837 resultados para Design Review
The I-74 Aesthetic Design Guideline (ADG) document has two primary goals: To establish and identify an overall design theme To prioritize enhancement opportunities within the framework of corridor elements The recommendations of this report have been developed based on an “unconstrained” framework for future corridor–wide enhancements. Future funding availability, along with the recommendations of this report, will guide the final design process. ADG Future Uses: This document is intended to be used as a reference to future processes in the following ways: Guidance for I-74 final design teams Reference document for future local community redevelopment initiatives Inspiration for identification and development of other I-74 corridor aesthetic enhancement opportunities Process: As illustrated in Figure 1.3, the overall process for corridor aesthetics began traditionally with inventory and identification of potential aesthetic applications. The ADG does not document all the reports and presentations related to these early design stages, but has incorporated these efforts into the design theme, guiding principles and prioritized enhancements shown on the following pages of this report. The I-74 final design phase will incorporate these recommendations into the project. The consultant design team and representatives of the DOTs have worked with the CAAT members to facilitate community input and have helped develop recommendations for improving I-74 corridor aesthetics. CAAT recommendations have been advanced to the I-74 Advisory Committee for review and endorsement. Both DOTs have reviewed the CAAT recommendations and have endorsed the contents of this report. Figure 1.4 illustrates the status of corridor aesthetic design development. As of the date of this report, aesthetic design is approximately 50% complete. Future detailed design, cost evaluation, feasibility and prioritizations all need to occur for this process to be successfully completed.
BACKGROUND: We reviewed the current evidence on the benefit and harm of pre-hospital tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation after traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature search up to December 2007 without language restriction to identify interventional and observational studies comparing pre-hospital intubation with other airway management (e.g. bag-valve-mask or oxygen administration) in patients with TBI. Information on study design, population, interventions, and outcomes was abstracted by two investigators and cross-checked by two others. Seventeen studies were included with data for 15,335 patients collected from 1985 to 2004. There were 12 retrospective analyses of trauma registries or hospital databases, three cohort studies, one case-control study, and one controlled trial. Using Brain Trauma Foundation classification of evidence, there were 14 class 3 studies, three class 2 studies, and no class 1 study. Six studies were of adults, five of children, and three of both; age groups were unclear in three studies. Maximum follow-up was up to 6 months or hospital discharge. RESULTS: In 13 studies, the unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) for an effect of pre-hospital intubation on in-hospital mortality ranged from 0.17 (favouring control interventions) to 2.43 (favouring pre-hospital intubation); adjusted ORs ranged from 0.24 to 1.42. Estimates for functional outcomes after TBI were equivocal. Three studies indicated higher risk of pneumonia associated with pre-hospital (when compared with in-hospital) intubation. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the available evidence did not support any benefit from pre-hospital intubation and mechanical ventilation after TBI. Additional arguments need to be taken into account, including medical and procedural aspects.
The project described herein has led to a convenient, computer-based expert system for identifying and evaluating potentially effective erosion- and sedimentation-control measures for use in roadway construction throughout Iowa and elsewhere in the Midwest. The expert system is intended to be an accessible and efficient practical resource to aid state, county, and municipal engineers in the selection of the best management practices for preventing unwanted erosion and sedimentation at roadway construction sites, during and after construction.
Enterprise Architecture (EA), which has been approached by both academia and industry, is considered comprising not only architectural representations, but also principles guiding architecture's design and evolution. Even though the concept of EA principles has been defined as the integral part of EA, the number of publications on this subject is very limited and only a few organizations use EA principles to manage their EA endeavors. In order to critically assess the current state of research and identify research gaps in EA principles, we focus on four general aspects of theoretical contributions in IS. By applying these aspects to EA principles, we outline future research directions in EA principles nature, adoption, practices, and impact.
OBJECTIVE: Little is known regarding health-related quality of life and its relation with physical activity level in the general population. Our primary objective was to systematically review data examining this relationship. METHODS: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO for health-related quality of life and physical activity related keywords in titles, abstracts, or indexing fields. RESULTS: From 1426 retrieved references, 55 citations were judged to require further evaluation. Fourteen studies were retained for data extraction and analysis; seven were cross-sectional studies, two were cohort studies, four were randomized controlled trials and one used a combined cross sectional and longitudinal design. Thirteen different methods of physical activity assessment were used. Most health-related quality of life instruments related to the Medical Outcome Study SF-36 questionnaire. Cross-sectional studies showed a consistently positive association between self-reported physical activity and health-related quality of life. The largest cross-sectional study reported an adjusted odds ratio of "having 14 or more unhealthy days" during the previous month to be 0.40 (95% Confidence Interval 0.36-0.45) for those meeting recommended levels of physical activity compared to inactive subjects. Cohort studies and randomized controlled trials tended to show a positive effect of physical activity on health-related quality of life, but similar to the cross-sectional studies, had methodological limitations. CONCLUSION: Cross-sectional data showed a consistently positive association between physical activity level and health-related quality of life. Limited evidence from randomized controlled trials and cohort studies precludes a definitive statement about the nature of this association.
The objective of this research is to determine whether the nationally calibrated performance models used in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) provide a reasonable prediction of actual field performance, and if the desired accuracy or correspondence exists between predicted and monitored performance for Iowa conditions. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify the MEPDG input parameters and the MEPDG verification/calibration process. Sensitivities of MEPDG input parameters to predictions were studied using different versions of the MEPDG software. Based on literature review and sensitivity analysis, a detailed verification procedure was developed. A total of sixteen different types of pavement sections across Iowa, not used for national calibration in NCHRP 1-47A, were selected. A database of MEPDG inputs and the actual pavement performance measures for the selected pavement sites were prepared for verification. The accuracy of the MEPDG performance models for Iowa conditions was statistically evaluated. The verification testing showed promising results in terms of MEPDG’s performance prediction accuracy for Iowa conditions. Recalibrating the MEPDG performance models for Iowa conditions is recommended to improve the accuracy of predictions. ****************** Large File**************************
Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.
Stream degradation is the action of deepening the stream bed and widening the banks due to the increasing velocity of water flow. Degradation is pervasive in channeled streams found within the deep to moderately deep loess regions of the central United States. Of all the streams, however, the most severe and widespread entrenchment occurs in western Iowa streams that are tributaries to the Missouri River. In September 1995 the Iowa Department of Transportation awarded a grant to Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. The purpose of the grant, HR-385 "Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual", was to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and costs of various stabilization structures in controlling erosion on channeled streams. A review of literature, a survey of professionals, field observations and an analysis of the data recorded on fifty-two selected structures led to the conclusions presented in the project's publication, Design Manual, Streambed Degradation and Streambank Widening in Western Iowa. Technical standards and specifications for the design and construction of stream channel stabilization structures are included in the manual. Additional information on non-structural measures, monitoring and evaluation of structures, various permit requirements and further resources are also included. Findings of the research project and use and applications of the Design Manual were presented at two workshops in the Loess Hills region. Participants in these workshops included county engineers, private contractors, state and federal agency personnel, elected officials and others. The Design Manual continues to be available through Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development.
Highway Research Project HR-392 was undertaken to evaluate cold in-place asphalt recycled (CIR) projects in the State of Iowa. The research involved assessment of performance levels, investigation of factors that most influence pavement performance and economy, and development of guidelines for CIR project selection. The performance was evaluated in two ways: Pavement Condition Indices (PCI, U.S. Corps of Engineers) were calculated and overall ratings were given on ride and appearance. A regression analysis was extrapolated to predict the future service life of CIR roads. The results were that CIR roads within the State of Iowa, with less than 2000 annual average daily traffic (AADT), have an average predicted service life of fifteen to twenty-six years. Subgrade stability problems can prevent a CIR project from being successfully constructed. A series of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests were conducted on a CIR project that experienced varying levels of subgrade failure during construction. Based on this case study, and supporting data, it was determined that the DCP test can be used to evaluate subgrades that have insufficient stability for recycling. Overall, CIR roads in Iowa are performing well. It appears that the development of transverse cracking has been retarded and little rutting has occurred. Contracting agencies must pay special attention to the subgrade conditions during project selection. Because of its performance, CIR is a recommended method to be considered for rehabilitating aged low volume (<2000 AADT) asphalt concrete roads in Iowa.
BACKGROUND: A few recent studies have found indications of the effectiveness of inpatient psychotherapy for depression, usually of an extended duration. However, there is a lack of controlled studies in this area and to date no study of adequate quality on brief psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression during short inpatient stay exists. The present article describes the protocol of a study that will examine the relative efficacy, the cost-effectiveness and the cost-utility of adding an Inpatient Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to pharmacotherapy and treatment-as-usual for inpatients with unipolar depression. METHODS/DESIGN: The study is a one-month randomized controlled trial with a two parallel group design and a 12-month naturalistic follow-up. A sample of 130 consecutive adult inpatients with unipolar depression and Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale score over 18 will be recruited. The study is carried out in the university hospital section for mood disorders in Lausanne, Switzerland. Patients are assessed upon admission, and at 1-, 3- and 12- month follow-ups. Inpatient therapy is a manualized brief intervention, combining the virtues of inpatient setting and of time-limited dynamic therapies (focal orientation, fixed duration, resource-oriented interventions). Treatment-as-usual represents the best level of practice for a minimal treatment condition usually proposed to inpatients. Final analyses will follow an intention-to-treat strategy. Depressive symptomatology is the primary outcome and secondary outcome includes measures of psychiatric symptomatology, psychosocial role functioning, and psychodynamic-emotional functioning. The mediating role of the therapeutic alliance is also examined. Allocation to treatment groups uses a stratified block randomization method with permuted block. To guarantee allocation concealment, randomization is done by an independent researcher. DISCUSSION: Despite the large number of studies on treatment of depression, there is a clear lack of controlled research in inpatient psychotherapy during the acute phase of a major depressive episode. Research on brief therapy is important to take into account current short lengths of stay in psychiatry. The current study has the potential to scientifically inform appropriate inpatient treatment. This study is the first to address the issue of the economic evaluation of inpatient psychotherapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12612000909820).
OBJECTIVE: This systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assesses the effect of pharmacist care on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors among outpatients with diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched. Pharmacist interventions were classified, and a meta-analysis of mean changes of blood pressure (BP), total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and BMI was performed using random-effects models. RESULTS: The meta-analysis included 15 RCTs (9,111 outpatients) in which interventions were conducted exclusively by pharmacists in 8 studies and in collaboration with physicians, nurses, dietitians, or physical therapists in 7 studies. Pharmacist interventions included medication management, educational interventions, feedback to physicians, measurement of CVD risk factors, or patient-reminder systems. Compared with usual care, pharmacist care was associated with significant reductions for systolic BP (12 studies with 1,894 patients; -6.2 mmHg [95% CI -7.8 to -4.6]); diastolic BP (9 studies with 1,496 patients; -4.5 mmHg [-6.2 to -2.8]); TC (8 studies with 1,280 patients; -15.2 mg/dL [-24.7 to -5.7]); LDL cholesterol (9 studies with 8,084 patients; -11.7 mg/dL [-15.8 to -7.6]); and BMI (5 studies with 751 patients; -0.9 kg/m(2) [-1.7 to -0.1]). Pharmacist care was not associated with a significant change in HDL cholesterol (6 studies with 826 patients; 0.2 mg/dL [-1.9 to 2.4]). CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis supports pharmacist interventions-alone or in collaboration with other health care professionals-to improve major CVD risk factors among outpatients with diabetes.
This literature review focuses on factors influencing drying shrinkage of concrete. Although the factors are normally interrelated, they can be categorized into three groups: paste quantity, paste quality, and other factors.
Gender inequalities exist in work life, but little is known about their presence in relation to factors examined in occupation health settings. The aim of this study was to identify and summarize the working and employment conditions described as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health in studies related to occupational health published between 1999 and 2010. A systematic literature review was undertaken of studies available in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Sociological Abstracts, LILACS, EconLit and CINAHL between 1999 and 2010. Epidemiologic studies were selected by applying a set of inclusion criteria to the title, abstract, and complete text. The quality of the studies was also assessed. Selected studies were qualitatively analysed, resulting in a compilation of all differences between women and men in the prevalence of exposure to working and employment conditions and work-related health problems as outcomes. Most of the 30 studies included were conducted in Europe (n=19) and had a cross-sectional design (n=24). The most common topic analysed was related to the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards (n=8). Employed women had more job insecurity, lower control, worse contractual working conditions and poorer self-perceived physical and mental health than men did. Conversely, employed men had a higher degree of physically demanding work, lower support, higher levels of effort-reward imbalance, higher job status, were more exposed to noise and worked longer hours than women did. This systematic review has identified a set of working and employment conditions as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health from the occupational health literature. These results may be useful to policy makers seeking to reduce gender inequalities in occupational health, and to researchers wishing to analyse these determinants in greater depth.
Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.
Los principios, las prácticas y la investigación sobre diseño universal han sidoimplantados progresivamente en diferentes ámbitos, respecto al diseño y la preparación de entornos para la atención a las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad. En el contexto internacional, este desarrollo ha estado vinculado al avance en derechos sobre igualdad de oportunidades. En el contexto legislativo español, en la Ley 51/2003 se introducen definiciones sobre «accesibilidad universal» y «diseño para todos», con lo que se genera un marco que posibilita el análisis de fuentes conceptuales y de aplicación en nuestro contexto, de las aportaciones del diseño universal, así como su consideración para la fundamentación de prácticas de innovación e investigación en nuestros ámbitos universitarios. En este trabajo, a partir de una amplia revisión de fuentes y aportaciones de gran trayectoria en este campo, se presentan y analizan distintos enfoques, a través de los cuales se están desarrollando y aplicando prácticas de diseño universal en el ámbito de la enseñanza universitaria, y se plantean sus implicaciones educativas. Este análisis permite concluir que las aplicaciones del diseño universal parecen más prometedoras para el progreso hacia metas de inclusión en el entorno universitario que una perspectiva de «adaptación curricular»; aunque se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la investigación que se desarrolle en nuestros contextos aporte pruebas y elementos que favorezcan su implementa- ción. Aplicar prácticas docentes y de planificación en la enseñanza universitaria con bases en el diseño universal podría contribuir a superar, eliminar o evitar en un futuro barreras en el aprendizaje, no solo limitadoras del progreso de las personas con discapacidad, sino también del conjunto del alumnado. Asimismo, las conclusiones de este trabajo plantean aplicaciones y estimaciones de nuevas muestras empíricas como puntos de partida para futuras y posibles determinaciones de enfoques conceptuales.