976 resultados para Downtown Kingston
News from Main Street Iowa and the Iowa Downtown Resource Center.
This Executive Order expects the State of Iowa executive agencies and Regent Institutions own, purchase, build and lease property, including office space, worth billions of dollars for educational, correctional, recreational, conservation, transportation, communication, public health, workforce and related public functions and the placement of state offices in historic central business districts "downtown" can strengthen and revitalize Iowa's cities and towns.
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center and Main Street Iowa office.
Main Street Iowa News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center of the Iowa Department of Economic Development
News from Main Street Iowa and the Iowa Downtown Resource Center
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
The cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) induces Ca2+-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes via the downstream action of prostaglandin (PG) E2. By this process, astrocytes may participate in intercellular communication and neuromodulation. Acute inflammation in vitro, induced by adding reactive microglia to astrocyte cultures, enhances TNFalpha production and amplifies glutamate release, switching the pathway into a neurodamaging cascade (Bezzi, P., Domercq, M., Brambilla, L., Galli, R., Schols, D., De Clercq, E., Vescovi, A., Bagetta, G., Kollias, G., Meldolesi, J., and Volterra, A. (2001) Nat. Neurosci. 4, 702-710). Because glial inflammation is a component of Alzheimer disease (AD) and TNFalpha is overexpressed in AD brains, we investigated possible alterations of the cytokine-dependent pathway in PDAPP mice, a transgenic model of AD. Glutamate release was measured in acute hippocampal and cerebellar slices from mice at early (4-month-old) and late (12-month-old) disease stages in comparison with age-matched controls. Surprisingly, TNFalpha-evoked glutamate release, normal in 4-month-old PDAPP mice, was dramatically reduced in the hippocampus of 12-month-old animals. This defect correlated with the presence of numerous beta-amyloid deposits and hypertrophic astrocytes. In contrast, release was normal in cerebellum, a region devoid of beta-amyloid deposition and astrocytosis. The Ca2+-dependent process by which TNFalpha evokes glutamate release in acute slices is distinct from synaptic release and displays properties identical to those observed in cultured astrocytes, notably PG dependence. However, prostaglandin E2 induced normal glutamate release responses in 12-month-old PDAPP mice, suggesting that the pathology-associated defect involves the TNFalpha-dependent control of secretion rather than the secretory process itself. Reduced expression of DENN/MADD, a mediator of TNFalpha-PG coupling, might account for the defect. Alteration of this neuromodulatory astrocytic pathway is described here for the first time in relation to Alzheimer disease.
Résumé La réalisation d'une seconde ligne de métro (M2) dès 2004, passant dans le centre ville de Lausanne, a été l'opportunité de développer une méthodologie concernant des campagnes microgravimétriques dans un environnement urbain perturbé. Les corrections topographiques prennent une dimension particulière dans un tel milieu, car de nombreux objets non géologiques d'origine anthropogénique comme toutes sortes de sous-sols vides viennent perturber les mesures gravimétriques. Les études de génie civil d'avant projet de ce métro nous ont fournis une quantité importante d'informations cadastrales, notamment sur les contours des bâtiments, sur la position prévue du tube du M2, sur des profondeurs de sous-sol au voisinage du tube, mais aussi sur la géologie rencontré le long du corridor du M2 (issue des données lithologiques de forages géotechniques). La planimétrie des sous-sols a été traitée à l'aide des contours des bâtiments dans un SIG (Système d'Information Géographique), alors qu'une enquête de voisinage fut nécessaire pour mesurer la hauteur des sous-sols. Il a été alors possible, à partir d'un MNT (Modèle Numérique de Terrain) existant sur une grille au mètre, de mettre à jour celui ci avec les vides que représentent ces sous-sols. Les cycles de mesures gravimétriques ont été traités dans des bases de données Ac¬cess, pour permettre un plus grand contrôle des données, une plus grande rapidité de traitement, et une correction de relief rétroactive plus facile, notamment lorsque des mises à jour de la topographie ont lieu durant les travaux. Le quartier Caroline (entre le pont Bessières et la place de l'Ours) a été choisi comme zone d'étude. Le choix s'est porté sur ce quartier du fait que, durant ce travail de thèse, nous avions chronologiquement les phases pré et post creusement du tunnel du M2. Cela nous a permis d'effectuer deux campagnes gravimétriques (avant le creu¬sement durant l'été 2005 et après le creusement durant l'été 2007). Ces réitérations nous ont permis de tester notre modélisation du tunnel. En effet, en comparant les mesures des deux campagnes et la réponse gravifique du modèle du tube discrétisé en prismes rectangulaires, nous avons pu valider notre méthode de modélisation. La modélisation que nous avons développée nous permet de construire avec détail la forme de l'objet considéré avec la possibilité de recouper plusieurs fois des interfaces de terrains géologiques et la surface topographique. Ce type de modélisation peut s'appliquer à toutes constructions anthropogéniques de formes linéaires. Abstract The realization of a second underground (M2) in 2004, in downtown Lausanne, was the opportunity to develop a methodology of microgravity in urban environment. Terrain corrections take on special meaning in such environment. Many non-geologic anthropogenic objects like basements act as perturbation of gravity measurements. Civil engineering provided a large amount of cadastral informations, including out¬lines of buildings, M2 tube position, depths of some basements in the vicinity of the M2 corridor, and also on the geology encountered along the M2 corridor (from the lithological data from boreholes). Geometry of basements was deduced from building outlines in a GIS (Geographic Information System). Field investigation was carried out to measure or estimate heights of basements. A DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the city of Lausanne is updated from voids of basements. Gravity cycles have been processed in Access database, to enable greater control of data, enhance speed processing, and retroactive terrain correction easier, when update of topographic surface are available. Caroline area (between the bridge Saint-Martin and Place de l'Ours) was chosen as the study area. This area was in particular interest because it was before and after digging in this thesis. This allowed us to conduct two gravity surveys (before excavation during summer 2005 and after excavation during summer 2007). These re-occupations enable us to test our modélisation of the tube. Actually, by comparing the difference of measurements between the both surveys and the gravity response of our model (by rectangular prisms), we were able to validate our modeling. The modeling method we developed allows us to construct detailed shape of an object with possibility to cross land geological interfaces and surface topography. This type of modélisation can be applied to all anthropogenic structures.
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
Many cities in Iowa have retained the original brick street surfaces in downtown areas and in older residential areas as the base for modern driving surfaces. The original brick surfaces were not built to handle current and future traffic loadings. In recent years, these surfaces have tended to shift and become uneven, creating problems with safety. Asphaltic concrete overlays have been the typical rehabilitation technique in these situations. This has proven to be a successful rehabilitation technique in some cases; in other cases, the combination of movement of the brick and flexibility of the asphalt has proven to accentuate the original problems. Most of the existing literature on rehabilitation of brick streets shows the use of asphaltic concrete. Other rehabilitation methods include reconstruction of the brick surface and strengthening of the surface by placing asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete, along with sand, underneath the brick layers. To date, little if anything has been done in the area of using portland cement concrete as an overlay of the brick surfaces. This final report documents the planning, construction, and performance of unbonded ultrathin whitetopping rehabilitation of a brick street in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 2001. It also reports on a similar project in Des Moines that was constructed two years later in 2003.
The proposed action consists of upgrading Mississippi Drive (Iowa Highway 92) through downtown Muscatine, Iowa. The Mississippi Drive Corridor Project begins south of the Main Street/Grandview Avenue intersection, continuing to the East 2nd Street/Norbert F. Beckey Bridge intersection, which marks the end of the project. It passes through a mix of commercial, residential, Central Business District and industrial land uses. The total length of the project is approximately 1.6 miles, including 19 intersections (6 with traffic signals). Refer to the vicinity map on Figure 1. The current roadway is a 3- to 4-lane, urban facility with both divided and undivided medians. The roadway, ranging from 40 to 64 feet wide, is considered difficult to cross for pedestrians, especially for small children or elderly. The width of this roadway is being considered to be narrowed to improve the accessibility to the downtown from the Mississippi River riverfront area by pedestrians. This project also includes accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians and measures to reduce flooding on the roadway.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of pollutants on the abundance and diversity of Collembola in urban soils. The research was carried out in three parks (Cişmigiu, Izvor and Unirea) in downtown Bucharest, where the intense car traffic accounts for 70% of the local air pollution. One site in particular (Cişmigiu park) was highly contaminated with Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu at about ten times the background levels of Pb. Collembola were sampled in 2006 (July, September, November) using the transect method: 2,475 individuals from 34 species of Collembola were collected from 210 samples of soil and litter. Numerical densities differed significantly between the studied sites.The influence of air pollutants on the springtail fauna was visible at the species richness diversity and soil pollution levels. Species richness was lowest in the most contaminated site (Cismigiu, 11 species), which presented an increase in springtails abundances, though. Some species may become resistant to pollution and occur in high numbers of individuals in polluted sites, which makes them a good bioindicator of pollutants.