866 resultados para Developmental genetics


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Bird sex determination using molecular methods has proved to be a valuable tool in different studies. Although it is possible to sex most birds by coupling the CHD assay with others available methods, no sex-determining gene like SRY in mammalians has been identified in birds. The male hypermethylated (MHM) region on the Z chromosome has been found to be hypermethylated in males and hypomethylated in females in birds of the order Galliformes. We analyzed the DNA from feathers of 50 adult chickens to verify the methylation pattern of the MHM region by PCR and the restriction enzyme HpaII (a method named MHM assay). The results, visualized in agarose gel, were compared with PCR amplification of the CHD-Z and CHD-W genes (polyacrylamide gel) and with the birds` phenotype. All males (25) showed hypermethylation of the MHM region, and all females (25) showed hypomethylation. The sexing by MHM assay was in according with phenotype and CHD sexing. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses the MHM region for sexing birds. Although the real role of the MHM region in the sex determination is still unclear, this could be a universal marker for sexing birds and may be involved in sex determination by its influence on transcriptional processes. The MHM assay could be a good alternative for CHD assay in developmental studies.


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To evaluate the meiotic spindle and chromosomal distribution of in vitro-matured oocytes from infertile nonobese women with PCOS and male or tubal causes of infertility (controls), and to compare in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between groups. Seventy four patients (26 with PCOS and 48 controls) undergoing stimulated cycles of oocyte retrieval for ICSI were selected prospectively. Thirteen PCOS patients and 27 controls had immature oocytes retrieved submitted to IVM. After IVM, oocytes showing extrusion of the first polar body were fixed and processed for evaluation of the meiotic spindle and chromosome distribution by immunofluorescence microscopy. There were no differences between PCOS and control groups with respect to IVM rates (50.0% and 42.9%, respectively) nor the percentage of meiotic abnormalities in metaphase II oocytes (35.3% and 25%, respectively). In vitro-matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles of nonobese PCOS did not have an increased ratio of meiotic abnormalities.


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The Drosophila roughest (rst) locus encodes an immunoglobulin superfamily transmembrane glycoprotein implicated in a variety of embryonic and postembryonic developmental processes. Here we demonstrate a previously unnoticed role for this gene in the autophagic elimination of larval salivary glands during early pupal stages by showing that overexpression of the Rst protein ectodomain in early pupa leads to persistence of salivary glands up to at least 12 hours after head eversion, although with variable penetrance. The same phenotype is observed in individuals carrying the dominant regulatory allele rst(D), but not in loss of function alleles. Analysis of persistent glands at the ultrastructural level showed that programmed cell death starts at the right time but is arrested at an early stage of the process. Finally we describe the expression pattern and intracellular distribution of Rst in wild type and rstD mutants, showing that its downregulation in salivary glands at the beginning of pupal stage is an important factor in the correct implementation of the autophagic program of this tissue in space and time. genesis 47:492-504, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Gene expression profiling by cDNA microarrays during murine thymus ontogeny has contributed to dissecting the large-scale molecular genetics of T cell maturation. Gene profiling, although useful for characterizing the thymus developmental phases and identifying the differentially expressed genes, does not permit the determination of possible interactions between genes. In order to reconstruct genetic interactions, on RNA level, within thymocyte differentiation, a pair of microarrays containing a total of 1,576 cDNA sequences derived from the IMAGE MTB library was applied on samples of developing thymuses (14-17 days of gestation). The data were analyzed using the GeneNetwork program. Genes that were previously identified as differentially expressed during thymus ontogeny showed their relationships with several other genes. The present method provided the detection of gene nodes coding for proteins implicated in the calcium signaling pathway, such as Prrg2 and Stxbp3, and in protein transport toward the cell membrane, such as Gosr2. The results demonstrate the feasibility of reconstructing networks based on cDNA microarray gene expression determinations, contributing to a clearer understanding of the complex interactions between genes involved in thymus/thymocyte development.


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The sciarid DNA puff C4 BhC4-1 gene is amplified and transcribed in salivary glands at the end of the larval stage. In transgenic Drosophila, the BhC4-1 promoter drives transcription in prepupal salivary glands and in the ring gland of late embryos. A bioinformatics analysis has identified 162 sequences similar to distinct regions of the BhC4-1 proximal promoter, which are predominantly located either in 5` or 3` regions or introns in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. A significant number of the identified sequences are found in the regulatory regions of Drosophila genes that are expressed in the salivary gland. Functional assays in Drosophila reveal that the BhC4-1 proximal promoter contains both a 129 bp (-186/-58) salivary gland enhancer and a 67 bp (-253/-187) ring gland enhancer that drive tissue specific patterns of developmentally regulated gene expression, irrespective of their orientation.


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Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant that grows in tropical areas, and is readily consumed by grazing goats. The plant contains the alkaloids swainsonine and calystegines, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. This study evaluated the behavioral effects on dams and kids of prenatal ingestion of this plant. Freshly harvested leaves of I. carnea (10 g/kg body weight) were fed daily to nine pregnant goats from the fifth to the 16th week of gestation; five pregnant goats were controls. Dam and kid behavior were evaluated during 2-hr postpartum. Further evaluation of the offspring was performed using various tests after birth: (1) reaching and discriminating their dam from an alien doe (two tests at 12-hr postpartum), and (2) navigating a progressive maze (2, 4, and 6 days postpartum). Postnatal (n=2) and fetal (n=2) mortality were observed in the treated group. Intoxicated kids had difficulty in standing at birth, and only one was able to suckle within 2 hr of birth. Treated kids were slower than controls to arrive at their dam in the discrimination test; treated kids often (seven of nine completed tests) incorrectly chose the alien dam (controls: 0/10 tests). During some runs on days 2, 4, and 6 postpartum, treated kids were slower to leave the starting point of the maze, and were slower to arrive at the dam on all test days. This study suggests that the offspring of pregnant goats given I. carnea during gestation have significant behavioral alterations and developmental delays. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:131-138, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Bovine Herpesvirus type-5 (BoHV-5), which is potentially neuropathogenic, was recently described to be related with reproductive disorders in cows. The objective was to elucidate mechanisms involved in propagation of BoHV-5 in embryonic cells. For this purpose, bovine embryos produced in vitro were assayed for apoptotic markers after experimental infection of oocytes, in vitro fertilization, and development. Host DNA fragmentation was detected with a TUNEL assay, expression of annexin-V was measured with indirect immunofluorescence, and viral DNA was detected with in situ hybridization. Infective BoHV-5 virus was recovered from embryos derived from exposed oocytes after two consecutive passages on Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells. The viral DNA corresponding to US9 gene, localized between nucleotides 126243 to 126493, was detected in situ and amplified. There was no significant difference between the ratio of TUNEL stained nuclei and total cells in good quality blastocysts (0.87 +/- 0.05, mean SD), but there were differences (P < 0.05) between infected (0.18 +/- 0.05) and uninfected blastocysts (0.73 +/- 0.07). The Annexin-V label was more intense in uninfected embryos (0.79 +/- 0.04; P < 0.05). The quality of infected and uninfected embryos was considered equal, with no significant effect on embryonic development. In conclusion, we inferred that BoHV-5 infected bovine oocytes, replicated, and suppressed some apoptotic pathways, without significantly affecting embryonic development. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Menadione is a naphthoquinone used as a vitamin K source in animal feed that can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cause apoptosis. Here, we examined whether menadione reduces development of preimplantation bovine embryos in a ROS-dependent process and tested the hypothesis that actions of menadione would be reduced by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Menadione caused a concentration-dependent decrease in the proportion of embryos that became blastocysts. All concentrations tested (1, 2.5, and 5.0 mu M) inhibited development. Treatment with 100 ng/ml IGF-1 reduced the magnitude of the anti-developmental effects of the two lowest menadione concentrations. Menadione also caused a concentration-dependent increase in the percent of cells positive for the TUNEL reaction. The response was lower for IGF-1-treated embryos. The effects of menadione were mediated by ROS because (1) the anti-developmental effect of menadione was blocked by the antioxidants dithiothreitol and Trolox and (2) menadione caused an increase in ROS generation. Treatment with IGF-1 did not reduce ROS formation in menadione-treated embryos. In conclusion, concentrations of menadione as low as 1.0 mu M can compromise development of bovine preimplantation embryos to the blastocyst stage of development in a ROS-dependent mechanism. Anti-developmental actions of menadione can be blocked by IGF-1 through effects downstream of ROS generation.


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Changes in gene expression have been measured 24 h after injury to mammalian spinal cords that can and cannot regenerate In opossums there is a critical period of development when regeneration stops being possible at 9 days postnatal cervical spinal cords regenerate, at 12 days they do not By the use of marsupial cDNA microarrays we detected 158 genes that respond differentially to injury at the two ages critical for regeneration For selected candidates additional measurements were made by real time PCR and sites of their expression were shown by immunostaining Candidate genes have been classified so as to select those that promote or prevent regeneration Up regulated by injury at 8 days and/or down regulated by injury at 13 days were genes known to promote growth, such as Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 or transcripton factor TCF7L2 By contrast, at 13 days up regulation occurred of Inhibitory molecules including annexins ephrins and genes related to apoptosis and neurodegeneranve diseases Certain genes such as calmodulin 1 and NOGO changed expression similarly in animals that could and could not regenerate without any additional changes in response to injury These findings confirmed and extended changes of gene expression found in earlier screens on 9 and 12 day preparations without lesions and provide a comprehensive list of genes that serve as a basis for testing how identified molecules singly or in combination, promote and prevent central nervous system regeneration (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous genetic analyses of psychosis proneness have been limited by their small sample size. For the purposes of large-scale screening, a 12-item questionnaire was developed through a two-stage process of reduction from the full Chapman and Chapman scales. 3685 individuals (including 1438 complete twin pairs) aged 18–25 years and enrolled in the volunteer Australian Twin Registry returned a mail questionnaire which included this psychosis proneness scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Despite the brevity of the questionnaire, item and factor analysis identified four unambiguous and essentially uncorrelated scales. There were (1) Perceptual Aberration – Magical Ideation; (2) Hypomania – Impulsivity/Nonconformity; (3) Social Anhedonia and (4) Physical Anhedonia. Model-fitting analyses showed additive genetic and specific environmental factors were sufficient for three of the four scales, with the Social Anhedonia scale requiring also a parameter for genetic dominance. There was no evidence for the previously hypothesised sex differences in the genetic determination of psychosis-proneness. The potential value of multivariate genetic analysis to examine the relationship between these four scales and dimensions of personality is discussed. The growing body of longitudinal evidence on psychosis-proneness suggests the value of incorporating this brief measure into developmental twin studies.


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Whether contemporary human populations are still evolving as a result of natural selection has been hotly debated. For natural selection to cause evolutionary change in a trait, variation in the trait must be correlated with fitness and be genetically heritable and there must be no genetic constraints to evolution. These conditions have rarely been tested in human populations. In this study, data from a large twin cohort were used to assess whether selection Will cause a change among women in contemporary Western population for three life-history traits: age at menarche, age at first reproduction, and age at menopause. We control for temporal variation in fecundity (the baby boom phenomenon) and differences between women in educational background and religious affiliation. University-educated women have 35% lower fitness than those with less than seven years education, and Roman Catholic women have about 20% higher fitness than those of other religions. Although these differences were significant, education and religion only accounted for 2% and 1% of variance in fitness, respectively. Using structural equation modeling, we reveal significant genetic influences for all three life-history traits, with heritability estimates of 0.50, 0.23, and 0.45, respectively. However, strong genetic covariation with reproductive fitness could only be demonstrated for age at first reproduction, with much weaker covariation for age at menopause and no significant covariation for age at menarche. Selection may, therefore, lead to the evolution of earlier age at first reproduction in this population. We also estimate substantial heritable variation in fitness itself, with approximately 39% of the variance attributable to additive genetic effects, the remainder consisting of unique environmental effects and small effects from education and religion. We discuss mechanisms that could be maintaining such a high heritability for fitness. Most likely is that selection is now acting on different traits from which it did in pre-industrial human populations.


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Studies of alcoholism etiology often focus on genetic or psy-chosocial approaches, but not both. Greater understanding of the etiology of alcohol, tobacco and other addictions will come from integration of these research traditions. A research approach is outlined to test three models for the etiology of addictions — behavioral undercontrol, pharmacologic vulnerability, negative affect regulation — addressing key questions including (i) mediators of genetic effects, (ii) genotype-environment correlation effects, (iii) genotype x environment interaction effects, (iv) the developmental unfolding of genetic and environmental effects, (v) subtyping including identification of distinct trajectories of substance involvement, (vi) identification of individual genes that contribute to risk, and (vii) the consequences of excessive use. By using coordinated research designs, including prospective assessment of adolescent twins and their siblings and parents; of adult substance dependent and control twins and their MZ and DZ cotwins, the spouses of these pairs, and their adolescent offspring; and of regular families; by selecting for gene-mapping approaches sibships screened for extreme concordance or discordance on quantitative indices of substance use; and by using experimental (drug challenge) as well as survey approaches, a number of key questions concerning addiction etiology can be addressed. We discuss complementary strengths and weaknesses of different sampling strategies, as well as methods to implement such an integrated approach illustrated for the study of alcoholism etiology. A coordinated program of twin and family studies will allow a comprehensive dissection of the interplay of genetic and environmental risk-factors in the etiology of alcoholism and other addictions.