932 resultados para Doses de Radiação


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L’eugénol permet d’induire une anesthésie chirurgicale chez la grenouille africaine à griffes (Xenopus laevis) sans causer de lésions chez des grosses grenouilles (90-140g). Le premier objectif de la présente étude était de déterminer la durée de l’anesthésie et d’évaluer la dépression du système nerveux central ainsi que les changements de saturation en oxygène et de fréquence cardiaque chez des petites (7.5 ± 2.1 g) et moyennes (29.2 ± 7.4 g) grenouilles Xenopus laevis en fonction du temps d’exposition à un bain d’eugénol de 350 µL/L. Suite à une immersion de 5 ou 10 minutes, la réponse au test à l’acide acétique, au réflexe de retrait et au réflexe de retournement était absente pendant 1 heure (petites grenouilles) et 0,5 heure (moyennes) et l’anesthésie chirurgicale durait au maximum 15 et 30 minutes chez les petites et moyennes grenouilles respectivement. La saturation en oxygène n’était pas affectée de façon significative, mais la fréquence cardiaque était diminuée jusqu’à 1 heure post-immersion dans les deux groupes. Le deuxième objectif était de déterminer la toxicité de l’eugénol chez des grenouilles de taille moyenne après une ou trois administrations à une dose anesthésique, avec ou sans période de récupération d’une semaine. Histologiquement, il y avait de l’apoptose tubulaire rénale et des membranes hyalines pulmonaires après une administration, et de la nécrose hépatique et des hémorragies dans les tissus adipeux après trois administrations. Ces résultats suggèrent que le poids corporel est un paramètre important à considérer lors de l’anesthésie de grenouilles Xenopus laevis par immersion dans l’eugénol.


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As evidências indicam que os sistemas de digitalização de imagem deveriam possibilitar uma redução da dose de radiação utilizada na execução de um determinado exame radiológico mas, na prática, nem sempre a dose utilizada é menor que em sistemas convencionais, por um lado, devido às características inerentes dos detectores utilizados e, por outro, ao papel preponderante da intervenção do Técnico de Radiologia. Pretendeu-se comparar a dose à entrada da pele (DEP) em crianças dos 0-5 anos, submetidas a radiografia do tórax, em Incidência Antero-Posterior (AP), em dois hospitais com diferentes sistemas de aquisição de imagem, comparando, também, os valores obtidos, com os níveis de referência de diagnóstico regulamentados pela ICRP. A média da dose à entrada da pele, no hospital que utiliza sistema de digitalização de imagem é de 26,64 Gy, enquanto que no hospital que utiliza sistema convencionail de películas é de 6,85 Gy. Observou-se que a média da dose à entrada da pele, nos sistemas de digitalização de imagem foram superiores à média das doses à entrada da pele nos sistemas convencionais de películas. Em ambos os hospitais a média da dose para as respectivas faixas etárias dos pacientes, não ultrapassou os limites estipulados por lei.


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O avanço das tecnologias nos últimos anos promoveu a passagem de muitos serviços para sistemas de digitalização indirecta e directa, substituindo os sistemas convencionais de películas. As evidências mostram que os sistemas de digitalização de imagem deveriam possibilitar reduções nas doses utilizadas num determinado exame radiológico, mas na prática, nem sempre a dose é menor que a dos sistemas de películas. Este estudo pretende avaliar a situação presente das doses praticadas em exames Radiológicos em duas unidades Hospitalares, uma com sistema não-digital(Hospital A) e outra com sistema digital (Hospital B), na radiografia de Tórax AP ou PA em crianças dos 5 aos 10 anos. Foram comparadas as doses à entrada da pele (DEP) e dose efectiva, entre si e com os níveis de referência de diagnóstico. No HospitalA, foi observada uma DEPmédia de 16,78 μGy e uma dose efectiva média de 22,63μGy.No Hospital B, a DEPmédia foi 12,22 μGy, e a dose efectiva média foi 15,81 μGy.As diferenças são estatisticamente significativas (p=0,00). Os exames do tórax, em crianças dos 5-10 anos realizado com recurso a um sistema não-digital, implicaram maior DEPe dose efectiva para o paciente, comparado com o mesmo exame em sistema digital, nos hospitais em estudo.


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A radiossenssibilidade em crianças é superior à dos adultos, pelo que a avaliação dos parâmetros de dose utilizados em pediatria, principalmente em recém-nascidos, assume particular importância. Também importante é a avaliação da quantidade de dose de radiação a que os pacientes, pelo simples facto de estarem perto, ou na vizinhança, de outros que vão realizar exames radiológicos, estão sujeitos. Neste estudo, efectuado no Hospital D. Estefânia em Lisboa, avaliou-se a dose de radiação ionizante com dosímetros (ATOMTEX 3509B) no paciente examinado e no paciente adjacente. Foram calculadas as doses à entrada da pele (DEP) utilizando os parâmetros físicos empregados. Nos 28 exames efectuados por 8 técnicos diferentes, as leituras obtidas com os dosímetros eram praticamente insignificantes, quer para o paciente examinado (énero feminino e 0.04 énero masculino) quer para o adjacente (0 ). Os valores de DEP calculados estavam abaixo do limite recomendado internacionalmente para recém-nascidos, de 80 μGy. Apesar de haver uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os pesos das crianças do género masculino e feminino, não se verificou uma diferença semelhante para as DEP calculadas. Este estudo demonstrou que a DEP calculada com os parâmetros físicos utilizados ficava abaixo da DEP recomendada internacionalmente, e que as leituras obtidas nos pacientes examinados, bem como no paciente adjacente, atingiram níveis insignificantes.


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This paper reviews Bayesian procedures for phase 1 dose-escalation studies and compares different dose schedules and cohort sizes. The methodology described is motivated by the situation of phase 1 dose-escalation studiesin oncology, that is, a single dose administered to each patient, with a single binary response ("toxicity"' or "no toxicity") observed. It is likely that a wider range of applications of the methodology is possible. In this paper, results from 10000-fold simulation runs conducted using the software package Bayesian ADEPT are presented. Four designs were compared under six scenarios. The simulation results indicate that there are slight advantages of having more dose levels and smaller cohort sizes.


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This paper reviews state-of-art statistical designs for dose-escalation procedures in first-into-man studies. The main focus will be on studies in oncology, as most statistical procedures for phase I trials have been proposed in this context. Extensions to situations such as the observation of bivariate outcomes and healthy volunteer studies are also discussed. The number of dose levels and cohort sizes used in early phase trials are considered. Finally, this paper raises some practical issues for dose-escalation procedures.


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Low doses of gamma radiation were given to four different solvents containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP, each molecule dissolved both in cyclohexanone and hexanol. Four corresponding solvents were kept unirradiated and used as references for the extraction experiments. Multiple samples were taken from both the irradiated solutions and the reference solutions at certain time intervals. The samples were used in extraction experiments with the radionuclides Am-241 and Eu-152. The protection against radiolysis of the extracting molecules by the diluent used for dissolution without adding a scavenger molecule was checked. The interplay between the diluent and the side group of the extracting molecule for protection against radiolysis was also studied by keeping the same type of core molecule for binding to the metal ions and varying the diluent and side group. The results were unexpected. The presence of a cyclic molecule as both a side group or diluent seems to keep the extraction of europium almost unaffected by radiolysis, while americium behaves differently from solvent to solvent. The diluent alone does not protect the extracting molecule. In some of the studied systems there is a distinct change in the extraction behaviour of Am between the irradiated and reference solutions, an effect that is however only present at the beginning of the experimental series. At later times the difference in distribution ratios between the irradiated and reference solution is constant. This phenomenon is found only when the side group and diluent are structurally dissimilar.


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BACKGROUND: In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration passed a unique ruling that allowed oat bran to be registered as the first cholesterol-reducing food at a dosage of 3 g beta-glucan/d. OBJECTIVE: The effects of a low dose of oat bran in the background diet only were investigated in volunteers with mild-to-moderate hyperlipidemia. DESIGN: The study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel study. Sixty-two healthy men (n = 31) and women (n = 31) were randomly allocated to consume either 20 g oat bran concentrate (OBC; containing 3 g beta-glucan) or 20 g wheat bran (control) daily for 8 wk. Fasting blood samples were collected at weeks -1, 0, 4, 8, and 12. A subgroup (n = 17) was studied postprandially after consumption of 2 meals (containing no OBC or wheat bran) at baseline and after supplementation. Fasting plasma samples were analyzed for total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, and insulin. LDL cholesterol was measured by using the Friedewald formula. The postprandial samples were anlayzed for triacylglycerol, glucose, and insulin. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in fasting plasma cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, glucose, or insulin between the OBC and wheat-bran groups. HDL-cholesterol concentrations fell significantly from weeks 0 to 8 in the OBC group (P = 0.05). There was a significant increase in fasting glucose concentrations after both OBC (P = 0.03) and wheat-bran (P = 0.02) consumption. No significant difference was found between the OBC and wheat-bran groups in any of the postprandial variables measured. CONCLUSIONS: A low dosage of beta-glucan (3 g/d) did not significantly reduce total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in volunteers with plasma cholesterol concentrations representative of a middle-aged UK population.


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Os comprimidos utilizados no tratamento da tuberculose possuem quatro fármacos associados, isoniazida, pirazinamida, etambutol e rifampicina, e são distribuídos gratuitamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Os métodos analíticos oficiais para analisar este medicamento estão especificados na Farmacopeia Americana 36a edição e na Farmacopeia Internacional 4a edição. Porém, estes compêndios oficiais não possuem monografias para análise simultânea dos quatro fármacos. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma metodologia para determinar simultaneamente os princípios ativos em comprimidos dose fixa combinada, utilizando-se cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência com detector de ultravioleta-visível, pois é de grande importância para o controle da qualidade do medicamento. O método desenvolvido utilizou coluna cromatográfica C18 (250 x 4,6) mm e 5 μm, fase móvel constituída de fase aquosa (85 % tampão formiato de amônio 0,3 mol/L pH 5, 15 % metanol e 0,005 mol/L de Cu2+ ou 250 mg/L de CuSO4.5H2O) e fase orgânica (metanol, 0,1 % de trietilamina e 0,2 % de ácido fórmico). O fluxo foi de 1,0 mL/min e comprimento de ondade 265 nm para isoniazida, pirazinamida e o etambutol e de 335 nm para rifampicina. Este método apresentou desvio padrão relativo inferior a 2,0 % na precisão e linearidade para os quatro fármacos estudados.


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Behavioral consequences of convulsive episodes are well documented, but less attention was paid to changes that occur in response to subconvulsant doses of drugs. We investigated short- and long-term effects of a single systemic injection of a subconvulsant dose of pilocarpine on the behavior of rats as evaluated in the elevated plus maze. Pilocarpine induced an anxiogenic-like profile 24 h later, and this effect persisted for up to 3 months (% of time spent on open arms at 24 h, control = 35.47 +/- 3.23; pilocarpine 150 = 8.2 +/- 2.6; 3 months, control = 31.9 +/- 5.5; pilocarpine 150 = 9.3 +/- 4.9). Temporary inactivation of fimbria-fornix with lidocaine 4% promoted an anxiolytic-like effect per se, suggesting a tonic control of this pathway on the modulation of anxiety-related behaviors. Lidocaine also reduced the anxiogenic-like profile of animals tested 1 month after pilocarpine treatment (% of time spent on open arms, saline + phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) = 31.7 + 3.7; saline + lidocaine = 54.4 + 4.7; pilocarpine + PBS = 10.3 + 4.1; pilocarpine + lidocaine = 40.1 + 9.1). To determine whether the anxiogenic-like effect was mediated by septal region or by direct hippocampal projections to the diencephalon, the neural transmission of post-commissural fornix was blocked, and a similar reduction in the anxiogenic-like effect of pilocarpine was observed. Our findings suggest that a single systemic injection of pilocarpine may induce long-lasting anxiogenic-like behavior in rats, an effect that appears to be mediated, in part, through a direct path from hippocampus to medial hypothalamic sites involved in fear responses.


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The inhibitory effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was previously reported. However, the precise mechanism involved was not systematically investigated. In this study, the effects of low concentrations of H(2)O(2) (5-10 mu mol/L) on glucose metabolism, intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) oscillations, and dynamic insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islets were investigated. Low concentrations of H(2)O(2) impaired insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels (16.7 mmol/L). This phenomenon was observed already after 2 minutes of exposure to H(2)O(2). Glucose oxidation and the amplitude of [Ca(2+)](i); oscillations were dose-dependently suppressed by H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that low concentrations of H(2)O(2) reduce insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels via inhibition of glucose metabolism and consequent impairment in [Ca(2+)](i); handling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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CD95 (Fas/Apo-1)-mediated apoptosis was shown to occur through two distinct pathways. One involves a direct activation of caspase-3 by large amounts of caspase-8 generated at the DISC (Type I cells). The other is related to the cleavage of Bid by low concentration of caspase-8, leading to the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and the activation of caspase-3 by the cytochrome c/APAF-1/caspase-9 apoptosome (Type 11 cells). It is also known that the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) sensitizes Type I cells to CD95-mediated apoptosis, but it remains contradictory whether this effect also occurs in Type II cells. Here, we show that sub-lethal doses of CHX render both Type I and Type II cells sensitive to the apoptogenic effect of anti-CD95 antibodies but not to chemotherapeutic drugs. Moreover, Bcl-2-positive Type II cells become strongly sensitive to CD95-mediated apoptosis by the addition of CHX to the cell culture. This is not the result of a restraint of the anti-apoptotic effect of Bcl-2 at the mitochondrial level since CHX-treated Type II cells still retain their resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Therefore, CHX treatment is granting the CD95-mediated pathway the ability to bypass the mitochondria requirement to apoptosis, much alike to what is observed in Type I cells. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Arsenic is an established human carcinogen. However, there has been much controversy about the shape of the arsenic response curve, particularly at low doses. This controversy has been exacerbated by the fact that the  mechanism(s) of arsenic carcinogenesis are still unclear and because there are few satisfactory animal models for arsenic-induced carcinogenesis. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that the relative risk for cancer among populations exposed to ≤60 ppb As in their drinking water is often lower than the risk for the unexposed control population. We have found that treatment of human keratinocyte and fibroblast cells with 0.1 to 1 μM arsenite (AsIII) also produces a low dose protective effect against oxidative stress and DNA damage. This response includes increased transcription, protein levels and enzyme activity of several base excision repair genes, including DNA polymerase β and DNA ligase I. At higher concentrations (> 10 μM), As induces down-regulation of DNA repair, oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis. This low dose adaptive (protective) response by a toxic agent is known as hormesis and is characteristic of many agents that induce oxidative stress. A mechanistic model for arsenic carcinogenesis based on these data would predict that the low dose risk for carcinogenesis should be sub-linear. The threshold dose where toxicity outweighs protection is hard to predict based on in vitro dose response data, but might be estimated if one could determine the form (metabolite) and concentration of arsenic responsible for changes in gene regulation in the target tissues.


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Background: Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) has a high mortality and morbidity. Large scale randomised controlled trials have proven the benefits of beta blockade and ACE inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients with CHF and expert guidelines mandate their use. In spite of these recommendations, important therapies are under-prescribed and under-utilised.

Method: 1015 consecutive patients enrolled in CHF management programs across Australia were surveyed during 2005-2006 to determine prescribing patterns in heart failure medications. These patients were followed-up for a period of 6 months.

Results: The survey revealed that beta blockers were prescribed to 80% of patients (more than 85% were on sub-optimal doses) and 70% were prescribed Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (approximately 50% were on sub-optimal dose). 19% of patients were prescribed Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). By 6 months <25% of the patients who were on sub-optimal dose beta blockers or ACE inhibitors at baseline, had been up-titrated to maximum dose (p<0.0001). In CHF programs, were nurses were able to titrate medications, 75% of patients reached optimal dose of beta blockers compared to those programs with no nurse-led medication titration, where only 25% of patients reached optimal dose (p<0.004). When examining optimal dosage for any two of these mandatory medications, less patients were on optimal therapy. Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, were both prescribed in combination in 60% of patients. While beta blockers and ARBs were prescribed to 15% of patients.

Conclusion: Whilst prescribing rates for a single medication strategy of beta blockers, or ACE inhibitors were greater than 70%, an increase in dosage of these medications and utilisation of proven combination therapy of these medications was poor. It is suggested that clinical outcomes for this cohort of patients could be further improved by adherence to evidence-based practice, ESC guidelines, and optimisation of these medications by heart failure nurses in a CHF program. On the basis of these findings and in the absence of ready access to a polypill, focussing on evidence-based practice to increase utilisation and optimal dosage of combination medication therapy is critical.