946 resultados para Drug Users


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INTRODUCTION: In the jurisdiction of Brasília, Brazil, significant reductions in mortality rates and lethality resulting from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were observed shortly after the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy. In recent years, however, the decline of these rates has not been as significant. Non-adherence to treatment and delayed diagnosis appear to be the main factors that increase the risk of death from AIDS. Behavioral, socioeconomic, and biological factors could also be associated with increased risk of death due to AIDS. This study aimed to identify which of these factors were associated with deaths from AIDS in Brasília. METHODS: A case-control study was undertaken using the data recorded in the Information System of Notifiable Diseases. Cases consisted of AIDS deaths occurring in 2007, residing in Brasília, and over 12 years of age. Controls consisted of AIDS patients who did not die until December 31 2007, also residing in Brasília, and over 12 years of age. For each group, frequency and proportion tables for the variables were prepared. The statistical association of each factor in isolation with the occurrence of the deaths was verified through a model of multivariate analysis using logistic regression. RESULTS: The factors that were associated with an increased risk of death were intravenous drug use, age 50 years or more, and residing in a region whose residents have low per capita income. CONCLUSIONS: We identified factors associated with death due to AIDS that can guide health planning.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical aspects causes and evolution of infectious endocarditis. METHODS: The patients analyzed were treated at the University Hospital of the Faculdade de Medicina of Ribeirão Preto-USP and had a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis defined by Duke's criteria, which classifies infectious endocarditis as native, prosthetic valve or that occurring in intravenous drug users. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty episodes of infectious endocarditis in 168 patients were observed. Echocardiograms in 132 (73.3%) provided a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis in 111 (84%) patients; mitral valves were affected in 55 (30.5%), tricuspid valves in 30 (16.6%) and the aortic valve in 28 (15.5%) patients. Hemocultures were performed in 148 (93.8%) episodes of IE. The most commonly isolated infectious organisms were Staphylococcus aureus in 46 (27.2%) patients and Streptococcus viridans in 27 (15.9%). Complications occurred in 116 (64.4%) patients and 73 (40.5%) of the patients died. CONCLUSION: The general profile of the observed infectious endocarditis was similar to that reported in studies performed in other countries and included users of intravenous drugs. The high degree of mortality observed is not compatible with progress in diagnosis and treatment of infectious endocarditis and is probably due to the absence of diagnostic suspicion. The high frequency of fatal cases of septicemia (45.1% of deaths) in the patients studied indicates that unnoticed cases of infectious endocarditis had only been diagnosed at necropsy.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)


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Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.


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Efforts to characterize HIV-1 polymorphism and anti-HIV immune response are being made in areas where anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines are to be employed. Anti-HIV-1 humoral immune response is being studied in infected individuals resident in Rio de Janeiro, in distinct cohorts involving recent seroconvertors, pregnant women or intravenous drug users (IDU). Comparative analyses of specificity of antibody response towards epitopes important for anti-HIV-1 immune response indicate quantitative differences between cohorts, with an exceptionally strong response in IDUs and weakest response in pregnant women. However, a comparative analysis between pregnant women cohorts from Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul indicated an even lower response (with exception of the anti-V3-C clade peptide recognition) for the southern cohort. Studies analysing the immune function of the humoral response indicate a quite elevated occurrence of antibodies capable of neutralizing heterologous primary HIV-1 isolates from Rio de Janeiro. Attempts to correlate seroreactivity with HIV-1 neutralization with respect to HIV-1 polymorphism were not very successfull: while the Brazilian B clade B" variant could be recognized by binding assays, no significant distinction of HIV-1 clades/variants was observed in viral neutralization assays.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to validate a French adaptation of the 5th version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) instrument in a Swiss sample of illicit drug users. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: The participants in the study were 54 French-speaking dependent patients, most of them with opiates as the drug of first choice. Procedure: Analyses of internal consistency (convergent and discriminant validity) and reliability, including measures of test-retest and inter-observer correlations, were conducted. RESULTS: Besides good applicability of the test, the results on composite scores (CSs) indicate comparable results to those obtained in a sample of American opiate-dependent patients. Across the seven dimensions of the ASI, Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.42 to 0.76, test-retest correlations coefficients ranged from 0.48 to 0.98, while for CSs, inter-observer correlations ranged from 0.76 to 0.99. CONCLUSIONS: Despite several limitations, the French version of the ASI presents acceptable criteria of applicability, validity and reliability in a sample of drug-dependent patients.


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Shooting Up Infections among injecting drug users in the united Kingdom 2008 - An update 2009


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Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2007- An Update: October 2008


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Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2006


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Infections among injecting drug users in the UK 2005 - An Update: October 2006


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To verify the prevalence of infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in alcoholics we studied 131 alcoholic patients (119 males and 12 females) with a mean age of 44.3 ± 10.8 years. Serum samples were collected from this group and analysed, by ELISA, for antibodies against HIV as well as for serological markers for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). As we have previously described, we found a high prevalence of HBV (26.4%) and HCV (4.2%) markers as compared to the prevalence of these markers in samples of normal blood donors from Uberlândia's Hemocentro Regional, which are 4% and 0.4%, respectively. Of the 131 patients, four (3%) had antibodies against HIV, three (75%) of which were injecting drug users (IDU). In the HIV-negative group, only one patient was an IDU. The prevalence of HIV in our population, according to data from the city's Health Secretary, varies from 3.1% to 6.2%. We conclude that, at least for the moment, alcoholism per se, did not constitute an important risk factor for HIV infection. However, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a rather recent disease as compared to hepatitis B and C and, as the transmission routes are similar for HIV and hepatitis viruses, an increase in the incidence of HIV infection in alcoholics may be just a question of time.


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A retrospective study on the prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was conducted in selected populations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 1,115 subjects were tested including 146 patients with acute Non-A Non-B Non-C (NANBNC) viral hepatitis, 65 hemodialysis patients, 93 blood donors, 102 intravenous drug users (IVDUs), 304 pregnant women, 145 individuals living in the rural area and 260 individuals living in the urban area. In order to characterize a favorable epidemiological set for enterically transmitted infection in the studied populations we also evaluated the prevalence of anti-HAV IgG (hepatitis A virus) antibodies. Specific antibodies to HEV (anti-HEV IgG) were detected by a commercial EIA and specific antibodies to HAV (anti-HAV IgG) were detected using a competitive "in house" EIA. We found a high prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in these populations, that could indicate some risk for infections transmitted via the fecal-oral route. The anti-HEV IgG prevalence among the different groups were: 2.1% in patients with acute NANBNC viral hepatitis, 6.2% in hemodialysis patients, 4.3% in blood donors, 11.8% in IVDUs, 1% in pregnant women, and 2.1% in individuals form the rural area. Among individuals living in the urban area we did not find a single positive serum sample. Our results demonstrated the presence of anti-HEV IgG in almost all studied populations; however, further studies are necessary to establish the real situation of HEV epidemiology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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Infections Among Injecting Drug Users in the UK 2004


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Infections Among Drug Users in the UK 2003


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En l'àmbit judicial es constata una relació entre drogoaddicció i delicte. Els addictes a drogues han iniciat amb freqüència algun programa de desintoxicació o han sol·licitat suport mèdic o psicològic. L'estudi es proposa avaluar l'associació entre la conducta il·legal i l'abús de substàncies tòxiques, així com interpretar l'eficàcia dels tractaments terapèutics en la disminució dâaquesta associació, i les repercussions de les teràpies tant sobre els pacients com sobre el seu entorn. Ãs un estudi observacional prospectiu dâuna mostra de 100 subjectes que tenen relació amb el consum de drogues d'abús, al Jutjat de Guàrdia de Barcelona i en subjectes interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona. Els resultats de lâestudi diuen que el sexe masculí hi està representat en un 94%, la mitjana dâedat és de 25,5 anys, amb baix nivell dâestudis i sense professió qualificada. Gairebé la meitat de la mostra són estrangers i solters. Els pacients estudiats són politoxicòmans amb un consum majoritari de cocaïna (92%), cannabis (87%), alcohol (71%) i el 54% dâheroïna. Destaca lâalta freqüència dels UDVP i de la positivitat als tres virus (VIH, VHC, VHB), tot i que es demostra el descens de lâús de la via parenteral. El 73% dels subjectes comenten delictes contra la propietat. El 93% de la mostra han estat en tractament, però en períodes curts (70%). El 72,7% que estan en PMM consumeixen habitualment cocaïna. Els pacients tractats amb psicofàrmacs són detinguts menys vegades que la resta de pacients. Pocs pacients han fet tractaments combinats amb psicoteràpia o lliure de drogues. Entre la població de detinguts, els tractaments rebuts han resultat beneficiosos pel que fa a autoestima, autoagressivitat, heteroagressivitat, conflictivitat penal i violència en els fets delictius, però aquestes variables quasi no es modifiquen en el cas dels joves. Els tractaments produeixen un benefici als pacients toxicòmans i disminueixen la conflictivitat penal. Els tractaments sâhan dâiniciar en els primers estadis del consum, així com potenciar lâadhesió i el seguiment. Els centres penitenciaris de justícia juvenil, les comissaries i els jutjats de guàrdia són els llocs idonis per a lâabordatge del tractament del drogodependent.