149 resultados para Davydova, Leonora


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Each bound vol. has added t.p. engraved, from another edition: Novels and tales / by Maria Edgeworth. In ten volumes. -- New York : Harper.


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t. 4. Della pittura. Della prospettiva. Della statua. Arte edificatoria. Sulla cupola della chiesa di San Francesco di Rimini, lettera. De' ludi matematici -- t. 5. Trattato del governo della famiglia. Epistola consolatoria. Amiria. Efebie ovvero disputazion amatorie. Lettere amatorie. Poesie.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This thesis explores the new art historical turn in contemporary art through close engagement with three British artworks. These are Tacita Dean’s, Section Cinema (Homage to Marcel Broodthaers), 2002, Jeremy Millar’s, The Man Who Looked Back, 2010, and Lucy Skaer’s, Leonora, 2006. Each of these artworks combines an art historical agenda with a celebration of the specificities of analogue film and photography in the context of our digital age. This thesis combines twentieth century photographic theory from Roland Barthes, André Bazin and Walter Benjamin, among others, with the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan in order to argue that the indexical qualities of analogue film and photography place the medium in close proximity to the Lacanian Real. In its obsolescence the analogue’s language of both touch and loss is heightened. Each chapter of this thesis explores a different aspect of the Real in relation to specific attributes of the analogue, such as its propensity for archiving cultural traumas, its receptiveness to chance, and its proximity to death.


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John Milton’s sojourns in Rome (1638-9) are attested by his comments in Defensio Secunda, by the minutes of the English College, by Latin encomia which he received from Roman academicians, and, not least, by his Latin letter to Lucas Holstenius (19/29 March 1639), and several Latin poems which he composed in the course of his residency in the capital city: Ad Salsillum, and three Latin epigrams extolling the praises of the virtuosa soprano, Leonora Baroni. Read together, these texts serve to reveal much about Milton’s participation in, and reaction to, the ‘Puissant City’, (History of Britain, Bk 2).

The present monograph presents fresh evidence of Milton's integration into the academic and cultural life of seventeenth-century Rome. It argues that his links with two Roman academies: the Accademia dei Fantastici and Accademia degli Umoristi constitute a sustained participation in an academic community paralleling that of his independently attested performance in Florentine academies (on which I have published extensively). It also investigates his links with Alessandro Cherubini, David Codner, Giovanni Batista Doni, and the Baroni circle hymned in three published anthologies.

Chapter 1: Milton and the Accademia dei Fantastici investigates the cultural climate surrounding Milton's Ad Salsillum by examining two of that academy's publications: the Poesie dei Signori Accademici Fantastici di Roma (Rome, 1637) and the Academia Tenuta da Fantastici a. 12 di Maggio 1655 (Rome, 1655), the latter celebrating the creation of Fabio Chigi as Pope Alexander VII on 5 April 1655. Read in a new light, Milton’s self-fashioning, it is argued, takes its place not only alongside Salzilli’s encomium in Milton's honour, and his Italian sonnets in the 1637 Poesie, but also in relation to other poems in that collection, and the academy's essentially Catholic eulogistic trend. The chapter also provides fresh evidence of Salzilli’s survival of the illness described in Milton’s poem by his epistolary correspondence with Tomaso Stigliani.

Chapter 2: Milton and the Vatican argues for links between Milton’s Latin letter to Holstenius and a range of Holstenius’ published works: his edition of the axioms of the later Pythagoreans gifted by him to Milton, and his published neo-Platonic works. This is achieved by mutual appropriation of Similitudes in a series of Miltonic similes, the anabasis/katabasis motifs in a reworking of the Platonic theory of the transmigration of souls, and allusion to etymological details highlighted in Holstenius’ published editions. The chapter also reveals Milton’s alertness to typographical procedures and, by association, to Holstenius’ recent role (1638) as Director of the press of the Biblioteca Vaticana.

Chapter 3: Milton and the Accademia degli Umoristi argues for Milton’s likely participation in this Roman academy, as suggested by his links with its members. His three Latin epigrams in praise of Leonora Baroni, the only female member of the Umoristi, have hitherto been studied in relation to the 1639 Applausi in her honour. In a new reading, Milton, it is suggested, invokes and interrogates Catholic doctrine before a Catholic audience only to view the whole through the lens of a neo-Platonic Hermeticism (by echoing the phraseology of the sixteenth-century Franciscan Hannibal Rosselli) that refreshingly transcends religious difference. Crucially, the hitherto neglected L’Idea della Veglia (Rome, 1640) includes further encomiastic verse, sonnets to, and by Leonora, and details of the conversazioni hosted by her family at the precise time of Milton’s Roman sojourns. Milton may well have been a participant. The chapter concludes in an assessment of his links with the youthful prodigy Alessandro Cherubini, and of his audience with Francesco Barberini.

Chapter 4: Milton at a Roman Opera analyses the potential impact of ‘Chi Soffre, Speri’, which he attended on 18/28 February 1639, mounted by Francesco Barberini to inaugurate the recently completed theatre of the Palazzo Barberini. A detailed analysis of the opera's libretto, music, and theatricality casts a backward glance to Milton's Comus, and a forward glance to Paradise Lost. It also assesses Milton’s musical interests at this time, as attested by his links with Doni, and his purchase of works by Monteverdi and others.

Chapter 5: Milton’s English Connections in Rome develops the work of Miller and Chaney by investigating Milton’s co-diners at the English College in Rome on 30 October 1638, and by analysing his links between David Codner (alias Matteo Selvaggio), and the family of Jane Savage, Marchioness of Winchester, lamented by Milton in 1631. It also assesses his potential relations with the Englishman Thomas Gawen, who ‘accidentally sometimes fell into the company of John Milton’ (Antony Wood).


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"Le magasin de la mémoire est volontiers plus fourni de matière que n'est celui de l'invention" disait Montaigne dans ses Essais. Lointaine et proche, plurielle et éclatée, la présence sérafade qui traverse l’histoire et la culture de Bragance et de tout le Nord Est du Portugal convoque aujourd’hui comme hier, ici comme là-bas les thèmes de l’errance, de l’exil et du passage des frontières, soient-elles géographiques, politiques ou langagières. Cette édition du Forum de l’APEF - Association Portugaise d’Études Françaises réalisée à Bragance est l’occasion de réfléchir aux multiples enjeux (littéraires, politiques, éthiques) de telles notions, d’abord associées à un peuple historiquement contraint à l’exode, mais dont le destin peut servir de (pré)figuration à d’autres expériences exiliques, notamment dans notre actualité. Qu’elles convoquent la mémoire individuelle et collective en tant que fonds d’un vécu, d’une blessure, voire d’un trauma, quelles configurations prennent-elles aujourd’hui dans les oeuvres d’art et de langage? Quelles constructions symboliques, imaginaires, mythiques suscitent-elles? Quelle vision de l’histoire du présent et de celle de l’avenir traduisent-elles? Étendre ce questionnement aux littératures de langue française, prétendant moins à l’exhaustivité qu’à faire connaître, à même les oeuvres, le regard et les paroles singulières d’auteurs et acteurs tels que Jean-Marie Le Clézio, Tayeb Salih ou Leonora Miaono, Benjamin Stora, Leila Sebba ou Laura Acabo, Julien Gracq, Milan Kundera ou Patrick Modiano, tel est le fil conducteur de la trentaine de communications qui rythment nos deux journées de travail. Le but commun qui nous anime est de porter sur une littérature conçue au carrefour des langues et des cultures des analyses différentes mais complémentaires, car finalement aucune objectivation n’est juste et chaque parole, parce qu’elle s’élève de ce lieu intranquille et subjectif qu’est le langage est avant tout un acte de liberté.


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The fermented product from small rock oyster (Sacosstrea sp.) locally known, 'Sisi' is an essential source of livelihood in Zumarraga, Samar. Key informant interviews, ocular observation and focus group discussion (FGD) were conducted to find out the traditional practices used in producing 'Sisi'. Salient findings showed that non-standardized processing of Sisi was practiced, thus limiting the revenues derived from this marginalized industry. Furthermore, 'Sisi' has high ash content with high microbial count which indicates that there are some colonies that grow in the mixture. Hence, there is a need to standardize the methods applied in producing fermented small rock oyster 'Sisi'.


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Extraído da dissertação: "Os impactos psicossociais da Doença Celíaca" Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Brasília, 2015.


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Este trabajo es una reflexión analítica sobre facetas de una episteme subyacente a dos estudios en matemática educativa, a saber, una investigación protagónica: profesores, dentro de un curso de actualización docente que abordan sus practicas y una experiencia de metacognición grupal mediada: estudiantes de pedagogía en matemáticas que analizan sus procesos de entendimiento del concepto derivada. Para efectos de este trabajo concebimos episteme como un modo histórico-época de entender el mundo, así mismo y a los otros; por lo tanto, la episteme incluye tanto procesos como objetos. Entre las dimensiones de una episteme para la época postmoderna se pueden considerar: la relación sujeto-objeto-sujeto (así como fue la relación sujeto-objeto para la época moderna); la relación sujeto-sujetos, es decir, el mundo social; la relación con el otro o los otros (relaciones cara a cara); las racionalidades (la cognitivo-instrumental versus la comunicativa). Luego, una episteme postmoderna está en condiciones de entender los procesos, a diferencia de la episteme moderna que privilegia su foco de atención a los resultados.


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La administración juega un papel muy importante en el funcionamiento de toda organización, para su desarrollo las herramientas de planeación y control son muy útiles y necesarias para alcanzar sus objetivos. De acuerdo a la investigación realizada, la alcaldía Municipal de San Luis Talpa, tiene la responsabilidad de impulsar el desarrollo económico del municipio, del cual el mercado forma parte de ese sector, el trabajo titulado “DISEÑO DE HERRAMIENTAS DE PLANEACIÓN Y CONTROL PARA FORTALECER LA GESTIÓN DE LA ALCALDÍA MUNICIPAL EN FUNCIÒN DEL MERCADO DE LA CIUDAD DE SAN LUÍS TALPA, DEPARTAMENTO DE LA PAZ” tiene como objetivo identificar las diversas necesidades de la administración del mercado y a la vez diseñar y proponer herramientas de planeación y control eficientes que incluyan elementos necesarios para el desarrollo de una buena administración del mercado. Para el logro de este trabajo en primer lugar se recopiló información bibliográfica, documentales, páginas Web, trabajos de investigación, entre otros; A la vez se entrevistó al Comité de Adjudicación de Puestos de la Alcaldía Municipal, y se realizó una encuesta a los arrendatarios del mercado. Ya Recopilada la información se realizó la tabulación y análisis de datos, que dieron evidencias de los problemas de la administración actual del mercado por falta de adecuadas herramientas. En base a lo anterior se propone el diseño adecuado de tal forma que contribuyan a resolver los problemas e incluir aspectos importantes que se identificaron en la administración. Entre las principales conclusiones de la investigación se tienen: 1 El personal administrativo no cuenta con los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para una administración eficiente. 2 La alcaldía no ha prestado el suficiente apoyo a la administración del mercado para su buen funcionamiento. 3 No hay una planeación estratégica para impulsar el desarrollo del mercado. 4 No se cuenta con herramientas de control suficientes y adecuadas.


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Equipe técnica: Valter Rodrigues Oliveira, Leonardo Silva Boiteux, Agnaldo Donizete Ferreira de Carvalho, Ailton Reis, André Nepomuceno Dusi, Carlos Alberto Lopes, Celso Luiz Moretti, Geni Livtin Villas Bôas, Ítalo Moraes Rocha Guedes, Jadir Borges Pinheiro, João Maria Charchar, Leonora Mansur Mattos, Mirtes Freitas de Lima, Ronessa Bartolomeu de Souza, Werito Fernandes de Melo, Gláucia Salles Cortopassi Buso, Marco Antônio Ferreira, Fernando Antonio de Souza Aragão, Francisco das Chagas Vidal Neto, Waldelice Oliveira de Paiva, João Ribeiro Crisóstomo, Ricardo Elesbão Alves, José Luiz Mosca, Heloisa Almeida Cunha Figueiras, Antônio Apoliano dos Santos, Nivaldo Duardo Costa (CPATSA), Joston Simão de Assis (CPATSA), Rita de Cássia Souza Dias (CPATSA), José Amauri Buso, Marcos Coelho.