988 resultados para Deodoro da Fonseca
Based on the recovery rates for Thalassia testudinum measured in this study for scars of these excavation depths and assuming a linear recovery horizon, we estimate that it would take ~ 6.9 years (95% CI. = 5.4 to 9.6 years) for T. testudinum to return to the same density as recorded for the adjacent undisturbed population. The application of water soluble fertilizers and plant growth hormones by mechanical injection into the sediments adjacent to ten propellor scars at Lignumvitae State Botanical Site did not significantly increase the recovery rate of Thalassia testudinum or Halodule wrightii. An alternative method of fertilization and restoration of propellor scars was also tested by a using a method of “compressed succession” where Halodule wrightii is substituted for T. testudinum in the initial stages of restoration. Bird roosting stakes were placed among H.wrightii bare root plantings in prop scars to facilitate the defecation of nitrogen and phosphorus enriched feces. In contrast to the fertilizer injection method, the bird stakes produced extremely high recovery rates of transplanted H. wrightii. We conclude that use of a fertilizer/hormone injection machine in the manner described here is not a feasible means of enhancing T. testudinum recovery in propellor scars on soft bottom carbonate sediments. Existing techniques such as the bird stake approach provide a reliable, and inexpensive alternative method that should be considered for application to restoration of seagrasses in these environments. Document contains 40 pages)
Organismal survival in marine habitats is often positively correlated with habitat structural complexity at local (within-patch) spatial scales. Far less is known, however, about how marine habitat structure at the landscape scale influences predation and other ecological processes, and in particular, how these processes are dictated by the interactive effect of habitat structure at local and landscape scales. The relationship between survival and habitat structure can be modeled with the habitat-survival function (HSF), which often takes on linear, hyperbolic, or sigmoid forms. We used tethering experiments to determine how seagrass landscape structure influenced the HSF for juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun in Back Sound, North Carolina, USA. Crabs were tethered in artificial seagrass plots of 7 different shoot densities embedded within small (1 – 3 m2) or large (>100 m2) seagrass patches (October 1999), and within 10 × 10 m landscapes containing patchy (<50% cover) or continuous (>90% cover) seagrass (July 2000). Overall, crab survival was higher in small than in large patches, and was higher in patchy than in continuous seagrass. The HSF was hyperbolic in large patches and in continuous seagrass, indicating that at low levels of habitat structure, relatively small increases in structure resulted in substantial increases in juvenile blue crab survival. However, the HSF was linear in small seagrass patches in 1999 and was parabolic in patchy seagrass in 2000. A sigmoid HSF, in which a threshold level of seagrass structure is required for crab survival, was never observed. Patchy seagrass landscapes are valuable refuges for juvenile blue crabs, and the effects of seagrass structural complexity on crab survival can only be fully understood when habitat structure at larger scales is considered.
This report describes the working of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Service (NCCOS) Wave Exposure Model (WEMo) capable of predicting the exposure of a site in estuarine and closed water to local wind generated waves. WEMo works in two different modes: the Representative Wave Energy (RWE) mode calculates the exposure using physical parameters like wave energy and wave height, while the Relative Exposure Index (REI) empirically calculates exposure as a unitless index. Detailed working of the model in both modes and their procedures are described along with a few sample runs. WEMo model output in RWE mode (wave height and wave energy) is compared against data collected from wave sensors near Harkers Island, North Carolina for validation purposes. Computed results agreed well with the wave sensors data indicating that WEMo can be an effective tool in predicting local wave energy in closed estuarine environments. (PDF contains 31 pages)
Ongoing monitoring of Tortugas Ecological Reserve: Assessing the consequences of reserve designation
Over the past five years, a biogeographic characterization of Tortugas Ecological Reserve(TER) has been carried out to measure the post-implementation effects of TER as a refuge for exploited species. Our results demonstrate that there is substantial microalgal biomass at depths between 10 and 30 m in the soft sediments at the coral reef interface, and that this community may play an important role in the food web supporting reef organisms. In addition, preliminary stable isotope data, in conjunction with prior results from the west Florida shelf, suggest that the shallow water benthic habitats surrounding the coral reefs of TER will prove to be an important source of the primary production ultimately fueling fish production throughout TER. The majority of the fish analyzed so far have exhibited a C isotope signature consistent with a food web which relies heavily on benthic primary production. Fish counts indicate a marked increase in the abundance of large fish (>20 cm) within the Reserve relative to the Out and Park strata, across years. Faunal collections from open and protected soft bottom habitat near the northern boundary of Tortugas North strongly suggest that relaxation of trawling pressure has increased benthic biomass and diversity in this area of TER. These data, employing an integrated Before - After Control Impact (BACI) design at multiple spatial scales, will allow us to continue to document and quantify the post-implementation effects of TER. (PDF contains 58 pages)
Almost 120 days at sea aboard three NOAA research vessels and one fishing vessel over the past three years have supported biogeographic characterization of Tortugas Ecological Reserve (TER). This work initiated measurement of post-implementation effects of TER as a refuge for exploited species. In Tortugas South, seafloor transect surveys were conducted using divers, towed operated vehicles (TOV), remotely operated vehicles (ROV), various sonar platforms, and the Deepworker manned submersible. ARGOS drifter releases, satellite imagery, ichthyoplankton surveys, sea surface temperature, and diver census were combined to elucidate potential dispersal of fish spawning in this environment. Surveys are being compiled into a GIS to allow resource managers to gauge benthic resource status and distribution. Drifter studies have determined that within the ~ 30 days of larval life stage for fishes spawning at Tortugas South, larvae could reach as far downstream as Tampa Bay on the west Florida coast and Cape Canaveral on the east coast. Together with actual fish surveys and water mass delineation, this work demonstrates that the refuge status of this area endows it with tremendous downstream spillover and larval export potential for Florida reef habitats and promotes the maintenance of their fish communities. In Tortugas North, 30 randomly selected, permanent stations were established. Five stations were assigned to each of the following six areas: within Dry Tortugas National Park, falling north of the prevailing currents (Park North); within Dry Tortugas National Park, falling south of the prevailing currents (Park South); within the Ecological Reserve falling north of the prevailing currents (Reserve North); within the Ecological Reserve falling south of the prevailing currents (Reserve South); within areas immediately adjacent to these two strata, falling north of the prevailing currents (Out North); and within areas immediately adjacent to these two strata, falling south of the prevailing currents (Out South). Intensive characterization of these sites was conducted using multiple sonar techniques, TOV, ROV, diver-based digital video collection, diver-based fish census, towed fish capture, sediment particle-size, benthic chlorophyll analyses, and stable isotope analyses of primary producers, fish, and, shellfish. In order to complement and extend information from studies focused on the coral reef, we have targeted the ecotone between the reef and adjacent, non-reef habitats as these areas are well-known in ecology for indicating changes in trophic relationships at the ecosystem scale. Such trophic changes are hypothesized to occur as top-down control of the system grows with protection of piscivorous fishes. Preliminary isotope data, in conjunction with our prior results from the west Florida shelf, suggest that the shallow water benthic habitats surrounding the coral reefs of TER will prove to be the source of a significant amount of the primary production ultimately fueling fish production throughout TER and downstream throughout the range of larval fish dispersal. Therefore, the status and influence of the previously neglected, non-reef habitat within the refuge (comprising ~70% of TER) appears to be intimately tied to the health of the coral reef community proper. These data, collected in a biogeographic context, employing an integrated Before-After Control Impact design at multiple spatial scales, leave us poised to document and quantify the postimplementation effects of TER. Combined with the work at Tortugas South, this project represents a multi-disciplinary effort of sometimes disparate disciplines (fishery oceanography, benthic ecology, food web analysis, remote sensing/geography/landscape ecology, and resource management) and approaches (physical, biological, ecological). We expect the continuation of this effort to yield critical information for the management of TER and the evaluation of protected areas as a refuge for exploited species. (PDF contains 32 pages.)
ENGLISH: Three hundred and twenty-six collections of anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), an important tuna bait species, taken between April 1951 and April 1960 from seven major baiting areas in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean (Almejas Bay, Guaymas, Ahome Point, Banderas Bay, Gulf of Fonseca, coast of Colombia and Ecuador-Peru) are the basis of this study of age, growth, sexual maturity and spawning. The study of the temporal progression of modal size groups from plots of monthly length-frequency distributions provided estimates of age and rate of growth. The study of sexual maturity and time of spawning was based on gross examination of ovaries, and application of the gonad index. SPANISH: Trescientas veintiseis recolecciones de anchovetas (Cetengraulis mysticetus), una importante especie de carnada para la pesca del atún, cogidas entre abril de 1951 y abril de 1960 en siete de las mayores áreas de pesca de peces de carnada en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical (Bahía de Almejas, Guaymas, Punta Ahome, Bahía Banderas, Golfo de Fonseca, y las costas de Colombia y de Ecuador- Perú), sirven de base a este estudio de la edad, crecimiento, madurez sexual y desove de dicha especie. El estudio de la progresión temporal de los grupos de tamaños modales según los gráficos de las distribuciones de la frecuencia de las longitudes proporcionó estimaciones de la edad y de la tasa de crecimiento. La investigación de la madurez sexual y la época de desove se basó en el examen macroscópico de los ovarios y en la aplicación del índice de gónadas.
Trabalhos elaborados por deputados sobre questões nacionais no período.
Uma nota curiosa : Antonio Isidoro da Fonseca foi quem primeiro instalou uma imprensa no Brasil, onde publicou duas pequenas obras. Foi preso, a imprensa desmontada e ele foi mandado de volta a Portugal.
Each year, more than 500 motorized vessel groundings cause widespread damage to seagrasses in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). Under Section 312 of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA), any party responsible for the loss, injury, or destruction of any Sanctuary resource, including seagrass, is liable to the United States for response costs and resulting damages. As part of the damage assessment process, a cellular automata model is utilized to forecast seagrass recovery rates. Field validation of these forecasts was accomplished by comparing model-predicted percent recovery to that which was observed to be occurring naturally for 30 documented vessel grounding sites. Model recovery forecasts for both Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme exceeded natural recovery estimates for 93.1% and 89.5% of the sites, respectively. For Halodule wrightii, the number of over- and under-predictions by the model was similar. However, where under-estimation occurred, it was often severe, reflecting the well-known extraordinary growth potential of this opportunistic species. These preliminary findings indicate that the recovery model is consistently generous to Responsible Parties in that the model forecasts a much faster recovery than was observed to occur naturally, particularly for T. testudinum, the dominant seagrass species in the region and the species most often affected. Environmental setting (i.e., location, wave exposure) influences local seagrass landscape pattern and may also play a role in the recovery dynamics for a particular injury site. An examination of the relationship between selected environmental factors and injury recovery dynamics is currently underway. (PDF file contains 20 pages.)
Background: Type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) are enriched in the hypothalamus, particularly in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) that participates in homeostatic and behavioral functions including food intake. Although CB1R activation modulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in the brain, CB1R contribution to the molecular architecture of the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic terminals in the VMH is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the precise subcellular distribution of CB1R in the VMH to better understand the modulation exerted by the endocannabinoid system on the complex brain circuitries converging into this nucleus. Methodology/Principal Findings: Light and electron microscopy techniques were used to analyze CB1R distribution in the VMH of CB1R-WT, CB1R-KO and conditional mutant mice bearing a selective deletion of CB1R in cortical glutamatergic (Glu-CB1R-KO) or GABAergic neurons (GABA-CB1R-KO). At light microscopy, CB1R immunolabeling was observed in the VMH of CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO animals, being remarkably reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mice. In the electron microscope, CB1R appeared in membranes of both glutamatergic and GABAergic terminals/preterminals. There was no significant difference in the percentage of CB1R immunopositive profiles and CB1R density in terminals making asymmetric or symmetric synapses in CB1R-WT mice. Furthermore, the proportion of CB1R immunopositive terminals/preterminals in CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO mice was reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mutants. CB1R density was similar in all animal conditions. Finally, the percentage of CB1R labeled boutons making asymmetric synapses slightly decreased in Glu-CB1R-KO mutants relative to CB1R-WT mice, indicating that CB1R was distributed in cortical and subcortical excitatory synaptic terminals. Conclusions/Significance: Our anatomical results support the idea that the VMH is a relevant hub candidate in the endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission of cortical and subcortical pathways regulating essential hypothalamic functions for the individual's survival such as the feeding behavior.
ENGLISH: This study was undertaken to determine whether meristic characters indicate that more than one major population of anchovetas occurs in the range of the species from Mexico to Peru. Interest in this species lies in the fact that it is the principal bait fish used to catch yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the Eastern Pacific. Specimens examined were from collections made by California tuna fishing vessels at six major baiting localities covering nearly the entire range of the species, namely, Almejas Bay on the outer coast of Baja California, Guaymas and Ahome Point in the Gulf of California, Gulf of Fonseca, Gulf of Panama, and Gulf of Guayaquil. Four meristic characters were selected for study: vertebrae, dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, and gill rakers on the first gill arch. Vertebral counts, using X-ray film, were taken from a total of 1,500 fish, 250 each from each of the six localities. For the other characters, 125 anchovetas were examined from each locality for a total of 750, the counts being made with the aid of a binocular microscope. Specimens were between 80 and 165 mm. standard length. SPANISH: Este estudio ha sido hecho con el propósito de determinar si los caracteres numéricos de las anchovetas indican que existe más de una población de este pez en la zona en que se encuentra la especie, comprendida entre México y Perú. El interés en dicha especie radica en el hecho de que éste es el pez de carnada usado principalmente para la pesca de los atunes "aleta amarilla" y "barrilete" en el Pacífico Oriental. Los especímenes que han sido examinados, se tomaron de las muestras recogidas por los barcos atuneros de California en seis de las mejores localidades en que se pesca la anchoveta, las cuales comprenden casi toda la zona en donde se encuentra la especie, a saber, Bahía de Almejas en la costa exterior de Baja California, Guaymas y Punta Ahorne en el Golfo de California, el Golfo de Fonseca, el Golfo de Panamá y el Golfo de Guayaquil. Cuatro caracteres numéricos fueron escogidos para su estudio: los que presentan 1) las vértebras, 2) los radios de la aleta dorsal, 3) los radios de la aleta anal y 4) las branquispinas del primer arco branquial. Mediante el uso de películas con rayos X, se contaron las vértebras en un total de 1,500 peces, es decir, 250 de cada una de las seis mencionadas localidades. En relación con los otros caracteres, se examinaron 125 anchovetas de cada área, o sea, un total de 750 ejemplares, habiendo sido hecho el conteo por medio de un microscopio binocular. Los especímenes tenían un largo standard entre 80 y 165 milímetros. (PDF contains 24 pages.)
Lan honek Bizkaiko eskaut mugimenduko, eskaut begiraleen profila aztertzen du. Hasiera batean, aisialdi hezitzailearen, eskaut mugimenduaren, eskaut begiraleen eta gizarte hezitzailearen lana aisialdiaren eremuan azterketa teoriko bat egin da. Marko enpirikoari dagokionez ikerketa kualitatibo zein kuantitatibo txiki bat eraman da aurrera, zeinen helburua profil honetan aurkitu daitezkeen 13 elementu aztertzea izan da. Horretarako lurralde honetako begiraleen %10ari galdetegi bat helarazi izan zaio. Amaitzeko jasotako emaitzak aztertuak izan dira.
A associação entre o déficit nutricional em períodos recentes da vida com as doenças crônico-degenerativas e o excesso de peso, tem sido investigada principalmente em países desenvolvidos. No Brasil a associação tem se mostrado significativa apenas no sexo feminino. A realização de um estudo com a população feminina em idade reprodutiva contribuiria para explicar as diferenças de gênero observadas nas altas prevalências de sobrepeso em mulheres no país. Avaliar a associação entre baixa estatura, sobrepeso e ganho excessivo de peso. Este estudo foi baseado na Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde (DHS-96). Trata-se de um estudo seccional de representatividade nacional. Todas as análises foram realizadas agrupando as regiões em Rural; Norte e Nordeste; Sul; Sudeste e Centro-Oeste. A população elegível para esta análise foi de 2.292 mães com idade entre 20 e 45 anos. Foram excluídas da análise: mulheres grávidas no momento do inquérito; com último parto anterior a seis meses ou menos da entrevista; não pesadas e não medidas. Os resultados mostraram associação entre a baixa estatura e sobrepeso anterior a primeira gravidez e indicam que a baixa estatura pode estar associada com ganho excessivo de peso no período reprodutivo. Entretanto, os diferenciais observados em relação a região Centro-Sul, consideram a possibilidade da baixa estatura ser um marcador de diferentes contextos sócio-econômicos associados a evolução dos problemas nutricionais no país.
O anúncio dos gigantescos campos do pré-sal brasileiro recolocou o petróleo no alvo dos holofotes. A propriedade desta imensa riqueza e as inevitáveis mudanças na legislação do setor são as principais questões que derivam deste fato. Com efeito, temos assistido a uma proliferação de discursos acerca do tema. Esta dissertação se insere num conjunto de reflexões que tomam o petróleo como objeto de interesse. Privilegiamos um espaço específico de produção discursiva, a saber, o instituído pela Campanha Nacional O Petróleo Tem que Ser Nosso. Um primeiro procedimento metodológico de coleta de dados possibilitou identificar que, entre os seus materiais de mobilização, ganha destaque a cartilha de massas do movimento, que desde julho de 2009 circula pelo território nacional. Inscritos numa perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, cuidamos de construir uma reflexão sobre alguns dos modos de inscrição do(s) sujeito(s) no discurso. Nossas considerações acerca dos gêneros do discurso revelaram o hibridismo da cartilha; tal peculiaridade nos obrigou a construir dispositivos distintos de análise. Num primeiro memento, decidimos observar as marcas de pessoa, os marcadores temporais e espaciais, com vistas a identificar uma dada cenografia discursiva (Maingueneau, 1997) que nos remetesse às imagens dos coenunciadores; consideramos, num segundo momento, os discursos relatados (Bakhtin, 2006; Authier-Revuz, 1998 e outros) para compreender a polifonia inerente à cartilha. Nossa análise verificou de que maneira um regime de verdade e uma memória se instituem pela cenografia discursiva; a análise dos discursos relatados, com ênfase nos discursos direto, indireto e narrativizado, nos permitiu identificar, no agenciamento das vozes, um espaço de confronto entre formações discursivas divergentes
Esta pesquisa objetivou discutir a violência e o laço social, tomando como fonte de inspiração a relação com o semelhante, desvelada na obra de Rubem Fonseca. A literatura é apreendida como espaço ético no qual os processos de subjetivação são expressos e forjados, dando forma ao mal-estar que a psicanálise institui como próprio do existir humano. Considerando a violência constituinte do dualismo pulsional Eros-Tanatos, hipotetiza-se que as trocas sociais, na atualidade, efetuam-se pelo ódio indiferenciado ao outro, reificando-o e destituindo-o de sua singularidade. As personagens de Rubem Fonseca protagonizam, juntamente com o cenário urbano, a tragédia contemporânea na qual a melancolia parece ser a tônica da trama coletiva e os atos violentos despropositados contra o outro, uma forma de resposta contra a desvitalização e a impotência subjetivas. Em um universo social caracterizado pela retração dos poderes regeneradores e unificadores de Eros, a erótica predominante se afirma pela violência em relação ao próximo, não posto no lugar de parceiro na construção da coletividade.