967 resultados para Dc-dc power conversion


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La morphologie des couches actives des cellules solaires organiques joue un rôle important sur l’efficacité de conversion de l’énergie solaire en énergie électrique de ces dispositifs. Les hétérojonctions planaires et les hétérojonctions en volume sont les plus communément utilisées. Cependant, la morphologie idéale pour l’efficacité se situerait à mis chemin entre celles-ci. Il s’agit de l’hétérojonction nanostructurée qui augmenterait la surface entre les couches actives de matériaux tout en favorisant le transport des porteurs de charge. L’objectif de ce projet de maîtrise est d’étudier l’impact de l’implantation de nanostructures dans les cellules solaires organiques sur leurs performances photovoltaïques. Pour ce faire, on utilise la méthode de nanoimpression thermique sur le matériau donneur, le P3HT, afin que celui-ci forme une interface nanostructurée avec le matériau accepteur, le PCBM. Pour effectuer les nanoimpressions, des moules en alumine nanoporeuse ont été fabriqués à l’aide du procédé d’anodisation en deux temps développé par Masuda et al. Ces moules ont subi un traitement afin de faciliter leur séparation du P3HT. Les agents antiadhésifs PDMS et FTDS ont été utilisés à cette fin. Les résultats obtenus témoignent de la complexité d’exécution du procédé de nanoimpression. Il a été démontré que la pression appliquée durant le procédé, la tension superficielle des éléments en contact et les dimensions des nanopores des moules sont des paramètres critiques pour le succès des nanoimpressions. Ceux-ci ont donc dû être optimisés de manière à réussir cette opération. Ainsi, des cellules à interface nanostructurée à 25% avec des nanobâtonnets de 35 nm de hauteur ont pu être fabriquées. Les cellules nanostructurées ont démontré une efficacité 2,3 ± 0,6 fois supérieure aux cellules sans nanostructures, dites planaires. D’autre part, un solvant a été proposé pour diminuer l’interdiffusion entre les couches de P3HT et de PCBM pouvant altérer les nanostructures. Ce phénomène bien connu survient lors du dépot de la couche de PCBM avec le dichlorométhane, un solvant orthogonal avec ces matériaux. Des mesures au TOF-SIMS ont démontré que le limonène permet de diminuer l’interdiffusion entre les couches de P3HT et de PCBM, ce qui en fait un meilleur solvant orthogonal que le dichlorométhane.


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O crescimento da demanda energética, prevista para a metade do século XXI, com números embasados no crescimento demográfico e de consumo dos países em desenvol- vimento, sugere a busca por fontes energéticas renováveis e de menor impacto ao meio ambiente, conforme os tratados da política internacional. Portanto, o fornecimento de energia suplementar se torna vital nas sociedades modernas e sua extensão até o mar tem se constituído uma recente preocupação do ponto de vista enérgico e ecológico. Várias formas de conversão de energia foram desenvolvidas no decorrer dos anos, com destaque para a energia dos gradientes térmicos. A Plataforma Continental Sul do Bra- sil (PSCB) possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal nos campos de temperatura, de forma que existe a necessidade de uma análise das regiões de maior potencial energético com respeito ao gradiente vertical de temperatura. Neste estudo, foram utilizados dados do modelo OCCAM com uma grade de resolu- ção horizontal de 0, 25o e resolução vertical de 66 níveis, distribuídos ao longo de um sistema de coordenadas vertical. Foram utilizadas imagens de temperatura superfícial do mar (TSM) obtidas a partir do sensor AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Ra- diometer) de forma a realizar a validação dos dados do modelo OCCAM. A análise da média dos dados do modelo indicou um sítio energético de maior viabilidade devido oC ao padrão médio do gradiente térmico de aproximadamente 0, 17 ao longo da coluna vertical (545 m de profundidade) no oceano. Neste local, foram coletados os dados, e aplicados a um módulo de conversão de energia térmica dos oceanos que vem sendo desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. A região de estudo de- monstrou possuir um local com ótimo potencial energético, onde a produção máxima de energia pode alcançar 111, 9MW , associada com um padrão variabilidade tempo- ral dominante de 12 meses. Este sítio energético demonstra maior eficiência durante o período de verão e outono ao longo dos anos e sua média para todo o período é de 94, 3MW . Neste estudo, duas correntes: Corrente do Brasil (CB) e a Contra Corrente Costeira (CCC), com águas de origem tropical e subantártica com aportes continentais, respecti- vamente, tem alta correlação com os valores dos gradientes térmicos e com os significa- tivos eventos de conversão energética. O sítio energético demonstrou alta estabilidade à sazonalidade e à gama de eventos meteorológicos e oceanográficos, de forma que pode ser qualificado como uma fonte suplementar a matriz energética do país para um futuro próximo.


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In order to power our planet for the next century, clean energy technologies need to be developed and deployed. Photovoltaic solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, are a clear option; however, they currently supply 0.1% of the US electricity due to the relatively high cost per Watt of generation. Thus, our goal is to create more power from a photovoltaic device, while simultaneously reducing its price. To accomplish this goal, we are creating new high efficiency anti-reflection coatings that allow more of the incident sunlight to be converted to electricity, using simple and inexpensive coating techniques that enable reduced manufacturing costs. Traditional anti-reflection coatings (consisting of thin layers of non-absorbing materials) rely on the destructive interference of the reflected light, causing more light to enter the device and subsequently get absorbed. While these coatings are used on nearly all commercial cells, they are wavelength dependent and are deposited using expensive processes that require elevated temperatures, which increase production cost and can be detrimental to some temperature sensitive solar cell materials. We are developing two new classes of anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) based on textured dielectric materials: (i) a transparent, flexible paper technology that relies on optical scattering and reduced refractive index contrast between the air and semiconductor and (ii) silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanosphere arrays that rely on collective optical resonances. Both techniques improve solar cell absorption and ultimately yield high efficiency, low cost devices. For the transparent paper-based ARCs, we have recently shown that they improve solar cell efficiencies for all angles of incident illumination reducing the need for costly tracking of the sun’s position. For a GaAs solar cell, we achieved a 24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency using this simple coating. Because the transparent paper is made from an earth abundant material (wood pulp) using an easy, inexpensive and scalable process, this type of ARC is an excellent candidate for future solar technologies. The coatings based on arrays of dielectric nanospheres also show excellent potential for inexpensive, high efficiency solar cells. The fabrication process is based on a Meyer rod rolling technique, which can be performed at room-temperature and applied to mass production, yielding a scalable and inexpensive manufacturing process. The deposited monolayer of SiO2 nanospheres, having a diameter of 500 nm on a bare Si wafer, leads to a significant increase in light absorption and a higher expected current density based on initial simulations, on the order of 15-20%. With application on a Si solar cell containing a traditional anti-reflection coating (Si3N4 thin-film), an additional increase in the spectral current density is observed, 5% beyond what a typical commercial device would achieve. Due to the coupling between the spheres originated from Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) inside each nanosphere, the incident light is strongly coupled into the high-index absorbing material, leading to increased light absorption. Furthermore, the SiO2 nanospheres scatter and diffract light in such a way that both the optical and electrical properties of the device have little dependence on incident angle, eliminating the need for solar tracking. Because the layer can be made with an easy, inexpensive, and scalable process, this anti-reflection coating is also an excellent candidate for replacing conventional technologies relying on complicated and expensive processes.


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Charge carrier lifetime measurements in bulk or unfinished photovoltaic (PV) materials allow for a more accurate estimate of power conversion efficiency in completed solar cells. In this work, carrier lifetimes in PV- grade silicon wafers are obtained by way of quasi-steady state photoconductance measurements. These measurements use a contactless RF system coupled with varying narrow spectrum input LEDs, ranging in wavelength from 460 nm to 1030 nm. Spectral dependent lifetime measurements allow for determination of bulk and surface properties of the material, including the intrinsic bulk lifetime and the surface recombination velocity. The effective lifetimes are fit to an analytical physics-based model to determine the desired parameters. Passivated and non-passivated samples are both studied and are shown to have good agreement with the theoretical model.


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Ce projet de recherche mené en collaboration industrielle avec St-Jean Photochimie Inc. / PCAS Canada vise le développement et la caractérisation de dérivés dipyrrométhène pour des applications dans le domaine du photovoltaïque. La quête du récoltage des photons se situant dans le proche-infrarouge a été au centre des modifications structurales explorées afin d’augmenter l’efficacité de conversion des cellules solaires de type organique et à pigments photosensibles. Trois familles de composés intégrant le motif dipyrrométhène ont été synthétisées et caractérisées du point de vue spectroscopique, électrochimique, structural ainsi que par modélisation moléculaire afin d’établir des relations structures-propriétés. La première famille comporte six azadipyrrométhènes au potentiel de coordination tétradentate sur des centres métalliques. Le développement d’une nouvelle voie synthétique asymétrique combinée à l’utilisation d’une voie symétrique classique ont permis d’obtenir l’ensemble des combinaisons de substituants possibles sur les aryles proximaux incluant les noyaux 2-hydroxyphényle, 2-méthoxyphényle et 2- pyridyle. La modulation du maximum d’absorption dans le rouge a pu être faite entre 598 et 619 nm. De même, la présence de groupements méthoxyle ou hydroxyle augmente l’absorption dans le violet (~410 nm) tel que démontré par modélisation. La caractérisation électrochimique a montré que les dérivés tétradentates étaient en général moins stables aux processus redox que leur contre-parti bidentate. La deuxième famille comporte dix dérivés BODIPY fusionnés de façon asymétrique en position [b]. L’aryle proximal a été modifié de façon systématique afin de mieux comprendre l’impact des substituents riches en électron et de la fusion de cycles aromatiques. De plus, ces dérivés ont été mis en relation avec une vaste série de composés analogues. Les résultats empiriques ont montré que les propriétés optoélectroniques de la plateforme sont régies par le degré de communication électronique entre l’aryle proximal, le pyrrole sur lequel il est attaché et le noyau indolique adjacent à ce dernier. Les maximums d’absorption dans le rouge sont modulables entre 547 et 628 nm et la fluorescence des composés se situe dans le proche- infrarouge. L’un des composé s’est révélé souhaitable pour une utilisation en photovoltaïque ainsi qu’à titre de sonde à pH. La troisième famille comporte cinq complexes neutres de RuII basés sur des polypyridines et portant un ligand azadipyrrométhène cyclométalé. Les composés ont montré une forte absorption de photons dans la région de 600 à 800 nm (rouge à proche- infrarouge) et qui a pu être étendue au-delà de 1100 nm dans le cas des dérivés portant un ligand terpyridine. L’analyse des propriétés optoélectroniques de façon empirique et théorique a montré un impact significatif de la cyclométalation et ouvert la voie pour leur étude en tant que photosensibilisateurs en OPV et en DSSC. La capacité d’un des complexes à photo-injecter un électron dans la bande de conduction du semi-conducteur TiO2 a été démontré en collaboration avec le groupe du Pr Gerald J. Meyer à University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, premier pas vers une utilisation dans les cellules solaires à pigments photosensibles. La stabilité des complexes en solution s’est toutefois avérée problématique et des pistes de solutions sont suggérées basées sur les connaissances acquises dans le cadre de cette thèse.


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La morphologie des couches actives des cellules solaires organiques joue un rôle important sur l’efficacité de conversion de l’énergie solaire en énergie électrique de ces dispositifs. Les hétérojonctions planaires et les hétérojonctions en volume sont les plus communément utilisées. Cependant, la morphologie idéale pour l’efficacité se situerait à mis chemin entre celles-ci. Il s’agit de l’hétérojonction nanostructurée qui augmenterait la surface entre les couches actives de matériaux tout en favorisant le transport des porteurs de charge. L’objectif de ce projet de maîtrise est d’étudier l’impact de l’implantation de nanostructures dans les cellules solaires organiques sur leurs performances photovoltaïques. Pour ce faire, on utilise la méthode de nanoimpression thermique sur le matériau donneur, le P3HT, afin que celui-ci forme une interface nanostructurée avec le matériau accepteur, le PCBM. Pour effectuer les nanoimpressions, des moules en alumine nanoporeuse ont été fabriqués à l’aide du procédé d’anodisation en deux temps développé par Masuda et al. Ces moules ont subi un traitement afin de faciliter leur séparation du P3HT. Les agents antiadhésifs PDMS et FTDS ont été utilisés à cette fin. Les résultats obtenus témoignent de la complexité d’exécution du procédé de nanoimpression. Il a été démontré que la pression appliquée durant le procédé, la tension superficielle des éléments en contact et les dimensions des nanopores des moules sont des paramètres critiques pour le succès des nanoimpressions. Ceux-ci ont donc dû être optimisés de manière à réussir cette opération. Ainsi, des cellules à interface nanostructurée à 25% avec des nanobâtonnets de 35 nm de hauteur ont pu être fabriquées. Les cellules nanostructurées ont démontré une efficacité 2,3 ± 0,6 fois supérieure aux cellules sans nanostructures, dites planaires. D’autre part, un solvant a été proposé pour diminuer l’interdiffusion entre les couches de P3HT et de PCBM pouvant altérer les nanostructures. Ce phénomène bien connu survient lors du dépot de la couche de PCBM avec le dichlorométhane, un solvant orthogonal avec ces matériaux. Des mesures au TOF-SIMS ont démontré que le limonène permet de diminuer l’interdiffusion entre les couches de P3HT et de PCBM, ce qui en fait un meilleur solvant orthogonal que le dichlorométhane.


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Thin-film photovoltaics have provided a critical design avenue to help decrease the overall cost of solar power. However, a major drawback of thin-film solar cell technology is decreased optical absorption, making compact, high-quality antireflection coatings of critical importance to ensure that all available light enters the cell. In this thesis, we describe high efficiency thin-film InP and GaAs solar cells that utilize a periodic array of nanocylinders as antireflection coatings. We use coupled optical and electrical simulations to find that these nanophotonic structures reduce the solar-weighted average reflectivity of InP and GaAs solar cells to around 1.3 %, outperforming the best double-layer antireflection coatings. The coupling between Mie scattering resonances and thin-film interference effects accurately describes the optical enhancement provided by the nanocylinders. The spectrally resolved reflectivity and J-V characteristics of the devices under AM1.5G solar illumination are determined via the coupled optical and electrical simulations, resulting in predicted power conversion efficiencies > 23 %. We conclude that the nanostructured coatings reduce reflection without negatively affecting the electronic properties of the InP and GaAs solar cells by separating the nanostructured optical components from the active layer of the device.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Especialização em Sistemas de Energia e Controlo, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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A novel numerical model of a Bent Backwards Duct Buoy (BBDB) Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter was created based on existing isolated numerical models of the different energy conversion systems utilised by an OWC. The novel aspect of this numerical model is that it incorporates the interdependencies of the different power conversion systems rather than modelling each system individually. This was achieved by accounting for the dynamic aerodynamic damping caused by the changing turbine rotational velocity by recalculating the turbine damping for each simulation sample and applying it via a feedback loop. The accuracy of the model was validated using experimental data collected during the Components for Ocean Renewable Energy Systems (CORES) EU FP-7 project that was tested in Galway Bay, Ireland. During the verification process, it was discovered that the model could also be applied as a valuable tool when troubleshooting device performance. A new turbine was developed and added to a full scale model after being investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The energy storage capacity of the impulse turbine was investigated by modelling the turbine with both high and low inertia and applying three turbine control theories to the turbine using the full scale model. A single Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm was applied to the low-inertia turbine, while both a fixed and dynamic control algorithm was applied to the high-inertia turbine. These results suggest that the highinertia turbine could be used as a flywheel energy storage device that could help minimize output power variation despite the low operating speed of the impulse turbine. This research identified the importance of applying dynamic turbine damping to a BBDB OWC numerical model, revealed additional value of the model as a device troubleshooting tool, and found that an impulse turbine could be applied as an energy storage system.


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Developing magnetic multilayers are essential for reducing the core eddy current losses in the integrated power magnetic components (inductors/transformers). PVD based processes are typically used to achieve the multilayers with thin dielectric spacers. However, those processes are costly, and can be difficult to integrate. It is evident that cost effective alternative is needed. In recent years, electrochemical processes have been investigated to address these issues. One such method would be to successive metallization of insulating photoresists acting as spacer layer (such as SU-8) with soft magnetic films (such as Ni-Fe-Co alloys). This paper describes an experimental procedure to fabricate magnetic multilayers with a thin variant of SU-8 2 (< 1.5 µm) as inter-layers for integrated micro-inductors/transformers for power conversion applications.


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There is a remarkable level of interest in the development of π-conjugated polymers (ICPs) which have been employed, thanks to their promising optical and electronic properties, in numerous applications including photovoltaic cells, light emitting diodes and thin-film transistors. Although high power conversion efficiency can be reached using poly(3-alkylthiophenes) (P3ATs) as electron-donating materials in polymeric solar cells of the Bulk-Heterojunction type (BHJ), their relatively large band gap limits the solar spectrum fraction that can be utilized. The research work described in this dissertation thus concerns the synthesis, characterization and study of the optical and photoactivity properties of new organic semiconducting materials based on polythiophenes. In detail, various narrow band gap polymers and copolymers were developed through different approaches and were characterized by several complementary techniques, such as gel permeation chromatography (GPC), NMR spectroscopy, thermal analyses (DSC, TGA), UV-Vis/PL spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV), in order to investigate their structural and chemical/photophysical properties. Moreover, the polymeric derivatives were tested as active material in air-processed organic solar cells. The activity has also been devoted to investigate the behavior of polythiophenes with chiral side chain, that are fascinating materials capable to assume helix supramolecular structures, exhibiting optical activity in the aggregated state.


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Due to the low cost, lightness and flexibility, Polymer Solar Cell (PSC) technology is considered one of the most promising energy technologies. In the past decades, PSCs using fullerenes or fullerene derivatives as the electron acceptors have made great progress with best power conversion efficiency (PCE) reaching 11%. However, fullerene type electron acceptors have several drawbacks such as complicated synthesis, a low light absorption coefficient and poor tuning in energy levels, which prevent the further development of fullerene-based PSCs. Hence the need to have a new class of electron acceptors as an alternative to conventional fullerene compounds. Non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) have developed rapidly in the last years and the maximum PCEs have exceeded 14% for single-junction cells and 17% for double-junction tandem cells. By combining an electron-donating backbone, generally with several fused rings with electron-withdrawing units, we can simply construct NFA of the acceptor–donor–acceptor type (A–D–A). Versatile molecular structures have been developed using methods such as acceptor motif engineering and donor motif engineering. However, there are only a few electron-donating backbones that have been proved to be successful. Therefore, it is still necessary to develop promising building blocks to further enrich the structural diversity. An indacenodithiophene (IDT) unit with just five fused rings has a sufficiently rigid coplanar structure, which has been regarded as one of the promising electron-rich units to design high-performance A–D–A NFAs. In this work, performed at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia, a new nine-cyclic building block (TBIDT) with a two benzothiophene unit was synthesized and used for designing new non-fullerene electron acceptors.


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The quality of human life depends to a large degree on the availability of energy. In recent years, photovoltaic technology has been growing extraordinarily as a suitable source of energy, as a consequence of the increasing concern over the impact of fossil fuels on climate change. Developing affordable and highly efficiently photovoltaic technologies is the ultimate goal in this direction. Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) offer an efficient and easily implementing technology for future energy supply. Compared to conventional silicon solar cells, they provide comparable power conversion efficiency at low material and manufacturing costs. In addition, DSSCs are able to harvest low-intensity light in diffuse illumination conditions and then represent one of the most promising alternatives to the traditional photovoltaic technology, even more when trying to move towards flexible and transparent portable devices. Among these, considering the increasing demand of modern electronics for small, portable and wearable integrated optoelectronic devices, Fibre Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (FDSSCs) have gained increasing interest as suitable energy provision systems for the development of the next-generation of smart products, namely “electronic textiles” or “e-textiles”. In this thesis, several key parameters towards the optimization of FDSSCs based on inexpensive and abundant TiO2 as photoanode and a new innovative fully organic sensitizer were studied. In particular, the effect of various FDSSCs components on the device properties pertaining to the cell architecture in terms of photoanode oxide layer thickness, electrolytic system, cell length and electrodes substrates were examined. The photovoltaic performances of the as obtained FDSSCs were fully characterized. Finally, the metal part of the devices (wire substrate) was substituted with substrates suitable for the textile industry as a fundamental step towards commercial exploitation.


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Next to conventional solar panels that harvest direct sunlight, p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been developed, which are able to harvest diffuse sunlight. Due to unwanted charge recombination events p-type DSSCs exhibit low power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). Previous research has shown that dye-redox mediator (RM) interactions can prevent these recombination events, resulting in higher PCEs. It is unknown how the nature of dye-RM interactions affects the PCEs of pseudorotaxane-based solar cells. In this research this correlation is investigated by comparing one macrocycle, the 3-NDI, in combination with the three dyes that contains a recognition sites. 2D-DOSY-NMR experiments have been conducted to evaluate the diffusion constants (LogD) of the three couple. The research project has been stopped due to the coronavirus pandemic. The continuation of this thesis would have been to synthesize a dye on the basis of the data obtained from the diffusion tests and attempt the construction of a solar cell to then evaluate its effectiveness. During my training period I synthetized new Fe(0) cyclopentadienone compounds bearing a N-Heterocyclic Carbene ligand. The aim of the thesis was to achieve water solubility by modifications of the cyclopentadienone ligand. These new complexes have been modified using a sulfonation reaction, replacing an hydroxyl with a sulfate group, on the alkyl backbone of the cyclopentadienone ligand. All the complexes were characterized with IR, ESI-MS and NMR spectroscopy, and a new Fe(0) cyclopentadienone complex, involved as an intermediate, was obtained as a single crystal and was characterized also with X-Ray spectroscopy.


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Una delle principali caratteristiche dei trasduttori per energy harvesting piezoelettrici è il fatto che la loro impedenza d'uscita è principalmente capacitiva. Questo consente di elaborare schemi di conversione dell'energia basati su circuiti risonanti attivati in modo sincrono con le vibrazioni, che risultano in grado di aumentare notevolmente la potenza di uscita rispetto alle comuni interfacce passive. Questa tesi si è posta come obiettivo la progettazione e implementazione di un circuito per energy harvesting da vibrazioni basato sulla tecnica Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor (SSHI) che garantisse un'elevata efficienza di conversione. Dovendo gestire potenze in ingresso tipicamente di debole entità, l'architettura proposta è stata ottimizzata per minimizzare la dissipazione di potenza interna al convertitore. Il circuito proposto è stato infine validato sperimentalmente tramite allestimento di un setup di misura dedicato.