994 resultados para Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel, 1803-1860.
Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.
Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.
Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.
Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.
This Database was generated during the development of a computer vision-based system for safety purposes in nuclear plants. The system aims at detecting and tracking people within a nuclear plant. Further details may be found in the related thesis. The research was developed through a cooperation between the Graduate Electrical Engineering Program of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PEE/COPPE, UFRJ) and the Nuclear Engineering Institute of National Commission of Nuclear Energy (IEN, CNEN). The experimental part of this research was carried out in Argonauta, a nuclear research reactor belonging to IEN. The Database is made available in the sequel. All the videos are already rectified. The Projection and Homography matrices are given in the end, for both cameras. Please, acknowledge the use of this Database in any publication.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica
Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea n.1
RESUMO - As mudanças na saúde são cada vez mais rápidas e os serviços de saúde têm cada vez mais dificuldade em dar resposta aos problemas de saúde dos portugueses. Responsáveis por grande parte da despesa em saúde, os idosos são a população que mais utiliza os serviços de saúde e as respetivas unidades hospitalares e serviços de urgência. Estes têm estadias mais prolongadas e consomem mais recursos durante essas permanências nas instituições de saúde. Sabendo isto revelou-se oportuno encontrar as principais causas de internamento hospitalar, os principais diagnósticos secundários, demoras médias e a sua relação com as principais causas de morte na população portuguesa com mais de 65 anos no período de 2003-2012. Para tal, optou-se por uma análise descritiva de 3375817 episódios de internamento referentes a dez anos. Daqui retirou-se que os diagnósticos principais mais frequentes para todos os anos e todas as faixas etárias são o acidente vascular cerebral isquémico e a pneumonia, sendo que o primeiro é o mais frequente até 2006, passando depois a ser a pneumonia o mais frequente. A demora média é maior quanto mais diagnósticos secundários associados houver e aumenta com a idade. Os diagnósticos secundários mais frequentes são a hipertensão essencial e a diabetes mellitus. Estes dados são relevantes para o conhecimento da saúde em Portugal, podendo-se alterar e uniformizar e melhorar práticas hospitalares e com isso progredir na qualidade dos tratamentos e aumentar a qualidade de vida com hipótese de diminuição da demora média.
1 kartta :, vär. ;, 72,5 x 47,4 cm, lehti 83 x 58 cm
Etat de collection : Vol. 1 (1860)-Vol. 19 (1870)