892 resultados para Disease Prevention Programs


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With the changing demography of populations and increasing prevalence of co-morbidity, frail patients and more complex cardiac conditions, the modern medicine is facing novel challenges leading to rapid innovation where evidence and experiences are lacking. This scenario is also evident in cardiovascular disease prevention, which continuously needs to accommodate its ever changing strategies, settings, and goals. The present paper summarises actual challenges of secondary prevention, and discusses how this intervention should not only be effective but also efficient. By this way the paper tries to bridge the gaps between research and real-world findings and thereby may find ways to improve standard care.


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BACKGROUND: A reorganization of healthcare systems is required to meet the challenge of the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes. In North-America and Europe, several countries have thus developed national or regional chronic disease management programs. In Switzerland, such initiatives have only emerged recently. In 2010, the canton of Vaud set up the "Diabetes Cantonal Program", within the framework of which we conducted a study designed to ascertain the opinions of both diabetic patients and healthcare professionals on the elements that could be integrated into this program, the barriers and facilitators to its development, and the incentives that could motivate these actors to participate. METHODS: We organized eight focus-groups: one with diabetic patients and one with healthcare professionals in the four sanitary areas of the canton of Vaud. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and submitted to a thematic content analysis. RESULTS: Patients and healthcare professionals were rather in favour of the implementation of a cantonal program, although patients were more cautious concerning its necessity. All participants envisioned a set of elements that could be integrated to this program. They also considered that the program could be developed more easily if it were adapted to patients' and professionals' needs and if it used existing structures and professionals. The difficulty to motivate both patients and professionals to participate was mentioned as a barrier to the development of this program however. Quality or financial incentives could therefore be created to overcome this potential problem. CONCLUSION: The identification of the elements to consider, barriers, facilitators and incentives to participate to a chronic disease management program, obtained by exploring the opinions of patients and healthcare professionals, should favour its further development and implementation.


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Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.


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Violence has always been a part of the human experience, and therefore, a popular topic for research. It is a controversial issue, mostly because the possible sources of violent behaviour are so varied, encompassing both biological and environmental factors. However, very little disagreement is found regarding the severity of this societal problem. Most researchers agree that the number and intensity of aggressive acts among adults and children is growing. Not surprisingly, many educational policies, programs, and curricula have been developed to address this concern. The research favours programs which address the root causes of violence and seek to prevent rather than provide consequences for the undesirable behaviour. But what makes a violence prevention program effective? How should educators choose among the many curricula on the market? After reviewing the literature surrounding violence prevention programs and their effectiveness, The Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum surfaced as unique in many ways. It was designed to address the root causes of violence in an active, student-centred way. Empathy training, anger management, interpersonal cognitive problem solving, and behavioural social skills form the basis of this program. Published in 1992, the program has been the topic of limited research, almost entirely carried out using quantitative methodologies.The purpose of this study was to understand what happens when the Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum is implemented with a group of students and teachers. I was not seeking a statistical correlation between the frequency of violence and program delivery, as in most prior research. Rather, I wished to gain a deeper understanding of the impact ofthe program through the eyes of the participants. The Second Step Program was taught to a small, primary level, general learning disabilities class by a teacher and student teacher. Data were gathered using interviews with the teachers, personal observations, staff reports, and my own journal. Common themes across the four types of data collection emerged during the study, and these themes were isolated and explored for meaning. Findings indicate that the program does not offer a "quick fix" to this serious problem. However, several important discoveries were made. The teachers feU that the program was effective despite a lack of concrete evidence to support this claim. They used the Second Step strategies outside their actual instructional time and felt it made them better educators and disciplinarians. The students did not display a marked change in their behaviour during or after the program implementation, but they were better able to speak about their actions, the source of their aggression, and the alternatives which were available. Although they were not yet transferring their knowledge into positive action,a heightened awareness was evident. Finally, staff reports and my own journal led me to a deeper understanding ofhow perception frames reality. The perception that the program was working led everyone to feel more empowered when a violent incident occurred, and efforts were made to address the cause rather than merely to offer consequences. A general feeling that we were addressing the problem in a productive way was prevalent among the staff and students involved. The findings from this investigation have many implications for research and practice. Further study into the realm of violence prevention is greatly needed, using a balance of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Such a serious problem can only be effectively addressed with a greater understanding of its complexities. This study also demonstrates the overall positive impact of the Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum and, therefore, supports its continued use in our schools.


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A review of literature revealed that the control of cigarette smoking could do more to improve health than any other single action in the field of preventive medicine. In Ontario, since 1989, both Public Health Units and Boards ofEducations have been mandated to provide educational studies related to tobacco use prevention. Even given this fact, there has been an increase in smoking behaviQurs at an earlier age and in females in particular. Smoking prevention progralns must use the most effective means to assist students to obtain the knowledge and skills required to remain or becom'e nonsmokers. In the Niagara Region, PAL smoking prevention programs are offered in some, but not all, schools. As a form of program evaluation, this research sought to determine if students who had PAL could answer correctly a greater number of smoking-related questions than students who did not have this program. Findings reported that students who had PAL in Grade 6 were able to correctly answer more knowledge-based questions (at a statistically significant level), could provide ways to refuse cigarettes at a greater rate, and were able to provide more reasons for remaining nonsmokers. Students who had smoking prevention programming re,ported smoking behavio'urs at a lower rate than those who did not receive this type of program.


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BACKGROUND: Dyslipidemia is recognized as a major cause of coronary heart disease (CHD). Emerged evidence suggests that the combination of triglycerides (TG) and waist circumference can be used to predict the risk of CHD. However, considering the known limitations of TG, non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL = Total cholesterol - HDL cholesterol) cholesterol and waist circumference model may be a better predictor of CHD. PURPOSE: The Framingham Offspring Study data were used to determine if combined non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference is equivalent to or better than TG and waist circumference (hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype) in predicting risk of CHD. METHODS: A total of3,196 individuals from Framingham Offspring Study, aged ~ 40 years old, who fasted overnight for ~ 9 hours, and had no missing information on nonHDL cholesterol, TG levels, and waist circumference measurements, were included in the analysis. Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (ROC) Area Under the Curve (AUC) was used to compare the predictive ability of non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference and TG and waist circumference. Cox proportional-hazards models were used to examine the association between the joint distributions of non-HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, and non-fatal CHD; TG, waist circumference, and non-fatal CHD; and the joint distribution of non-HDL cholesterol and TG by waist circumference strata, after adjusting for age, gender, smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, and hypertension status. RESULTS: The ROC AUC associated with non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference and TG and waist circumference are 0.6428 (CI: 0.6183, 0.6673) and 0.6299 (CI: 0.6049, 0.6548) respectively. The difference in the ROC AVC is 1.29%. The p-value testing if the difference in the ROC AVCs between the two models is zero is 0.10. There was a strong positive association between non-HDL cholesterol and the risk for non-fatal CHD within each TO levels than that for TO levels within each level of nonHDL cholesterol, especially in individuals with high waist circumference status. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the model including non-HDL cholesterol and waist circumference may be superior at predicting CHD compared to the model including TO and waist circumference.


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While bullying prevention programs appear to be decreasing the number of bullying incidents overseas, bullying prevention programs here in Canada have not been proving as effective. Evaluations of bullying prevention programs often focus on the outcomes and neglect to examine the training regimen for teachers. As teachers are on the front lines of bullying prevention programs, the current study explored teachers’ beliefs about the various types of bullying, their perceptions of their own abilities (e.g., teacher bullying prevention efficacy (TBPE), self-concept, and theory of mind) to implement bullying prevention initiatives, and how the school climate may influence their efficacy beliefs. Participants in the current study were 61 Canadian teachers (n = 51 women), predominantly from Ontario. Participating teachers represented all elementary division levels (primary, junior, and intermediate). Participants’ teaching experience ranged from zero years of teaching (pre-service) to 28 years of experience (M = 10.50, SD = 7.35). It was found that participants reported a relatively high TBPE score, which was related to their likely intervention in cyberbullying situations but not for other forms of bullying situations. It was found that teachers were most likely to intervene in physical bullying than verbal, relational, and cyberbullying, respectively. TBPE was influenced by the school climate. Teachers’ scores on the theory of mind scale was not a significant indicator of any teachers’ bullying beliefs. Analyses exploring the relationship between bullying beliefs and self-concept, morality predicted teachers TBPE scores and the likelihood of intervention. Teachers’ recommendations for bullying prevention training and school bullying prevention programs were explored. Results are discussed in terms of implications for practice and future research.


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La présente étude vise à décrire les représentations sociales que des jeunes francophones en santé au Nouveau-Brunswick ont à l’égard du diabète. Cette étude découle d’un partenariat, initié entre l’Université de Moncton et divers organismes et collèges communautaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, qui ont identifié l’importance d’intervenir auprès des jeunes francophones en milieu scolaire pour prévenir le diabète. La théorie des représentations sociales est le cadre théorique utilisé pour décrire la vision que les jeunes ont du diabète, de son origine et des facteurs associés à sa prévention. À notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à examiner le concept du diabète chez des adolescents non atteints de diabète. Hypothèse principale: étant donné que l’expérience que les adolescents ont du diabète est limitée à leur environnement social et qu’ils ont de la difficulté à définir les concepts de santé et de maladie, ils ne seront pas capables de décrire le diabète en profondeur. Pour ce faire, des groupes de discussion, incluant une technique d’association libre, ont été réalisés, entre novembre et décembre 2005, auprès d’adolescents de 5e, 8e et 10e année recrutés dans quatre écoles francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (Districts 1 et 11). Les réponses des élèves aux groupes de discussion et à l’association libre ont été classées dans des catégories et sous-catégories (analyse de contenu), et des tests de Khi-deux et de «Fisher» ont permis de déterminer les différences entre les sexes et les niveaux scolaires. Cent-trente adolescents (70 filles et 60 garçons) de 5e (n=44), 8e (n=46) et 10e année (n=40) ont participé à 19 groupes de discussion. Lors de l’activité d’association libre, les catégories les plus fréquemment mentionnées étaient : sucre (cité par 66% des participants), traitement (48%), nature du diabète (45%), nutrition (41%), sang (38%), complications (18%), manifestations physiologiques (11%), obésité (6%) et activité physique (6%). Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les sexes mais les élèves de 10e année ont cité plus fréquemment les catégories «traitement», «sang» et «obésité». Lors des groupes de discussion, les adolescents ont décrit le diabète comme une maladie (13/19 groupes) reliée au sucre (15/19 groupes) et au sang (13/19 groupes). Cependant, seulement quelques groupes ont discuté en profondeur de la nature du diabète (ex.: rôle de l’insuline et pancréas), des types de diabète (types 1 et 2) et des symptômes et des complications. Ils ont aussi cité ce que les gens atteints de diabète devaient faire pour traiter leur diabète (ex.: manger bien: 18 groupes; se piquer: 17 groupes; prendre des pilules: 5 groupes; et faire de l’activité physique: 5 groupes), mais ils n’ont pas discuté des stratégies à entreprendre pour y arriver. Les représentations de l’origine du diabète incluaient l’hérédité et l’âge (13/19 groupes), l’obésité et l’alimentation (12/19 groupes) et l’activité physique (13/19 groupes). Dans la moitié des groupes, les adolescents ont mentionné se sentir à risque de diabète; les filles plus que les garçons. Treize groupes ont fait référence aux comportements observés chez des diabétiques connus, ce qui démontre l’importance de l’environnement social sur les représentations. Les résultats de cette étude appuient l’hypothèse que les adolescents sont limités dans leur description du diabète en matière de définitions, origines et prévention du diabète. Ces résultats fournissent des pistes de réflexion aux professionnels de la santé pour identifier le contenu et les stratégies que devraient contenir les programmes éducatifs en matière de prévention du diabète chez les jeunes.


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L’objectif de cette étude de cas multiples est d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion (PP) offerte aux aînés par des organisations locales de santé du Québec. Le modèle de Scheirer a guidé l’étude réalisée dans cinq CSSS choisis en fonction de la dimension écologique de leur programmation PP. Une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 38 professionnels et gestionnaires ont constitué la stratégie de collecte de données. Trois catégories de facteurs ont été examinées : les facteurs professionnels, organisationnels et environnementaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les normes organisationnelles, les priorités concurrentes, la structure des équipes, les partenariats avec l’environnement externe, les préjugés, de même que la formation et l’intérêt du personnel influencent le degré d’intégration de l’approche écologique au sein des programmations. Ces résultats permettront de dégager des leviers d'action en vue d’optimiser l’offre de services en prévention-promotion destinée aux aînés.


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Objetivo La enfermedad coronaria es la causa más frecuente de incapacitación súbita en vuelo, su etiología se debe a factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Los pilotos militares probablemente tienen una prevalencia diferente a las aviaciones civiles. Con el presente estudio se estima la prevalencia y proporción de factores de riesgo en aviadores militares del Ejército Colombiano. Metodología Estudio descriptivo correlacional. Se revisaron controles médicos de aviadores del Ejército Colombiano certificados, completando 1317 historias clínicas. Se obtuvieron datos como edad, presión arterial, tabaquismo, peso, talla, índice de masa muscular, colesterol total, triglicéridos y colesterol HDL. Según los datos recolectados, se calculó el Índice de Framingham y se estimó el índice de riesgo cardiovascular. Se calculó la prevalencia de sobrepeso, obesidad, hipertensión, hiperlipidemia, diabetes, HDL bajo y tabaquismo activo y la proporción de las mismas discriminando por grupos. Los datos fueron analizados mediante SPSS y los resultados expresados según estadística descriptiva. Resultados La prevalencia de factores de riesgo en aviadores militares fue HTA 3.34%, hiperlipidemia 56.9 %, HDL bajo 67.27%, diabetes 0%, tabaquismo 12.8 %, sobrepeso 55.1% obesidad 4.3% Hubo diferencia entre pilotos y tripulantes de las diferentes aeronaves y según sus equipos de vuelo. Conclusiones La prevalencia de factores de riesgo difiere entre el personal militar de vuelo y los aviadores civiles. Se identificó entre leve y latente el riesgo cardiovascular, según la escala Framingham, lo cual obliga a la realización de programas específicos y seguimiento estricto para modificar el perfil de riesgo y mejorar así la salud ocupacional de los aviadores del Ejército Colombiano.


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The 'direct costs' attributable to 30 different endemic diseases of farm animals in Great Britain are estimated using a standardised method to construct a simple model for each disease that includes consideration of disease prevention and treatment costs. The models so far developed provide a basis for further analyses including cost-benefit analyses for the economic assessment of disease control options. The approach used reflects the inherent livestock disease information constraints, which limit the application of other economic analytical methods. It is a practical and transparent approach that is relatively easily communicated to veterinary scientists and policy makers. The next step is to develop the approach by incorporating wider economic considerations into the analyses in a way that will demonstrate to policy makers and others the importance of an economic perspective to livestock disease issues.


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Diets low in fruit and vegetables are reportedly responsible for 2.7 million deaths annually from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers. A daily fruit and vegetable intake of five 80 g portions is recommended for chronic disease prevention. However, in the UK, average adult consumption is less than three portions. It is suggested that fruit juice should only count as one portion. However, fruit juices are a beneficial source of phytochemicals. The preliminary results of two randomized, controlled, crossover, dietary intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drinks (FVPJ) on bioavailability, antioxidant status, vascular reactivity, and risk factors for CVD are reported. In the first study, 39 volunteers consumed 200 ml FVPJ, or fruit-flavoured control, daily for six weeks. In the second study, 24 volunteers consumed 400 mL FVPJ, or sugar-matched control, on the morning of the study day. Blood and urine samples were collected throughout both studies and real-time measurements of vascular tone were performed using laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis. Overall, the studies showed that the fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drink increased dietary phytochemicals. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both acute and chronic fruit juice consumption. Measurements of antioxidant status, oxidative stress and other cardiovascular disease risk factors are currently being determined.