876 resultados para Digital Signal Processing


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This paper employs a unique decentralised cooperative control method to realise a formation-based collision avoidance strategy for a group of autonomous vehicles. In this approach, the vehicles' role in the formation and their alert and danger areas are first defined, and the formation-based intra-group and external collision avoidance methods are then proposed to translate the collision avoidance problem into the formation stability problem. The extension–decomposition–aggregation formation control method is next employed to stabilise the original and modified formations, whilst manoeuvring, and subsequently solve their collision avoidance problem indirectly. Simulation study verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the intra-group and external collision avoidance strategy. It is demonstrated that both formation control and collision avoidance problems can be simultaneously solved if the stability of the expanded formation including external obstacles can be satisfied.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo de novos dispositivos fotónicos aplicados a sistemas de comunicações por fibra óptica e a sistemas de processamento de sinais RF. Os dispositivos apresentados baseiam-se em processamento de sinal linear e não linear. Dispositivos lineares ópticos tais como o interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder permitem adicionar sinais ópticos com pesos fixos ou sintonizáveis. Desta forma, este dispositivo pode ser usado respectivamente como um filtro óptico em amplitude com duas saídas complementares, ou, como um filtro óptico de resposta de fase sintonizável. O primeiro princípio de operação serve como base para um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. O segundo princípio de operação é explorado num novo sistema fotónico de direccionamento do campo eléctrico radiado por um agregado de antenas, e também num novo compensador sintonizável de dispersão cromática. O processamento de sinal é não linear quando sinais ópticos são atrasados e posteriormente misturados entre si, em vez de serem linearmente adicionados. Este princípio de operação está por detrás da mistura de um sinal eléctrico com um sinal óptico, que por sua vez é a base de um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. A mistura de sinais ópticos em meios não lineares permite uma operação eficiente numa grande largura espectral. Tal operação é usada para realizar conversão de comprimento de onda sintonizável. Um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal de elevada largura de banda é misturado com duas bombas ópticas não moduladas com base em processos não lineares paramétricos num guia de ondas de niobato de lítio com inversão periódica da polarização dos domínios ferroeléctricos. Noutro trabalho, uma bomba pulsada em que cada pulso tem um comprimento de onda sintonizável serve como base a um novo conversor de sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal para um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda. A bomba é misturada com o sinal óptico de entrada através de um processo não linear paramétrico numa fibra óptica com parâmetro não linear elevado. Todos os dispositivos fotónicos de processamento de sinal linear ou não linear propostos são experimentalmente validados. São também modelados teoricamente ou através de simulação, com a excepção dos que envolvem mistura de sinais ópticos. Uma análise qualitativa é suficiente nestes últimos dispositivos.


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The IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing (ICONS 2003) was organized under the auspices of the recently founded IFAC Technical Committee on Cognition and Control, and it was the first IFAC event specifically devoted to this theme. Recognizing the importance of soft-computing techniques for fields covered by other IFAC Technical Committees, ICONS 2003 was a multi-track Conference, co-sponsored by four additional Technical Committees: Computers for Control, Optimal Control, Control in Agriculture, and Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing. The Portuguese Society for Automatic Control (APCA) hosted ICONS 2003, which was held at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.


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SYSID is organized every three years. This will be the first SYSID symposium in the 3rd millenium and the second SYSID symposium to take place in The Netherlands. The symposium covers all major aspects of system identification, experimental modelling, signal processing and adaptive control from theoretical and methodological developments to practical applications in a wide range of application areas. The aim of the meeting is to promote the research activities and the cooperation between researchers in these areas. To enhance the applications and industrial perspective of the symposium, participation from industrial authors is particularly encouraged. This will be the first Council meeting after the World Congress in Barcelona last year. The year that has passed has been very active indeed. Following the restructuring of the Technical Board which was endorsed in Barcelona, the 39 Technical Committees within the Technical Board have taken up their work and, after a year, we may say that work is proceeding very smoothly and a lot of activities are going on which will be reported on in greater detail after the meeting of the Technical Board in Rotterdam. The scopes of all these 39 Technical Committees have been revised and were published in Issue 1, 2003 of the IFAC Newsletter, which was published on the web. Shortly a document for download with all the scopes will be available on the web.


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Residue Number System (RNS) based Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters and traditional FIR filters. This research is motivated by the importance of an efficient filter implementation for digital signal processing. The comparison is done in terms of speed and area requirement for various filter specifications. RNS based FIR filters operate more than three times faster and consumes only about 60% of the area than traditional filter when number of filter taps is more than 32. The area for RNS filter is increasing at a lesser rate than that for traditional resulting in lower power consumption. RNS is a nonweighted number system without carry propogation between different residue digits.This enables simultaneous parallel processing on all the digits resulting in high speed addition and multiplication in the RNS domain


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Surface (Lambertain) color is a useful visual cue for analyzing material composition of scenes. This thesis adopts a signal processing approach to color vision. It represents color images as fields of 3D vectors, from which we extract region and boundary information. The first problem we face is one of secondary imaging effects that makes image color different from surface color. We demonstrate a simple but effective polarization based technique that corrects for these effects. We then propose a systematic approach of scalarizing color, that allows us to augment classical image processing tools and concepts for multi-dimensional color signals.


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The main objective of this thesis was the integration of microstructure information in synoptic descriptors of turbulence, that reflects the mixing processes. Turbulent patches are intermittent in space and time, but they represent the dominant process for mixing. In this work, the properties of turbulent patches were considered the potential input for integrating the physical microscale measurements. The development of a method for integrating the properties of the turbulent patches required solving three main questions: a) how can we detect the turbulent patches from he microstructure measurements?; b) which are the most relevant properties of the turbulent patches?; and ) once an interval of time has been selected, what kind of synoptic parameters could better reflect the occurrence and properties of the turbulent patches? The answers to these questions were the final specific objectives of this thesis.


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This paper introduces a procedure for filtering electromyographic (EMG) signals. Its key element is the Empirical Mode Decomposition, a novel digital signal processing technique that can decompose my time-series into a set of functions designated as intrinsic mode functions. The procedure for EMG signal filtering is compared to a related approach based on the wavelet transform. Results obtained from the analysis of synthetic and experimental EMG signals show that Our method can be Successfully and easily applied in practice to attenuation of background activity in EMG signals. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Asynchronous Optical Sampling has the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient sperctrometry. The design of an inexpensive control scheme for synchronising two femtosecond pulse frequency comb generators at an offset frequency of 20 kHz is discussed. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing recorded THz transients in the time and frequency domain are outlined. Finally, possibilities for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms are mentioned.


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The simulation and development work that has been undertaken to produce a signal equaliser used to improve the data rates from oil well logging instruments is presented. The instruments are lowered into the drill bore hole suspended by a cable which has poor electrical characteristics. The equaliser described in the paper corrects for the distortions that occur from the cable (dispersion and attenuation) with the result that the instrument can send data at 100 K.bits/second down its own suspension cable of 12 Km in length. The use of simulation techniques and tools were invaluable in generating a model for the distortions and proved to be a useful tool when site testing was not available.


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This volume is based upon the 2nd IEEE European Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, held in Prague, August 1996.