983 resultados para Diesel fine particles


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In this research, the drying process of acerola waste was investigated by using a spouted bed drier. The process was conducted using high density polyethylene inert particles with the objective of producing an ascorbic acid-rich final product. The fruit waste was ground and used to prepare different water-maltodextrin suspensions. Initially, fluidynamical experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the feeding effect on the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior. The experimental planning 23 + 3 was used to investigate the effect of the following variables: solids concentration, drying air temperature, intermittence time, production efficiency, solids retention and product losses by elutriation of fine particles on drier walls. The effect of selected independent variables on the drier stability was also evaluated based on a parameter defined as the ratio between the feed suspension volume and the total inert particles volume. Finally, the powder quality was verified in experiments with fixed feed flow and varying air drying temperature, drying air velocity and intermittence time. It was observed that the suspension interferes in the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior, and higher air flow is necessary to stabilize the drier. The suspension also promotes the expansion of the spouted bed diameter, decreases the solid circulation and favors the air distribution at the flush area. All variables interfere in the spouted bed performance, and the solids concentration has a major effect on the material retention and losses. The intermittence time also has great effect on the stability and material retention. When it comes to production efficiency, the main effect observed was the drying air temperature. First order models were well adjusted to retention and losses data. The acerola powder presented ascorbic acid levels around 600 to 700 mg/100g. Similar moisture and ascorbic acid levels were obtained for powders obtained by spouted bed and spray drier. However, the powder production efficiency of the spray drier was lower when compared to spouted bed drier. When it comes to energetic analysis, the spray drier process was superior. The results obtained for spouted bed drier are promising and highly dependent on the operational parameters chosen, but in general, it is inferred that this drying process is adequate for paste and suspension drying


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Na região de Rio Claro (SP), localiza-se o Pólo Cerâmico de Santa Gertrudes, responsável por cerca de 50% da produção nacional de revestimentos. Durante o beneficiamento da argila e preparação da massa, cerca de 2 a 3% argila fina é colocada em suspensão no ar, sendo quase toda retida nos filtros de manga. Esse material fino, por problemas de homogeneização ou tecnológico, representa perda de material e se constitui em um potencial agente de contaminação do ar e da água, necessitando ser armazenado. A presente pesquisa buscou viabilizar o aproveitamento do pó retido nos filtros, no próprio processo, através da granulação da massa por aspersão de barbotina preparada com o pó. Investigaram-se a composição ideal da barbotina e a influência dessa metodologia no produto final, comparando a massa granulada por aspersão com a massa-padrão.


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Topography has been reported to be the major factor ruling the spatial distribution of Acrisols, Plinthosols and Gleysols on the seasonally flooded, low elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon basin occupied by Tertiary (Ica & Solimoes) sediments. In this study, detailed morphological and mineralogical investigations conducted in a representative 25-ha site were combined with hydro-geochemical data to relate the vertical and lateral soil differentiations observed to the hydro-geological history of that part of the basin. As a result of the uplift of the Andes, several cuts in the extensive Tertiary marshlands have formed, at first, slightly incised plateaux of low elevation. There, weathering under hot and humid climates would have generated a reddish, freely drained and bioturbated topsoil layer and the vertical differentiation in subsoil sediments of a plinthite over an iron-depleted mottled clay. The second episode of soil differentiation is linked to the replacement of the forest by a savannah under the drier climates of the late Pleistocene, which favours surface runoff and the infill of the incisions by fine particles. This infill, combined with the return to the present humid climate, has then enabled the local groundwater to rise on the plateaux and to generate episaturation at the topsoil/subsoil transition close to the depressions. Nowadays, ferrous iron is released from the partly iron-depleted topsoil weathering front at high water levels during the rainy seasons. It moves from footslope to low-lying positions and from top to bottom in the soil profile according to the groundwater dynamics. The present general trend is thus to the lateral export of iron at high water levels due to subsurface and overland flows, its vertical transfer during the recession of the groundwater and accumulation in a nodular plinthite. In the latter, ferrous iron is adsorbed onto its softest iron masses where it feeds the neoformation of ferrihydrite that rapidly dehydrates into haematite.


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Seasonal variability in the major soluble ion composition of atmospheric particulate matter in the principal sugar cane growing region of central São Paulo State indicates that pre-harvest burning of sugar cane plants is an important influence on the regional scale aerosol chemistry. Samples of particulate matter were collected between April 1999 and February 2001 in coarse (> 3.5 mum) and fine (< 3.5 mum) fractions, and analysed for HCOO-, CH3COO-, C2C42-, SO42- . Results indicated that the principal sources of the aerosols investigated NO3-, Cl-, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were local or regional in nature (scale of tens to a few hundreds of km), and that differences between air masses of varying origins were small. Fine particles were typically acidic, containing secondary nitrates, sulphates and organic species. Coarse fraction concentrations were mainly influenced by physical parameters (wind speed, movement of vehicles and surface condition) affecting rates of re-suspension, although secondary nitrate and sulphate were also present in the larger particles.Concentrations of all measured species except sodium and chloride were higher during the burning season. Although concentrations were lower than often found in polluted urban environments, the massive increases during much of the year, due to a single anthropogenic activity (sugar cane burning) are indicative of a very large perturbation of the lower troposphere in the region relative to the natural condition. These aerosols are suspected of promoting respiratory disease. They also represent an important mechanism for the tropospheric transport of species relevant to surface acidification (sulphates, nitrates, ammonium and organic acids) and soil nutrient status (potassium, nitrogen, ammonium, calcium), so their impact on fragile natural ecosystems (following deposition) needs to be considered. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work involved the synthesis and characterization of Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite powders prepared by combustion reaction for use as soft magnetic materials. The powders were characterized by nitrogen adsorption (BET), XRD, Rietveld refinement, SEM, TEM and magnetic measures. The results indicate that the combustion reaction yielded crystalline powders containing spinel ferrite as the primary phase and traces of Fe2O3 as secondary phase. The crystallite size and lattice microdeformation calculated from Rietveld refinements were 36 and 0.24 nm, respectively. The micrographic analysis revealed particles smaller than 100 nm and fine particle agglomerates. The particles were approximately spherical and their size, calculated by TEM, was 29 nm. The magnetic parameters indicated that the Cu-Zn ferrite powders presented closed hysteresis loops and soft magnetic properties. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Trace element concentrations were measured in atmospheric particulate matter collected in 2009 and 2010, in a Brazilian region influenced by pre-harvest burning of sugar cane crops. For coarse particles, high concentrations of Al, Fe, K and Ca suggested that re-suspended soil dust was the main source of aerosol trace elements, subsequently confirmed by XRD analysis. High levels of K, Zn, As, Cd and Pb were found in fine particles, confirming the contribution of biomass burning and vehicle emissions, whereas Na, Al, K, Fe and Zn were the representative elements in ultrafine particles, influenced by a diversity of sources.


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Hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) são compostos orgânicos originários de fontes naturais e antrópicas e, por apresentarem potencial carcinogênico e mutagênico, são considerados poluentes prioritários por agências ambientais. Desta forma, métodos analíticos para investigação de tais compostos que sejam rápidos e de baixo custo são de relevância considerável para o monitoramento ambiental. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos otimizar um método analítico para HPAs utilizando cromatografia líquida com detecção por arranjo de diodos (HPLC-DAD) e aplicar em testemunho sedimentar de região estuarina. Para otimização e avaliação do método, uma coluna sedimentar de 46 cm de comprimento foi coletada na foz do Rio Tucunduba (Belém, Pará) e seccionada em porções de 2 cm (subamostras). Após secagem, 30 g de cada porção foram extraídos com mistura de diclorometano em acetona (1:1) em ultrassom por 40 min. Os extratos obtidos foram centrifugados, purificados em sílica-gel, adaptação em funil necessária principalmente para reter partículas finas, e em seguida concentrados em rotaevaporador à vácuo e, por fim, filtrados com membrana de nylon 0,22 μm antes da injeção no HPLC. Amostras fortificadas com padrões analíticos de 16 HPAs e brancos também foram processados da mesma maneira. Um conjunto de parâmetros para validação do método foi investigado e observou-se: (1) boa linearidade: as curvas de calibração (analíticas) apresentaram coeficientes de correlação elevadas; (2) precisão adequada: obteve-se desvio padrão relativo dentro do aceitável, sendo o mínimo de 2,1% para acenaftileno e máximo de 19,7% para o fluoranteno; (3) limites de detecção baixos: entre 0,004 a 1,085 ng g g-1, viabilizando análises em concentrações reais in situ; (4) recuperação adequada para traços: sendo a mínima de 40,0% para o acenaftileno e máxima de 103,1% para o benzo(k)fluoranteno. As concentrações de HPAs totais variaram nas seções do testemunho sedimentar entre 60,77 - 783,3 ng g-1 de sedimento seco. O método otimizado mostrou-se vantajoso com relação aos tradicionais que utilizam extrator soxhlet e colunas de adsorventes para purificação de extratos por minimizar o tempo de extração e reduzir custos com uso de volumes menores de solventes para purificação do extrato. A limitação do método, porém, foi a coeluição do criseno e do benzo(a)antraceno e a sobreposição do fluoreno e acenafteno, além da quantificação benzo(g,h,i)perileno. Essa limitação provavelmente está associada à eficiência da coluna cromatográfica disponível para a análise, que é para aplicação geral. O método mostrou-se aplicável a amostras estuarinas complexas e ricas em silte e argila. Razões diagnósticas de HPAs parentais indicam fontes petrogênicas a profundidades de 24 – 26 cm, 28 – 30 cm; e fontes pirolíticas a profundidades de 6 – 8 cm, 10 – 12 cm e 14 – 16 cm respectivamente.


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This study investigated the following aspects regarding a soakaway, i.e. an infiltration well: i) entrance filter device; ii) permeability of the geotextile; and iii) emptying time. The 3.6 m³ infiltration well drains a roof area of 241.8 m². The entrance device is made up of layers of sand, gravel and geotextile set on a metal structure. The concrete rings that form the lateral walls were covered with geotextile, and bricks were laid between the soil and concrete rings. The infiltration well remained in operation during the entire testing period, and specific events were simulated to measure the emptying time. Permeability and fine particle tests were carried out after eight months of operation. Samples of geotextile taken from the bottom, the walls and the entrance device presented average permeability reductions of approximately 50.7%, 7.7% and 21.2%, respectively. The sand in the entrance device retained around 34.8% of fine particles and the gravel retained 0.13% in the same period. The infiltration rate was approximately 34.7 mm/h. The R2 coefficient for measured and calculated times was 0.97.


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This work focuses on the study of BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM:Eu) nanophosphors prepared by a microwave-assisted combustion procedure and more especially on the polymer/BAM:Eu nanocomposite film suitable for optical devices such as solid-state-lighting. Powder presented a specific nanomorphology, highly friable and thus easily ground into fine particles. They were then homogeneously dispersed into a polymer solution (poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) or PVP) to elaborate a polymer phosphor nanocomposite. The structural, morphological and optical features of the nanocomposite film have been studied and compared to those of a pristine PVP film and BAM:Eu powder. All the characterizations (XRD, SEM, SAXS, etc.) proved that the blue phosphor nanoparticles are well incorporated into the polymer nanocomposite film which exhibited the characteristic blue emission of Eu2+ under UV light excitation. Furthermore, the photostability of the polymer/phosphor nanocomposite film has been studied after exposure to accelerated artificial photoageing at wavelengths above 300 nm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work deals with a red phosphor. Y3BO6:Eu3+, and its corresponding poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP)/Y3BO6:Eu3+ luminescent composite film suitable for applications in the next generation of Hg-free lamps based on near ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes (LEDs). Well crystallized samples of Y3BO6 powders with the Eu3+ content up to 20 mol% were prepared by the Pechini method. After structural, morphological and optical characterization, the best doping rate of Eu3+ in the matrix was determined to be 15 mol%. This optimal powder, which is highly friable, was easily ground into fine particles and homogeneously dispersed into a PVP polymer solution to give rise to a polymer phosphor composite. Structural and optical features of the composite film have been studied and compared to those of a pristine PVP film and Y3BO6:Eu3+ powder. All the characterization (XRD, SAXS, luminescence...) proved that the red phosphor particles are well incorporated into the polymer composite film which exhibited the characteristic red emission of Eu3+ under UV light excitation. Furthermore, photostability of the polymer/phosphor composite film under UV-LED irradiation was evaluated from exposure to accelerated artificial photoageing at wavelengths above 300 nm.