960 resultados para Descriptive compact
32 Proben verpackten Frischfischs in Selbstbedienungspackungen, 16 Seelachs- und 16 Rotbarschproben aus deutschen Supermärkten wurden mit physikalischen, chemischen, mikrobiellen und sensorischen Methoden untersucht. Ziel der Untersuchung war dieWertung von Untersuchungsmethoden zur Qualitätsbestimmung. Es zeigte sich, daß neben der sensorischen Beurteilung die Bestimmung des TVB-N geeignet ist, die Qualität dieser Produkte zu beurteilen.
This thesis consists of three separate studies of roles that black holes might play in our universe.
In the first part we formulate a statistical method for inferring the cosmological parameters of our universe from LIGO/VIRGO measurements of the gravitational waves produced by coalescing black-hole/neutron-star binaries. This method is based on the cosmological distance-redshift relation, with "luminosity distances" determined directly, and redshifts indirectly, from the gravitational waveforms. Using the current estimates of binary coalescence rates and projected "advanced" LIGO noise spectra, we conclude that by our method the Hubble constant should be measurable to within an error of a few percent. The errors for the mean density of the universe and the cosmological constant will depend strongly on the size of the universe, varying from about 10% for a "small" universe up to and beyond 100% for a "large" universe. We further study the effects of random gravitational lensing and find that it may strongly impair the determination of the cosmological constant.
In the second part of this thesis we disprove a conjecture that black holes cannot form in an early, inflationary era of our universe, because of a quantum-field-theory induced instability of the black-hole horizon. This instability was supposed to arise from the difference in temperatures of any black-hole horizon and the inflationary cosmological horizon; it was thought that this temperature difference would make every quantum state that is regular at the cosmological horizon be singular at the black-hole horizon. We disprove this conjecture by explicitly constructing a quantum vacuum state that is everywhere regular for a massless scalar field. We further show that this quantum state has all the nice thermal properties that one has come to expect of "good" vacuum states, both at the black-hole horizon and at the cosmological horizon.
In the third part of the thesis we study the evolution and implications of a hypothetical primordial black hole that might have found its way into the center of the Sun or any other solar-type star. As a foundation for our analysis, we generalize the mixing-length theory of convection to an optically thick, spherically symmetric accretion flow (and find in passing that the radial stretching of the inflowing fluid elements leads to a modification of the standard Schwarzschild criterion for convection). When the accretion is that of solar matter onto the primordial hole, the rotation of the Sun causes centrifugal hangup of the inflow near the hole, resulting in an "accretion torus" which produces an enhanced outflow of heat. We find, however, that the turbulent viscosity, which accompanies the convective transport of this heat, extracts angular momentum from the inflowing gas, thereby buffering the torus into a lower luminosity than one might have expected. As a result, the solar surface will not be influenced noticeably by the torus's luminosity until at most three days before the Sun is finally devoured by the black hole. As a simple consequence, accretion onto a black hole inside the Sun cannot be an answer to the solar neutrino puzzle.
The primary focus of this thesis is on the interplay of descriptive set theory and the ergodic theory of group actions. This incorporates the study of turbulence and Borel reducibility on the one hand, and the theory of orbit equivalence and weak equivalence on the other. Chapter 2 is joint work with Clinton Conley and Alexander Kechris; we study measurable graph combinatorial invariants of group actions and employ the ultraproduct construction as a way of constructing various measure preserving actions with desirable properties. Chapter 3 is joint work with Lewis Bowen; we study the property MD of residually finite groups, and we prove a conjecture of Kechris by showing that under general hypotheses property MD is inherited by a group from one of its co-amenable subgroups. Chapter 4 is a study of weak equivalence. One of the main results answers a question of Abért and Elek by showing that within any free weak equivalence class the isomorphism relation does not admit classification by countable structures. The proof relies on affirming a conjecture of Ioana by showing that the product of a free action with a Bernoulli shift is weakly equivalent to the original action. Chapter 5 studies the relationship between mixing and freeness properties of measure preserving actions. Chapter 6 studies how approximation properties of ergodic actions and unitary representations are reflected group theoretically and also operator algebraically via a group's reduced C*-algebra. Chapter 7 is an appendix which includes various results on mixing via filters and on Gaussian actions.
A 120TW/36fs laser system based on Ti:sapphire chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) has been successfully established in our lab. The final four pass Ti:sapphire amplifier pumped by an energetic single-shot Nd:YAG-Nd:glass laser was designed and optimized. With 24J/8ns pump energy at 532 nm, 300 mJ/220 ps chirped pulse was amplified to 5.98 J in this amplifier, and a total saturated gain of similar to 20 was achieved. The focused intensity of compressed beam could reach to 10(20) W/cm(2) with the M-2 of similar to 2.0. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
General Relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which carry information about the physical and dynamical properties of their source. One of the many promising sources of gravitational waves observable by ground-based instruments, such as in LIGO and Virgo, is the coalescence of two compact objects (neutron star or black hole). Black holes and neutron stars sometimes form binaries with short orbital periods, radiating so strongly in gravitational waves that they coalesce on astrophysically short timescales. General Relativity gives precise predictions for the form of the signal emitted by these systems. The most recent searches for theses events used waveform models that neglected the effects of black hole and neutron star spin. However, real astrophysical compact objects, especially black holes, are expected to have large spins. We demonstrate here a data analysis infrastructure which achieves an improved sensitivity to spinning compact binaries by the inclusion of spin effects in the template waveforms. This infrastructure is designed for scalable, low-latency data analysis, ideal for rapid electromagnetic followup of gravitational wave events.
A compact two-step modified-signed-digit arithmetic-logic array processor is proposed. When the reference digits are programmed, both addition and subtraction can be performed by the same binary logic operations regardless of the sign of the input digits. The optical implementation and experimental demonstration with an electron-trapping device are shown. Each digit is encoded by a single pixel, and no polarization is included. Any combinational logic can be easily performed without optoelectronic and electro-optic conversions of the intermediate results. The system is compact, general purpose, simple to align, and has a high signal-to-noise ratio. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
The optical constants of two cyanine dye films that we prepared were measured with a RAP-1-type (RAP is rotating analyzer and polarizer) spectroscopic ellipsometer. Toward making a simplified model for the wafers of a recordable compact disk (CD-R), we give their optimization designs developed with the cyanine dye films. in addition, the dynamic storage performances of two sample disks were tested by our dynamic storage testing system. Measurement results of the sample disks were obtained to test and verify our film designs. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 160.4890, 160.4760, 210.4810.
A compact continuous-wave blue laser has been demonstrated by direct frequency doubling of a laser diode with a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide crystal. The optimum PPLN temperature is near 28 degreesC, and the dependence of waveguide crystals on crystal temperature is less sensitive than that of bulk crystals. A total of 14.8 mW of 488-nm laser power has been achieved. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
A diode pumped injection seeded single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) Nd:YAG laser is achieved by using the resonance-detection technique in Q-switching operation. The pulsed oscillator laser uses a folded cavity to achieve compact construction. This system operates at 100 Hz and provides over 20 mJ/pulse of single-frequency 1064 nm output. The M-2 values of horizontal and vertical axes are 1.58 and 1.41, respectively. The probability of putting out single-longitudinal-mode pulses is 100%. The 355 nm laser output produced by frequency tripling has a linewidth less than 200 MHz. The laser can run over eight hours continually without mode hopping.
[EU]Gradu Amaierako lan honetan, enpresen gizarte erantzukizunak azkenaldian hartu duen garrantzia kontuan hartuta, kontzeptu hau jorratuko da eta eremu honetan burututako ekimen ezberdinen artean bat aukeratuko da, honen garapena eta inplementazioa aztertzeko. Hain zuzen ere, lan honetan erabiliko den ekimena, Munduko Hitzarmena edo Global Compact-a izango da. Hau, nazioarte mailako ekimen bat izanik, 10 printzipio proposatzen ditu, lau eremu ezberdinetan banatuz: Giza eskubideak, lan-arauak, ingurumena eta ustelkeriaren kontrako borroka. Bukatzeko, Global Compact-a aplikatzen duten sektore ezberdinetako hiru enpresa aukeratuko dira eta bakoitza dimentsio bat aztertzeko erabilia izango da, soziala, ekonomikoa eta ingurumenekoa hurrenez hurren. Azkenik, lanean zehar aztertutakoa kontuan hartuta zein ondoriotara iritsi garen adieraziko da.