important. This paper provides a novel and systematic methodology to fully understand the changing dynamics of interconnected energy systems from a gas and power perspective. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model of the 2030 power systems in Great Britain and Ireland, combined with a representative gas transmission energy flow model is developed. The importance of multi-jurisdictional integrated energy system operation in one of the most strategically important renewable energy regions is demonstrated.


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Este estudo tem como objectivo identificar os estádios de motivação em que se encontram os indivíduos com problemas relacionados com o álcool, quando se encontram internados para tratamento. Pretende-se ainda verificar se existe correlação entre o grau de dependência e o estádio em que se encontra o indivíduo. A população em estudo é composta por 40 indivíduos do sexo masculino, encontrando-se todos na primeira semana de tratamento. Para analisar a amostra, os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário sóciodemográfico, o questionário AUDIT que avalia o grau de dependência alcoólica, e os questionários RCQ e o EEM que avalia os estádios de motivação para a mudança. Este é um estudo quantitativo descritivo correlacional. Os resultados obtidos foram de que os indivíduos se encontravam no estádio de contemplação e que o grau dependência influenciava o estádio de mudança dos mesmos. / The main goal of this study is to identify the motivation stage in which the individuals with alcohol related problems are, while they were hospitalized. We also aim to verify if there is a correlation between the dependency level and the individual’s stage. Our sample has 40 male individuals that were in the first week of treatment. In order to analyze this sample, we have used a socio-demographic questionnaire, the AUDIT, as a tool that assesses the level of alcohol dependency, the RCQ e o EEM that evaluates the motivation stages to change. This is a quantitative descriptive correlational study. As results were obtained that individuals were in the contemplation stage and the dependence level influenced the stage of change of the individuals.


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Ein Leopardenfund aus der Baumannshöhle bei Rübeland im Harz, der mit Hilfe seiner Begleitfauna und der an der gleichen Lokalität gefundenen Artefakte in die frühe Weichsel-Eiszeit datiert werden kann, wird mit anderen in der Literatur beschriebenen pleistozänen Vorkommen von Panthera pardus (L.) und mit dem rezenten Leoparden verglichen. Es zeigt sich, daß die pleistozänen Leoparden im Durchschnitt etwas kräftiger als ihre rezenten Verwandten waren. Leichte Abweichungen von den rezenten Verhältnissen finden sich übereinstimmend bei den mittel- bis jungpleistozänen Exemplaren in der Längengliederung von P— und P— (Abb. l). Gerichtete phylogenetische Veränderungen von älteren zu jüngeren Formen lassen sich jedoch nicht nachweisen. Einige der Unterschiede, die den altpleistozänen Leoparden aus den Mauerer Sanden von den jüngeren aus dem Eem- Interglazial und der Saale-Eiszeit bzw. der späten Elster-Eiszeit trennen, werden durch den Rübeländer Fund überbrückt (Abb. 2), ohne daß deswegen an der von SOERGEL (1914) und E.SCHMID (1940) betonten und durch einen Neufund (Beschreibung S.105) bestätigten Sonderstellung des Mauerer Tieres gezweifelt werden kann. Es ist dies lediglich als Beweis dafür anzusehen, daß die Variabilität innerhalb des mittel- bis jungpleistozänen Formenkreises ebenso groß wie bei den rezenten Leoparden gewesen sein muß.


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Up to now the bear remains from the "Einhornhöhle,, Cave near Scharzfeld at the foot of the Harz Mountains have been aseribed to the species "Ursus spelaeus" without undertaking comprehensive studies. Owing to an erroneous Classification of the gravel deposits covering part of the cave floor into the Middle Terrace of the Oder Rivulet, the fossil-bearing strata have been assigned to the Eemian Interglacial. RODE, who included a part of the Scharzfeld teeth in his treatise on teeth of the bears, has stated arctoidal features in their formation apart from certain specializations. He arrived at the conclusion that the Scharzfeld Bear differs more pronouncedly from all Central European Cave Bears he had investigated than the same differ from each other, and he named the Scharzfeld Bear: "Ursus spelaeus var. hercynica". The geological exploration of the Einhornhöhle Cave and of its environs carried out by DUPHORN in 196? resulted in the aforesaid gravels pertaining to a terrace of a Pre-Elster- Glaciation age; according to DUPHORN the fossil-bearing Sediments were deposited in a Pre-Elster-Glaciation ffarm- Climate Period. The very sparse aceompanying fauna does not contain any Stratigraphie key form; arctic elements and members of an interglacial forest fauna are missing. Its composition teils in favour of a dry, yet not too cool period of the Pleistocene, which is younger than the Villa- franchium. Consequently the cave must have been taken pos- session of for settling in the Cromerian Interglacial. The investigation of the bear remains has led to the result that, in all systematically .important teeth and skeleton characteristics, the Scharzfeld Bear shows either concor- dance with Ursus deningeri or greater analogy to the same than to Ursus spelaeus; in a few properties it even appears somewhat more primitive than Ursus deningeri. Therefore the bears of the Einhornhöhle Cave belong to the species "Ursus deningeri v. REICHENAU 1906". In the frontal teeth certain specializations occur. However, in view to the great varia- bility of the deningeri-"rassenkreis" there does not seem to be a justification for establishing a subspecies of its own. Whereas up to now nothing had been known in respect of the hibernation habits of Ursus deningeri, there has for the first time been furnished proof that an Ursus deningeri population had oecologically become "cave" bears. Consequently this specialization, as the onset and cause of which the Elster Glaciation was up to now considered, must already be originating in older cold epochs.


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The main purpose of this study is to present an alternative benchmarking approach that can be used by national regulators of utilities. It is widely known that the lack of sizeable data sets limits the choice of the benchmarking method and the specification of the model to set price controls within incentive-based regulation. Ill-posed frontier models are the problem that some national regulators have been facing. Maximum entropy estimators are useful in the estimation of such ill-posed models, in particular in models exhibiting small sample sizes, collinearity and non-normal errors, as well as in models where the number of parameters to be estimated exceeds the number of observations available. The empirical study involves a sample data used by the Portuguese regulator of the electricity sector to set the parameters for the electricity distribution companies in the regulatory period of 2012-2014. DEA and maximum entropy methods are applied and the efficiency results are compared.


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Cette étude se concentre sur une expérience d'enseignement exploratoire des mathématiques (EEM), réalisée avec des élèves de 5ème année, dans laquelle on établit une forte connexion avec la réalité et on intensifie la capacité de communication des élèves, tout en promouvant la résolution de problèmes et le raisonnement mathématique. Les leçons de mathématiques sont organisées en quatre phases: (i) Lancement de la tâche aux élèves; (ii) Développement de la tâche; (iii) Discussion de la tâche; et (iv) Systématisation de l’apprentissage mathématique. Afin de préparer la discussion de la tâche, l'enseignante a mis en œuvre la galerie des tâches, grâce à laquelle les élèves ont leur premier contact avec les résolutions de leurs collègues: ils peuvent poser des questions et enregistrer des commentaires dans les feuilles exposées. Cet article présente les résultats d'une leçon sur les pourcentages, dans laquelle les élèves ont travaillé la tâche intitulée « Rabais au Bit-@-Byte ». L'analyse de cette tâche ainsi que les résultats des tâches similaires de la réalité effectuées tout au long de l'année scolaire montrent que le modèle d'enseignement exploratoire des mathématiques (EEM) permet des améliorations dans l'apprentissage des mathématiques au niveau des concepts et aussi des capacités transversales comme le raisonnement, la communication et la résolution de problèmes mathématiques.


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Conflictos ambientales en Colombia. Retos y perspectivas desde el enfoque de DDHH y la participación ciudadana se articula en tres partes: en la primera se realiza un panorama de conflictos ambientales en las diferentes regiones naturales del país desde la perspectiva de la participación ciudadana. En la segunda se exponen las diferentes reflexiones de las autoridades ambientales locales y de las organizaciones sociales sobre los conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. En la tercera, se hace un análisis de las competencias de las autoridades ambientales en torno al derecho a la participación cuando se presentan conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.En la segunda se exponen las diferentes reflexiones de las autoridades ambientales locales y de las organizaciones sociales sobre los conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. En la tercera, se hace un análisis de las competencias de las autoridades ambientales en torno al derecho a la participación cuando se presentan conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.


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La estimulación eléctrica medular (EEM), es una técnica mínimamente invasiva, segura, con pocos efectos secundarios y resultados favorables en patologías crónicas asociadas a dolor severo de difícil manejo, tal como es el caso del Síndrome Doloroso Regional Complejo (SDRC). La evidencia actual señala beneficios en esta patología particular, motivo por el cuál es de interés hacer una revisión actualizada sobre la EEM en SDRC.