304 resultados para Dictyostelium Orthologs


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This study addresses the issues of spatial distribution, dispersal, and genetic heterogeneity in social groups of the cellular slime molds (CSMs). The CSMs are soil amoebae with an unusual life cycle that consists of alternating solitary and social phases. Because the social phase involves division of labor with what appears to be an extreme form of "altruism", the CSMs raise interesting evolutionary questions regarding the origin and maintenance of sociality. Knowledge of the genetic structure of social groups in the wild is necessary for answering these questions. We confirm that CSMs are widespread in undisturbed forest soil from South India. They are dispersed over long distances via the dung of a variety of large mammals. Consistent with this mode of dispersal, most social groups in the two species examined for detailed study, Dictyostelium giganteum and Dictyostelium purpureum, are multi-clonal.


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Background: HU a small, basic, histone like protein is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid. E. coli has two subunits of HU coded by hupA and hupB genes whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has only one subunit of HU coded by ORF Rv2986c (hupB gene). One noticeable feature regarding Mtb HupB, based on sequence alignment of HU orthologs from different bacteria, was that HupB(Mtb) bears at its C-terminal end, a highly basic extension and this prompted an examination of its role in Mtb HupB function. Methodology/Principal Findings: With this objective two clones of Mtb HupB were generated; one expressing full length HupB protein (HupB(Mtb)) and another which expresses only the N terminal region (first 95 amino acid) of hupB (HupB(MtbN)). Gel retardation assays revealed that HupBMtbN is almost like E. coli HU (heat stable nucleoid protein) in terms of its DNA binding, with a binding constant (K-d) for linear dsDNA greater than 1000 nM, a value comparable to that obtained for the HU alpha alpha and HU alpha beta forms. However CTR (C-terminal Region) of HupB(Mtb) imparts greater specificity in DNA binding. HupB(Mtb) protein binds more strongly to supercoiled plasmid DNA than to linear DNA, also this binding is very stable as it provides DNase I protection even up to 5 minutes. Similar results were obtained when the abilities of both proteins to mediate protection against DNA strand cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated by the Fenton's reaction, were compared. It was also observed that both the proteins have DNA binding preference for A: T rich DNA which may occur at the regulatory regions of ORFs and the oriC region of Mtb. Conclusions/Significance: These data thus point that HupB(Mtb) may participate in chromosome organization in-vivo, it may also play a passive, possibly an architectural role.


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This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.


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Heat shock protein 90 participates in diverse biological processes ranging from protein folding, cell cycle, signal transduction and development to evolution in all eukaryotes. It is also critically involved in regulating growth of protozoa such as Dictyostelium discoideum, Leishmania donovani, Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Trypanosoma evansi. Selective inhibition of Hsp90 has also been explored as an intervention strategy against important human diseases such as cancer, malaria, or trypanosomiasis. Giardia lamblia, a simple protozoan parasite of humans and animals, is an important cause of diarrheal disease with significant morbidity and some mortality in tropical countries. Here we show that the G. lamblia cytosolic hsp90 ( glhsp90) is split in two similar sized fragments located 777 kb apart on the same scaffold. Intrigued by this unique arrangement, which appears to be specific for the Giardiinae, we have investigated the biosynthesis of GlHsp90. We used genome sequencing to confirm the split nature of the giardial hsp90. However, a specific antibody raised against the peptide detected a product with a mass of about 80 kDa, suggesting a post-transcriptional rescue of the genomic defect. We show evidence for the joining of the two independent Hsp90 transcripts in-trans to one long mature mRNA presumably by RNA splicing. The splicing junction carries hallmarks of classical cis-spliced introns, suggesting that the regular cis-splicing machinery may be sufficient for repair of the open reading frame. A complementary 26-nt sequence in the ``intron'' regions adjacent to the splice sites may assist in positioning the two pre-mRNAs for processing. This is the first example of post-transcriptional rescue of a split gene by trans-splicing.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can ``make or break'' mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.


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Metallophosphoesterase-domain-containing protein 2 (MPPED2) is a highly evolutionarily conserved protein with orthologs found from worms to humans. The human MPPED2 gene is found in a region of chromosome 11 that is deleted in patients with WAGR (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation) syndrome, and MPPED2 may function as a tumor suppressor. However, the precise cellular roles of MPPED2 are unknown, and its low phosphodiesterase activity suggests that substrate hydrolysis may not be its prime function. We present here the structures of MPPED2 and two mutants, which show that the poor activity of MPPED2 is not only a consequence of the substitution of an active-site histidine residue by glycine but also due to binding of AMP or GMP to the active site. This feature, enhanced by structural elements of the protein, allows MPPED2 to utilize the conserved phosphoprotein-phosphatase-like fold in a unique manner, ensuring that its enzymatic activity can be combined with a possible role as a scaffolding or adaptor protein. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bacteria present in natural environments such as soil have evolved multiple strategies to escape predation. We report that natural isolates of Enterobacteriaceae that actively hydrolyze plant-derived aromatic beta-glucosides such as salicin, arbutin and esculin, are able to avoid predation by the bacteriovorous amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and nematodes of multiple genera belonging to the family Rhabditidae. This advantage can be observed under laboratory culture conditions as well as in the soil environment. The aglycone moiety released by the hydrolysis of beta-glucosides is toxic to predators and acts via the dopaminergic receptor Dop-1 in the case of Caenorhabditis elegans. While soil isolates of nematodes belonging to the family Rhabditidae are repelled by the aglycone, laboratory strains and natural isolates of Caenorhabditis sp. are attracted to the compound, mediated by receptors that are independent of Dop-1, leading to their death. The b-glucosides-positive (Bgl(+)) bacteria that are otherwise non-pathogenic can obtain additional nutrients from the dead predators, thereby switching their role from prey to predator. This study also offers an evolutionary explanation for the retention by bacteria of `cryptic' or `silent' genetic systems such as the bgl operon.


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The stable co-existence of individuals of different genotypes and reproductive division of labour within heterogeneous groups are issues of fundamental interest from the viewpoint of evolution. Cellular slime moulds are convenient organisms in which to address both issues. Strains of a species co-occur, as do different species; social groups are often genetically heterogeneous. Intra- and interspecies 1:1 mixes of wild isolates of Dictyostelium giganteum and D.purpureum form chimaeric aggregates, following which they segregate to varying extents. Intraspecies aggregates develop in concert and give rise to chimaeric fruiting bodies that usually contain more spores (reproductives) of one component than the other. Reproductive skew and variance in the proportion of reproductives are positively correlated. Interspecies aggregates exhibit almost complete sorting; most spores in a fruiting body come from a single species. Between strains, somatic compatibility correlates weakly with sexual compatibility. It is highest within clones, lower between strains of a species and lowest between strains of different species. Trade-offs among fitness-related traits (between compatible strains), sorting out (between incompatible strains) and avoidance (between species) appear to lie behind coexistence.


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Mutations in the CINCINNATA (CIN) gene in Antirrhinum majus and its orthologs in Arabidopsis result in crinkly leaves as a result of excess growth towards the leaf margin. CIN homologs code for TCP (TEOSINTE-BRANCHED 1, CYCLOIDEA, PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR 1 AND 2) transcription factors and are expressed in a broad zone in a growing leaf distal to the proliferation zone where they accelerate cell maturation. Although a few TCP targets are known, the functional basis of CIN-mediated leaf morphogenesis remains unclear. We compared the global transcription profiles of wild-type and the cin mutant of A. majus to identify the targets of CIN. We cloned and studied the direct targets using RNA in situ hybridization, DNA-protein interaction, chromatin immunoprecipitation and reporter gene analysis. Many of the genes involved in the auxin and cytokinin signaling pathways showed altered expression in the cin mutant. Further, we showed that CIN binds to genomic regions and directly promotes the transcription of a cytokinin receptor homolog HISTIDINE KINASE 4 (AmHK4) and an IAA3/SHY2 (INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE 3/SHORT HYPOCOTYL 2) homolog in A. majus. Our results suggest that CIN limits excess cell proliferation and maintains the flatness of the leaf surface by directly modulating the hormone pathways involved in patterning cell proliferation and differentiation during leaf growth. 10.1111/(ISSN)1469-8137


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Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that is essential for the normal functioning of eukaryotic cells. It plays crucial roles in cell signalling, cell-cycle control and in maintaining proteome integrity and protein homeostasis. In plants, Hsp90s are required for normal plant growth and development. Hsp90s are observed to be upregulated in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses and are also involved in immune responses in plants. Although there are several studies elucidating the physiological role of Hsp90s in plants, their molecular mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study, biochemical characterization of an Hsp90 protein from rice (Oryza sativa; OsHsp90) has been performed and the crystal structure of its N-terminal domain (OsHsp90-NTD) was determined. The binding of OsHsp90 to its substrate ATP and the inhibitor 17-AAG was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The protein also exhibited a weak ATPase activity. The crystal structure of OsHsp90-NTD was solved in complex with the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMPPCP at 3.1 angstrom resolution. The domain was crystallized by cross-seeding with crystals of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 from Dictyostelium discoideum, which shares 70% sequence identity with OsHsp90-NTD. This is the second reported structure of a domain of Hsp90 from a plant source.


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Despite more than 40 years of intense study, essential features of the silkmoth chorion (eggshell) are still not fully understood. To determine the precise structure of the chorion locus, we performed extensive EST analysis, constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig, and obtained a continuous genomic sequence of 871,711 base pairs. We annotated 127 chorion genes in two segments interrupted by a 164 kb region with 5 non-chorion genes, orthologs of which were on chorion bearing scaffolds in 4 ditrysian families. Detailed transcriptome analysis revealed expression throughout choriogenesis of most chorion genes originally categorized as ``middle'', and evidence for diverse regulatory mechanisms including cis-elements, alternative splicing and promoter utilization, and antisense RNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed multigene family associations and faster evolution of early chorion genes and transcriptionally active pseudogenes. Proteomics analysis identified 99 chorion proteins in the eggshell and micropyle localization of 1 early and 6 Hc chorion proteins.


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对生物模式的形成机制的探讨一直是生命科学特别是发育生物学的重要课题.目前已经积累了大量的多学科的研究数据并提出了一些的理论,但生物模式形成的真正机制仍然很不清楚而需更深入的探索.本文试图运用元胞自动机方法建立一个从单细胞及其行为到细胞与细胞、细胞与胞外环境相互作用下生物模式形成的模型.并应用此模型,基于"诱导开关"概念,提出一种新的离散模型来模拟盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)的聚集模式.


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生物学图式及其形成规律一直是生命科学特别是发育生物学的重要课题;同时也是组织工程中实现体外组织构建的核心科学问题之一。长期以来,对生物图式形成的模型研究的根本不足之处是以数理方法为基础的动力学模型研究和生物学背景的结合不够。因此,本文试图遵循生物图式本身的形成过程,寻求一条与生物学相适配的途径,即以哺乳动物组织发育/活组织工程化构建为目标,以细胞行为为基点,以力学一化学藕合作用为介导,以元胞自动机方法为基础,建立生物学图式形成的一个细胞一环境整体离散模型。应用这一整体离散模型,在不同的控制参数下,对盘基网柄菌的聚集图式和杆菌的生长图式进行了系统的分析,对血管发生(vasculogenesis)的自组装图式进行了初步的新的探索,得到了与实验研究定性上一致的结果。提出了“诱导开关”概念,对盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideu),杆菌(Bacillus)和血管内皮祖细胞(Endothelial Precursor cells,EPC)三种模式生物,分别以cAMP的信号波前,营养微粒,VEGF的浓度梯度等为诱导开关量。在对盘基网柄菌细胞接收到cAMP后分泌和定向迁移形成的聚集图式的模拟中,系统地考察了影响聚集图式的各种控制参数;一个重要的结果表明细胞初始响应间期对形成的聚集模式有十分显著的影响;引入聚集速度、回转半径、盒质量分布系数等概念对盘基网柄菌的聚集图式进行了一些定量描述的探索。在对杆菌因代谢、增殖、凋亡/衰亡而形成的生长图式的模拟中,系统地定量地分析了在初始营养浓度、营养/代谢物扩散快慢、代谢抑制三者藕合作用下的生长图式;引入定向流动边界,考察了杆菌向营养入口方向的优势生长。在对血管内皮祖细胞经vEGF分子浓度梯度场的诱导进行定向迁移,分化为血管内皮细胞,并自组装形成网状的原初毛细血管丛的模拟中,建立了一个微血管发生自组装图式的新的离散模型,为以后加入力与内皮细胞的相互作用以及血管再生等构建了一个前期模型框架;初步考察了细胞的浓度,细胞分泌vEGF分子的周期,vEGF分子的扩散时间尺度等对血管发生图式的影响因素。


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A novel method for gene enrichment has been developed and applied to mapping the rRNA genes of two eucaryotic organisms. The method makes use of antibodies to DNA/RNA hybrids prepared by injecting rabbits with the synthetic hybrid poly(rA)•poly(dT). Antibodies which cross-react with non-hybrid nucleic acids were removed from the purified IgG fraction by adsorption on columns of DNA-Sepharose, oligo(dT)-cellulose, and poly(rA)-Sepharose. Subsequent purification of the specific DNA/RNA hybrid antibody was carried out on a column of oligo(dT)-cellulose to which poly(rA) was hybridized. Attachment of these antibodies to CNBr-activated Sepharose produced an affinity resin which specifically binds DNA/RNA hybrids.

In order to map the rDNA of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, R-loops were formed using unsheared nuclear DNA and the 178 and 268 rRNAs of this organism. This mixture was passed through a column containing the affinity resin, and bound molecules containing R- loops were eluted by high salt. This purified rDN A was observed directly in the electron microscope. Evidence was obtained that there is a physical end to Dictyostelium rDN A molecules approximately 10 kilobase pairs (kbp) from the region which codes for the 268 rRNA. This finding is consistent with reports of other investigators that the rRNA genes exist as inverse repeats on extra-chromosomal molecules of DNA unattached to the remainder of the nuclear DNA in this organism.

The same general procedure was used to map the rRNA genes of the rat. Molecules of DNA which contained R-loops formed with the 188 and 288 rRNAs were enriched approximately 150- fold from total genomal rat DNA by two cycles of purification on the affinity column. Electron microscopic measurements of these molecules enabled the construction of an R-loop map of rat rDNA. Eleven of the observed molecules contained three or four R-loops or else two R-loops separated by a long spacer. These observations indicated that the rat rRNA genes are arranged as tandem repeats. The mean length of the repeating units was 37.2 kbp with a standard deviation of 1.3 kbp. These eleven molecules may represent repeating units of exactly the same length within the errors of the measurements, although a certain degree of length heterogeneity cannot be ruled out. If significantly shorter or longer repeating units exist, they are probably much less common than the 37.2 kbp unit.

The last section of the thesis describes the production of antibodies to non-histone chromosomal proteins which have been exposed to the ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The presence of low concentrations of SDS did not seem to affect either production of antibodies or their general specificity. Also, a technique is described for the in situ immunofluorescent detection of protein antigens in polyacrylamide gels.


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分子系统发育分析的主要任务包括:(1)帮助建立生命之树(tree of life);(2)追踪基因和基因家族(gene family)的起源和进化, 以获知基因在进化过程中的功能分化和伴随发生的重要分子事件(key molecular events)和形态性状的关键创新(key innovation)。这两个方面在本研究中都有所涉及。对于前者,选用植物线粒体matR基因重建被子植物蔷薇类群的系统发育关系;对于后者,则以SET基因超家族为例,探讨其在真核生物中的进化分类以及与功能多样性的关系。 I 蔷薇类的分子系统学 蔷薇类(rosids)是基于分子数据建立的被子植物的主要分支之一,包含13个目,大约三分之一的被子植物物种。两个主要蔷薇类内部分支是豆类fabids(包含7个目)和锦葵类malvids(包含3个目)。然而,这两个分支内部,以及这两个分支与蔷薇类基部类群,包括牻牛儿苗目(Geraniales)、桃金娘目(Myrtales)和流苏子目(Crossosomatales)之间的关系大多是不清楚的。本研究中,我们选取174个物种来代表72个蔷薇类(rosids)的科,利用两个数据集,即线粒体matR单基因数据集和包括线粒体matR基因、两个质体基因(rbcL、 atpB)和一个核基因(18S rDNA) 的4基因数据集,重建蔷薇类在科以上分类阶元水平的系统发育关系。同时,还对线粒体matR基因的进化特征和用于大尺度系统发育分析的适合度和潜力进行了评价。 线粒体matR单基因数据支持malvids和大多数蔷薇类目的单系性质,然而,豆类(fabids)成员没有形成一个分支,其COM亚支,包括卫矛目(Celastrales)、酢浆草目(Oxalidales)、金虎尾目(Malpighiales)和蒜树科(Huaceae),分辨为锦葵类(malvids)的姐妹群。这个关系在最近根据花结构特征曾被提出过,但从未在之前的分子系统发育分析中得到分辨。4基因数据集支持首先是牻牛儿苗目(Geraniales),接着是桃金娘目(Myrtales)作为蔷薇类(rosids)的最基部的分支;流苏子目(Crossosomatales)是锦葵类(malvids)姐妹群,以及蔷薇类(rosids)的核心部分包括豆类(fabids),锦葵类(malvids)和流苏子目(Crossosomatales)。线粒体matR基因的进化特征分析显示,与两个叶绿体基因(rbcL 和atpB)比较,同义替代速率约是它们的1/4,而非同义替代速率接近于自身的同义替代速率,表明matR 基因具有松弛的选择压力。线粒体matR基因相对慢速的进化使非同源相似(homoplasious)突变减少,提高了系统发育信息的质量,同时,松弛的选择压力使非同义替代数量增加,弥补了慢速进化导致的系统发育信息数量不足的缺陷,这两个方面的结合使线粒体matR基因非常适用于被子植物在科以上水平的系统发育研究。 II SET基因超家族的系统发育基因组学分析 SET基因超家族基因编码含有SET结构域的蛋白,在真核生物中,SET-domain蛋白一般是多结构域(multi-domain)的。SET-domain蛋白具有对组蛋白H3和H4的N末端尾部进行赖氨酸残基甲基化修饰的酶活性;从异染色质形成到基因转录,甲基化的组蛋白广泛影响染色质水平的基因调控。依据SET结构域一级序列的相似性和结构域组织(domain architecture)特征,目前,SET-domain基因超家族被划分为4-7个家族。由于这些划分或者使用动物或者使用植物SET基因,只有少数其它类群的物种加入分析,因此这样的划分可能是不完整的。本研究采用系统发育基 因组学方法(phylogenomic approach),在真核生物范围内广泛取样,期望获得相对完整的SET-domain基因家族的 进化分类方案,在此基础上加深理解SET-domain基因的进化机制和功能多样性。 在提取了17个物种,代表5个真核超群的SET蛋白序列基础上,系统发育分析结合“结构域组织特征”鉴别了9个SET基因家族,其中一个是新的SET基因家族。以前的SET8和Class VI家族,及SMYD和SUV4-20家族分别合并为一个家族。大部分家族在进化过程中发生了2次以上的基因重复事件,通过获得不同的结构域产生具有不同功能的新基因。一个SET基因家族在进化过程中推测发生了从脊椎动物祖先向盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)的水平基因转移。