927 resultados para Development strategy
The importance of natural products as a source of new high value-added drugs has, no doubt, transformed Brazilian megadiversity into one of the country's most valuable and strategic assets. Thus the rational exploration of the Brazilian flora on an economic basis should be considered as part of a national development strategy. In this respect, governmental mechanisms to stimulate regulation on the access, bioprospection and industrial use of natural products represent a crucial issue. The aim of this paper is to show how the incentives and institutional arrangements that led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, the development and commercialization of the anti-cancer agent Taxol, could be applied to the Brazilian case.
In order to grow, cities are increasingly competing for attention, jobs, investments, visitors, residents and significant events. Cities need to come up with creative solutions to keep up with the competition; they ought to become creative cities. Attracting talented and diverse inhabitants is a key factor in developing a creative city, which on is characterized by openness, tolerance, vibrancy and diversity. Along the need for renewed city images city brand building has become popular. Helsinki is the World Design Capital 2012 (WDC 2012) and this mega-event presents a meaningful opportunity for the city to broadcast itself globally. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Helsinki brands itself as a creative city through an international mega-event. The sub-aims are to: 1) Map the factors behind the creative city and their relation to the city of Helsinki, 2) Describe the city branding process, 3) Evaluate the role of the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 mega-event in Helsinki’s creative city brand building. First, the theory discusses the concept of the creative city that has gained growing attention during the past decade. Then, the city branding process is described and the benefits of hosting a mega-event are presented. Finally, co-branding a city and a mega-event in order to generate maximum benefit from the mega-event, is reviewed. This is a qualitative research for which data was collected through three face-to-face interviews, the World Design Capital 2012 bid, Helsinki’s economic development strategy, a consulting firm’s research report on the case city and web-pages. The research reveals that Helsinki has shown interest in the creative city discussion. The terminology around the concept is however approached carefully. Helsinki fits many of the creative city characteristics and recognizes its flaws for which improvement strategies have been planned. Bottlenecks keeping the city from promoting a more open mind were mainly revealed in its organizational structures. Helsinki has no official brand strategy; nonetheless pressure to develop one is present. The World Design Capital 2012 mega-event is seen as a meaningful stepping board to strengthen Helsinki’s identity and image, and start thinking about a city brand. The brand strategies of the mega-event support the values and virtues of the city itself, which enables benefits of co-branding introduces in the theory part. Helsinki has no official brand and doesn’t call itself a creative city, however this study shows signs of the city taking steps towards building a creative city brand with the help of the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 mega-event.
Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää julkisen toimijan, tässä tapauksessa Kouvolan kaupungin sekä kolmannen sektorin, tässä tapauksessa koripalloseura Kouvot ry:n välisen kahdenvälistä yhteistyön luonnetta; millaisena he näkevät keskinäisen yhteistyön nykytilan ja tavoitetilan. Tästä saatu tieto kuuluu kumppanuuden kehittämisstrategian aineksiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa esitellään nykyisistä verotuskäytännöistä johtuvia riskejä kolmannen sektorin toimijan kannalta. Tapaustutkimus toteutettiin laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin haastattelemalla molempien organisaatioiden edustajia. Tutkimustulosten mukaan keskinäisen kumppanuuden tavoitetilan saavuttamiseksi erityisesti yhteistyösuhteen organisationaalista sidoksisuutta pitäisi kehittää. Tutkittu kumppanuus on tyypiltään taktista, mutta Kouvot ry haluaisi kehittää sitä strategiselle tasolle.
The foremost aim of the article is to propose a new development strategy for Brazil, replacing the neoliberal model presently used. In short, the point is to recover a long term vision of the economic policies. And for that it is indispensable to take into consideration the recent evolution of the Development Economics which considers the existence of market, instead of the availability of savings, as the main condition in economic development policies. The acceptance of the market as the basic condition for successful development policies has as one of its consequences the unacceptability of the process of globalization with its present characteristics.
After a review of the concept of economic growth as a historical process beginning with the capitalist revolution and the formation of the modern national states, the author claims that growth is almost invariably the outcome of a national development strategy. Effective economic development occurs historically when the different social classes are able to cooperate and formulate an effective strategy to promote growth and face international competition. It follows a discussion of the main characteristics and of the basic tensions that such strategies face in the central countries which first developed, and in the underdeveloped countries, which, besides their domestic problems, confront major challenges in their relations with the rich countries.
This paper discusses the Irish experience in the 90s, and details the main aspects of the impressive and rapid transition from a situation of excessive indebtedness, economic stagnation and high unemployment to sustainable growth. The presence of a national development strategy seems to be the crucial institutional tool that allowed this transition.
This article is devoted to analyze changes in economic policy to be adopted by Mexico if a national development project were implemented. Starting from an evaluation of the main economic and political outcomes of Vicentes Fox administration, the author proposes an alternative development strategy which permits Mexico to overcome economic stagnation. That strategy would be based in recovering the internal market as the dynamical focus of the economy with the purpose of satisfying basic needs of people. To be successful this strategy should to confront the "critical knots" of the Neo-liberal model: to reverse the uneven distribution of income; abandoning the fixing of restrictive monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies; and mobilizing economic surplus by means of a profound revision of debt service schemes. It concludes that to implement a national development project it is required a political and economic strategy to dismantle neoliberalism, which is an antinational structure of power.
Globalization and nation-states are not in contradiction, since globalization is the present stage of capitalist development, and the nation-state is the territorial political unit that organizes the space and population in the capitalist system. Since the 1980s, Global Capitalism constitutes the economic system characterized by the opening of all national markets and a fierce competition between nation-states. Developing countries tend to catch up, while rich countries try to neutralize such competitive effort, using globalism as an ideology, and conventional orthodoxy as a strategy. Middle-income countries that are catching up in the realm of globalization are the ones that count with a national development strategy. This is broadly the case of the dynamic Asian countries. In contrast, Latin American countries have no longer their own strategy, and grow less. To add data to the argument, the author conducts an econometric test comparing these two groups of countries, and three variables: the rate of investment, the current account deficit or surplus that would indicate or not a competitive exchange rate, and public deficit.
This paper aims at studying Malaysia's national development strategy in the last three decades. Firstly, we will give emphasis to the country's economic planning development, its medium-term and long-term plans, as well as Mahathir's political influence. Secondly, we will try to identify key elements in the Malaysian growth process, such as its exchange rate and current account policies, the participation of the government in the whole process and matters related to domestic savings and foreign direct investment. We will also talk about the 1997 financial crisis.
We discuss in this paper the evolution of exchange rate policy in Chile since the seventies, with special attention to overvaluation and undervaluation cycles. Following a recent literature that argues in favor of competitive currencies as part of a development strategy, we argue that the Chilean exchange rate policy in the years that go from 1984 until 1999 were very important to its growth results. Chile even managed to go through the nineties without a major external crisis, especially when compared to its Latin American neighbors. We argue here that the exchange rate crawling band adopted in the middle eighties and nineties was important for its growth strategy.
Structuralist development macroeconomics. This paper presents some basic ideas and models of a structuralist development macroeconomics (the tendencies to the overvaluation of the exchange rate and the tendency of wages to grow below productivity, the critique of growth with foreign savings, and a new model of the Dutch disease) that complement and actualize the thought of the Latin-American structuralist school that developed around ECLAC from the late 1940s to the 1960s. On the other hand, it suggests that a new national development strategy based on the experience of fast growing Asian countries is emerging; and argues that only the countries that adopt such strategy based on growth with domestic savings, fiscal and foreign trade responsibility and a competitive exchange rate will be able to catch up.
This is a personal account of the definition of "new developmentalism" - a national development strategy alternative to the Washington consensus -, and of a "structuralist development macroeconomics": the sum of models that justifies theoretically that strategy. It is personal account of a collective work involving Keynesian, institutionalist and structuralist economists in Brazil that are forming a new school of thought in Brazil: a Keynesian-structuralist school. It is Keynesian because it emphasizes the demand side or the investment opportunities' side of economic growth. It is institutionalist because institutions obviously matter in achieving growth and stability. It is structuralist because it defines economic development as a structural change from low to high value added per capita industries and because it is based on two structural tendencies that limit investment opportunities: the tendency of wages to grow below productivity and the tendency to the cyclical overvaluation of the exchange rate.
China has experienced not only high rates of economic growth as well as an unprecedented competitive international insertion since the turn of the century. This process was not guided solely by market forces or influenced by Government intervention in the economy. Although much has been argued that China's "going global" strategy is rooted in state action, and especially its policy of exchange rate depreciation and trade policy incentives for exports and investments abroad, we argue that the major determinant of this strategy, which established the basic conditions for industrial competitiveness, was its industrial policy. The focus of this article is on the changes in China's industrial structure, emphasizing that Chinese industrial policy is a central determinant of its international insertion strategy.
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’amélioration des soins et des services de santé et touche aux relations entre 3 grands thèmes de l’analyse des organisations de santé : la gouvernance, le changement et les pratiques professionnelles. En nous appuyant sur l’analyse organisationnelle contemporaine, nous visons à mieux comprendre l’interface entre l’organisation et les pratiques cliniques. D’une part, nous souhaitons mieux comprendre comment l’organisation structure et potentialise les pratiques des acteurs. D’autre part, dans une perspective d’acteurs stratégiques, nous souhaitons mieux comprendre le rôle des pratiques des professionnels dans l’actualisation de leur profession et dans la transformation et l’évolution des organisations. Notre étude se fonde sur l’hypothèse qu’une synergie accrue entre l’organisation et les pratiques des professionnels favorisent l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et des services de santé. En 2004, le gouvernement ontarien entreprend une importante réforme des soins et services dans le domaine du cancer et revoit les rôles et mandats du Cancer Care Ontario, l’organisation responsable du développement des orientations stratégiques et du financement des services en cancer dans la province. Cette réforme appelle de nombreux changements organisationnels et cliniques et vise à améliorer la qualité des soins et des services dans le domaine de l’oncologie. C’est dans le cadre de cette réforme que nous avons analysé l’implantation d’un système de soins et de services pour améliorer la performance et la qualité et analysé le rôle des pratiques professionnelles, spécifiquement les pratiques infirmières, dans la transformation de ce système. La stratégie de recherche utilisée correspond à l’étude approfondie d’un cas correspondant à l’agence de soins et de services en oncologie en Ontario, le Cancer Care Ontario, et des pratiques professionnelles infirmières évoluant dans ce modèle. Le choix délibéré de ce cas repose sur les modalités organisationnelles spécifiques à l’Ontario en termes de soins en oncologie. La collecte de données repose sur 3 sources principales : les entrevues semi-structurées (n=25), l’analyse d’une abondante documentation et les observations non participatives. La thèse s’articule autour de trois articles. Le premier article vise à définir le concept de gouvernance clinique. Nous présentons l’origine du concept et définissons ses principales composantes. Concept aux frontières floues, la gouvernance clinique est axée sur le développement d’initiatives cliniques et organisationnelles visant à améliorer la qualité des soins de santé et la sécurité des patients. L’analyse de la littérature scientifique démontre la prédominance d’une vision statique de la gouvernance clinique et d’un contrôle accentué des pratiques professionnelles dans l’atteinte de l’efficience et de l’excellence dans les soins et les services. Notre article offre une conception plus dynamique de la gouvernance clinique qui tient compte de la synergie entre le contexte organisationnel et les pratiques des professionnels et soulève les enjeux reliés à son implantation. Le second article s’intéresse à l’ensemble des leviers mobilisés pour institutionnaliser les principes d’amélioration continue de la qualité dans les systèmes de santé. Nous avons analysé le rôle et la portée des leviers dans l’évolution du système de soins en oncologie en Ontario et dans la transformation des pratiques cliniques. Nos données empiriques révèlent 3 phases et de nombreuses étapes dans la transformation du système. Les acteurs en position d’autorité ont mobilisé un ensemble de leviers pour introduire des changements. Notre étude révèle que la transformation du Cancer Care Ontario est le reflet d’un changement radical de type évolutif où chacune des phases est une période charnière dans la transformation du système et l’implantation d’initiatives de qualité. Le troisième article pose un regard sur un levier spécifique de transformation, celui de la communauté de pratique, afin de mieux comprendre le rôle joué par les pratiques professionnelles dans la transformation de l’organisation des soins et ultimement dans le positionnement stratégique de la profession infirmière. Nous avons analysé les pratiques infirmières au sein de la communauté de pratique (CDP) des infirmières en pratique avancée en oncologie. En nous appuyant sur la théorie de la stratégie en tant que pratique sociale, nos résultats indiquent que l’investissement de la profession dans des domaines stratégiques augmente les capacités des infirmières à transformer leurs pratiques et à transformer l’organisation. Nos résultats soulignent le rôle déterminant du contexte dans le développement de capacités stratégiques chez les professionnels. Enfin, nos résultats révèlent 3 stratégies émergentes des pratiques des infirmières : une stratégie de développement de la pratique infirmière en oncologie, une stratégie d’institutionnalisation des politiques de la CDP dans le système en oncologie et une stratégie de positionnement de la profession infirmière. Les résultats de notre étude démontrent que l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et des services de santé est située. L’implantation de transformations dans l’ensemble d’un système, tel que celui du cancer en Ontario, est tributaire d’une part, des capacités d’action des acteurs en position d’autorité qui mobilisent un ensemble de leviers pour introduire des changements et d’autre part, de la capacité des acteurs à la base de l’organisation à s’approprier les leviers pour développer un projet professionnel, améliorer leurs pratiques professionnelles et transformer le système de soins.
The importance of industrialisation in achiering rapid economic growth has been recognised in India's development strategy ever since the inception of economic planning in the country. Being the secondary sector in the generation of national income. industry contributes significantly to the process of economic development. Extensive debates have taken place on the nature of the industrialisation strategy to be pursued in the economy since Independence. This is reflected in the industrial policy which evolved through the various five year plans and policy resolutions. Stupendous efforts have been made by the government since the commencement of planning and particularly since the 1960s to industrialise the Indian economy and develop the infrastructural base for sustained industrial development. It is difficult to assess the performance of the industrial sector over the past three decades with respect to the broad objectives of industrialisation. However. there are certain areas in which the achievements have been clearly significant.