989 resultados para Dengue viruses type 3
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Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) and Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (MJD/SCA3) are three distinctive forms of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) caused by expansions of an unstable CAG repeat localized in the coding region of the causative genes. Another related disease, dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is also caused by an unstable triplet repeat and can present as SCA in late onset patients. We investigated the frequency of the SCA1, SCA2, MJD/SCA3 and DRPLA mutations in 328 Brazilian patients with SCA, belonging to 90 unrelated families with various patterns of inheritance and originating in different geographic regions of Brazil. We found mutations in 35 families (39%), 32 of them with a clear autosomal dominant inheritance. The frequency of the SCA1 mutation was 3% of all patients; and 6 % in the dominantly inherited SCAs. We identified the SCA2 mutation in 6% of all families and in 9% of the families with autosomal dominant inheritance. The MJD/SCA3 mutation was detected in 30 % of all patients; and in the 44% of the dominantly inherited cases. We found no DRPLA mutation. In addition, we observed variability in the frequency of the different mutations according to geographic origin of the patients, which is probably related to the distinct colonization of different parts of Brazil. These results suggest that SCA may be occasionally caused by the SCA1 and SCA2 mutations in the Brazilian population, and that the MJD/SCA3 mutation is the most common cause of dominantly inherited SCA in Brazil.
To report the isolation of six Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus (SHN) strains from hospitalized patients with bloodstream infections in two Brazilian hospitals and to characterize their susceptibility profile to several antimicrobials. Species identification was performed by biochemical methods and sodA gene sequencing. The MICs of antimicrobials were determined by broth and agar dilution methods and by Etest. Isolates were typed by PFGE and PCR amplification was used to detect the ccr gene complex and the mec class. Morphometric evaluation of cell wall was performed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Susceptibility profiles indicated that the majority of isolates (five) were multidrug-resistant. Overlapping and multiplex PCR showed that five out of the six strains harboured SCCmec type III with class A mec and type 3 ccr. The initial vancomycin MIC value of 4 mg/L for these strains increased to 16-32 mg/L after growth for 10 days in BHI broth supplemented with this antimicrobial. TEM indicated that vancomycin resistance was associated with cell wall thickening and to another mechanism not fully elucidated. Only one SHN strain was oxacillin- and vancomycin-susceptible. The nosocomial infections in at least five of the patients from both hospitals were caused by a single clone of SHN. It is very important to consider SHN strains as the cause of nosocomial infections. The clinical implications resulting from the pattern of multidrug resistance in these strains may be complicated by the emergence of vancomycin resistance.
The tetraphyllidean metacestode diversity of 310 teleost fishes, including 87 species from 31 families, was examined from Heron Island, The Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Eleven metacestode 'types' were identified with the use of light microscopy. Host-specificity varied greatly among metacestode types. Incorporation of in vitro cultivation allowed generic identification for some types. Types 1 and 2 belong to Uncibilocularis Southwell, 1925, and have triloculate bothridia and one pair of Forked hooks with unequal prongs; Type 3 has quadriloculate bothridia. Hook development was insufficient to determine in which genus, Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1849 or Calliobothrium van Beneden, 1850, this type may belong. Type 4 has unilocular bothridia with simple edges and belongs to Anthobothrium van Beneden, 1850. Type 5 has multiloculated bothridia which are invaginated within pouches. This type belongs to the Rhinebothriinae although its generic identity cannot be determined. The bothridia of Type 5 everted within 24 hours of in vitro cultivation and revealed the presence of two forms, one having 48 loculi per bothridium, the other 72 per bothridium. In vitro studies provide additional support for existing theories of onchobothriid scolex development.
Objective: To investigate the effects of the rate of airway pressure increase and duration of recruitment maneuvers on lung function and activation of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and apoptosis in experimental acute lung injury. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-five Wistar rats submitted to acute lung injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Interventions: After 48 hrs, animals were randomly distributed into five groups (seven animals each): 1) nonrecruited (NR); 2) recruitment maneuvers (RMs) with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 15 secs (CPAP15); 3) RMs with CPAP for 30 secs (CPAP30); 4) RMs with stepwise increase in airway pressure (STEP) to targeted maximum within 15 secs (STEP15); and 5) RMs with STEP within 30 secs (STEP30). To perform STEP RMs, the ventilator was switched to a CPAP mode and positive end-expiratory pressure level was increased stepwise. At each step, airway pressure was held constant. RMs were targeted to 30 cm H(2)O. Animals were then ventilated for 1 hr with tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Measurements and Main Results: Blood gases, lung mechanics, histology (light and electronic microscopy), interleukin-6, caspase 3, and type 3 procollagen mRNA expressions in lung tissue. All RMs improved oxygenation and lung static elastance and reduced alveolar collapse compared to NR. STEP30 resulted in optimal performance, with: 1) improved lung static elastance vs. NR, CPAP15, and STEP15; 2) reduced alveolar-capillary membrane detachment and type 2 epithelial and endothelial cell injury scores vs. CPAP15 (p < .05); and 3) reduced gene expression of interleukin-6, type 3 procollagen, and caspase 3 in lung tissue vs. other RMs. Conclusions: Longer-duration RMs with slower airway pressure increase efficiently improved lung function, while minimizing the biological impact on lungs. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1074-1081)
Objective: In acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers have been used to open collapsed lungs and set positive end-expiratory pressure, but their effectiveness may depend on the degree of lung injury. This study uses a single experimental model with different degrees of lung injury and tests the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers may have beneficial or deleterious effects depending on the severity of acute lung injury. We speculated that recruitment maneuvers may worsen lung mechanical stress in the presence of alveolar edema. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-six Wistar rats randomly divided into three groups (n = 12 per group). Interventions: In the control group, saline was intraperitoneally injected, whereas moderate and severe acute lung injury animals received paraquat intraperitoneally (20 mg/kg [moderate acute lung injury] and 25 mg/kg [severe acute lung injury]). After 24 hrs, animals were further randomized into subgroups (n = 6/each) to be recruited (recruitment maneuvers: 40 cm H(2)O continuous positive airway pressure for 40 secs) or not, followed by 1 hr of protective mechanical ventilation (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H(2)O). Measurements and Main Results: Only severe acute lung injury caused alveolar edema. The amounts of alveolar collapse were similar in the acute lung injury groups. Static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, hyperinflation, lung, liver, and kidney cell apoptosis, and type 3 procollagen and interleukin-6 mRNA expressions in lung tissue were more elevated in severe acute lung injury than in moderate acute lung injury. After recruitment maneuvers, static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, and alveolar collapse were lower in moderate acute lung injury than in severe acute lung injury. Recruitment maneuvers reduced interleukin-6 expression with a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane in moderate acute lung injury. In severe acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers were associated with hyperinflation, increased apoptosis of lung and kidney, expression of type 3 procollagen, and worsened alveolar capillary injury. Conclusions: In the presence of alveolar edema, regional mechanical heterogeneities, and hyperinflation, recruitment maneuvers promoted a modest but consistent increase in inflammatory and fibrogenic response, which may have worsened lung function and potentiated alveolar and renal epithelial injury. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 2207-2214)
A semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated for detection of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in infected mosquitoes stored under simulated northern Australian summer conditions. The effect of silica gel, thymol, and a combination of the two on RNA stability and virus viability in dead mosquitoes were also examined. While JE virus RNA was relatively stable in mosquitoes held for up to 14 days after death, viable virus was not detected after day 1. Thymol vapor inhibited fungal contamination. Detection of single mosquitoes infected with JE virus in large pools of mosquitoes was also investigated. Single laboratory-infected mosquitoes were detected in pools of less than or equal to200 mosquitoes and in pools diluted to 0.2/100 and 0.1/100 mosquitoes, using the semi-nested PCR. However, the ability to detect live virus decreased as pool size increased. The semi-nested PCR proved more expensive than virus isolation for pools of 100 mosquitoes. However, the semi-nested PCR was faster and more economical using larger pools. Results indicate that surveillance of JE virus in mosquitoes using the semi-nested PCR is an alternative to monitoring seroconversions in sentinel pigs.
Experimental infections were used to track the fate of the dorsal sensilla of Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from nasal tissue of the shovelnose ray, Rhinobatos typus (Rhinobatidae). Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that 3 types of uniciliate dorsal sensilla exist at different times in the development of the monogenean. Type 1 sensilla have little or no invagination where the cilium exits the distal end of the dendrite and possess a ring of epidermis surrounding the cilium distal to the invagination. Type 2 sensilla have a deep invagination where the cilium exits the dendrite. Type 3 sensilla can be distinguished from the other types by the shape of the dendrite. The larvae have predominantly Type I dorsal sensilla, most of which are lost approximately 24 h after infection and a few Type 2 sensilla, which are retained. Additional Type 2 sensilla (termed Adult Type 2 sensilla), which are slightly different morphologically from the Type 2 sensilla of the larvae, form in later stages of development. Numerous Type 3 sensilla are unique to the dorsal surface of adults. Loss of all Type I sensilla upon attachment to the host, R. typus, suggests that these may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors responsible for host location by the swimming infective larvae. Type 2 sensilla appear to be important in the larvae, juveniles, and adults whereas the modality mediated by Type 3 is specific to adults. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Levantamentos geofísicos de alta resolução e amostragem de sedimentos de fundo foram realizados na Baía de Vitória tendo como objetivo mapear o fundo marinho acusticamente. A análise integrada de registros de sonar de varredura lateral e sísmica rasa permitiu o reconhecimento de 4 ecofácies distintas. A ecofácies Tipo 1 está associada a fundos sem penetração do sinal acústico e com sonogramas de alta intensidade de retorno do sinal e dunas subaquosas, onde areias são predominantes. A ecofácies Tipo 2 ocorre comumente em fundos areno-lamosos que apresentam alta penetração do sinal acústico e baixa intensidade do sinal nos sonogramas. A ecofácies Tipo 3 é caracterizada por uma penetração transparente do sinal até encontrar um refletor de alta amplitude e sem penetração, sendo típica de fundos lamosos. A ecofácies Tipo 4 está diretamente associada a fundos rochosos. A análise da distribuição destas ecofácies permite a interpretação dos principais processos sedimentares que atuam ao longo da baía.
A doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ) ou ataxia espinocerebelosa do tipo 3 (SCA3), conhecida por ser a mais comum das ataxias hereditárias dominantes em todo o mundo, é uma doença neurodegenerativa autossómica dominante que leva a uma grande incapacidade motora, embora sem alterar o intelecto, culminando com a morte do doente. Atualmente não existe nenhum tratamento eficaz para esta doença. A DMJ é resultado de uma alteração genética causada pela expansão de uma sequência poliglutamínica (poliQ), na região C-terminal do gene que codifica a proteína ataxina-3 (ATXN3). Os mecanismos celulares das doenças de poliglutaminas que provocam toxicidade, bem como a função da ATXN3, não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Neste trabalho, usamos, pela sua simplicidade e potencial genético, um pequeno animal invertebrado, o nemátode C. elegans, com o objetivo de identificar fármacos eficazes para o combate contra a patogénese da DMJ, analisando simultaneamente o seu efeito na agregação da ATXN3 mutante nas células neuronais in vivo e o seu impacto no comportamento motor dos animais. Este pequeno invertebrado proporciona grandes vantagens no estudo dos efeitos tóxicos de proteínas poliQ nos neurónios, uma vez que a transparência das suas 959 células (das quais 302 são neurónios) facilita a deteção de proteínas fluorescentes in vivo. Para além disso, esta espécie tem um ciclo de vida curto, é económica e de fácil manutenção. Neste trabalho testámos no nosso modelo transgénico da DMJ com 130Qs em C.elegans dois compostos potencialmente moduladores da agregação da ATXN3 mutante e da resultante disfunção neurológica, atuando pela via da autofagia. De modo a validar a possível importância terapêutica da ativação da autofagia os compostos candidatos escolhidos foram o Litío e o análogo da Rapamicina CCI-779, testados independentemente e em combinação. A neuroproteção conferida pelo Litío e pelo CCI-779 independentemente sugere que o uso destes fármacos possa ser considerado uma boa estratégia como terapia para a DMJ, a testar em organismos evolutivamente mais próximos do humano. A manipulação da autofagia, segundo vários autores, parece ser benéfica e pode ser a chave para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos para várias doenças relacionadas com a agregação proteica e o envelhecimento.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 5 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
A new Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) dinosaur tracksite at the Olhos de Água beach is described. It is the first vertebrate fossil finding ever found in the concerned unit, and yielded 128 tracks in 17 trackways within an area of ca. 80 square metres. Three tridactyl footprint morphotypes have been recognized: - Type I ("Iguanodontipus-like") - trackways D, F, K, J and P; - Type 2 (large theropod), although larger in size, typically from a Grallator-like theropod footprint, i.e , A, B, G, H and 0 trackways; - Type 3 (medium size theropod); M is the only track of this type. There are other, poorly preserved, unidentified trackways. The theropod, swinging trackway B was produced by an animal that was limping. The theropod track M starts eastwards but drastically changes westwards, speeding up at the same time; this dinosaur decided to turn around and run in the opposite direction. This site shows three main trackway directions: to the South, to the East, and westwards. Except for the trackway 0, large theropods A, B, G and H walked southwards. Perpendicularly to the se, ornithopods, small theropods and unidentified trackmakers walked towards East (5) and West (7). The segregation oftrackmakers and directions, with large theropod traekways southwards and other dinosaurs' west or eastwards, may mean that large theropods patrolled a walkway area to an important resource, most probably water, often frequented by ornithopods and smaller theropods. There is no evidence of social behavior or gregarism: footprints' overposition shows that the large, southwards walking theropods passed on different occasions. Three trackway sequences can be established by chronologic order.
Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders (HBDs), as a consequence of treatment with transfusion of human bloodderived components between the late 1970s and 1980s, represents a major health concern. Objectives: Assessment and evaluation of the burden of HCV infection, its complications, and treatment in a population of patients with HBDs. Methods: Analysis of a series of 161 patients with HBDs treated in the Immunohemotherapy Service of the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (Lisboa, Portugal), consultation and systematic review of the patients clinical processes, elaboration of a database comprising the information gathered; and statistical study of its variables: age, gender, degree of severity of the bleeding disorder, treatment modality, and major and minor complications of HCV infection. Results: Sixty-five (40%) of the 161 patients have HCV infection. Among the patients with hemophilia A, 36% are severe and 62% of those have HCV infection; 9% moderate with 57%; 25% mild with 20%. In the hemophilia B group, 8% are severe with 23% infected and 6% moderate or mild with 10%. Concerning the patients with von Willebrand disease, 12% have type 2 with 16% infected and 4% have type 3 with 86%. Conclusions: HCV infection represents a very significant complication of the treatment employed in the past in the studied population. Considering that most of these patients were infected in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the natural evolution of HCV infection in patients without bleeding disorders, it is expected that the prevalence of major complications will rise significantly in the coming years. Prophylactic measures should be implemented to enhance the follow-up protocols and prevent further development of liver damage in these patients.