923 resultados para Direct method


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We investigate a class of optimal control problems that exhibit constant exogenously given delays in the control in the equation of motion of the differential states. Therefore, we formulate an exemplary optimal control problem with one stock and one control variable and review some analytic properties of an optimal solution. However, analytical considerations are quite limited in case of delayed optimal control problems. In order to overcome these limits, we reformulate the problem and apply direct numerical methods to calculate approximate solutions that give a better understanding of this class of optimization problems. In particular, we present two possibilities to reformulate the delayed optimal control problem into an instantaneous optimal control problem and show how these can be solved numerically with a stateof- the-art direct method by applying Bock’s direct multiple shooting algorithm. We further demonstrate the strength of our approach by two economic examples.


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The most direct method of investigating past variations of the atmospheric CO2 concentration before 1958, when continuous direct atmospheric CO2 measurements started, is the analysis of air extracted from suitable ice cores. Here we present a new detailed CO2 record from the Dronning Maud Land (DML) ice core, drilled in the framework of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) and some new measurements on a previously drilled ice core from the South Pole. The DML CO2 record shows an increase from about 278 to 282 parts per million by volume (ppmv) between ad 1000 and ad 1200 and a fairly continuous decrease to a mean value of about 277 ppmv around ad 1700. While the new South Pole measurements agree well with DML at the minimum at ad 1700 they are on average about 2 ppmv lower during the period ad 1000-1500. Published measurements from the coastal high-accumulation site Law Dome are considered as very reliable because of the reproducibility of the measurements, high temporal resolution and an accurate time scale. Other Antarctic ice cores could not, or only partly, reproduce the pre-industrial measurements from Law Dome. A comparison of the trends of DML and Law Dome shows a general agreement. However we should be able to rule out co-variations caused by the same artefact. Two possible effects are discussed, first production of CO2 by chemical reactions and second diffusion of dissolved air through the ice matrix into the bubbles. While the first effect cannot be totally excluded, comparison of the Law Dome and DML record shows that dissolved air diffusing to bubbles cannot be responsible for the pre-industrial variation. Therefore, the new record is not a proof of the Law Dome results but the first very strong support from an ice core of the Antarctic plateau.


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La nueva legislación en materia fitosanitaria se dirige hacia una Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP). Estos programas dan preferencia a aquellos métodos más respetuosos y sostenibles con el medio ambiente, siendo piezas claves en ellos el control biológico, el físico y otros de carácter no químico. Sin embargo, el uso de insecticidas selectivos es a veces necesario para el adecuado manejo de plagas en cultivos hortícolas. Por ello, el objetivo general de este estudio es aportar conocimientos para mejorar el control de plagas en cultivos hortícolas, mediante la integración de tres estrategias de lucha: biológica, física y química. Una parte de este trabajo ha consistido en el estudio de los posibles efectos que mallas tratadas con insecticida (bifentrin) pudieran provocar mediante diferentes ensayos de laboratorio, invernadero y campo, en los enemigos naturales Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (depredador de trips), Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) (depredador de mosca blanca y Tuta absoluta (Meirick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)), y otros agentes de biocontrol comúnmente usados en cultivos hortícolas protegidos. Este tipo de mallas se han empleado con éxito en entomología médica para controlar mosquitos vectores de la malaria, y actualmente se está trabajando en su desarrollo para uso agrícola como método de exclusión, y método directo de control de plagas. En los ensayos realizados en laboratorio, O. laevigatus y N. tenuis no fueron capaces de detectar la presencia de bifentrin en el ensayo de preferencia. Además, no se produjo mortalidad a corto plazo (72 horas) en ambos chinches depredadores. Por el contrario, se registró una elevada mortalidad cuando se expusieron por contacto a la malla tratada durante 72 horas en cajas de dimensiones reducidas (10 cm de diámetro X 3 cm de altura). En ensayos llevados a cabo bajo condiciones más reales de exposición, en un invernadero experimental con jaulas de 25 X 25 X 60 cm de altura, no se produjo ningún efecto en la mortalidad a corto plazo (72 horas) o en los parámetros reproductivos de O. laevigatus y N. tenuis. Finalmente, en ensayos de campo realizados en túneles semi-comerciales (8 m de largo X 6,5 m de ancho X 2,6 m de altura), ni las condiciones ambientales [temperatura, humedad relativa, radiación ultravioleta (UV) y fotosintéticamente activa (PAR)], ni los enemigos naturales, se vieron afectados por la presencia de la malla tratada con bifentrin en el cultivo. Sin embargo, los resultados no fueron concluyentes, debido al bajo establecimiento de los agentes de biocontrol liberados. Por lo tanto, más estudios son necesarios en invernaderos comerciales para confirmar los resultados preliminares de compatibilidad. Además, en este trabajo se han evaluado los efectos letales (mortalidad) y subletales (parámetros reproductivos) de seis modernos insecticidas sobre los chinches depredadores O. laevigatus y N. tenuis, mediante ensayos de laboratorio y persistencia. Los ensayos se realizaron por contacto residual, aplicando los insecticidas a la dosis máxima de campo sobre placas de cristal (laboratorio) o plantas (persistencia). Los productos fitosanitarios se seleccionaron por representar a un grupo de modernos plaguicidas con modos de acción en principio más selectivos para los enemigos naturales que antiguos plaguicidas como organoclorados, oroganofosforados o carbamatos, y por su uso frecuente en cultivos hortícolas donde O. laevigatus y N. tenuis están presentes. Todos ellos están incluidos o en proceso de inclusión en la lista comunitaria de sustancias activas para uso agrícola, Anexo I de la Directiva 91/414/CEE: abamectina y emamectina (avermectinas neurotóxicas, activadoras del canal del cloro), deltametrina (piretroide neurotóxico, modulador del canal del sodio, control positivo), flubendiamida (neurotóxico, modulador del receptor de rianodina), spinosad (naturalito neurotóxico, agonistas/antagonistas del receptor de nicotínico acetilcolina) y spiromesifen (inhibidor de la acetil CoA carboxilasa). El estudio mostró que O. laevigatus fue más susceptible a los insecticidas que N. tenuis. Además, los resultados revelaron que flubendiamida y spiromesifen fueron compatibles con los dos enemigos naturales estudiados, y por tanto se podrían usar en programas de GIP. Por el contrario, los insecticidas abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina y spinosad no fueron selectivos para ninguno de los chinches depredadores. Sin embargo, los estudios de persistencia demostraron que a pesar de que estos insecticidas no proporcionaron selectividad fisiológica, pueden proporcionar selectividad ecológica en algunos casos. Abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina y spinosad podrían ser compatibles con N. tenuis si el enemigo natural es introducido en el cultivo 4 días después de su aplicación. En el caso de O. laevigatus, abamectina, deltametrina y spinosad se clasificaron como persistentes, por lo tanto es necesario completar el estudio con experimentos de semi-campo y campo que determinen si es posible su uso conjunto en programas de GIP. Por otro lado, emamectina podría ser compatible con O. laevigatus si el enemigo natural es introducido en el cultivo 7 días después de su aplicación. Por último, se ha comprobado la selectividad de tres insecticidas aceleradores de la muda (MACs) (metoxifenocida, tebufenocida y RH-5849) sobre O. laevigatus y N. tenuis. Además de realizar estudios para evaluar la toxicidad en laboratorio de los insecticidas por contacto residual e ingestión (principal modo de acción de los MAC´s), se extrajo RNA de los insectos y con el cDNA obtenido se secuenció y clonó el dominio de unión al ligando (LBD) del receptor de ecdisona correspondiente a O. laevigatus (OlEcR-LBD) y N. tenuis (NtEcR-LBD). Posteriormente, se obtuvo la configuración en tres dimensiones del LBD y se estudió el acoplamiento de las moléculas de los tres insecticidas en la cavidad que forman las 12 α-hélices que constituyen el EcR-LBD. En el caso de N. tenuis se debe mencionar que no fue posible la obtención de la secuencia completa del LBD. Sin embargo, se obtuvo una secuencia parcial (hélice 6-hélice 11), que mostró una alta conservación de aminoácidos con respecto a la obtenida en O. laevigatus. Los ensayos de toxicidad mostraron que metoxifenocida, tebufenocida y RH-5849 no produjeron ningún efecto nocivo en ambos depredadores. Además, los estudios de modelado por homología y acoplamiento molecular llevados a cabo con O. laevigatus, también indicaron que los MACs no produjeron ningún efecto deletéreo en este enemigo natural. Por lo tanto, estos compuestos pueden ser aplicados de manera segura en programas de GIP en los cuales O. laevigatus y N. tenuis estén presentes. ABSTRACT The new pesticide legislation on pest control is aimed at integrated pest management (IPM). These programs are based on the most environmentally sustainable approaches, where biological, physical control and other non-chemical methods are the cornerstone. However, selective pesticides are often required for pest management on horticultural crops. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to provide knowledge to improve pest control on horticultural crops through the integration of three strategies: biological, physical and chemical. Firstly, the effects of insecticide treated nets (bifenthrin) were evaluated in different laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments on the natural enemies Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (predator of thrips), Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) (predator of whiteflies and Tuta absoluta (Meirick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)), and other biocontrol agents commonly used on protected horticultural crops. These types of nets have been successfully used in medical entomology to control mosquito malaria vectors, and work is currently being done on their use as exclusion barriers and as a direct method of pest control in agriculture. In experiments made under laboratory conditions, O. laevigatus and N. tenuis were not able to detect the presence of bifenthrin in a dual-choice test. Furthermore, no shortterm mortality (72 hours) was recorded on both predatory bugs. In contrast, a high mortality rate was found when they were exposed by contact to the bifenthrin-treated net for 72 hours in small cages (10 cm diameter X 3 cm high). In assays carried out under more realistic conditions of exposure, in an experimental greenhouse with cages of 25 X 25 X 60 cm high, short-term mortality (72 hours) and reproductive parameters were not affected. Lastly, in field experiments carried out in semi-commercial tunnels (8 m long X 6.5 m width X 2.6 m high), neither environmental conditions [temperature, relative humidity, ultraviolet (UV) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)] nor natural enemies were affected by the presence of the bifenthrin-treated net on the crop. However, results were not conclusive, mainly due to a low settlement of the released biocontrol agents, and further studies are needed in commercial greenhouses to confirm our preliminary results of compatibility. Secondly, the lethal (mortality) and sublethal effects (reproductive parameters) of six modern pesticides on the predatory bugs O. laevigatus and N. tenuis has been evaluated through laboratory and persistence experiments. Trials were carried out by residual contact, applying the insecticides to the maximum field recommended concentration on glass plates (laboratory) or plants (persistence). Insecticides were chosen as representatives of modern pesticides with a more selective mode of action on natural enemies than organochlorine, organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides. Moreover, they were also chosen because of their frequent use on horticultural crops where O. laevigatus and N. tenuis are present. All of them have been included or have been requested for inclusion in the community list of active substances on the agricultural market, Annex I of the European Directive 91/414/EEC: abamectin and emamectin (neurotoxic avermectins, chloride channel activators), deltamethrin (neutotoxic pyrethroid, sodium channel modulator, positive commercial standard), flubendiamide (neurotoxic, rianodine receptor modulator), spinosad (neurotoxic naturalyte, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor allosteric activator) and spiromesifen (inhibitors of acetyl CoA carboxylase). The study showed that O. laevigatus was more susceptible to all the studied pesticides than N. tenuis. In addition, the research results indicated no impact of flubendiamide and spiromesifen on the two natural enemies studied under laboratory conditions. Consequently, both pesticides are candidates to be included in IPM programmes where these biocontrol agents are present. On the other hand, abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin and spinosad were not selective for both predatory bugs in laboratory experiments. However, persistence test demonstrated that in spite of the lack of physiological selectivity, these pesticides can provide ecological selectivity in some cases. Abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin and spinosad could be compatible with N. tenuis if the mirid bug is released 4 days after the insecticide treatment on the crop. With regard to O. laevigatus, abamectin, deltamethrin and spinosad were classified as persistent in our assays, thus the study should be completed with semi-field and field experiments in order to ascertain their possible joint use in IPM programs. In contrast, emamectin could be compatible with O. laevigatus if the pirate bug is released 7 days after the insecticide treatment on the crop. Finally, the selectivity of three moulting accelerating compounds (MACs) (methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide and RH-5849) has also been evaluated on O. laevigatus and N. tenuis. In addition to laboratory experiments to evaluate the toxicity of the insecticides by residual contact and ingestion, molecular approaches were used as well. RNA of both insects was isolated, cDNA was subsequently synthesized and the complete sequence of the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the ecdysone receptor of O. laevigatus (OlEcR-LBD) and N. tenuis (NtEcR-LBD) were determined. Afterwards, the three dimensional structure of LBD was constructed. Finally, the docking of the insecticide molecules in the cavity delineated by the 12 α-helix that composed the EcRLBD was performed. In the case of N. tenuis, it should be noted that in spite of intensive efforts, we did not manage to complete the sequence for the LBD.However, a partial sequence of the LBD was obtained (helix 6-helix 11), and a strong conservation between the amino acids of N. tenuis and O. laevigatus was observed. Results showed no biological activity of methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide and RH-5849, on both predatory bugs. Moreover, modeling of the OlEcR-LBD and docking experiments also suggested that MACs were devoid of any deleterious effect on O. laevigatus. Therefore, our results indicate that these compounds could be safely applied in IPM programs in which O. laevigatus and N. tenuis are present.


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In this chapter we will introduce the reader to the techniques of the Boundary Element Method applied to simple Laplacian problems. Most classical applications refer to electrostatic and magnetic fields, but the Laplacian operator also governs problems such as Saint-Venant torsion, irrotational flow, fluid flow through porous media and the added fluid mass in fluidstructure interaction problems. This short list, to which it would be possible to add many other physical problems governed by the same equation, is an indication of the importance of the numerical treatment of the Laplacian operator. Potential theory has pioneered the use of BEM since the papers of Jaswon and Hess. An interesting introduction to the topic is given by Cruse. In the last five years a renaissance of integral methods has been detected. This can be followed in the books by Jaswon and Symm and by Brebbia or Brebbia and Walker.In this chapter we shall maintain an elementary level and follow a classical scheme in order to make the content accessible to the reader who has just started to study the technique. The whole emphasis has been put on the socalled "direct" method because it is the one which appears to offer more advantages. In this section we recall the classical concepts of potential theory and establish the basic equations of the method. Later on we discuss the discretization philosophy, the implementation of different kinds of elements and the advantages of substructuring which is unavoidable when dealing with heterogeneous materials.


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La observación de la Tierra es una herramienta de gran utilidad en la actualidad para el estudio de los fenómenos que se dan en la misma. La observación se puede realizar a distintas escalas y por distintos métodos dependiendo del propósito. El actual Trabajo Final de Grado persigue exponer la observación del territorio mediante técnicas de Teledetección, o Detección Remota, y su aplicación en la exploración de hidrocarburos. Desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial el capturar imágenes aéreas de regiones de la Tierra estaba restringido a usos cartográficos en el sentido estricto. Desde aquellos tiempos, hasta ahora, ha acontecido una serie de avances científicos que permiten deducir características intrínsecas de la Tierra mediante mecanismos complejos que no apreciamos a simple vista, pero que, están configurados mediante determinados parámetros geométricos y electrónicos, que permiten generar series temporales de fenómenos físicos que se dan en la Tierra. Hoy en día se puede afirmar que el aprovechamiento del espectro electromagnético está en un punto máximo. Se ha pasado del análisis de la región del espectro visible al análisis del espectro en su totalidad. Esto supone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos, técnicas y procesos para extraer la mayor cantidad de información acerca de la interacción de la materia con la radiación electromagnética. La información que generan los sistemas de captura va a servir para la aplicación directa e indirecta de métodos de prospección de hidrocarburos. Las técnicas utilizadas en detección por sensores remotos, aplicadas en campañas geofísicas, son utilizadas para minimizar costes y maximizar resultados en investigaciones de campo. La predicción de anomalías en la zona de estudio depende del analista, quien diseña, calcula y evalúa las variaciones de la energía electromagnética reflejada o emitida por la superficie terrestre. Para dicha predicción se revisarán distintos programas espaciales, se evaluará la bondad de registro y diferenciación espectral mediante el uso de distintas clasificaciones (supervisadas y no supervisadas). Por su influencia directa sobre las observaciones realizadas, se realiza un estudio de la corrección atmosférica; se programan distintos modelos de corrección atmosférica para imágenes multiespectrales y se evalúan los métodos de corrección atmosférica en datos hiperespectrales. Se obtendrá temperatura de la zona de interés utilizando los sensores TM-4, ASTER y OLI, así como un Modelo Digital del Terreno generado por el par estereoscópico capturado por el sensor ASTER. Una vez aplicados estos procedimientos se aplicarán los métodos directos e indirectos, para la localización de zonas probablemente afectadas por la influencia de hidrocarburos y localización directa de hidrocarburos mediante teledetección hiperespectral. Para el método indirecto se utilizan imágenes capturadas por los sensores ETM+ y ASTER. Para el método directo se usan las imágenes capturadas por el sensor Hyperion. ABSTRACT The observation of the Earth is a wonderful tool for studying the different kind of phenomena that occur on its surface. The observation could be done by different scales and by different techniques depending on the information of interest. This Graduate Thesis is intended to expose the territory observation by remote sensing acquiring data systems and the analysis that can be developed to get information of interest. Since Second World War taking aerials photographs of scene was restricted only to a cartographic sense. From these days to nowadays, it have been developed many scientific advances that make capable the interpretation of the surface behavior trough complex systems that are configure by specific geometric and electronic parameters that make possible acquiring time series of the phenomena that manifest on the earth’s surface. Today it is possible to affirm that the exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum is on a maxim value. In the past, analysis of the electromagnetic spectrum was carry in a narrow part of it, today it is possible to study entire. This implicates the development of new algorithms, process and techniques for the extraction of information about the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation. The information that has been acquired by remote sensing sensors is going to be a helpful tool for the exploration of hydrocarbon through direct and vicarious methods. The techniques applied in remote sensing, especially in geophysical campaigns, are employed to minimize costs and maximize results of ground-based geologic investigations. Forecasting of anomalies in the region of interest depends directly on the expertise data analyst who designs, computes and evaluates variations in the electromagnetic energy reflected or emanated from the earth’s surface. For an optimal prediction a review of the capture system take place; assess of the goodness in data acquisition and spectral separability, is carried out by mean of supervised and unsupervised classifications. Due to the direct influence of the atmosphere in the register data, a study of the minimization of its influence has been done; a script has been programed for the atmospheric correction in multispectral data; also, a review of hyperspectral atmospheric correction is conducted. Temperature of the region of interest is computed using the images captured by TM-4, ASTER and OLI, in addition to a Digital Terrain Model generated by a pair of stereo images taken by ASTER sensor. Once these procedures have finished, direct and vicarious methods are applied in order to find altered zones influenced by hydrocarbons, as well as pinpoint directly hydrocarbon presence by mean of hyperspectral remote sensing. For this purpose ETM+ and ASTER sensors are used to apply the vicarious method and Hyperion images are used to apply the direct method.


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(SPA) En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo índice basado en el método directo de Lyapunov para el diseño de un algoritmo de reprogramación en tiempo real para líneas de metro. En este estudio se utiliza una versión modificada de un modelo de espacio de estados en tiempo real discreto, que considera los efectos de saturación en la línea de metro. Una vez que el modelo de espacio de estados se ha obtenido, el método directo de Lyapunov se aplica con el fin de analizar la estabilidad del sistema de la línea de metro. Como resultado de este análisis no sólo se propone un nuevo índice de estabilidad, sino también la creación de tres zonas de estabilidad para indicar el estado actual del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta un nuevo algoritmo que permite la reprogramación del calendario de los trenes en tiempo real en presencia de perturbaciones medianas. (ENG) A new Lyapunov-based index for designing a rescheduling algorithm in real time for metro lines has been proposed in this paper. A modified real time discrete space state model which considers saturation effects in the metro line has been utilized in this study. Once the space state model has been obtained, the direct method of Lyapunov is applied in order to analyze the stability of the metro line system. As a result of this analysis not only a new stability index is proposed, but also the establishment of three stability zones to indicate the current state of the system. Finally, a new algorithm which allows the rescheduling of the timetable in the real time of the trains under presence of medium disturbances has been presented.


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Studies of molecular structures at or near their equilibrium configurations have long provided information on their geometry in terms of bond distances and angles. Far-from-equilibrium structures are relatively unknown—especially for complex systems—and generally, neither their dynamics nor their average geometries can be extrapolated from equilibrium values. For such nonequilibrium structures, vibrational amplitudes and bond distances play a central role in phenomena such as energy redistribution and chemical reactivity. Ultrafast electron diffraction, which was developed to study transient molecular structures, provides a direct method for probing the nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium. Here we present our ultrafast electron diffraction observations of transient structures for two cyclic hydrocarbons. At high internal energies of ≈4 eV, these molecules display markedly different behavior. For 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene, excitation results in the formation of hot ground-state structures with bond distances similar to those of the initial structure, but with nearly three times the average vibrational amplitude. Energy is redistributed within 5 ps, but with a negative temperature characterizing the nonequilibrium population. In contrast, the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene is shown to result in hot structures with a C—C bond distance of over 1.7 Å, which is 0.2 Å away from any expected equilibrium value. Even up to 400 ps, energy remains trapped in large-amplitude motions comprised of torsion and asymmetric stretching. These studies promise a new direction for studying structural dynamics in nonequilibrium complex systems.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en examinar la rivalidad intra y entre grupos estratégicos de una industria. La literatura sobre la materia sugiere que las evidencias empíricas detectadas pueden verse afectadas por problemas operativos relacionados con la medición de la rivalidad. Como novedad, la metodología aplicada propone la utilización de dos enfoques de medición de la rivalidad, uno indirecto mediante la estimación de la variación conjetural, y una evaluación directa a través de las noticias sobre acciones y reacciones estratégicas detectadas en las publicaciones. La aplicación empírica realizada en el mercado español de depósitos bancarios no permite asegurar nada acerca de la mayor o menor rivalidad intra que entre grupos; pero los grupos estratégicos permiten predecir la forma en que cada entidad compite con las demás.


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This paper presents a method to interpolate a periodic band-limited signal from its samples lying at nonuniform positions in a regular grid, which is based on the FFT and has the same complexity order as this last algorithm. This kind of interpolation is usually termed “the missing samples problem” in the literature, and there exists a wide variety of iterative and direct methods for its solution. The one presented in this paper is a direct method that exploits the properties of the so-called erasure polynomial and provides a significant improvement on the most efficient method in the literature, which seems to be the burst error recovery (BER) technique of Marvasti’s The paper includes numerical assessments of the method’s stability and complexity.


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Objective: To analyse the time evolution of the rates of mortality due to motor vehicle traffic accidents (MVTA) injuries that occurred among the general population of Comunitat Valenciana between 1987 and 2011, as well as to identify trend changes by sex and age group. Methods: An observational study of annual mortality trends between 1987 and 2011. We studied all deaths due to MVTA injuries that occurred during this period of time among the non-institutionalised population residing in Comunitat Valenciana (a Spanish Mediterranean region that had a population of 5,117,190 inhabitants in 2011). The rates of mortality due to MVTA injuries were calculated for each sex and year studied. These rates were standardised by age for the total population and for specific age groups using the direct method (age-standardised rate – ASR). Joinpoint regression models were used in order to detect significant trend changes. Additionally, the annual percentage change (APC) of the ASRs was calculated for each trend segment, which is reflected in statistically significant joinpoints. Results: For all ages, ASRs decrease greatly in both men and women (70% decrease between 1990 and 2011). In 1990 and 2011, men have rates of 36.5 and 5.2 per 100,000 men/year, respectively. In the same years, women have rates of 8.0 and 0.9 per 100,000 women/year, respectively. This decrease reaches up to 90% in the age group 15–34 years in both men and women. ASR ratios for men and women increased over time for all ages: this ratio was 3.9 in 1987; 4.6 in 1990; and 5.8 in 2011. For both men and women, there is a first significant segment (p < 0.05) with an increasing trend between 1987 and 1989–1990. After 1990, there are 3 segments with a significant decreasing APC (1990–1993, 1993–2005 and 2005–2011, in the case of men; and 1989–1996, 1999–2007 and 2007–2011, in the case of women). Conclusion: The risk of death due to motor vehicle traffic accidents injuries has decreased significantly, especially in the case of women, for the last 25 years in Comunitat Valenciana, mainly as of 2006. This may be a consequence of the road-safety measures that have been implemented in Spain and in Comunitat Valenciana since 2004. The economic crisis that this country has undergone since 2008 may have also been a contributing factor to this decrease. Despite the decrease, ASR ratios for men and women increased over time and it is still a high-risk cause of death among young men. It is thus important that the measures that helped decrease the risk of death are maintained and improved over time.


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Results are presented of application of laser stepwise photoionization of atoms in combination with thermal atomization of matter in vacuum for direct determination of aluminum dissolved in sea and interstitial waters. Dry residue from evaporation of 40 ?l sea water was atomized in a crucible at 1800°C, and aluminum atoms in the beam thus formed were energized into Rydberg state in two steps by two tunable dye laser beams; the atoms were then ionized by an electric pulse and resulting ions were recorded by secondary emission electron multiplier (ion detector). Ionic signal dependence on sample vaporization time was studied. The procedure is suggested for separating out a selective signal in a single measurement. Dissolved aluminum concentrations in interstitial waters of the Indian Ocean and in waters of the river-sea zone were determined using preliminarily plotted calibration characteristics for aluminum solutions in deionized and sea waters. The minimum detectable Al concentration in seawater was 1 ?g/l that corresponds to 40 pg of Al in a sample.


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Mineralogical analysis is often used to assess the liberation properties of particles. A direct method of estimating liberation is to actually break particles and then directly obtain liberation information from applying mineralogical analysis to each size-class of the product. Another technique is to artificially apply random breakage to the feed particle sections to estimate the resultant distribution of product particle sections. This technique provides a useful alternative estimation method. Because this technique is applied to particle sections, the actual liberation properties for particles can only be estimated by applying stereological correction. A recent stereological technique has been developed that allows the discrepancy between the linear intercept composition distribution and the particle section composition distribution to be used as guide for estimating the particle composition distribution. The paper will show results validating this new technique using numerical simulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was to measure susceptibility to pattern glare within a stroke group, employing a direct method of assessment. Twenty stroke subjects, aged 38-85 years, were recruited, along with an age-matched control group (n = 20). Assessment of pattern glare susceptibility was undertaken using the pattern glare test. An abnormal degree of pattern glare is present when individuals score >1 on the mid-high spatial frequency difference variable, a relative score that allows for normalization of the subject, or >3 when viewing the mid spatial frequency grating. Stroke subjects demonstrate elevated levels of pattern glare compared to normative data values and a control population, as determined using the pattern glare test. This was most notable when considering the output measure for the mid-high difference variable. The mean score for the mid-high difference variable was 2.15 SD 1.27 for the stroke subjects versus 0.10 SD 1.12 for the control subjects. When considering the mid-high difference variable, 75% of the stroke group recorded an abnormal level of pattern glare compared to 5% in the control group. This study demonstrates an association between stroke subjects and elevated levels of pattern glare. Cortical hyperexcitability has been shown to present following stroke, and this has been proposed as a plausible explanation for the perceptual distortions experienced by individuals susceptible to pattern glare. Further work to assess the benefits of spectral filters in reducing perceptual distortions in stroke patients is currently underway.


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Image segmentation is one of the most computationally intensive operations in image processing and computer vision. This is because a large volume of data is involved and many different features have to be extracted from the image data. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of practical issues related to the implementation of several classes of image segmentation algorithms on parallel architectures. The Transputer is used as the basic building block of hardware architectures and Occam is used as the programming language. The segmentation methods chosen for implementation are convolution, for edge-based segmentation; the Split and Merge algorithm for segmenting non-textured regions; and the Granlund method for segmentation of textured images. Three different convolution methods have been implemented. The direct method of convolution, carried out in the spatial domain, uses the array architecture. The other two methods, based on convolution in the frequency domain, require the use of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Parallel implementations of two different Fast Fourier Transform algorithms have been developed, incorporating original solutions. For the Row-Column method the array architecture has been adopted, and for the Vector-Radix method, the pyramid architecture. The texture segmentation algorithm, for which a system-level design is given, demonstrates a further application of the Vector-Radix Fourier transform. A novel concurrent version of the quad-tree based Split and Merge algorithm has been implemented on the pyramid architecture. The performance of the developed parallel implementations is analysed. Many of the obtained speed-up and efficiency measures show values close to their respective theoretical maxima. Where appropriate comparisons are drawn between different implementations. The thesis concludes with comments on general issues related to the use of the Transputer system as a development tool for image processing applications; and on the issues related to the engineering of concurrent image processing applications.


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The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to produce a direct method to design structures subject to deflection constraints at the working loads. The work carried out can be divided into four main parts. In the first part, a direct design procedure for plane steel frames subjected to sway limitations is proposed. The stiffness equations are modified so that the sway in each storey is equal to some specified values. The modified equations are then solved by iteration to calculate the cross-sectional properties of the columns as well as the other joint displacements. The beam sections are selected initially and then altered in an effort to reduce the total material cost of the frame. A linear extrapolation technique is used to reduce this cost. In this design, stability functions are used so that the effect of axial loads in the members are taken into consideration. The final reduced cost design is checked for strength requirements and the members are altered accordingly. In the second part, the design method is applied to the design of reinforced concrete frames in which the sway in the columns play an active part in the design criteria. The second moment of area of each column is obtained by solving the modified stiffness equations and then used to calculate the mlnlmum column depth required. Again the frame has to be checked for all the ultimate limit state load cases. In the third part, the method is generalised to design pin-jointed space frames for deflection limitatlions. In these the member areas are calculated so that the deflection at a specified joint is equal to its specified value. In the final part, the Lagrange multiplier technique is employed to obtain an optimum design for plane rigidly jointed steel frames. The iteration technique is used here to solve the modified stiffness equations as well as derivative equations obtained in accordance to the requirements of the optimisation method.